The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread
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i can seee how filthy my floor is, kitchen tiles disgusting. ickkkk
cant see letters on leyboard. cant see my eyebrows in mirror, cant see my fingernails to cut trim them. i hate not being able to do the simple things.
went for a alk, can see twigs and crappe on the ground now. used my cane, no rollator. not quite ready for fencing lessons yet. lol i want to run around on the grass. legs forgot how
canta lope for dinner. would be nice to read the can labels at grocery shopping. soup surprise.
If you can read this then get to drugstore and buy a suitable pair of reading glasses.
The John Belushi Memorial "Everyone is Blurry and out of focus" complaint thread.
to read is a deal breaker. crying so much have teh post op appt tomorrow. dont wanna go
Why does it need to be a "complaint" thread?
I mean...with all the people crying in the corner, shouldn't we rethink the complaint thread? Seems a bit "Debbie Downer" to me. Apologies to people named Debbie and people named Downer.
I propose we rename it "The Swirl", because that's what it is. A swirl of thoughts, humor, experiences, cooking tips, music selections, computer building advice, and all the other stuff that makes up LIFE.
Life is a gift, and I ain't complainin' 'bout that!
If life is a gift from God, then God is an "Indian giver" because he takes it back.
Wikipedia: "Indian giver",people%20with%20whom%20they%20traded.
"The random thoughts thread"
It has historically always been the "complaint Thread" and has run for almost as long as Daz has had forums. It was actually posted originally as the antithesis of a complaint, taking the micky out of all the bad tempered, whingy, complaining, threads that were around in the forums.
Yeah! So there.
The Taking the Mickey Out of Your Complaints, complaint thread.
ay recomends for a brandy?
headed up to the storess in a bit. restocking on roscato and long island barefoot
yous ever try a long island ice tea?
dont kow much of anything bout brandy.
Imbibing alcohol before or after surgery probably not high on the doctor's recommendations list.
Personally, I am partial to apricot or peach brandy. Not fussy about brand, but more $$$ is probably smoother but I wouldn't know, I just spend $$.
Recently I discovered Amaretto, an almond flavored liqueur from a base of whisky. Smoooth.
One shot is all I ever do. Then it's nap time.
Hmmm... Amaretto, almond flavor and smell, possibly a good thing to hide cyanide in.
Be sure you trust your bartender.
Especially not if you're the surgeon.
Non-complaint: the battery life on my Surface is actually pretty decent when I’m not doing any rendering or simulations. I won’t even need to recharge it before my shift is up.
i spent 30 minutes trying to help my dad setup a new spreadsheet because he didn't remember what formula to use and I didn't want to use the wrong one. we ended up opening a backup spreadsheet and dug around 50 pages looking for the correct forumula.
It's these new-fangled smaller electrons they're using now. They can get more into a smaller package.
dang hafta go all the way back to the store tomorrow
Thank you for the explanation. But I still feel a change should be considered.
I submit to all of you that doing something for no other reason than "it's what we've always done" is the WORST reason to do it, because it gives permission to never (ever) change or improve one's self.
Yes, I'm trying to shake up the established norms here, there, and everywhere. It's what I do, and it's what I've become good at. And in fact, it's partly why somebody is willing to pay me a salary.
P.S., if it MUST be a complaint thread, then I would vote for the "Why can't we rethink complaint" thread. But that seems pessimistic and I'm not at all that way.
Nobody is stopping you from creating that thread.
But, but, but..., the thread has always ended with "complaint thread". It's what gives it its heritage, its lineage.
But the following would work with or without the "complaint" adjective.
The "Kvetch & Wheee" <complaint> thread.
Wheee.., a friend called me on the phone (how quaint), and offered to take me uptown on Thursday. Yay, laundry, drugstore & special groceries, here I come. AND she also indicated she was going WAY up town. That means I can finally get to OfficeMax to recycle my dead UPS batteries and get them out of the way. Life is good.
Yeah, yeah, I know. Risky riding with other people, but she and her husband are as isolated as I am and with particular health reasons to avoid infection BUT they have a car, I don't. So, it's probably her that's taking the risk. And besides, it's way better than using the local "bus" system.
And WAY cheaper and safer than using Uber or taxi.
if you dont like our complaint thread dont visit it
The Mileage Varies Complaint Thread
does Harbo(u)r Master have a 'u' in it?
so confusing. can't find a queen's english dictionary on amazon
you could call it the wendyluvscatz always gets modded if she posts in it thread
at least this post might bump the end nearer even if it disappears
The Postapocalypse Complaint Thread
trying a new search site DuckDuckGo
bing makin me crazy with the unXable edge banner
He was here (sort of) complaining. Our mission accomplished.
Complaint: Arghhh..., again my CPU fan stopped and the heat zoomed up enough to cause the case fan to rev up to full blast to try to compensate and bringing my attention to the failure.
I've been leaving the side off of the computer for the last week or so. That made it easy to just flick the fan with my finger to restart it.
But, now I guess I'll have to finally replace the CPU fan/heatsink assembly with the new one that I bought recently.
I was hoping that the problem would just go away, but no such luck.
I like tinkering inside my computers but only when motivated by having to fix complete failures, to be able to get back on-line as quickly as possible. This fan issue is like a leaky roof, only a problem when it rains. Fan flicking works but I really should fix the problem properly.
Well it's good to replace the thermal paste regularly anyway, I've planned to do it on all my PCs soon as CPU temperatures have slowly gone up over time.
"The preapocalypse, complaint thread."