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OT: @arioch, I love your MOSS avatar! Niiiice.
This Daz Central is clearly not working for me! Not at all! I have installed it recently.
Firstly when opening Daz Central it states I don't have Daz Studio which is really crazy. I am using Daz Studio 4.12 Pro, latest version.
Secondly when I open the items via Daz Central it pops up an error in Daz Studio. Now I can't use DIM anymore as both can't work together.
So, what now? Do I uninstall Central and go back to DIM, or what!? I can download it manually also but DIM did all the work for me automatically.
Thank you,
You can't run them simultaneously, but if you close Daz Central you can use DIM.
In my case, setting advanced configuration in DIM solved the DIM problems, but I needed reset the database and reload metadata for DS. Some download failed, if it didn't fail then didn't load in Studio, even setting directories in Director manager.
1. It's just evidence that it changes your paths.
2. So this is the reasoning behind the lack of documentation? And here I thought it was lack of concern. At least it's better than "it's for your own good".
Would not suggest anyone depend on 'Daz Central,' as of yet. Seems that it is somewhat "buggy." It would only recognise two thirds of my current order to install. Went back to "DIM," to verify & install full order. Also, 'Daz Cemtral' could use a few more options and features, like catagory selection, latest purchase, etc.....
Not that we need evidence, since we have word, but using the same setting does imply it's likely the same code
No, that was a comment in reply to your saying what was needed was better documentation rather than a simplified UI/UX.
Oh ho ho! I am so GLAD I found this thread! I too was wondering why Daz Central was being forced down my throat. But when I saw that DIM was still working, I stayed with that until I had more information on Daz Central. From what I gathered so far by reading this thread, it seems to be a thing to avoid. I do NOT want to lose selective downloading, nor bulk downloading. As others mentioned here, they like to download only what they need out of their purchases to save on HD space. I am in the same boat. I just recently pulled all my V4 stuff my hard drive, but since it is stuff I bought already, I can alway put it back on if I need it. I was recently thinking of going overall of the purchases that I don't regularly use and remove them from my system. The DIM made easy work of this. Overall it was an excellent download manager and it did it's job well. For me it was pretty easy to follow and figure out, even when I was a new user.
I get the idea behind "change" to attempt to make things better, but to release something when it seemingly doesn't work, as stated above, is nothing short of ridiculous, yet it happens far too often out there. But then the idea to force it upon someone isn't fair at all. I am going through this issue with DeviantART right now as they totally redid their site. At least we were warned though, but still, now I have to relearn the whole site all over.
But I just have to pat myself on the back this time in that I did some research in regards to Daz Central before I ended up destroying my Daz Studio set up with it. So I am with the naysayers here, I am going to stay with DIM. Simply because it works alright for me.
And another thing...if Daz wants to fix something so badly, why not fix the horrid search engine this forum has? THAT has been in need of fixing for a VERY long time. As it is, I end up using Google instead starting all my Daz Forum searches with...well, "Daz Studio Form...." That proves to be better than searching within the Daz Forums. But I digress, I know that is another topic of discussion that belongs elsewhere.
That was someone else, although I agree with them.
What's simpler about the user experience of having to go into Content Management and having to put your path settings to the way they were? What's simpler about only being able to download one product at a time and having to wait to download the next one? And how is it simpler for us who use DIM and get our preferred options deprecated? And the option of opening DS with the brand new item you just downloaded is just silly, unless you make scenes with only a single naked character. I mean, what if the person bought an outfit? How does this make their experience simpler? Why not put more emphasis on going through the beginner tutorials that are already there? They're just one more thing that Daz put in and then dropped.
In the meantime, the built-in browser is broken, and no longer works with the Youtube videos. And I'm not sure what that plug-ins page was supposed to be, but something is supposed to be there, and it's not. TBF, the individual product pages work. Why add new things while leaving others broken? It will just be one more bit of detritus once it, too, inevitably breaks and doesn't get fixed. Not that it's not already breaking people's installations and being the reason they're forced to work with DIM differently.
Download the order through DAZ Install Manager is back after you purchase items.
YAAAYYYY!!! And there was much rejoicing all throughout the land.
Nice to hear.
I haven't used Smart Content for years as I perfer the Content Library and file structure. While it is anoying that the link for automatic download by DIM is gone, my workaround is make my purtchases then open DIM. Since I have the DIM Sort Order set to "Order Date: Recent First", when I open it, my latest purchases are already there and ready to select to download. I have a lot of manually installed content and also beta test for vendors from other sites so the last thing I wanty is something like DAZ Central to break everything in the name of "making it simple for new users". At least they are still supporting DIM as when I opened it today to check for product upodates, they had a new version of Install Manager to download.
Boy, I hope thay are not starting that up again. I bought a product FW Honey that was DAZ Connect only at one time. What a hassle. Open DIM and set it to recent first and see if you can download it through DIM.
It's not really a Central-only item, it's another files-failed-to-upload-to-the-DAZ-servers item. It can't be downloaded at all because there's nothing there. Apparently the "Install Types" display has a bit of a bug where it assumes there will always be a Central download available, even if there isn't. This has happened a few times in the last month or so; the only fix is to report it on one of the monitored threads so someone at DAZ can give the store database a good hard kick. Again.
Does this mean we can no longer do manual downloads and installs, cause I just tried to get Daz 4.12, since I am currently on 4.10 and the option I got to download was to install Daz Central, there was no other option.
I am getting really tired of installing things on my computer just so I can install things on my computer, which is what Daz Central and DIM are.
You can download the standalone installer for Daz Studio from your Product Library here:
(it's an installer, too, BTW -- there's never been a completely manual install option for software)
ThankYou DAZ
Thanks Mike, got all 4 files.
When I install, will it remove all my previously installed files (content). If it replaces the program that's fine, but really not looking forward to installing all the content again.
No, it only uninstalls the program itself. The Dynamic Cloth Control might need to be reinstalled.
I had that too!
However in my case I tried using DIM to get (eg. upgrade) DAZ Studio. I don't know what happened but my old copy of Studio really did get deleted.
I sort of knew there were going to be problems, but I had planned to erase my hard disk anyway so this is my way and my time to look at what is going on.
I seemed to have difficulty finding the place to download DS 4.12, so I opted for the Daz Central route.
Other first reactions: I was not able log in to DAZ Studio 4.12, and at first G8M no longer had a heading for "characters". (under "G8F" the list of characters was present). After I closed DC and DS 4.12, I *was* able to run DIM to download the G8M characters that I wanted.