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This are "alpha" releases from the patreon membership so they're bound to have some minor issues but still way above my level of expertise. So I'm estatic for them. Jeremy's Deviantart page showcases the works in progress. Looks like a whole lot of content for G8 is coming out.
And the uninitiated would know that how about "alpha" releases?
means it's "prerelease"
Regardless, I would think you wouldn't want it to be so "form-fitting"
I understand your concern. Hopefully the final release fixes this.
i was looking at a utility to help address issues like this for another project.
btw.. I don't know how often Jeremy logs into this forum page. But I'd be happy to post your observations on his patreon site, so he can take a look at this. That's what the "alpha" stage is all about.
Thanks. I appreciate it. His partner seemed reluctant to mention it to him.
No problem. My Daz Studio is down pending a system upgrade, so I couldn't jump in and check out this myself.
I'm planning on taking a look at this tonight, Bluto told me about it last weekend I just haven't had a chance to sit down and work on it
For those asking, we are working on SNW stuff. It is a Brave New World in our digital toybox. For more info PM me or Bluto
mirror mirror on the wall
who's the fairest of them all
I only just broke down and bought the first two seasons of strange new worlds and loved it.
Like you've done with Orion and Trailblazer uniforms will you be providing the props too like the phaser rifle?
thank you in advance!
Duly noted though I don't quite understand all the hostility.
absolutely although i have not yet built a phaser rifle , i will be doing something on those lines
I like the mirror uniforms.
One of these days, I'm going to put Kirk in a uniform with a bare midriff and a boob window. I could totally see Mirror Kirk wearing something like that.
the uniforms are turning out great, but your props have really enhanced the value of the whole package for me. Looking forward to this.
however we are willing to speak with anyone who has skill building poses for genesis 3 and 8 about possible commissions or limmited partnership pm me or nvent3d
There are a huge number of pose sets out there which can be used. You guys provide the clothing and the props which is a tremendous advantage. It's not that hard to parent the props to a hand and save it. I'm certain they're a lot of people in this group who'd love to provide pose sets to support it.
Create parents for phaser for each hand (left and right) for G3 and g8. (I’d also parent the phasers for each hip as “holstered.”). Then hand poses for the various equipment. At the very minimum, the parenting and hand poses are the most useful poses you need. Then you can easily use anyone’s full pose sets. If the hand poses get changed, you can easily reapply them again.
For anyone who want to try their hand at full poses, I would definitely look at Mychokha’s free Trek pose sets for mv4 as a guide for what type poses to convert to G3 and G8. I would absolutely ask if she’d give me permission first to do this and properly give her full credit.
To help with this process, TracyandRichard has on ren***city some free scripts to transfer poses to other characters. There are some nice pose converters on DAZ3d too. Be aware, they will be some tweaking needed.
Hope this helps!
Happy Threshold Day to everyone who celebrates.
The generic hallway from TrekMeshes after I doctored it up. Giving it an early 25th century aesthetic. Note the Picard styled LCARS and Odyssey Class MSD on the walls.
That looks really nice!
A little something for the ship lovers.
It's been a while since I had a new project to add to the store, hopfully you will all like the next range of sets...