The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread
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"The Why are almost all Pose Sets designed for High Heels complaint thread"
The Wouldn't You Know It, department: OK, so I start getting ready to change my defective CPU fan/heatsink with a new one I'd recently bought. I get my nice new box with new fan/heatsink, I get my screwdrivers, I start looking for my tube of thermal paste. It's in one of a dozen cardboard boxes of miscellaneous computer parts. Mostly sorted but the box needed always seems to migrate to the bottom of the pile. Not sure which box it was in, so I treat myself to a "Oh, hey, lookie here, I forgot I had these things" episode. I never did find my thermal paste (more boxes to look through) but I did find a box of miscellaneous used CPU and case fans of various sizes. I even found one that is the right size and with the correct connector for my existing heatsink. Which is all I originally wanted to replace in the first place. I forgot what I paid for the new fan/heatsink combo but it was less than $20 so no major disaster and not worth trying to return it but I wish I'd found that box of fans before I ordered the new one.
I knew at one time I had had those fans but I went through a big throwaway episode a year or two back and thought that I had discarded them.
But the trip through memory lane was worth it because I decided to clean up my computer parts shelves (which are in my kitchen). A lot of stuff went into bigger cardboard boxes and moved to a closet and that left me with one whole empty shelf that I've repurposed as a food shelf. This self-isolation business has found me stocking up on more and more food stuffs. I've filled my regular cupboards and just today I received a big box from Amazon Pantry. Things like cereal, soups, peanutbutter, and crackers (saltines) Bulky or heavy stuff, that's a pain to carry back from the grocery. I feel like an insect molting its exoskeleton and having, for a short while, room to expand.
Complaint: "Smart Lock" on my phone is either too smart or too dumb.
So we ordered some food today using the Seamless app, as we have many times before. Food came a little after 9:00pm. I went through our whole routine, putting on nitrile gloves, removing the food from its packaging onto our own disposable plates and bowls, discarding the packaging, yada yada.
So at 10 o'clock I check my email and there's a second food order which was apparently placed at 9:36. I had my phone in my pocket while I was processing our food, and I had blanked the screen, but apparently my body or the other items in my pocket decided to press the power button to reactivate the screen, click on another restaurant in the app, and ordered $149 worth of food. Now, I can see why a random press on a list of restaurants might choose one, and how a random press on a menu could open up an item, but then you need to click in a specific place to add it to the cart. Then you have to click on a specific place to go to the check-out menu. and from there scroll down to a specific place to click the "Place order" button.
So I called the restaurant and they had already filled the order and it was on its way. Apparently the fact that I wanted to order a Sushi Regular with the special request “O. Emmme1mee1e1e1mmmmmme1skeuymezmmzmzzmzzmzl93” didn't raise any concerns at the restaurant. They didn't try to call me to ask what I meant, or what the special request "No Not sure sure what what you m11njj” on the 2 Spicy Maki Combos meant. Admittedly I don't speak Japanese, but I'm pretty sure neither of those special requests makes sense in Japanese.
Now I hate to make a restaurant swallow the cost these days when they're all facing staggering drops in business, but that's a bit much. Can I demand a refund because they left out my “O. Emmme1mee1e1e1mmmmmme1skeuymezmmzmzzmzzmzl93”?
ROFL. Priceless. Well, perhaps at least a value of $149.
revisioning is a fancy way of saying school homework?
Shouldn't "revisioning" be a name for the surgery you just had?
i'd a thunk.
they said 4 weeks to heal. Really disappointed i cant read. dr sent me something in the mail. cant read it.
The "O. Emmme1mee1e1e1mmmmmme1skeuymezmmzmzzmzzmzl93" complaint thread.
Seems like a cat was walking on the keyboard!
Non-complaint: Wheee..., I got a ride uptown today. Did my laundry, and was picked up by my driver again and we went way uptown to a Walmart, where I wore myself out searching for pistachios and Kleenex tissues. Found the big bundle of Kleenex but no non-salted pistachios. Then we went to a couple of household sales. Found nothing interesing, and finally stopped at the grocery where I know that they carry my no-salt pistachios and I stocked up for a month or so. Happy, happy day. Clean clothes, and nuts. What more could I ask for?
Complaint: Hot, hot day. Muggy, saw a school of goldfish swim from tree to tree. Feet sore, salty, sticky skin, pooped out. Need shower. Too tired to shower, I think I'll just sit here and stink for a while.
Actually, yes; the mods would not allow a second "miscellaneous" thread category. So they would probably stop me. And why create competition?
I'm not into Kvetching for the same reasons I'm not into always complaining. And I only say "Whee" when I'm on an airplaine that touches the runway with the nose at least 45 degrees off of the center of the runway. THAT is my idea of fun, AKA "Whee!"
How did my suggestion suddenly become "I don't like the thread?"
All I suggested was that I would like a not-complaining thread for a bright and cheerful change.
I kind of feel like if I said, "I really like waffles," and got accused of hating pancakes.
Whoever gets the first post on page 101, without spamming the thread with multiple posts, is able to pick the next title.
Thank you Richard.
So a tale of fire and fury. I cooked a couple of Sam's Club Cowboy Ribeyes last night on my gas grill. I have a Weber meat thermometer, which is great because it connects to my iPhone and Apple Watch and I can see the temperature slowly rise in the ribeyes while I press the hamburger patties (I never make only one thing when I cook).
Well, I see the temp is 90 F, and then 30 seconds later, the iGrill is going off with a klaxon I'd never heard before. OMG, the temp was 232 degrees!
I ran out to the grill and the in-lid thermometer said 625. As in Farenheit Degrees! YIKES! I opened the lid and everything was ablaze. I grabbed some tongs and dragged the ribeyes off of direct heat onto the unlit part of the grill. I pulled the thermometer out and laid it aside. I think the probe is probably toast by now.
I used an older digital meat thermometer to retest the internal temps. Both ribeyes were right around 130 and only had 10 degrees to go. So after the fires of hell died down, I slid them back over the direct flame, turned down the knobs, and let 'em cook another 5 minutes.
After all that fire and brimstone drama, I cut open one of the ribeyes and tasted it. Meat Candy! It was delicious! I should cook at 600 degrees more often! Yum!
There are more than one "silly posts" thread -- the "stupid thread", "are yoo a thread killer", "this is not the thread you're looking for", etc. And from the beginning, "Complaint thread" as a title for this one was meant ironically. You can see that there's no requirement for a post to have a complaint, or a non-complaint.
"The No Longer A Complaint Thread"
I still like LG's suggestion from a few pages back, which actually describes it well "The completely gratuitous complaint thread"
There are at least two other miscellaneous threads active on the forums right now.
Also, oh my god is the scripting documentation terrible. I've been throwing myself headlong into scripting for the last few days, and I've made a lot of progress, but there are parts of the scripting documentation that are absolutely useless because they contain no information at all. Every section has a "todo: add description" on it.
Well, I'm glad it got noticed. Wheee...
18:40 in the video
"The Food Is Too Delicious To Complain Thread"
Okay ever since the stupid Windows update were it tried to make Edge my primary browser ,I 've noticed that when I go to Google as my search engine typein my whatever and suddenly it's a Bing search WTF? again if I wanted to use Bing I would have set it up that way I want to use Google as my search engine not Bing now how do I get it back to using Google cause it says Google until I hit enter then it goes on a frakkin Bing search ....
I haven't had that problem at all. I don't undestand it. Do you, perchance, have Windows Home version? That might be the difference, I have Windows 10 Pro version.
DanaTA to be perfectly honest all I know is that I have Window 10 .......and a very bad headache ......
Just type "default" or "default apps" in the search field at the left end of the task bar and it should bring up the menu to let you choose the Default Apps dialog so you can choose your desired browser.
i rewatched the last season of gamesof throne, was hoping for a better ending.
needs a directors cut
starwars ending stayed the same after all the cuts
Luke,'whose your daddy"
No editing would fix what was wrong with that season.
Thank you LG ,I'll try that in the morning .
I didn't Spam, but the title should be green eggs and spam. A swing and a miss, oh well haha
"The Three Balls Three Strikes and Three Outs Complaint Thread"
"The Umpire's Blind As A Bat Complaint Thread"
The Cabin Fever, complaint thread.
New thread here