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I suspected that I could get much closer to a classic look for my TMNT if I could blend Joe's Genesis 1 morph with his Genesis 3 Male morph, particularly if I could isolate the head shapes, have separate morphs for the three-digit hands and two-digit feet, and do the rest via fairly normal body morphs. I think I turned out to be right! The head morph used on all four turtles is 50% Genesis 1 "Turtle Power" and 50% Genesis 3 Male "Turtle Dude" (with my adjustments dialed in proportionally as well). The hands and feet are morphed using HFS Ultimate Shapes, and the rest is acheived by dialing up several morphs typically used on purely human characters (e.g. Bodybuilder, Fitness, etc). It took a couple days, mostly to fix a couple of the necessary morphs didn't transfer quite right (the G3M version of the G1 morph, for instance, made an absolute wreck of the character's teeth when first transfered) and refitting the clothing items originally meant for pure Turtle Dude (I'm still not sure I'm completely happy with Leo's belt, but it's at least passable). Full-size resolution is 1200x1200,
One of my favorite X-Men issues back when was #173 - more or less capping the story of Rogue's joining the team, and of that story arc in Japan that saw Wolverine's wedding cancelled. It didn't help that I both liked the Paul Smith run on the art side, as well as sharing a name with him... Issue 173 had a simple, but effective cover as well. Not my first attempt, but my most recent whilst playing around last nigh, at trying to capture something of it (although also very different):
My first big Spider-man render. :O
I used the superbodysuit with my own textures, the mask is bot mine, but, it's an awesome work, maybe the best Daz's Spidey Mask.
And I used the Emma Stone model, She is Gorgeous, and I think she could have been a great MJ too...
Excellent render dark-bub. Which spider-man mask is that?
These are all fantastic renders. But one thing I often wonder about is how Wolverine bends his wrists when his claws are retracted? They are too long for his forearms so he would be cuting his wrist bones, muscles arteries etc everytime he bent his wrist. They might even poke out of the back of his hands. ;-)
I can't recall the exact source now, but I remember seeing an illustration from one of the X-Men artists back in the day (Cockrum or Byrne perhaps?) that showed basically how it was supposed to work, with the claws mostly in the forearms. It noted that the mechanism did in fact limit Wolverine's range of motion with his wrists, and that the claws could going in or out required his wrists be in an even more limited position. Of course, since then, the depiction of the claws has grown, but that was the idea. The claws I am using are probably about 20% or so too long to fit that scenario (getting these openee in Z-Brush or something similar someday and gettng them to a more realistic size should probably be on my to-do list).
There was a point during the comic series(maybe in the 90s or 00s) when Magneto used his powers to "bleed" the Adamantium from Wolverine's body. He didn't simply have super satrong metal claws, instead, the main writer at that time presented Wolvie as having that substance infused with his entire skeleton. When he "unsheathed" the claws, we was, in reality channeling his insanely fast regenerative healing abilities to "grow" spars of bone between his knuckles, bone laced with Adamantium. When Magneto removed all that metal, Logan could still grow the blades, but they were conventional calcium carbonate based bone and thus very brittle.
Yeah, I know that conflicts with earlier explanations. But the comics always keep reinventing powers, family connections, origins, etc. I remember mainly due a dramatic "splash page" image of Magneto making the metal ooze like liquid mercury from Wolverine's skin. I'm sure that concept was eventually dropped for something else. But at least that way, there would be no issues about wrist movement.
I have that issue, as well as most (but sadly not all) of that story arc.
My first big Spider-man render. :O
I used the superbodysuit with my own textures, the mask is bot mine, but, it's an awesome work, maybe the best Daz's Spidey Mask.
And I used the Emma Stone model, She is Gorgeous, and I think she could have been a great MJ too...
I found it on deviantart, Shinteo was the artist name. I think it was the ps4 classic suit.
I tried to make something that looked kinda like a comic book spread. Or like the little posters you could tear out of a magazine.

Rendered in Iray
Postwork in Pixelmator
Arguably, one of the first comic supervillains, Ming the Merciless (along with his hedonistic, spoiled daughter, Aura) from King Features' "Flash Gordon" illustrated byAlex Raymond.
Before I list the credits, anybody care to guess how I assembled Ming?
Looks really good Bill!
More TMNT after some further tweaks!
something i posted in another thread
I love it!
Hulk Close-Up!
Nicely done, Demesis!
So my Agents of Shield Fanart made with Daz/iray/PS.
When i first heard the series plan that was my first thought, okay I know the A-list stars don't appear in a tv series (hmhm, Disney+? :P) but i imagined the serie with Nick Fury and his best agents :D
I didn't bothered to the modells doesn't look a like like the actors/actresses, I only tried to Sam/Nick but I think he is not so bad, just like Hawkeye-Renner, oh, the Scarlett Johanson modell is gorgues, I used Psionne for that.
ok. so it's a stretch of "superhero".... I only wish I'd been able to make "C" fit into the t-shirt message :)
Is The Major from Ghost in the Shell a superhero?
Here's my take on Hawkgirl. My goal wasn't to reproduce a specific version faithfully but to let [my impression of] the character speak for herself in terms of costuming. What would a given personality wear? Now... I'm no expert but I did just have a great conversation about all things Hawkman with the comics shop guy. He's great at recommending books because he knows so much about story arcs and art styles and publication history for almost any character. But I stunned him speechless when I asked why Hawkgirl doesn't wear a chest harness, which apparently is integral to her boyfriend's flight capability. "Huh.... I never thought of it. You're right..." So I think the next image will have one. I wish I could make one that fits snugly without weird kinks, because kitbashing one is very tough. Only one or two made for G2M - G8M, and none for the females.
In the meantime, I sort of liked the notion that she'd buy her own merchandise at the I-love-superheroes aisle in Walmart. (Ok, so that's a nicer shirt. Maybe Target!) After all, she's not often shown wearing the hawk emblem either. But the pants and especially the boots scream "Hawkgirl" to me :) Her belt is often shown with Batman-style pouches not needed for her blunt-force weapons... so what are they for? They tell me she's a very practical woman, hence the flash-bang and also the armbands. They secure a pair of daggers behind her arms, handles down for ready access. This is a lady I'd want at my back!
My take on Wonder Woman. If the plane that had crashed on Themyscira was a MiG piloted by Stefan Teberov.
And, Emma Frost.
That is brilliant. How did you go about doing the painterly look to it?!
By People's Pilot Stefan Trevorovich? :)
GORGEOUS work and renders Red Turban! WOW
Little Endgame...