The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread



  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited May 2020

    post office keeps loosing my packages!  They suposedly delivered my package on May 2 but I haven't seen it.

    edit: maybe the mail man delivered the package to the wrong address??

    update: I'm going to contact the post office somehow.

    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i knowwww  Prince Adam dropped his power sword.  so careless, he cant transform to heman without it. or cringer into battle cat

    and why is skeletor muscular, shouldnt he be like, boney?



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    had the ferris wheel nightmare last night

    was hoping watching heman would bring muscle man fantasy dreams.  throw in a birdman.

    a tentacoo monster attacked heman, he spinned it over his head made it dizzy, nullified that threat. laugh

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    where the Spring warms go,  back under the heated throw


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    1980 was 40 years ago - comes as a shock

    remember Marc Singer? 

    watching beastmaster.  1 of those movies hbo used play 9 times a day.  the real stars are the ferrets.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,683
    edited May 2020
    Mystiarra said:

    1980 was 40 years ago - comes as a shock

    remember Marc Singer? 

    watching beastmaster.  1 of those movies hbo used play 9 times a day.  the real stars are the ferrets.

    Yeah, long time ago, much water under the bridge.  That was back when I thought Marc Singer was hotyes.  Now not so much.surprise  Still cute but I've moved on to admiring a more mature look.indecision  The leather outfits still grab my attention though.smiley.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Mystiarra said:

    1980 was 40 years ago - comes as a shock

    remember Marc Singer? 

    watching beastmaster.  1 of those movies hbo used play 9 times a day.  the real stars are the ferrets.

    Yeah, long time ago, much water under the bridge.  That was back when I thought Marc Singer was hotyes.  Now not so much.surprise  Still cute but I've moved on to admiring a more mature look.indecision  The leather outfits still grab my attention though.smiley.

    oh yep the leather skirt straps, is like little modesty curtains


    in 1980 i had an apt in Venice Florida,  thinkin back on it, was a good deal.  i had fun collecting shartk teeth at the Venice beach.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,683
    edited May 2020
    Mystiarra said:
    Mystiarra said:

    1980 was 40 years ago - comes as a shock

    remember Marc Singer? 

    watching beastmaster.  1 of those movies hbo used play 9 times a day.  the real stars are the ferrets.

    Yeah, long time ago, much water under the bridge.  That was back when I thought Marc Singer was hotyes.  Now not so much.surprise  Still cute but I've moved on to admiring a more mature look.indecision  The leather outfits still grab my attention though.smiley.

    oh yep the leather skirt straps, is like little modesty curtains


    in 1980 i had an apt in Venice Florida,  thinkin back on it, was a good deal.  i had fun collecting shartk teeth at the Venice beach.

    I know Venice, Florida.yes Upscale little city.  I drove through there lots of times on business with a couple of small shops in Burns Court in Sarasota.  That's a snazzy area too.  I did the website for an upscale boutique for blue haired old ladies, entitled soccer moms, and fashionistas.  Gad, what prices! surprise  I was doing websites as a desperate attempt to not be homeless after the IT collapse after 911.sad  The owner tried to get me to buy a pair of sunglasses from her that cost twice my monthly income from computer repair and websites at the time.  How does one say that living in the mud makes it difficult to fly in the clouds.indecision  How small was your income you might be thinking?  Let's just say that when I finally reached an age to officially retire, my SS income was almost triple what I had been living on for the previous 5 years.surprise  

    In fact, now that I've had my memory gears creaking into motion for a while, I believe I also did the website for a shop in Venice too.  It was a shop near the beach that sold '50s kitsch memorabilia, furniture, lamps, and toys.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited May 2020

    how do I take a screenshot on an Android tablet?  I just push volume down button and the power botton?  But 1 of 2 things happens when I press down and power button:

    1 - sound volume goes down

    2 - power menu shows up

    Arrg!  Who deisnged the shortcut??

    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    Did you press them simultaneously?   If one before the other, individual responses will happen.


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    tee hee heee

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,683
    edited May 2020

    Complaint:  OMG, it's noon on May 8th and it's snowing here.frown

    Edited to add:  It's 2:30 PM and it's still snowing, hard, and it's starting to stick.  Had to actually bundle up with hooded sweat-jacket, knit hat, gloves to brave the snow & wind to walk to the end of the driveway to get my mail.  It's May.  The April showers have brought forth the May flowers.  Don't need no snow. I glowers.angry

    Edited to add more:  It's 6:30 PM and it's still snowing, harder! Nothing accumulated yet.  The ground gets hazy white but if the snow lets up for a moment it melts away, but it's like a curtain of snow out there now.surprise

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    unseasonably coldunreasonably cold

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,683

    Complaint:  It's May 9th and it's still snowing.  I predicted earlier this morning that the snow accumulation would be melted by noon.  Well, at 11:00 AM it was gone and I was about to crow about that here on the web, but before I left the kitchen window, the snow came from the sky like a Hollywood Christmas Special scene.frown

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,683

    Complaint:  Mustard in squeeze bottles.  It's a conspiracy to waste mustard.  You do everything right.  The bottle is designed with the label upside down so that you store it with cap on the bottom and the juices that invariably separate float away from the nozzle, you give the bottle a squeeze and a string of rich spicy mustard cascades down to your hamburger or ham sandwich or whatever and you artfully scrawl your customary design on your bread, for the first 3/4 of the bottle.  But when the bottle reaches the last quarter, no matter what you do, you get mustard farts.  A one inch stream of mustard and then a mustard fart, so you give the bottle a good centrifugal swing to force more mustard toward the nozzle and try again, but alas, only another inch before the bubble of air forces its way through the thick mustard and gives you another mustard fart.  At what point do you give up on the bottle and either discard it, or take off the cap and poke inside the narrow neck with a long knife and get a gram of mustard on the tip which invariably gets knocked off the knife when you try to pull out of the neck.  It's a conspiracy, I tells ya.frown

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    yellow mustard or the poupon?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is hell feezin over?  brrrrrr 40s

    was it milli vanilli got busted for lip syncing?

    80s choreography smiley

    think i smoked too much herbs in the 80s.  memory hazy

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,683
    edited May 2020
    Mystiarra said:

    is hell feezin over?  brrrrrr 40s

    was it milli vanilli got busted for lip syncing?

    80s choreography smiley

    think i smoked too much herbs in the 80s.  memory hazy

    No, the '80s were actually hazy.  And the '70s were downright missing.surprise  And the '50s were still mostly in black and white.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    Ugh... Complaint:

    Who the eff has their driveway ripped out at 9 AM on Mother's Day?   In the middle of an effing pandemic?... is the the driveway guy that busy he actually couldn't do this on Monday?... was he like "is Sunday May 10 okay?... you know it's Mother's Day?" And the nincompoop homeowner was like "Sure, I hate my damn mother and all mothers in general, who cares if they get a chance to sleep late... hell, could use you the extra noisy backhoe with no muffler?"...

    These clowns are on the next block, and my wife actually woke up 15 minutes before they started, but everyone close to them must be so pissed off.

    Maybe they figure nobody cares because they are all staying home and are sleeping late every day... which is not the case for most of the people around here who are essential workers, including a lot of nurses and medical workers.

    Pfff... stupid inconsiderate humans.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,683
    McGyver said:

    Ugh... Complaint:

    Who the eff has their driveway ripped out at 9 AM on Mother's Day?   In the middle of an effing pandemic?... is the the driveway guy that busy he actually couldn't do this on Monday?... was he like "is Sunday May 10 okay?... you know it's Mother's Day?" And the nincompoop homeowner was like "Sure, I hate my damn mother and all mothers in general, who cares if they get a chance to sleep late... hell, could use you the extra noisy backhoe with no muffler?"...

    These clowns are on the next block, and my wife actually woke up 15 minutes before they started, but everyone close to them must be so pissed off.

    Maybe they figure nobody cares because they are all staying home and are sleeping late every day... which is not the case for most of the people around here who are essential workers, including a lot of nurses and medical workers.

    Pfff... stupid inconsiderate humans.

    It's mother's day and the driveway's wife's mother is spending the day, so...

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the part i dont fathom, the scene in waterworld he pees into the thing and it filters drinking water ,
    why couldnt they filter saaaaaaaaaaline from the ocean water?
    is saline more complex than  pee?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Mystiarra said:

    is hell feezin over?  brrrrrr 40s

    was it milli vanilli got busted for lip syncing?

    80s choreography smiley

    think i smoked too much herbs in the 80s.  memory hazy

    No, the '80s were actually hazy.  And the '70s were downright missing.surprise  And the '50s were still mostly in black and white.

    80s was when spock started swearing laugh

    the doo daa  doo daa rooster is very mean to the buppy

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,683
    edited May 2020
    Mystiarra said:

    the part i dont fathom, the scene in waterworld he pees into the thing and it filters drinking water ,
    why couldnt they filter saaaaaaaaaaline from the ocean water?
    is saline more complex than  pee?

    You're comparing apples & oranges.  Pee is urine.  Saline is how you get anywhere in a boat without oars or motor.indecision

    Though actually urine is very complex.  It's comprised of all sorts of salts and bodily waste products such as amino acids, and broken down proteins.  Very complex.  On the other hand, saline, pure saline is a relatively simple solution of one or a few salts, of eg: sodium, potassium, magnesium or calcium.  HOWEVER,  since there are billions of creatures that live and die and poop in the sea, one must not discount the complex bodily acids, proteins, and decay products contained therein.surprise  So, it might be a toss-up as to which is more complex, but my money is on the seawater.  Neither one is recommended for drinking, especially not seawater or at least somewhat processed.


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,683

    Non-complaint:  Snow is gone.  Yay!yes Today's Mother's Day.  I thought of her and baked a chocolate cake.  Duncan Hines: "Perfectly Moist Dark Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix".  Not quite as good as mom's made from scratch cakes, but close.  Mom's been gone since '92 but she made a damn good chocolate cake.heart  

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,231

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Tjohn said:


    laughed so hard i need a new keyboard and monitor


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,683
    Mystiarra said:
    Tjohn said:


    laughed so hard i need a new keyboard and monitor


    Shovelhanded Snowasaurus

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    it snowed in Patchogue other day.



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    my typos gone pretty bad lately.  cataract typing.

    rock m sock m valentinowink

    dunno i has socks for g8m. dont think i do

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    waiting for my ;inch to defrost  chicken ala king.  would go quicker if i had a microwave, but i dont quite trust nukomm rays

    lining up monday movie nite.

    star trek whales
    hunt for red october
    black hawk down
    if i still awak will fit in a john wicks 

This discussion has been closed.