Superheroes Rebooted - Renders Assemble



  • Colossus vs. Purifiers

    3000 x 2400 - 3M
  • Here's my John Stewart

    John Stewart.jpg
    900 x 1200 - 666K
  • rdudarduda Posts: 579
    edited February 2020

    Finally, I think I can call this done. With the help of a commission from Joe quick along time ago for the jumpsuit. I finished modeling all the armor and my lawn master and lawgivers. Looking forward to making a lot of Dredd toons!!

    850 x 763 - 126K
    Post edited by rduda on
  • rdudarduda Posts: 579

    Textures and Photoshop:

    800 x 602 - 390K
  • psiwire_7a1ce4dc0apsiwire_7a1ce4dc0a Posts: 43
    edited February 2020

    Teenage Namor

    2000 x 3000 - 3M
    Post edited by psiwire_7a1ce4dc0a on
  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579

    Inspired by a combination of characters like Vision, Silver Hawks, Dark Hawk, etc.  I call him Knight Hawk

    KnightHawk by tkdrobert

  • dark-BuBdark-BuB Posts: 44
    edited March 2020

    This time my Wolvie with his old classic suit , and i tried to redising his suit ...

    (mod edit to remove site name  as we do not allow mention of that site, due to questions about the provenance of some of the content carried there)

    Wolvie Classic vs new suit.jpg
    1841 x 2431 - 1M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • GregoriusGregorius Posts: 397
    edited March 2020

    This is my first clearly recognizable version of a TMNT (in this case, Leo).  Joe Quick did most of the hard morphing work on G3M, though I had to customize the shape somewhat by transferring some of my G8F morphs.  The mask is another freebie by Xde50, though again, I had to do some custom morphing to tighten it up decently.

    I'm still experimenting with how to make the belt, joint pads, and weapons.  One problem I face with the belt is that, unless it rides quite high, it bends very awkwardly in order to cling to the shell all the way around the waist.  Servant and anyone else who's successfully rendered the TMNT, any tips are welcome, especially if they can be implemented as cheaply as possible!

    900 x 900 - 495K
    Post edited by Gregorius on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192
    Gregorius said:

    I'm still experimenting with how to make the belt, joint pads, and weapons.  One problem I face with the belt is that, unless it rides quite high, it bends very awkwardly in order to cling to the shell all the way around the waist.  Servant and anyone else who's successfully rendered the TMNT, any tips are welcome, especially if they can be implemented as cheaply as possible!

    Are you using the included projection morph?

  • XpiderManXpiderMan Posts: 426
    Nicely done, Gregorius!
  • GregoriusGregorius Posts: 397
    edited March 2020

    Gordig said:

    I'm still experimenting with how to make the belt, joint pads, and weapons.  One problem I face with the belt is that, unless it rides quite high, it bends very awkwardly in order to cling to the shell all the way around the waist.  Servant and anyone else who's successfully rendered the TMNT, any tips are welcome, especially if they can be implemented as cheaply as possible!

    Are you using the included projection morph?

    Yes, and ironically, I think that's precisely the problem, in that it actually works too well.  The shell seems to have the same problem that cleavage has (or at least used to have) on buxom female characters, namely a kind of unnatural shrink-wrap effect, especially on the flanks between the plastron and the carapace (see attached image if curious).  I'm not even sure a higher-waisted belt would fare much better.  I just suspect it, and I'm still looking around for a good Guinea pig to test this hypothesis..

    Nicely done, Gregorius!


    918 x 869 - 315K
    Post edited by Gregorius on
  • will2powerwill2power Posts: 270

    First test render with materials. This is not the finished product but I think I got pretty close to the kind of interpretation I'm trying to do. When I'm doing renders in 3D I don't try to imitate the flat 2D Versions, but rather go for something that makes sense with the greater detail that 3D affords, but is still reminiscent of the original

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721
    edited March 2020

    Oh yeah, those guys.

    Three years later, here's some accessories I made three years ago:

    There's stuff for Donnie and Leo.  You might have to hit up the old g1 version for the weapons. You'll need to assign a few of the textures by hand.  You can always save the MAT preset when you're done though.

    615 x 800 - 602K
    615 x 800 - 703K
    Post edited by JoeQuick on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    Thank you so much, Joe!

  • GregoriusGregorius Posts: 397
    edited March 2020
    JoeQuick said:

    Oh yeah, those guys.

    Three years later, here's some accessories I made three years ago:

    There's stuff for Donnie and Leo.  You might have to hit up the old g1 version for the weapons. You'll need to assign a few of the textures by hand.  You can always save the MAT preset when you're done though.

    Thanks, Joe!  These look great!  I may be doing something wrong though.  At first, Daz seemed to have trouble finding the geometry,and while I've at least stopped getting an error message, this is what I get when I load the Bandit Mask.  I seem to get similar results with the L Straps.

    By the way, is there any chance you might be willing to release a G8M version?  I've tried converting the morph myself, and it almost works perfectly, except that I get some very weird mesh explosions between the fingers and toes.  Especially between the fingers, I get two long and very thin rods of mesh jutting out.  I suspect this is an artifact of morphing the two middle fingers/toes on the human extremities back into the hands/feet that somehow doesn't manifest in the morph's native base but shows up in any attempt at conversion.

    920 x 871 - 157K
    Post edited by Gregorius on
  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721

    Can you tell me which parts load and which parts give you boxes like that?

  • GregoriusGregorius Posts: 397
    edited March 2020
    JoeQuick said:

    Can you tell me which parts load and which parts give you boxes like that?

    The Bandit Mask and L Straps give me boxes.  The rest seem to work fine.

    In the meantime, I've assembled the first complete Ninja Turtle: Donnie!  I might customize the gear a bit further, tinkering with the textures/shaders and such.  I'd particularly like to trans-map out the wraps around the ankles and hands so that it looks like he only has them around his knees, elbows, and maybe wrists.     I have a sword construction kit that I bought quite a while ago that might have the parts for Leo's katanas, and even if not, I'm thinking of splurging a bit on this, for the sai if nothing else.  That leaves only nunchucks and perhaps weapon holders on Raph and Mikey's belts.  A few things to consider if you're ever bored, Joe!

    By the way, does anyone remember what the more accurate word is for Leo's weapons is?  I seem to vaguely remember there being a specific word for straight katanas, since they're usually curved, but I can't remember what it was.

    900 x 900 - 469K
    Post edited by Gregorius on
  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721

    I'll try to figure out what I left out or what folder I stuck in the wrong place.  

    If you go digging through sharecg, though, I had a larger turtle package up there for the original genesis figure.  I don't think all of the stuff in these pictures is in there, but a lot of it is. Certainly the basic weapons. 

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  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721

    Ok, the zip should be updated to include the missing data files.

  • GregoriusGregorius Posts: 397
    edited March 2020

    You're a lifesaver, Joe!  I actually like the G1 version just as much if not better than the G3M one!  In case anyone's curious, here's Raph showing off how the Genesis 1 version looks with somewhat more up-to-date shaders.

    By the way, did you include Leo and Donnie's chest straps in the G1 version?  I see them in your sample images, but I can't find them in the files.

    900 x 900 - 541K
    Post edited by Gregorius on
  • rdudarduda Posts: 579

    Joe, Your stuff is always AWSOME!

    Here is another Dredd with a more movie real look:

    691 x 900 - 577K
  • psiwire_7a1ce4dc0apsiwire_7a1ce4dc0a Posts: 43
    edited March 2020

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Michelangelo and April O'Neil

    1984 x 2992 - 796K
    Post edited by psiwire_7a1ce4dc0a on
  • GregoriusGregorius Posts: 397

    Here's an updated and more dramatic look at my version of Leonardo.  I've already modified the head shape, with a larger snout and lower sloping forehead, hoping to at least shift it more in the direction of the classic 1990 film look.  I've also been toying around with tweaking the body proportions.  Joe's base morph for G3M is excellent, but it does have a rather cutesy, 2012-ish look to it, and I'm hoping for a more realistic look in my images, ironically not all that dissimilar from Joe's original Genesis 1 version, though that one might go a bit too far the other way.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Gallery link here and here

    It took some coaxing, but Joe Quick's Captain America freebie converts quite well to G8. Only the Gloves and boots didn't work, so I used the Genesis Supersuit for gloves and the boots from SquarePeg3D's Cammy freebie.


  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Gallery link here and here

    Joe Quick's Catwoman Freebie didn't convert well at all, so I used the M4 Bodysuit instead. I still could use the hood, goggles, and belt from that set. Gloves by SquarePeg3D, Boots by Chris Cox.

  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,643

    Here's a quick render of Wolverine I put together.

    3000 x 1854 - 2M
  • dark-BuBdark-BuB Posts: 44
    edited June 2020

    My Wolverine vith the Hulk :D

    X-MEn Wolvie Vs Hulk 1.png
    1800 x 2400 - 5M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • GregoriusGregorius Posts: 397
    edited March 2020

    I've been neglecting Michelangelo.  Not anymore!

    Joe, it may intersest you to know that I managed to make belts for Mikey and Raph.  First, I took the plain belt from your Genesis 1 TMNT pack and morphed it to align with the belt part of your DStrap from the G3M version.  Then, I duplicated one of the loops on the back of the G3M DStrap and positioned it onto the belt as needed.  Finally, I used the Transfer Utility to turn the resulting combined OBJ into a clothing item that conforms to the shell, with a "Refit" morph added to compensate for overprojection (which was also in issue with the original DStrap, for some reason).  With your permission, since the raw geometries are still yours, I'll happily share them on ShareCG or send them to you so you can do so as an add-on to your previous work.  Mikey has four large loops for his nunchucks, and Raph has two smaller ones for his sai.

    900 x 900 - 405K
    Post edited by Gregorius on
  • My kitbashed take on Super Woman. Very fast test render with lots of cleanup needed.


    In gallery

  • crikettcrikett Posts: 77
    edited June 2020

    The recent situation of being at home so much more often has at least led to an increase in render output... and a few X-specific ones at that...







    4800 x 2700 - 3M
    Six SixReasons.jpg
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    Post edited by Chohole on
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