The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread
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Non-complaint: Wheee..., I think I've found and fixed a long standing problem with my old computer. For quite a while (and more noticeably after updating to the still unofficial win10-2004 update a few weeks ago) I've been noticing that sometimes when I use the "ThisPC" link or icon on the desktop to open up the FileExplorer dialog to look at the top level of my system (the drives & devices) the progress bar at the top would start to go green, and a message would appear saying "Working on it".
Sometimes the green progress bar would finish quickly, sometimes it would never finish and I would not see my drives or devices at all. Behavior was very erratic. Sometimes OK, sometimes not and the only cure was to reboot.
This is apparently a known problem from at least 2016 and more recently 2019. Research on the Internet suggested that things were wrong with the "Quick Access" menu along the left side of the dialog. One of the suggestions was to remove a particular hidden file. That didn't work for me. But I began to believe that it was indeed related to the Quick Access menu. So, I started removing the entries from the menu one by one. Some would disappear quickly, others would take a minute or so then leave, others would take looooong time, and others appeared to never finish (I didn't wait more than about 10 minutes). But I persisted. And as I removed some of the entries I realized that many of them were links to folders in drives not currently mounted, but the links should disappear anyway. Hmmm..., Then I realized that I was deleting far more links than I remember ever having put in the Quick Access menu. I was not only unlinking a folder, but also many of the sub-folders of that folder.
This tells me that either the QuickAccess menu was royally screwed up, or I had inherited links from the Win7 incarnation of my Windows installation. But I persisted unlinking each new entry from the limited display space of the menu as it appeared when I deleted a previous one. At a few points I had to reboot the system, but after a reboot, I could continue the deleting process. Eventually I got all but one entry removed, and try as I might, it just wouldn't go, it just did nothing, didn't hang, didn't give error, just ignored the command to vanish. I traced to the actual location of the linked folder and found that it was an empty unused unnecessary folder, so I deleted it and poof, it disappeared from the QuickAccess menu and now my QuickAccess menu is completely empty. Yay! 
Now, since I have completely emptied my QuickAccess menu the system behaves completely normally, and actually noticeably faster for all FileExplorer functions.
My theory is that the QuickAccess menu got screwed up somewhere along the line, either by too many entries, or deleting a entry that forced the subfolders to generate entries, or a disk error bit me or the 2004 update has a bug that exacerbates the problem, but for now, my system is working well again. I suspect that when the FileExplorer dialog runs it has to check the links for all the entries in the QuickAccess menu but if the entries were boogered it could go down a thorny path. From now on I'll carefully watch my use of the QuickAccess menu and keep an eye out for bogus behavior again.
Please write a bit slower, I cant' read that fast...
Surely it's not the ink back to the computer - the four port units have those - but rather the first four port is using one of its four connectors for the output from the other four port
Well, I could be wrong, it's happened once before.
But here's my reasoning. The 8th or "extra" port has a USB mini-B female connector instead of the standard USB-A female. Other hubs I've used would usually have a USB-B (the squarish one) female connector as the "link-back" (or "link-forward") connector depending on your point of view. And I believe in the instructions it said to use the oddball connector and the included A to B cable for connecting to the computer. Daisy chaining USB hubs could be done by using the odd connector to link-back from the far end of the chain to the hub immediately preceeding it. But with only one hub in a chain, it would link back to the computer. Regardless, that's how I use it and it works. The dead ports on my bad hub were working fine one day until they didn't*, and had nothing to do with linking one chip's port back to the previous chip. In fact doing so would have effectively made that hub a 6-port system. Now, whether this is the proper way to use those ports, I'm really can't say. Perhaps the port on the computer is smart enough to know when it has to swap in/out signals when connected a forward or backward linking socket. But using it my way works. Perhaps I knew exactly how USB hub wiring should be done back when we didn't have smart ports but, well, you know, if you don't use it, you lose it.
For the last couple decades I've always assumed that a device with a "B" port was a "link-back" port from device (like a printer) to computer or previous device in the chain if applicable.
If anybody knows for certain how those "B" ports are supposed to work. Please let us know.
* I don't actually know that my crippled hub has two 4-port USB chips inside. I just assumed it did because of how it behaved. It may have just one chip structured in two halves. Regardless, four ports died simultaneously and my brain immediately went to two 4-port chips.
Edited to add: Well, I guess I could be wrong. As I rewind my brain back to the mid '90s I get faint rememberings of one special port of a USB hub being used as a "link-forward" to the next hub toward the end of the chain. I remember it because it would make one port unavailable for devices unless you found or made a cross-link adaptor. Then hubs started being produced with a small switch to swap the in/out signals to make it a normal or reversed port, then eventually we got smart ports that could sense whether to swap in/out lines or not. Again, regardless of a 25 year old design, the way I use hubs today appears to work. I'd love to hear why it isn't optimal or what I'm misunderstanding about USB.
Edited to add even more: If my memory from the '90s is right then that is an example of why young people may think us old farts are slow. Or perhaps I was wrong then, and correct now.
We ancient ones have to deal with memories of additional ways of doing things that the youngsters have no experience with. We've skinned a lot of cats.
Or maybe I'm totally off-the-rails and am thinking about network hubs. Ghaaaa, life was so much simpler before I learned to read.
The "Computers are The Doom of Mankind, complaint thread."
Non-complaint: My old computer is behaving muchly better after I'd fixed the QuickAccess menu issue. Zip, bang, zoom. All disk oriented processes seem to be without lag anymore.
Which they should be because the "C:" drive is an SSD. I was wondering where the zip from my new SSD had disappeared to.
daleks have girls in them?
is 3 days to the first eye surgery. i starting on 2 different eye drops 3 times a day. hopes isnt the stingy one
theres an eye drops they put on me before the avastin injection, burns ick
heatwave. Outside thermometer reads 100 degrees F. It is the beginning of July. August is supposed to be hotter, I think.
We need snow reports from the Australians.
my poor lil pointsetta is on her last leaf. was a hardy old gal
basil on my sil growing like crazy. think is called a riot when plants grow crazy
GOOD MORNING AMERICA, it's the 4th of July! Wheee...
BBQ in the park, party on the beach, super new movies at the theater, jostling crowds at the fireworks... oh, wait.., no, nevermind it's just another lockdown day.
But if you do go out, please wear a mask. I do.
You don't put out a fire by ignoring sparks.
And now for something completely different: I saw fireflies last night.
Yes, right in my backyard. I know I complained a few months ago that I hadn't seen fireflies in years, but there they were last night. Yay! Not a terrible lot of them but they were sparkling in the bushes and gliding over the grass. Wheee...
Yes, and they are a big problem. They tear up farmland and gardens, and they kill livestock. They rove in packs and can take out even a smart dog or a smart human. There's only one way to protect oneself against wild hogs. I'll leave that to you and your own research.
Um, what?
Ovid was a Roman Poet.
Courtesy of
Still doesn't make sense even in a more contemporary context...
Sometimes when we make up words, we overlap with the past or the present.
Down here, the Deer play hide and seek. Squirrels play "chicken" with cars, and the cars often win. The bears here, as mentioned above, just climb your tree and wait for you to come outside to play. I blame bears for the downfall of the newspapers and I believe that "newspaper with my coffee" has become a lost tradition because of tree-bears.
Little critters should take care!
Get the podcast and set it to 1/2X.
The schools will need to open soon or the parents will have to break labor laws and put the kids to work.
I generally find cat memes not funny and sometimes even boring. But this one was good!
Wow, to have developed a test...and working on a vaccine, that must mean that poets are even more annoying than I thought!
7 port hubs have been available for more than a decade now. I have old ones by my keyboard controllers.
Happy Independence Day to all! Today is a day of decluttering for me. I've already cleared one long-neglected corner and am starting on another. By 09:30 this morning, I'd already shot one palmetto bug and one "reg'lar sized" cockroach with my 2-gallon bugsprayer stuff.
The difference between a cockroach and a palmetto bug is this:
complaint - rediculous amount of sugar in bbq sauce. and omg in real maple syrup.
cornbread doesnt grow on trees. but shoes do!
complaint - i'll have to put shoes on in a couple days.
i'm purging my hamper, trash binning all socks and starting over with fresh new packets of diabetic socks.
i've got cantalope for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
oasty buttery cornbred a tasty fantasy. mebbe in a few days i can find things in the super market. find the checkout lines.
i heard there are arrows on the floor for one way aisle traffic.
heard my neighbor yelling at the bluejays, in english, the bjay squablles too loud for him. bjays no habla
i want to celebrate independence day, feel like i should be mourning all the dudes that died for it.
how historically accurate is the patriot movie? did they really burn those people in the building?
yip yip the magic words for flying bison
caught between the speaker wars of the neighbors
the neightbor who was yelling at the bluejays for being noisy is blasting music about Soledad
other side is blasting rap with mean lyrics
it's not nap in the hammock music
people get cataract surgery all the time. it works?
i could be reading a book in soon
could be reading labels on dvd and can put em in the correct cases
might be seeing the tatts on my arm
Good luck!
Sending good thoughts for your cataract surgery.
And now for something completely redundant:
First photo of groundhog youngsters. And a photo of my Office/Livingroom/Life.
Jim Henson's Groundhog Babies.
The Duplicate Post Complaint Thread
"The I'm Just Going To Go Into a Corner and Cry, complaint thread"
they re[lacw=ed lens of ny ete. very blurry. dilated
corner gettin crowded.
Non-complaint: Summer day. Self isolating.
Staying cool, sipping iced tea, listening to The whole day is in the music, the kids in the park, the picnic by the stream, more people arriving, and the thunderstorm.
And you don't even get wet.
1. "Awakening of cheerful feelings on arrival in the countryside." 0:00
2. "Scene by the brook." 10:51
3. "Merry gathering of country folk." 22:40
4. "Thunder, Storm." 28:29
I thought I was self-isolating. It turned out people were just avoiding me. (drum roll, cymbal crash)
I was self-isolating before it was cool.
from now on i'm only talking outloud to dogs. prolly no one will notice.
i seeing a little more detail, like seeing flutterbys in the yard. cant read my phone at all. cant see the time.
holding off on the total despair. see how things look in a few days.
was looking forward to swapping 500gb drive with 2tb. cant see the screws.
I had my cataracts done early this year. I have to have reading glasses now (the cheap drugstore kind work fine), you probably will too. i can see to drive and watch TV without glasses though.
i'd rather need glasses for distance. they didnt offer me a choice.
Typically what they do is insert fixed focus lenses in your eye, focused for middle distances like being able to navigate in your house. But for long distances or near distances you'll need glasses.
I've always worn glasses my whole life (well, since 6th grade anyway) but could see fine up close without them. But after my cataract surgery all that close work became impossible without a pair of reading glasses from the drugstore. I had to try a couple of different strengths until I found a strength that worked OK for me. They're cheap (less than $10). HOWEVER, I also went ahead and went to my optometrist and had a regular pair of glasses made with progressive focus lenses to fit my new prescriptions. I use the prescription glasses for driving and wandering around outside when I want to see birds in the trees and then look through the bottom half of the lenses to read things in my hand, like grocery labels and phones. I use my cheap reading glasses, for, well, reading and when sitting close in front of the computer. No way around it, I had to get used to not being able to focus closely without glasses. Bummer, but my life is well more than half over anyway, so it's not like I have to put up with it for 50 years.
What you can do until you get your other eye fixed is to use a magnifying lens to see closely. It's essentially what the cheap drugstore lenses do anyway. The doctors will probably tell you that it will take a couple weeks for your eyes to heal and settle down into stable focus so don't order prescription glasses until both your eyes stabilize. But the drugstore glasses are cheap so treat them as experiments until you get a pair you can live with.
Actually, what I do for really close mechanical work at my desk/workbench is use one of those large circular lighted magnifying lamps on a spring loaded articulated extension arm. When using that I don't have to use my drugstore glasses, there's enough ability to find a good focus with the magnifying lens. AND there's a lot of light!