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I am pretty much just the opposite. I like to depict everyday life and bundles with lots of fantasy, sci-fi or sexy items are not of nealy as much use to me as the Nida bundle is.
What I like about the Pro Bundle (and I think what others liked) is that it conforms to a theme, rather than being full of random items like several of the most recent female Pro Bundles were. Church lady, gardener, and tennis player fit squarely into the older black woman theme. There were no older black Core characters, and now Leroy and Nida have provided them. I can tell you, if one ever wanted to make an older black woman, it would be difficult to do convincingly without Benita---and now the Nida family. Daz has obviously decided to provide us with many of the types that we would need to people a 3D universe, and that was what I, personally, desired.
Not even famously shallow Hollywood exclusively casts blindingly gorgeous people wearing the latest haute couture in their movies. And Nida is an attractive woman, make no mistake. She comes with clothes that are both appropriate for the way she's presented and represent a nice variety of scenarios. I may not pick her up right away because the deal isn't as tempting as others have been lately and I've been spending way too much recently, but I'm definitely going to get her before too much longer.
Upon closer inspection of her promos, her base skin looks very similar to that of Monique 7's. Perhaps with some extra lines/wrinkles mixed in from a normal map, but the color map looks very similar. I still very much like the character, though...but as I said before, there isn't much incentive to purchase. I would use literally none of the items that come with her aside from AprilYSH's hair...and when none of the bundle items appeal to me, I need lots of additional incentive (such as other bundles for free) for me to make the purchase.
I must be doing something wrong. I get $37.xx
There is a new Matrix movie in the making?
Need to google.
To me, 10% doesn't do much, I need 20 or better 25%. But as I said, I don't find the result overly convincing ... Mei Lin's maps aren't made for an elder woman and Mrs Chow's aren't made for a woman younger than her.
Ah. I read your post incorrectly. We get the same price for just the pro bundle. Then the add-ons on top of that. Got it. :)
Hey, does anyone know what is that gorgeous costume she's wearing in the promo for the pro bundle?? Wow.
Huh, I did like that original promo image, just saw it was replaced. Maybe the clear "The Matrix" marketing when a new Matrix movie is in the works caused an issue though, which is too bad. I still like what's in this bundle though.
I suspect it was supposed to be used for a "sci fi Nida" pack the kind of we've seen lately, since today's pro pack was so far removed from that promo I got whiplash from scrolling back :D
Wow! That is ashame to see that particular promotional picture pulled, in my opinion that is the best picture for advertisement!
As a person of color, I think this is a great addition to the Genesis 8 family. A middle-age African-American woman is a very nice surprise. Soon, since Daz has shown interest in testing the waters of diversity, I'm sure we will get elderly and more middle-age people of color (like the middle-age Asian woman someone just mention).
While it can be argued that you can probably take Darcy 8 and dial an age morph at 50%, it is nice to see that Daz, as a company, does recognize that some of us like the diversity and representation within their Pro Bundles.
So, thank you Daz for another wonderful base character.
I agree 100% with this stament.
I agree with the themed bundle idea, I would love to see more such bundles, maybe even several for each core figure, as not everyone is into every theme. Nevertheless, this bundle just doesn't do it for me, especially after this weekend's shopping spree madness, during which I bought a wagonload of characters with all shades of skin at around 83% off, including quite a number of Mousso's amazing ladies.
I do like some items coming with Nida, for instance, I quite like the Imani character, but just not enough to make me pull the trigger immediately. I do appreciate the other purple banner offers nonetheless and I am grateful for those. I got a gift card for 20% off, I got Zelara 8 Pro Bundle for 79% off instead of Nida's bundle, and I got this for free, one of the few outfits containing shoes/boots my female characters could actually fight in without suffering fractures of both ankles and/or severely tearing the ligaments in their legs immediately
I may get Nida during some future sale, especially should Imani be on sale too, as I really love her eyes and smile. Especially the eyes.
I expected a female companion to Leroy, and she turned out as lovely as I hoped she would!
I get 20% pc+. There are purple banners and then there are purple banners...?
The PC+ 30% discount is not part of the purple banner. It is for all PC+ members and is shown on the NIDA sale page
This is from the default Nida page:
Get an EXTRA 30% OFF Nida 8 New Releases
Well, the items are all new, aren't they?
At least Nida appears to have clothing options which aren’t thrown together like the last sets for the men.
I like her a lot. And I appreciate that her bundle is full of normal clothes. Too bad I'm broke from all the recent sales. Oh well. Into the wishlist. Sightings are a big thing here right now.
I have been trying to save money but I may try some cart math...
This character is really cool. Though the bonuses are not as good as the last two. I wish Daz would have some consistencey in their promotions. I'm also sad this thread is so lite on commenters. other characters are many pages by now, and many test renders. Small world complaints though. Good work Daz on the character.
She looks great! Snapped her up right away. Hoping to get time in for art this weekend.
I always seem to have more ideas for pictures than I have time for, but still looking forward to cranking out a few Leroy/Nida, just Nida, and possibly a 3 generation picture using Nida, Monique, and Darcy.
Another week, another bland pro bundle.
I got her and I tend to get the males when they come out and not so much the females. However, that's because there are so MANY white females that could all be sisters...I just don't need them all. But the people of different races I WILL and DO buy. Just like I bought Nida and Leroy :). Come out with elderly African American characters and I'll snap those up too, as I would middle aged Asian characters.
Well I for one did not like the Nida as tough sci-fi warrior as it hid all her feminity. That's all good and fine for an established character that you'd recognize right away but for a new character you need to say who she is as consicely as possible. I feel the current main promo does that much better in that regard. I would have like to seen her in her full church Sunday best ensemble singing in a choir outside a small church. I suppose sci-fi, barbarians, medeival, and gothic (gothic & medeival seem to run together a bit though) trump everything else in sales at the DAZ Store so whatever sells.