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it's a badge /symbol / logo prop made by Mightymite ( Renderosity ) for G3M..
I have that and there should be a morph adjustment to move it closer to the chest.
Easy way to make an emblem is Create a Texture of the suit that this guy would be wearing.
Example: You make Batsy wear a Body Suit. That body suit has a texture applied to it. You can find the texture by selecting the body suit and going to the BASE COLOR tab in the SURFACES panel. Now what you need to do is, download an Emblem Image from the internet and Place it on the Texture of the Body Suit using Photoshop or GIMP. Save the combined/merged image as a texture of the bodysuit. You just rename the original texture and save it.
Then Go to DAZ and perform the similar steps of selecting the body suit and going to the BASE COLOR tab in the SURFACES panel. Click on the box and browse for the new texture that you created. Double click it and done! See my Black Adam render
But Remember: If you change the texture, then it will be lost. You will have to perform the steps again for every new texture that you apply to the body suit.
There is another advanced method which will give you a bumped up emblem. Like in my Batman Render
There is another easy method: Post work the emblem in Photoshop like I did in my Indian Superhero Render: Nagraj. The white spirals spanning from his chest till the Sash.
Every Easy Method Comes with its drawbacks as well. So Choose a method depending upon the scene that you are creating. If your model moves a lot in the scenes ( like an action scene where he is fighting in different poses), then postworking the emblem in photoshop is not a good idea. In this case, having the textured body suit is the best option. In another case, if you want to give different textures to the body suit and the emblem, and your character moves a lot in your renders, then the advanced method is the best one.
Unfortunately I can't comment on the MM emblem as I don't have that product. Here are my normal techniques.
I too go with a variation of SPadhi89's first method. I use GIMP, a free sort of poor-man's Photoshop. When I'm ready to save the new suit texture image, I just give it a new name (something easy to identify later) and thus avoid the pitfall of losing the original texture. (Captain Marvel was done this way, drawing on the garment's native texture.)
Another drawback of this method, though, is that now the symbol is inseparable from the suit. I'm guessing it's not so much a problem with the MM bodysuits, but when the garment is shrink-wrapped to the musculature, so is the emblem. Plus, if I want to use a commercial shader to color the basic shirt, it often repeats a square texture map multiple times instead of just once for the whole garment. Know what I mean? So in those cases, I often just make the character wear the garment twice. The first (underlying) shirt is textured with the commercial shader; the second (outer) shirt with the native txture map as SPadhi89 described but with a twist. In addition to the logo image placed where I want it, I also create an opacity map that's all black except the oval where I want to see Adam West's emblem. That oval is white. Load the texture map in the Base Color "channel" (iRay) or Diffuse channel (3Delight) as he said, and also load the opacity map in its channel. Both Supergirl and Mary Marvel are done this way, and you can see the emblems distort with the figure shape and pose. Sometimes you want that, like Shazam.
Depending on the character version you're doing, you can also make a simple primitive in DAZ with your image on that (Hawkman, but that one's a series of primitives), or download a free or very cheap .obj file someone else created and parent it to the chest (Batman). That has the advantage of appearing as a flat (or almost flat; Batman's was scaled too big to be perfect for that particular obj. file) physical item attached to the suit rather than the iron-on sticker look.
hmm... it's not letting me upload Batman no matter how small I make it. That stinks; it's a good example. I'm stumped on that one. How did you attach 5MB at once, SPadhi89?
awesome! really captures the feel of the movie
To be frank, I dont know. I dont think its more than 5 MB. Let me check. They are all within 1.5 MBs.
To be frank, I dont know. I dont think its more than 5 MB. Let me check. They are all within 1.5 MBs.
They should give us an option to click on the quoted text and we should be redirected to the page where the comment was made. Otherwise, its a time consuming act to go through every page :(
You see the advacned method that I was talking about. You just explained it in the 2nd paragraph :)
I deliberately did not explain it because I think Aussie is new to 3D or DAZ and may not be able to follow along. But thats the best method according to me. We are ready to help with the advanced method, if you want Aussie Artist :)
Oh, the utility belt that Batman is wearing in my Avatar is a custom made Obj file :P. The Emblem is another OBJ that i grabbed from some site. The image is 4.22 MB.
And my Dr. Strange's Eye of Agamoto was postworked in Photoshop :|
My new character a female Wintersoldier, hope you like :-)
Becky Barnes?
havent thought of a name yet haha good one tho :-)
Well this Winter Soldier looks cool and the Name Becky Barnes sounds good, but a little not so serious type..
Super Cyborg Samurai Red
Batman Beyond
SPACE GHOST (or per the intro "Spaaaaaaaceeee Ghoooooost")
Great batman beyond !! - WOW - neat action scene
Neat SpaceGhost - Servant
Thanks! Here's another: Milestone Media's ICON.

nice 1.. Not heard of the Icon character till now... looked him up.. reads like a version of superman but set in afro-american setting...
Here is 2 renders i did not too long ago.. I used G3M with morphs ( from Daz ) and Pants by MightyMite ( Renderosity )
Nice Space Ghost.
!mpact Comics version of Black Hood
Batman and Gordon
Batman vs the Joker
Fleischer Superman homage.
I have not posted here in a long time .....