Another Dazaholic Needs an Intervention Thread - Pro Bundle Edition

DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
edited May 2020 in The Commons

My name is Diomede and it has been about 4 hours since I've bought a Pro Bundle.  Question was asked in another thread about how many pro bundles one owned (had to do with triggers for purple banners).  In wondering about that, I checked the number of generation 8 Pro Bundles I owned. 

Oh my, I need an intervention.  surprise

Not all were bought on initial release.  Some of these were part of Buy-a-Bundle-Get-More-Bundle sales, some were bought during steep discounts on Daz Originals, and some were acquired during Daz Original give-aways.  The sad part is, I still regret not getting the Sanjay Pro Bundle when it came out and have been acquiring its elements piecemeal ever since.

dazaholic pro bundles.jpg
979 x 832 - 247K
Post edited by Diomede on


  • wmiller314wmiller314 Posts: 184

    Thanks. Suddenly I don't feel so bad about my buying habits. ;P


  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    Haha, I thought I was bad at 25 G8 pro bundles. I have a few more characters on top of that where I only bought the base figure...but it's 25 actual bundles. 

  • markgoode77markgoode77 Posts: 343
    edited May 2020

    Oh Hell, I've got 75.  No wonder I'm always broke.

    Should've read the original post properly. I own 75 Pro bundles, only 41 of which are G8. Whew!

    Post edited by markgoode77 on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192
    edited May 2020

    I own 27 G8 pro bundles, but I own over half of the 76 core figures, which didn’t sound right until I realized that the centaurs counted for two, and the list also included the basic morph packs. I got Victoria and Michael for free, I bought the parts of Gabriela’s bundle that I wanted out of Fast Grab, I picked up Caryn and Tobyn during a March Madness sale, Charlotte’s starter bundle somehow showed up in a PC+ for a day sale and I got it for $3, the Girl 8 was, if I remember correctly, free as a giveaway of core characters...

    I’m really at a point of diminishing returns for pro bundles. There are a bunch more that I still have wishlisted, but none that I’m super excited about except maybe Alexandra. 

    Post edited by Gordig on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    I just checked, apparently I have 48 G8 pro bundles and 3 starter bundles. And also most of the other bases, though I'm still missing a few of them.

    Granted, quite a few of those I got for free or very cheap, but still...

  • alex86firealex86fire Posts: 1,130

    I own 43 G8 Pro Bundles, the first bought beeing on 30th of November: Robyn.

    I am proud to say I haven't bought one since Dasan and don't intend to buy any more unless they change the offer/the purple banner or both.

    The closest I got to giving in was Valentino but I held strong.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,182

    Only 28. I'm a rookie laugh

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172
    edited May 2020

    22 G8 pro bundles...the rest are Starters or single bases. I don't buy Pro bundles if I don't like most of the stuff in it anymore. No point in buying stuff I'll never, ever use.

    Post edited by AllenArt on
  • LenioTGLenioTG Posts: 2,118

    I've bought a ton of stuff, but I actually only have 2 Pro bundles: female and male. To get the Anatomical Elements.

    I prefer to buy the products I like singularly, rather than whole bundles!

    I'd probably buy some of them if it worked like on Steam, where you receive the bundle discount even if you already have some of its products, without having to repay for them!

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I have 5 Genesis 8 Pro Bundles, 6 Genesis 3 Pro Bundles, 3 Genesis 2 Pro Bundles, DAZ Horse 2 Pro Bundle & DAZ Dragon 3 Pro Bundle. Don't know how I wound up with 4500 products. laugh

  • JasonSWrenchJasonSWrench Posts: 380

    I think I have every pro-bundle but today’s. I just couldn’t let myself buy her. Decided buying a new coffee pot was more important. :(



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Diomede said:

    My name is Diomede and it has been about 4 hours since I've bought a Pro Bundle.  Question was asked in another thread about how many pro bundles one owned (had to do with triggers for purple banners).  In wondering about that, I checked the number of generation 8 Pro Bundles I owned. 

    Oh my, I need an intervention.  surprise

    Not all were bought on initial release.  Some of these were part of Buy-a-Bundle-Get-More-Bundle sales, some were bought during steep discounts on Daz Originals, and some were acquired during Daz Original give-aways.  The sad part is, I still regret not getting the Sanjay Pro Bundle when it came out and have been acquiring its elements piecemeal ever since.

    you prolly saw a purple banner then smiley

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    By the look of it I (currently) have all bar Dain, Aubrey, and the Brute (and I have the Brute as a base).

  • I own, um, every single G8 pro bundle except for this current one that I'm trying to decide if I want or not...We won't get into the number of other pro bundles I also own. Ahem.

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911

    I own all the G8 Pro bundles except Alawa 8 Pro and the current Aubry 8 Pro. I think I'm going to skip getting the current one for now.

  • alex86firealex86fire Posts: 1,130

    Wow, you know a bundle is meh when people that have all the other bundles skip it.

  • Joe WebbJoe Webb Posts: 837

    I own a number of pro bundles. Not that many, not by a long shot. That's impressive.

    I should make more scenes using ONLY items from a particular bundle. That might make my purchases a bit more meaningful, or at least I won't have buyers remorse (even though I don't actually, for nearly any purchase here).


  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    wow to be fair thanks to the "corona" and my already deep bottom empty credit card, i'm for now "cured" from that, i have let's say only 11 G8 pro bundle and also some g3, g2 and g1 pro bundle, but again thanks to the "pandemy" the dollar value here already sky rocketed to R$6,00 ( D$1,00 = R$ 6,00), make impossible for me really buy anything from daz or any other "non local store, currently i can only buy from unreal store because they already changed the "currence to work with "local currence" but they still having too regular prices adjusts based on the dollar, while making a little easy to buy still much less atrractive than it is really do to the prices rising almost every day.

    i'm holding back as much as i can to not expending even my "developing process" have to be halted for now due to the pandemy issues.

  • Payat ParinPayat Parin Posts: 1,029

    It looks like G8 has the most pro bundles so far. What about G9 in the near future?

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417

    Catch them all! 

    Oh yes, they WILL be mine. THEY. WILL. BE. MINE.

    They're all so precisousssss....    Must have precisoussssss.  ALLLL the precioussssssses....


  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057

    Looks like I have 63 Genesis 8 Pro Bundles, and 65 Pro Bundles from the previous generations... and there's the Minotaur 6, Reptillian 6 and Keiko 6 Mega Manga 'full' bundles in the mix as well.

    Aiko 5 I own pretty much all of said pro bundle contents, but I only offically purchased/acquired the starter bundle... and there are probably a couple of other earlier-gen bundles that I own all of the contents for, but not the actual pro bundles...

    A lot of the earlier bundles were acquired thanks to the 'get 3-4 free pro bundles with your Genesis 8 pro bundle purchase' sales that were offered during the earlier days of Genesis 8...

    I've been passing on pro bundles more of late.  Probably because I still prefer Genesis 3 for compatability purposes with my wardrobe selection, but if the deal is good I still can't pass up a good deal on a pro bundle...  Free is also nice, I like free bundles!

    In any case, yeah I guess this makes me a 'Daz Pro Bundle-Aholic' or whatever the term is...

  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760

    10 must be the cutoff point, cause I only have 10 G8 pro bundles. 8 of G3, and even fewer of previous generations.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    I may not be counting them the same way you are (I'm just searching on Pro Bundle in my Product Library), but I only have 2 g8 pro bundles, 26 from mil4 thru G8.  And i have 138 pages in my Product Library.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620

    for someone who does not like them because of the jumping through hoops needed to use them in Carrara

    it is pretty stunning I still managed own 32 G8 pro bundles

    they do however work well in iClone and UE4

  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637

    Thanks for making me feel much better about myself LOL... I was just thinking to myself today that I had purchased... and hardly used... so many characters and models in the past decade that I feel I have a whole extended family that I have yet to meet!

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited May 2020

    At least I am not alone.  Thank you to those who tried to make me feel better.  And yes, Misty, I got a purple banner for Aubrey.

    The really sad part is...

    ... I still feel I need a Mary Wickes Pro Bundle and a Thomas Mitchell Pro Bundle 

    character actor mary wickes.jpg
    925 x 741 - 191K
    character actor thomas mitchell.jpg
    718 x 742 - 132K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    I must be the only one who has none!  smiley

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620
    Stezza said:

    I must be the only one who has none!  smiley

    you can model yes

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited May 2020

    67 Pro Bundles in the Product Library for G8.

    Not buying Aubrey's. Pass.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    I have 1 Pro Bundle in the Product Library for G8.

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