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You have to go to the file list in the Read Me section:
There you will find
/People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/BJ Ensley/01 Ensley Head Apply.duf
/People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/BJ Ensley/01 Ensley Head Apply.png
/People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/BJ Ensley/01 Ensley Head Remove.duf
/People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/BJ Ensley/01 Ensley Head Remove.png
/People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/BJ Ensley/02 Ensley Body Apply.duf
/People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/BJ Ensley/02 Ensley Body Apply.png
/People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/BJ Ensley/02 Ensley Body Remove.duf
/People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/BJ Ensley/02 Ensley Body Remove.png
PayPal was definitely the problem in the cases I mentioned.
Yes, they also provide services to sites with porn content. Do they charge the same as for family friendly sites though? That's definitely a factor. And they decide what "family friendly" means for them.
The point was that there's ample evidence that there are a number of people in positions of authority who do, inexplicably, consider the baring of a woman's shoulders to be inappropriate and have gone to extreme measures to impose their tastes on others. The Wasatch High incident was especially egregious, as the retouching was done without anyone even being aware that it had happened until the Yearbooks... which the students had paid for in advance.. were delivered. Given the declining level of freedom on the internet and the open willingness of big net companies like Facebook to actively censor content at the behest of local governments, it's not inarguable that that such filters could possibly be the wave of the future.
Oh, they definintely won't stop allowing teens to join the military. Well, not unless they reinstate the draft. The entire current recruitment system is built around the idea that kids with no skills put up their bodies in exchange for learning a few skills or college credit. Push that age back a few years and the 20 year old who's put in a few years starting to advance in the job market is going to be far less inclined to sign up.
But other than that, yeah.
Simply make sure that ALL promos using ALL females have the characters wear this: or other, less revealing, clothing.
Paypal fees for pornographic sites are higher because of the rate of chargebacks, where customers dispute a payment, is much higher. That is why those specific sites get higher fees, and that only pertains to those specific sites. Daz is not going to be classified as porn because they show a girl's shoulder. Considering all of the other content that Daz sells, like pro bundles that include actual genital props, I find it extremely unlikely that a bare shoulder is what tips the scales to porn, LOL.
Even if Paypal did charge Daz more, for one, I would sue for discrimination if they could not provide proof that chargebacks were higher for Daz customers. But other sites seem to get by OK with Paypal. Are you telling me that Daz cannot afford a small processing fee, even though Renderosity has less than half the traffic Daz does, and Rendo does far less business?
And my point is that we stop this dead now. Are we really supposed to just suck it up and hope that the Empire doesn't further alter the deal in the future? That is what I am seeing from most of you. While nearly all of you disagree with this policy, most of you are just waving your hands up and saying "Whelp, that's the world today!"
If nobody ever speaks up, then we may as well just throw what freedoms we have left away.
But Ok. I'll stop now. Obviously there is no point. This is your new reality people. Enjoy it.
There's very little you can do. Drop an email to Daz and let them know what you think. Other than that, you'd have to probably go to the source of the problem which may very well be somewhere else entirely, rooted in culture, location, politics, religion and god knows what. I think it's not far fetched that you will see a different landscape in Utah than at the beaches in south of France. To most Europeans, the ways of the US are rather prude and a nipple slip on TV being a national tragedy is amusing. If you go to Saudi Arabia then the perspective likely changes and suddenly USA is impossibly vulgar.
So we shrug it off. Like so many things. In the grand scheme of things there really ARE worse things than that, I'm sure you'll agree. It's just a promo. You still get to render as many shoulders as you want
If I may, ahem, bring the discussion back to the feet: can the displacement be used on another character?
Yes, it will replace existing displacement maps for the legs but hardly any characters use displacement anyway.
Any plans for male characters by bluejaunte?
Would like to see smile HD expression compatible with Genesis 8 male.
The discussion of what can be shown is getting wildly tangental, leaping from one idea to a geernalisation to an offspin. As has been said, if you are not happy contact Daz (though bear in mind that it may not be their decision).
As for the thread, please discuss Bluejaunte's new character.
They are really missing. Please correct it. btw, this is one of the most brain stoppers. I bought it immediately without bothering wishlist as usual. thx for a great product. Wonder why there can't be this level of quality much. I guess you have some tricks the others don't know. Oh!, since I'm one of your fanboys (have so many of your works), let me ask you please produce some Asians!
What happens if you enable Show Hidden Properties in the Parameters pane option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab)?
Thanks for the kind words!
Go to folder '\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\bluejaunte\Ensley'. Is there a FHMEnsley and FBMEnsley?
I can't really do much, if it's not working you're gonna have to contact Daz support. If the files were actually missing in the release then many more people would be complaining so I have to assume it's some Mac thing.
No plans, but also not completely out of the question. Don't hold your breath though.
She is GORGEOUS!! Looks like a real person. I'm throwing my computer out the window after I post this message. XD
OMG thanks so much...! Please don't we need more of your amazing stuff. Please make more males, get these people off my back :D
Done but nothing happens. I guess I'm the only Mac user here :D (I have render machine on Windows but work mostly on Mac).
You nail it! There is nothing about Ensley there. I had reported the problem to DAZ support before I asked here. TY!
Please don't! Partially because you might hit someone or hurt yourself, but mainly because this market needs your unique and wonderful inspired products too. I'm up to 15 of your products now. :)
Very strange. Have you tried reinstalling the product?
You better not!!! LOL ;)
@iSeeThis How did you install? The morphs are certainly all there for me. I use manual install. See attached.
I used the DIM and all morphs are there for me (Windows user)
So if someone wanted to, they could dial out most of her body and dial in V8 and put her in a bikini and post render here so people could see the full skin texture. Problem solved.
As ever, amazing looking character.
Inaru is my most recent purchase. (Just got her.)
I wish it was compulsory to do that with all characters; a shot of them in default shape for just that reason. It would prevent me returning the odd one I expect.
Found this very talented person who has some Ensley renders:
Not to mention that "legal age" varies quite a bit. Technically speaking,for example, if you're were trying to doing an accurate illustration of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare specifically writes that she's just 13 years old. 'she hath not seen the change of fourteen years' .
Oh yeah girls used to have children around 13 too. No wonder when life expectancy was only 40.
I've got a cousin that eloped at age 13 to another state & got married. Here husband was 15 close to 16 I was told. They've since raised the marriage age in those states. She was married over 20 years before she got a divorce. She's remarried now. There marriage and kids were tyypicval, except their ages, nothing particularly weird, and nothing was arranged on anyone else's part to get the two together to begin with. I've never heard of the reverse situation where a 13 year old boy eloped to get married although 15 years old ain't far off.