The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread



  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited May 2020

    I had a cat that was ready, willing, able, and good at playing catch with a wadded up piece of paper.  Wheee.  Just the sound of a piece of paper crinkling and the cat appeared out of nowhere begging for me to throw the "ball".  He didn't always bring it back right away, though.  He'd bat it about a bit but then dutifully grab it in his mouth and bring it back for another play.

    It was a small cat so it was a small "ball".  A 4"x6" (10x12cm) piece of notepad paper makes a "ball" about 3/4 inch (2cm)  in diameter.  Great fun!  (*sigh*) I miss that cat.sad

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    I had a cat that was ready, willing, able, and good at playing catch with a wadded up piece of paper.  Wheee.  Just the sound of a piece of paper crinkling and the cat appeared out of nowhere begging for me to throw the "ball".  He didn't always bring it back right away, though.  He'd bat it about a bit but then dutifully grab it in his mouth and bring it back for another play.

    It was a small cat so it was a small "ball".  A 4"x6" (10x12cm) piece of notepad paper makes a "ball" about 3/4 inch (2cm)  in diameter.  Great fun!  (*sigh*) I miss that cat.sad

    Our cat Reverie was the same.  We lost him to cancer a few months ago at the age of 21.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Tjohn said:
    Mystiarra said:

    ooo eee jalapeno dressing on my burger, hot tong tingles

    dunno where it came from the dee lang dee lang song in my head

    "He's So Fine" by the Chiffons?

    thanx smiley

    figured out where it came from

    cars going by windows open blasting radios, planting ear worms as they zoom by

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    carrie58 said:
    Tjohn said:

    Time for cat.

    I've seen that face before!!


    milo or otis?

  • After all the hard work updating my super heroes, I noticed seams appear on the shoulders and arms one who is using very old skin, even with the legacy adapter.  Like the skin is from M4, carefully upgraded to Genesis, then Genesis 2.  So, now I have to upgrade his skin too.  Problem is, he's supposed to be covered in scars, cause his regeneration ability is imperfect.  I did find a character that comes very close to skin tone at least, though I lose the very faint freckles on his checks.  Is there an LIE that can add those back in?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    After all the hard work updating my super heroes, I noticed seams appear on the shoulders and arms one who is using very old skin, even with the legacy adapter.  Like the skin is from M4, carefully upgraded to Genesis, then Genesis 2.  So, now I have to upgrade his skin too.  Problem is, he's supposed to be covered in scars, cause his regeneration ability is imperfect.  I did find a character that comes very close to skin tone at least, though I lose the very faint freckles on his checks.  Is there an LIE that can add those back in?

    Yes, Zev0's Skin Overlay will do that for Genesis 1, I think it might have been absorbed into Skin Builder for later generations, but I'm not sure.

  • After all the hard work updating my super heroes, I noticed seams appear on the shoulders and arms one who is using very old skin, even with the legacy adapter.  Like the skin is from M4, carefully upgraded to Genesis, then Genesis 2.  So, now I have to upgrade his skin too.  Problem is, he's supposed to be covered in scars, cause his regeneration ability is imperfect.  I did find a character that comes very close to skin tone at least, though I lose the very faint freckles on his checks.  Is there an LIE that can add those back in?

    Yes, Zev0's Skin Overlay will do that for Genesis 1, I think it might have been absorbed into Skin Builder for later generations, but I'm not sure.

    Thank you. :)  I took a look and put it on my wishlist for next paycheck.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited May 2020

    Non-complaint:  Yesterday was sunny all day and 85F in the afternoon.  Hot for this area.  Today is partly cloudy and the forecast is for low 80'sF.  Thankfully, the air-conditioner takes the edge off.  anxiously awaiting the first launch of the manned flight from Kennedy Space Center at 4:33PM EDT for the first time in years and years.  Lots of hype about it.  I hope it doesn't jinx it.  Like when they tried to send a teacher on the Space Shuttle.  Even the Titanic wasn't unsinkable.

    I let my YouTube run in the background while I was on the computer and realized it had brought me a piece that I don't believe I have fawned about here in this forum yet.   The Tchaikovsky 2nd piano concerto.  Not nearly as famous as his 1st piano concerto which with it's crashing three ascending chords at the very beginning has become almost a meme of the long coat-tailed pianist.  But his 2nd piano concerto, though not as often played, is a magnificent piece.  What has always facinated me about the 2nd concerto is the 2nd theme of the 3rd movement (first heard at 35:30).  It has a real danger of becoming an earworm or a whistler's obsession.yes  Actually both themes of the 3rd movement are quite earwormish, but the 2nd theme just begs to be whistled.

    The presentation below is performed by Yefim Bronfman who is rapidly becoming my favorite pianist for Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff works.  His Rachmaninoff 3rd piano concerto is marvelous.  But here he is with the Tchaikovsky 2nd piano concerto.

    (Пётр Ильич Чайковский) Pyotr Illych Tchaikovsky: 2nd Piano Concerto 

    1st movement: 0:38 Very lively, undulating  melodies with a bold Tchaikovsky finish

    2nd movement 21:39 Quiet, reflective, emotional, sensual.

    3rd movement 34:38 Very fast, light, delicate, engaging, memorable, and with an intense Tchaikovsky finale.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited May 2020

    i'm having more sudden software related issues.  Maybe I should upgrade the computer's operating system to Windows 10 after all.

    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited May 2020

    i'm having more sudden software related issues.  Maybe I should upgrade the computer's operating system to Windows 10 after all.

    Well, I eventually drank the Kool-Aid and didn't die, and I eventually gave it to all my digital children too and none of them died (of the Kool-Aid).  I did however, finally give up on trying to run an old Adobe product from the last millenium that hadn't worked since Win8.  And my move away from Win7 years ago killed some of the other expensive programs that I used for making spherical photographs.  When I get the ambition and the cash I'll spring for another $500 to join this millenium and dig out my spherical camera gear.  But other than that, I lost nothing in moving to Win10.  And hey, the rest of the world has been here for a long time now, so most of the bugs in Win10 have been worked out.yes  I've even gotten used to the taste and have learned where all the tweak dialogs are again.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    my cataract consultation is 6/2

    stressing about it  scared cux my bp spikes, adding to the stress.  i cant fill out forms a lot of cant right now.

    dont understand why bp spikes o/n so muvch.  worrying they'll tell me cant do the surgery cuz bp is too high. 

    you ever see those fresh fruit baskets, they put pieces on sticks?  dunno where they come from, want me a cantalope bouguet

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265
    Mystiarra said:


    you ever see those fresh fruit baskets, they put pieces on sticks?  dunno where they come from, want me a cantalope bouguet

    Look online for Edible Fruits!

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265
    DanaTA said:
    Mystiarra said:


    you ever see those fresh fruit baskets, they put pieces on sticks?  dunno where they come from, want me a cantalope bouguet

    I mean Edible Bouqets!


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    OK, third time is the charm!


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    You're very welcome!



  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,230

    Cats don't mess with Judo Poodle.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    That's great!   laugh



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    complaint  why cant my rockstars be young and beautiful 4ever? immortal
    hold on to my buppies 4eva

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    In conclusion, a post about the theoretical relationship between time and antimatter.

    But first, everything else.

    Anti-complaint: our AC is fixed!

    Complaint: AC burnt out.  It's been running 18 degrees F (10 degrees C) warmer inside than outside upstairs, and gradually downstairs (which is usually a good bit cooler than upstairs) has become unbearable also.  At least it's happening now rather than in the summer.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited May 2020

    Complaint:  I think I've decided to pack up my collections.sad  Properly this time.enlightened  I've been buying various size boxes and containers.  Now I need to individually clean and photograph each of my little treasures, write up a blurb about each one, and make business card sized photos and text blurbs to stick on the boxes 'splainin' what each is and why it's important, or valuable, or what sentimental value it holds for me.yes  Then make an inventory list, and pack them all away again in big storage boxes.  They've been pretty to look at but recently my attraction to them has been "meh" so it's time to get them out of my sight for a while.indecision  I've stopped buying things to add to the collections, I have reached that terrible point in a collector's life where I'm satisfied that my collections are complete to the level that I can afford to make them.surprise  Now they are just things to be cleaned.frown  And if for some reason I don't sell them in my dotage years and they get passed on to someone else, the receipient will have a head start on knowing what they've inherited.  Although, I'm sort of resigned to the fact that nobody will care unless I assign a monetary value to each one.  Greed is a great interest motivator.devil  I have enough interesting and semi-unique stuff that I could open a little shop somewhere and charge uber-inflated prices to the rich and ignorant but around here there's nobody to buy this type of stuff.indecision  But with photos of the things, I could, if absolutely necessary, advertise & sell them on the Internet.  But for the time being, I'll just pack them away.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.smiley  And I won't have to dust them for a few years.yes  Besides, nobody visits me anymore so there's no one to "ooh" and "ahh" at them.broken heart

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    a regret, never saw metallica live. as regrets go, is a big one
    grainn of sannnd never never land


  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,039
    edited May 2020

    Complaint:  I think I've decided to pack up my collections.sad  Properly this time.enlightened  I've been buying various size boxes and containers.  Now I need to individually clean and photograph each of my little treasures, write up a blurb about each one, and make business card sized photos and text blurbs to stick on the boxes 'splainin' what each is and why it's important, or valuable, or what memories it holds for me.yes  Then make an inventory list, and pack them all away again in big storage boxes.  They've been pretty to look at but recently my attraction to them has been "meh" so it's time to get them out of my sight for a while.indecision  I've stopped buying things to add to the collections, I have reached that terrible point in a collector's life where I'm satisfied that my collections are complete to the level that I can afford to make them.surprise  Now they are just things to be cleaned.frown  And if for some reason I don't sell them in my dotage years and they get passed on to someone else, the receipient will have a head start on knowing what they've inherited.  Although, I'm sort of resigned to the fact that nobody will care unless I assign a monetary value to each one.  Greed is a great interest motivator.devil  I have enough interesting and semi-unique stuff that I could open a little shop somewhere and charge uber-inflated prices to the rich and ignorant but around here there's nobody to buy this type of stuff.indecision  But with photos of the things, I could, if absolutely necessary, advertise & sell them on the Internet.  But for the time being, I'll just pack them away.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.smiley  And I won't have to dust them for a few years.yes  Besides, nobody visits me anymore so there's no one to "ooh" and "ahh" at them.broken heart

    make a photo album on the computer or printed out of them so when you do get cravings you'll be able to see them without unpacking them ......

    Post edited by carrie58 on
  • I was just thinking the same thing.  I did photo magnets and art books of my kids school artwork through the years, and the originals are safely stored away.  I don't have the space of inclination to print up and hang all my artwork, so I make books of those that amuse me.  A certain company that rhymes with butterfly often has free book offers, I can probably find you a code.

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670

    i'm having more sudden software related issues.  Maybe I should upgrade the computer's operating system to Windows 10 after all.

    Well, I eventually drank the Kool-Aid and didn't die, and I eventually gave it to all my digital children too and none of them died (of the Kool-Aid).  I did however, finally give up on trying to run an old Adobe product from the last millenium that hadn't worked since Win8.  And my move away from Win7 years ago killed some of the other expensive programs that I used for making spherical photographs.  When I get the ambition and the cash I'll spring for another $500 to join this millenium and dig out my spherical camera gear.  But other than that, I lost nothing in moving to Win10.  And hey, the rest of the world has been here for a long time now, so most of the bugs in Win10 have been worked out.yes  I've even gotten used to the taste and have learned where all the tweak dialogs are again.

    I'll upgrade the computer to Windows 10 after I install a new hard drive.  Windows detected a bad sector on the C: drive.  Ugg!

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    I wish I had something that can play music? I wish I could visit the Daz forums. I am telling my fish what to type on their pebble computer.
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    summer humids out

    hearing words in the birds warble

    jimmee,  jimmee, jimmee, jimmee

    jee choo choo  choo  choo 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited May 2020

    complaint  ss utoob work no moars in the states

    cant grab def lepards and iron maiden bruce

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618

    i'm having more sudden software related issues.  Maybe I should upgrade the computer's operating system to Windows 10 after all.

    Well, I eventually drank the Kool-Aid and didn't die, and I eventually gave it to all my digital children too and none of them died (of the Kool-Aid).  I did however, finally give up on trying to run an old Adobe product from the last millenium that hadn't worked since Win8.  And my move away from Win7 years ago killed some of the other expensive programs that I used for making spherical photographs.  When I get the ambition and the cash I'll spring for another $500 to join this millenium and dig out my spherical camera gear.  But other than that, I lost nothing in moving to Win10.  And hey, the rest of the world has been here for a long time now, so most of the bugs in Win10 have been worked out.yes  I've even gotten used to the taste and have learned where all the tweak dialogs are again.

    The only Adobe software that I can't get to run is my Premiere CS2! I have tried and tried to get it to work on my Windows 7 machine but no luck. Tried compatibility mode, but no dice.
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    tsarist said:

    i'm having more sudden software related issues.  Maybe I should upgrade the computer's operating system to Windows 10 after all.

    Well, I eventually drank the Kool-Aid and didn't die, and I eventually gave it to all my digital children too and none of them died (of the Kool-Aid).  I did however, finally give up on trying to run an old Adobe product from the last millenium that hadn't worked since Win8.  And my move away from Win7 years ago killed some of the other expensive programs that I used for making spherical photographs.  When I get the ambition and the cash I'll spring for another $500 to join this millenium and dig out my spherical camera gear.  But other than that, I lost nothing in moving to Win10.  And hey, the rest of the world has been here for a long time now, so most of the bugs in Win10 have been worked out.yes  I've even gotten used to the taste and have learned where all the tweak dialogs are again.


    The only Adobe software that I can't get to run is my Premiere CS2! I have tried and tried to get it to work on my Windows 7 machine but no luck. Tried compatibility mode, but no dice.

    I had an Adobe product called "LiveMotion" that I used for creating animated GIFs.  I really liked it but after WindowsXP it became harder to use on newer systems.   I still have it.  Maybe I could get it to work in one of the emulation modes but I've gotten lazy in my ancient years.

This discussion has been closed.