"There's Always Another Sale™" (Report sales issue here.)



  • I also have yesterday's sale page

  • I have today's sales page. Also, today's "New Releases" are showing. Just ... all at full price.

    (Where's a shrugging or confused emoji when I need one? indecision )

  • I think the store is still settling. I still have yesterday's as well.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    It's weird, if I click the link from the Daz  Deals email, I get to the Castle Gravestone page, but when I click the  Castle Gravestone link on the shop's main page, I go to yesterday's sale.  Did a hard refresh and it stayed the same.

  • I think the store is still settling. I still have yesterday's as well.

    Thanks for the information. smiley

    Here's hoping that it will cure itself quickly! yes

  • Noah LGPNoah LGP Posts: 2,617

    Time travel...

    Sales -> August 2020 Sales -> The 2020 Premiere Artist Festival

  • Reporting sale issues.

  • The PC+ member 30% discount for DOs seems to be broken across the entire store, not just the new releases.
  • Eden EvergreenEden Evergreen Posts: 326
    edited September 2020
    The PC+ member 30% discount for DOs seems to be broken across the entire store, not just the new releases.

    Yeah, that was part of my concern. frown

    Today's sale page still is not showing most of the advertised discounts yet, either (2.5 hours past DAZ midnight). Nearly everything is still showing full price.

    PC+ discounts (on items flagged PC+) appear to have returned, at least. That's an improvement! yes

    UPDATE: The DAZ O's are showing their 30% discounts again (about 20 minutes after originally making this post). Hopefully the daily's will follow! laugh

    Post edited by Eden Evergreen on
  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited September 2020

    There's a 404 error on Castle Gravestone: The Dungeon Cells that isn't going away just by trying again.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • There's a 404 error on Castle Gravestone: The Dungeon Cells that isn't going away just by trying again.

    This has been corrected.

  • There's a 404 error on Castle Gravestone: The Dungeon Cells that isn't going away just by trying again.

    This has been corrected.

    Thanks, appreciate it. It looks nice.

  • New "5 for 50 Minutes" tutorial sale seems to be broken. If I put five of the listed tutorial in my shopping cart, I only get the listed prices, not ecah tutorial for 5$. Any OTHER requirement that I am missing?

  • FauvistFauvist Posts: 2,152
    edited September 2020

    Today's 17000 store wide sale items are all listed at regular price?  https://www.daz3d.com/thousdands-of-items-to-check-out#index=0&order=popular^1&filtered=1

    And come on, who's going to "check out" 17000 products?

    Post edited by Fauvist on
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited September 2020

    New "5 for 50 Minutes" tutorial sale seems to be broken. If I put five of the listed tutorial in my shopping cart, I only get the listed prices, not ecah tutorial for 5$. Any OTHER requirement that I am missing?

    Same here. I even tried with a new release in the cart and still didn't get the $5 price. Since the sale suggests it only lasts for 50 minutes, I hope DAZ fixes it quickly.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • New "5 for 50 Minutes" tutorial sale seems to be broken. If I put five of the listed tutorial in my shopping cart, I only get the listed prices, not ecah tutorial for 5$. Any OTHER requirement that I am missing?

    Same here. I even tried with a new release in the cart and still didn't get the $5 price.

    Same here.  Any word on a fix?  I'd love to take advantage of this.


  • Seems to be fixed now. Thanks

    Maybe it took a little while to propagate.

  • Works. All the stuff is $5 each, and there seems to be no limit to the number of items you put in your cart. A real bargain deal. laughlaughheart

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Items that are generally free, are now $5. How is that a great deal? :D https://www.daz3d.com/using-auto-fit-michael-4-to-genesis-2-male for example, but there are more.

  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    Ati said:

    Items that are generally free, are now $5. How is that a great deal? :D https://www.daz3d.com/using-auto-fit-michael-4-to-genesis-2-male for example, but there are more.

    Also says "--Infinity%"

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    If you do the three debut items deal, the 1 for 70% off can’t combine with the 3 extra 60% off. The items are in the same pool and when you add the fourth item to the cart they all go to 50% off. 

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    Now everything g went wonky and new items are only 29% off

  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046

    Pity I was going to buy something and everything went back up

  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046

    Has the promotion finished?

  • ZaiZai Posts: 289

    So...tutorials are still not $5? They show in the store but not in the cart.

  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046

    That was pretty tight timing. Oh well.

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904

    Now this is really annoying, why is the banner up and the items are discounting on the related pages but not in the cart anymore?! C'mon DAZ this is no way to go about things really ... If there is no sale than please take the banner down already!

  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    edited September 2020
    Zai said:

    So...tutorials are still not $5? They show in the store but not in the cart.

    Looks like it finished (50 mins passed). One of tuts is -40% now, for example.

    Post edited by akmerlow on
  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904

    Yeah but how would I know that since there's no timer or anything on the banner?

This discussion has been closed.