Another Dazaholic Needs an Intervention Thread - Pro Bundle Edition



  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731

    Gen 8: 5

    Gen 7: 2

    Gen 4: 1

    All of my G6 and G5 bundles are the starter ones, lol.

    I ended up with Valentino 8 and Owen 8 today, now featuring multiple purchase tickets for four items from Valentino's. I can only ever afford pro bundles when they're freebie incentives or have really good discount stacking. Even then I have to really want the majority of items in them, which is rare. Mostly I just hold out for really deep discounts on the core figures and specific hair/outfits/characters that I want. I paid the most for Ashan's bundle at $27 and change, because I was in love with it and he dropped during the PC+ sale. I'm still kicking myself for not just getting Angharad's. 

    I keep joking about how one day I'll finally have enough G8 pro bundles to get a purple banner, at which point G9 will debut and all the incentive will switch over.

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