Nida 8 new gal



  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    xyer0 said:

    Thank you Mollytabby, xyer0 and barbuit! 

    ..... Yep, something is coming ......

    Yippee! You have given me a United Nations of U.N.ique types that cover a LOT of bases: Nikolina, Sisters Tammie and Rachelle, Arti, Zhirong, East Asian Men and Women, Good Guys, Elsa, Andrea---and that's just Genesis 8! I don't know if it would be commercially viable, but a remix of I Am and Man in the Mirror for Genesis 8 would be products unlike anything currently available, just like those were in their day, and I could use the help on non-toon regular people.

    I love the diversity also. Some great characters. Man in the Mirror was one of my favorite morph sets. These morphs from Fuesling and Sickleyield are similar and pretty good:


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited February 2020

    I am astounded that so many people like this Pro Bundle. I do not like it that much, but that's only my taste — just an ordinary woman with plain-looking clothes (except one exception).
    Without the Gorgeous Morphs from P3Design, not even the base would be of much use for me, I fear.
    However, while I can understand that not everybody needs fantasy assets or sexy articles of clothing for his works, I am just too blind to see the awesomeness in this bundle.

    I was just in the "Too Many" G8 characters thread, so your comment stuck out to me because it really does underscore a very important fact: Daz produces the Named figures and bundles with an eye to pleasing all of their customers, they just don't try to please everyone in any given bundle.

    I wouldn't say you're "too blind" to see the awesomeness of this bundle. Only that this bundle doesn't fill a need for your runtime. That's okay. Good in fact, because you can save your money for the next bundle that does fit in your runtime, (if you don't end up spending it on other goodies with deep discounts in the meantime!)

    I tend to support the male pro bundles, and leave the female bundles for a time when they are discounted or free with the purchase of something else I really want. But not this time. The pro bundle went right into the cart, (after buying a discounted GC to pay for her with,) along with a couple of nice addons.

    I'm in the middle of a project now, or I'd do some renders of Nida.

    Slightly off topic: How do you pronounce her name? Is it "knee-duh" or "nye-duh"? Maybe "ni-day"? Or something else altogether?

    (As a child, my parents called me Nita, pronounced "knee-tuh", so I immediately thought of the first one I listed.)

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172

    Portrait render of Nida 8 with the HD add on. Rendered out of the box and without any of the makeup options.


  • N_R Arts said:


    I love the Vilma Hair. It (sort of) reminds me of Uhura (Star Trek). I really like the new promo too. I thought Nida looked like a man in "The Matrix"-esque Promo (sorry).

    Merge between Aretha Franklin and Josephine Baker. :)

  • xyer0 said:

    Thank you Mollytabby, xyer0 and barbuit! 

    ..... Yep, something is coming ......

    Yippee! You have given me a United Nations of U.N.ique types that cover a LOT of bases: Nikolina, Sisters Tammie and Rachelle, Arti, Zhirong, East Asian Men and Women, Good Guys, Elsa, Andrea---and that's just Genesis 8! I don't know if it would be commercially viable, but a remix of I Am and Man in the Mirror for Genesis 8 would be products unlike anything currently available, just like those were in their day, and I could use the help on non-toon regular people.

    Thanks so much for your comment blush  I am very happy that you and others liked my characters. 

    I am very thankful to all of you that commented about my work. My gratitude for your support!  heart

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited February 2020

    Yes, I also like Vilma hair and Nida 8 HD.

    1000 x 1200 - 233K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    edited February 2020

    Danai HD for Nida 8


    Danai Luxe Shirt Eyelet PS.jpg
    2000 x 2600 - 2M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Nida with Vanzzak Dress and Vilma hair included with the pro bundle. I was a little suprised by the white piece thats on the dress considering none of the textured promos show it will a full front and there are not extra textures or anything to hide it that I saw.  I took advantage of it and used ArtCollab's Unique Shader's to make a transparent covering.  

    Larger version in my gallery.

    1500 x 1609 - 2M
  • sunnyjeisunnyjei Posts: 502
    Daventaki said:

    Nida with Vanzzak Dress and Vilma hair included with the pro bundle. I was a little suprised by the white piece thats on the dress considering none of the textured promos show it will a full front and there are not extra textures or anything to hide it that I saw.  I took advantage of it and used ArtCollab's Unique Shader's to make a transparent covering.  

    Larger version in my gallery.

    You should be able to change the opacity so that it doesn't show but I think your solution is a nice alternative especially for those that like the dress but maybe don't want such a deep cut.:)

  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,642
    Daventaki said:

    Nida with Vanzzak Dress and Vilma hair included with the pro bundle. I was a little suprised by the white piece thats on the dress considering none of the textured promos show it will a full front and there are not extra textures or anything to hide it that I saw.  I took advantage of it and used ArtCollab's Unique Shader's to make a transparent covering.  

    Larger version in my gallery.

    What a lovely render!  I love her expression ^_^

    And thank you for mentioning the front piece on the dress.  I avoided it because it was so daringly low cut (not my personal style), but with that knowledge I added it to my wishlist.  Thanks!

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    What a lovely render!  I love her expression ^_^

    And thank you for mentioning the front piece on the dress.  I avoided it because it was so daringly low cut (not my personal style), but with that knowledge I added it to my wishlist.  Thanks!

    @Faeofthe3rdDimension Thank you!  Yes the textures included with the dress are decieving because they all have the cutout.  There is one promo that is untextured that shows the whole piece.  Hopefully some of the talented artist will come around and make some other textures for it that isn't so low cut. But there are always options like what I did.


    sunnyjei said:

    You should be able to change the opacity so that it doesn't show but I think your solution is a nice alternative especially for those that like the dress but maybe don't want such a deep cut.:)

    @sunnyjei  Yep thats what I originally did, then decided I wanted to play around with what I could do with that middle piece.  I was just suprised it was there after applying the texture because the promos do not show it being there on the textured images.  Minor inconvience for most but it might put out some newer users who have not delved into the surface tab yet....

  • sunnyjeisunnyjei Posts: 502
    Daventaki said:

    What a lovely render!  I love her expression ^_^

    And thank you for mentioning the front piece on the dress.  I avoided it because it was so daringly low cut (not my personal style), but with that knowledge I added it to my wishlist.  Thanks!

    @Faeofthe3rdDimension Thank you!  Yes the textures included with the dress are decieving because they all have the cutout.  There is one promo that is untextured that shows the whole piece.  Hopefully some of the talented artist will come around and make some other textures for it that isn't so low cut. But there are always options like what I did.


    sunnyjei said:

    You should be able to change the opacity so that it doesn't show but I think your solution is a nice alternative especially for those that like the dress but maybe don't want such a deep cut.:)

    @sunnyjei  Yep thats what I originally did, then decided I wanted to play around with what I could do with that middle piece.  I was just suprised it was there after applying the texture because the promos do not show it being there on the textured images.  Minor inconvience for most but it might put out some newer users who have not delved into the surface tab yet....

    It was nice of you to include a render with it. Sounds like you might have influenced at least one sale by showing off an alternative version of it :)

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063
    edited February 2020

    I had planned this render with a different character, but after seeing Grim-Red's Matrix rendition, I decided to put Nida 8 in the role, and I'm glad I did.

    2200 x 1304 - 5M
    Post edited by xyer0 on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited February 2020
    Daventaki said:

    What a lovely render!  I love her expression ^_^

    And thank you for mentioning the front piece on the dress.  I avoided it because it was so daringly low cut (not my personal style), but with that knowledge I added it to my wishlist.  Thanks!

    @Faeofthe3rdDimension Thank you!  Yes the textures included with the dress are decieving because they all have the cutout.  There is one promo that is untextured that shows the whole piece.  Hopefully some of the talented artist will come around and make some other textures for it that isn't so low cut. But there are always options like what I did.


    sunnyjei said:

    You should be able to change the opacity so that it doesn't show but I think your solution is a nice alternative especially for those that like the dress but maybe don't want such a deep cut.:)

    @sunnyjei  Yep thats what I originally did, then decided I wanted to play around with what I could do with that middle piece.  I was just suprised it was there after applying the texture because the promos do not show it being there on the textured images.  Minor inconvience for most but it might put out some newer users who have not delved into the surface tab yet....

    I'll have to look closer at it, but in the meantime, I wonder if one of the reasons the artist didn't remove that bit of mesh from the dress has to do with dForce, and prevents the dress from falling off during a simulation. Just a thought, anyway. Personally, I like having the choice. As others have said, @Daventaki, thank you for sharing your render, showing us the "modesty panel".

    ETA: I took a few minutes to load the Vanzzak Outfit dress and take a look. The material zone Daventaki used the Unique Fabrics shader on is called "Hold Tight", confirming my suspicions it was left in to help the dress simulate and stay on the figure's shoulders. Hold Tight includes mesh on both the front and back. While I didn't load a figure, pose or render, I did notice the "wings", (the cape-like sleeves,) are one material zone and would be easy to hide if you wanted a sleeveless dress.

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492
    edited February 2020

    Had my first chance to load her today. Here's my first quick look, with Vilma Hair and the Sunday Best Outfit. I like the hair, but I'm not mad about the texture for the hat part of the hair so I redid it with fabric shaders.

    768 x 1024 - 599K
    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,182

    still flipping coins the bundle or not. flip, flip, flip, flip $46 or buy a ton of PC+ cheap items flip flip flip flip

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063
    edited February 2020


    Somebody said that Nida 8 could easily have been dialed up, but the thing is: I never would have thought to dial her up. She's a good character (but her breastsisis are a little inconvenient to fit). I hope she did well in sales.

    2000 x 1000 - 3M
    Post edited by xyer0 on
  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063
    edited March 2020


    3000 x 1000 - 6M
    Post edited by xyer0 on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    too much pages too much text so, sorry if someone answered it already, where can I get Nidas Hair? I just realize I have kinda... no "black people hair", they have most times a more thicker more fluffy hair, not so thin.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    Loony said:

    too much pages too much text so, sorry if someone answered it already, where can I get Nidas Hair? I just realize I have kinda... no "black people hair", they have most times a more thicker more fluffy hair, not so thin.

    If you mean the one in the main promo for the character, it's  this one:

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Ohh thanks Leana! WHY is that not wirtten down in the Original product ? :(

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    @Loony Store search of "Samsil;" many black hairstyles.


  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    cool thanks!

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited August 2020

    Hey uhm...

    I just try to give Nida this outfit:

    and I was confused where the heck the belt metal thing is...

    Then I removed the skirt+shirt and... well... thats so uncool :(

    I tested all sliders, but... didnt helped :(

    Post edited by Loony on
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