Is Genesis 8 Going to Stick Around a While?

I tend to decide to make the upgrade to the latest generation of Genesis right when the new one is coming out. And that's not by design -- I just get comfortable with the current generation and don't end up feeling a need to upgrade until I see enough content for the new generation that I like! This happened to me when going from Genesis to Genesis 2 and then right when I started to move to Genesis 3, Genesis 8 came out. That said, i would like to make the jump to a new generation but I don't really want to get into Genesis 8 unless Genesis 8 is going to have a longer shelf-life than the previous two generations.It seems like V4 was around for a while and has soo much content--way more than was done for Genesis, Genesis 2, or Genesis 3. It would be great if Genesis 8 ended up like that.
I actually read a while back that this was the case but I never saw that confirmed and haven't looked into it since, hence this thread.
I am actually going back to Genesis 3 more and more these days...
Even if Genesis 9 comes out, it won't match the features that are available for Genesis 8 for at least a year after release. It's just not possible for the vendors to make enough product to satisfy all the things that I'd want Genesis 9 to do in a short period of time.
And even with Genesis 9, I can see myself using Genesis 8 for LONG time.
Genesis 3/8 are incredibly useful and share so much. It would take something monumental in Genesis 9 to displace them very quickly. I can't imagine Genesis 9 coming close for years.
And this is my thinking too. I feel like Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 are closely enough related to justify at least finishing my conversion to G3 from G2. But if G9 drops then the faucet will cut off for G3/G8 content you know? And I still have alot of V4/M4 content that isn't too much of a hassle to get to G2 -- it's slightly more of a hassle to get it to G3 and I'm sure more of a hassle to G8 and would likely be impossible(at least initially) to get to a hypotheticla G9.
Nobody knows when the next-gen figure will be released, because nobody in a position to know is talking. It's possible it isn't even being developed yet.
Pretty sure I read a while back that G8 is here for a while. I believe that post said they are consentrating on new features not a new Generation of figures.
I've enjoyed all the versions from V4 on up and make the transition right away for each generation. Why? Because NOTHING is stopping me from using the older stuff once I move up a generation. Even today I use V4 or G3 alongside a G8 figure in the same render if I feel like it <LOL>. So, why not get G9 when it comes out? Start playing! Explore! Get excited for new technology! You don't have to buy every single thing in the store for that generation, just get something and see what you think. Usually there are male and female base versions for free, so why not and buy a character or two if you feel like it and make an educated decision based on personal experience?
On the one hand, I can't wait for G9, but on the other hand, I have PLENTY to keep me busy until then.
I'm just kind of cheap really... I like to buy new content for the figures I'm using, but would prefer to not have to buy the stuff needed to convert it from generation to generation.
We've been given two hints. The first was a post by Daz_Steve that officially stated G9 would not be released in 2019. Okay, it's 2020 now, it could drop any minute, right? But during the new Semi-Annual PC sale, Jack Tomalin also made a statement about G9:
Of course, "horizon" is open to interpretation, and we know Daz does have issues with "time", (i.e. Daz Soon™.) However, I suspect a G9 release is many months away, at the very least.
Development on the beta seems to have slowed down, though it's hard to tell when updates to the change log aren't always added regularly. (When they were working on dForce hair, they didn't mention that in the updates, assumingly so it would be a big surprise when it was finally ready for beta release.)
However, it isn't unreasonable to think the situation with COVID-19 and people working from home would impact development for Daz Studio updates; as well as for a new generation of Genesis figures, assuming they are currently working on one.
I still use mostly M4, Gn, and G2. When you have a garage full of cars, the only reason to get another is your addiction, or well, the new one runs on peanut butter or something.
+Animation must be 100% capable in DAZ Studio and other technical challeges to expand on the realism of DAZ 3D human models aren't going to be met with the addition of a few polygons for 'realism' or less polygons for 'optimizing'. They've got a long, long row to hoe.
No one who knows is telling.
well it will certainly stick around like V4 and M4 even have, once a new generation is out the oldies still work etc
I still use Genesis 1 a lot
the only thing is new stuff in the store usually only supports the latest figures
but that just means you can save your money and buy older stuff on sale
i have so much g3/g8 stuff, not sure i even want to see g9 ... unless its some earth-shaking newness of some type.
I find 'heeled' shoes are the main reason I don't use all of the previous generations. If someone could create some magic conversion app for heeled shoes from previous generations, I'd finally dust off some of those older outfits.
With that being said, this is also my worry with G9; where footwear isn't compatible.
I mean, I guess? But the Daz models are the most realistic on the market by far. They don't have much competition.
I appreciate how long G8 has stuck around compared to the last three figures. It really helps to round out the wardrobe and morph options. People have to dig deeper to come up with new ideas for additional content.
I do have some sympathy for those artist-vendors who can re-release the same general products for each successive generation of model, though.
Genesis 8 has probably not helped their overall sales with the way this generation has hung around... although, yeah, it probably has driven more creativity through the entire community to come up with new things to sell.
As a customer? Genesis 8 has been superb. The biggest criticism is that it didn't change that much from Genesis 3, but that is also a strength since clever users can just port things between Genesis 3 and 8.
All that being said, I will surely buy Genesis 9 on day 1. If they allowed pre-orders, I'd probably buy it. (Currently waiting on Crusader Kings 3 since I already bought the super special edition or whatever LOL.)
I'm very pleased with the 3 year+ run of Genesis 8! I still would appreciate five more non-stylized Core males, including a twenty-something Caucasian with superlative skin and non-dForce contemporary dress clothing. And I'm hoping Luthbel will give us Urban Survivors 3.
Uh, and so then if those best in business 3D models aren't realistically posable & animatable like that can be done elsewhere? And if you say well customers like us can go elsewhere, yes, that's true, but it's also what good businesses don't want. So yes, DAZ has a long row to hoe if they're going to progress further in their chosen business niche.
I suspect Genesis 9 will be free, but you will naturally be expected to pay for V9 which is likely to arrive on the same day.
Plus the Head and Body morphs, and the Expression pack.
To me I think Genesis 8 has run its course. I'm just wondering if Genesis 9 will be bundled into DAZ STudio 5 as a new release or on a separate schedule.
I wouldn't hold my breath for "G9", and even if it were to be released in the near-future, I certainly wouldn't be buying it any time soon. Reason being is there just wouldn't be much content for it. I would expect the software needs to mature more before we see the next new G series or whatever the next will be. Hopefully when they do release the next generation, they build up their product inventory for it first.
True.... for still image portrait rendering in Daz studio Iray
For animated filmmaking and the multi billion dollar gaming industry

there are more viable alternatives
as any UE4 character demo will clearly demonstrate
Just because there are better fuels for fighter jets, that doesn't mean that gasoline's not a viable choice for automobiles. Nor does it mean that companies should stop trying to make better gasoline, especially when you consider that there are more motorists than fighter pilots.
most jets really are just fueled with kerosene (liquid paraffin)
its not as fancy as you would expect
A while back someone said that the issue is similar to what they had with V4, they could have released a Mil series V5 any time they wanted, problem was she wouldn't be much of an "improvement" on V4 as the tech was still the same.
They didn't control that tech so couldn't change it, that's one of the reasons they went with DS4 and Genesis, which leaves them with "How the hell to we upgrade DS so that G9 is a big improvement over G8".
Surely one day we will see the arrival of G9. The question is that G8 and all its ecosystem is spectacular. The great thematic variety, its relative ease to form a combo with G3 and as G8 matures beyond repeating the same four contents over and over, makes G8 very difficult to replace in workflows. G9 will have to come up with a lot of technical advancement and everything to be able to run on computers that don't have to be stolen from NASA. From my point of view, continuing to advance in G8 has been a success, allowing us to gain more experience and open the fan to a range that covers a greater number of themes.
Terrible analogy,
The general public does not need or use 3D/CG character programs.
Within the confines of this segment of the consumer market
competition for the professional buyer is fierce.
The current trend is REALTIME visualization/production and in that arena the FREE UE4
is dominating and that dominance is happening without special JCm's and HD morphs
that only function inside a program that does not offer a high quality REALTIME work environment
despite the relatively high hardware requirements.
Thank you. Someone who finally feels, and expresses, what I do.
UE4 would be an empty shell without all those fancy "third party" character models with their JCMs, skeletons, skin weights, textures etc.
The trick UE does (as seen in different character/skin demos) in order to achieve realistically looking skins is some kind of complex node setup with several layers of lerp nodes, texture blending and some multiplications/formulas etc. (industry secret?), but even with the standard skin+normal+specular map setup it looks quite impressive if the light in your scenes is not too bright.