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I thought sculpting programs were invented for modeling anatomical elements
I'm not going to try to say you are wrong, because of course you are right. But there could still be a discussion on the reasons why. I go to every Blender meetup in Los Angeles (well, I used to, that is) and the "real" artists and animators I talk to there universally turn up their noses whenever I mention Daz Studio, but their jaws drop whenever I show a mocapped scene using G8 characters. I am convinced that the only reason why more professionals don't use Daz Studio is this: To a person like me, creating a realistic character model that is rigged and deforms realistically is an insurmountable artistic barrier. I just don't have the talent, and that is why I am forever dependent upon Daz Studio. On the other hand, to a "real" artist, creating such a character is the fun part, where they can express their creativity.
As a software engineer, I totally understand that... it's much more fun to develop something from scratch that to use an established solution. Even though it would be better, faster, and cheaper, it is difficult to resist the tempatation to develop something in-house. The excuses we always make are that we won't have dependencies on third parties, we'll have exclusive control over the evolution of the product, our staff engineers will have a better understanding of code that they themselves wrote, etc. and these excuses often overpower the clear-cut business case that says it's the obvious thing not to do. I can totally see Daz products not being used for meta reasons, like: Why would I want to use something where all the fun stuff, the stuff that made me want to be an animator in the first place, is already done?
Can you share those mocapped scenes or links with G8 characters that wowed them? Good videos are hard to find.
OK, I can't show you anything from production, but I'll render a Flat Walk with a different background, or something. I'm not sure you would call that a "good video" or not, but I think it does show the expressivity possible.
Whatever you can show would be great!
On second thought, let me see if I can re-negotiate the terms with one of the actors. After all, who hasn't already seen the 8GF Flatwalk...
I'm still on DAZ 4.8 on my old pc (will update after i upgrade computer, i think), so i use G3 and G8 (G8 a bit limited, but for my current needs still enough), so... hopefully by the time new generatio comes out, i'll be up to date :D
Meanwhile, curious to see what else DAZ work on, stuff like dforce, hair system, etc etc
Some of old products disappeared now though in ~recent years, i was not quick enough to get them.
i'm ready for new face and body and hopefully complete morph areas vert list and no typos between internal name and internal id
add a bone for adams apple and 2 glute bones
Well, dial one in then.
Given how many of the actual PAs have disappeared over the years, that's hardly surprising. There number of PAs who worked on the first three generations of DAZ figures who are still actively selling is getting to be a pretty small list. My general attitude these days is that if something I want is in the store for more than two years and then disappears before I can buy it, that's my fault, not the store or PA's.
Actually, all evidence points to the fact that sculpting in general was created for the purpose of modeling anatomical elements, as most of the oldest surviving works of sculpture known are anatomically correct and are believed to be fertillity tokens, something which Vyktohria has coincidentally brought into a full loop with her product
Well, yes and no, as there's no guarantee at all that G9 will work with all of the utilities and scripts most of us use as part of our regular process. And, of course, as those of us who went through the transition of DS 3 to DS 4 remember, there were a whole slew of products that stopped working at that time that never were upgraded to 4 or Genesis. I personally think that the main reason G8 caught on so quickly was because it was really only a slight upgrade from G3, and the two systems were extremely cross-compatible without the need for a lot of purchased add-ons. G9, on the other hand, may be a whole new kettle of fish, which might mean that the have a technically superior figure but get kicked back to the basics when it comes to the operatiing tools...
There is no G9
It is G10 .
I've heard that and seen Vyktohria's product.
I don't think you linked to what you were trying to link to...
It's this:
/ GX / G360 / GONE (but where has it gone?)
Maybe G8 Super?
Genesis X Æ A-12
Genesis 420?
Genesis 21 Base (4)
Yeah, sorry, fixxed it now.
Genesis Vista
For the most part, your stuff will work. Barring some catastrophic mistake, that's what I expect. His point stands either way, as I took it as you don't have to move on just because a new figure is out.
We're not talking about a new version of studio, only a new version of Genesis; pre-existing itterations will still work in Studio.
If there is a new studio version that breaks lots of scripts, well the old one will still work; if a person doesn't back up, well that's their responsibility.
Well, DS is going get majorly updated sooner or later, what with it being based on QT4 which is no longer supported. There will need to be a lengthy transition so that our script jockeys have time to bring their work up-to-date, as well as a period during which users will be able to use two versions independently.
This might come as a shocker, but nobody is forcing anyone to upgrade. You can continue using older gen even if there is a new one coming out. I for one can't wait for a new generation and the features it would bring. I think I already reached the limits of what I can do with G8, and haven't done a G3 render in over a year.
If Genesis 8 had not been given this extra year beyond the expected two-year life cycle, there are a lot of valuable characters and utilities (over a thousand, including all Core Figures since Ellithia 8 and Fit Control Add-On) that would not have been available now because production would have ceased. So, that means Babina, Dain, Dasan, Sahira---all standout releases and materials---would not have existed as such.
Three and a half years is a well-established period for an enterprise to reach maturity, and it appears we are going to get at least that for Genesis 8.
Very much in the same boat. I've stretched G8 as far as I think I can and welcome the next gen!