Anyone done any renders of Hagar?
in The Commons
Looks to be an interesting first character, and as the title says, wondering if anyone has any examples.
I've not bought her YET but I plan to and will post renders. All I can say is WOW!! She's got to be one of the most unique Genesis 8 female characters I've seen so far
A super exciting first offering from Carboncrow -- can't wait to see more of their releases.
Are they brand new, or known by the community from other sites?
Fav detail on Hagar's texture has to be the cherry angioma between her breasts. So common, but I've never seen one added to a G8 character before.
No idea if they are brand new, or from elsewhere. I actually got an iSourceTextures vibe from the promo image.
I looked at the promos, and thought "that's the look I usually go for".
So even though I render in Blender, I may get and do some comparrisons. Interesting shape and characterisations too.
Will there be an Ishmael?
Seems nice, but a clay render would have been nice to see what's texture and what's mesh.
There is one - last image
Hmmm..., guess I'm in the wrong thread. I was looking for this guy.![indecision indecision](
She reminds me of Bluejaunte's characters.
I would LOVE to see a toon verrsion of him ESPECIALLY the shaders being the cartoon dots
That's a grey scale image, not a clay render.
I just purchased it!
The eyebrows do not line up and have to be adjusted on the face.
I didn't have any eyebrow issues, but the displacement map is all out of whack across the whole body and she looks like she's having a super severe allergic reaction!!! (ATTACHMENT PIC 1)
Lemme see if I can figure out what it is and I'll edit this for your reference in case it's not just me. I only loaded up the figure directly from smart content...
EDIT - errrmmm ok I'm a little over my head. "Max Displacement" is set to something like 2.10 and "Min Displacement" is at like .50. Neither of them are negative values, so I'm a little lost... I know it's wrong, because if I remove all maps then it works fine, but I wonder what the actual values are supposed to be... Luckily, it seems to be the same value for the whole character, so you don't need to adjust each surface individually...
OK EDIT 2 - SO it looks like -.1/.1 are the default values, but doing this creates a noticeable gap in the mesh at the neck seam (ATTACHMENT PIC 2). The only way I've figured to remove it is to completely remove displacement (ATTACHMENT PIC 3). Other than that, I do like the figure... It seems like a preset fix that I'm sure somebody is working on...
That was my first thought when I saw the pictures with the character smiling. I thought Bluejaunte had released a new character.
I reduced the height to make her more petite and the eyebrows didn't scale down
YEP! I just did that... they aren't parented or something, I guess... lol jeez no bueno.
It seems fitting them to Hagar doesn't work, either... they just parent down by her eyes... I think this character will need a supporting update...
I hope the allergy/elephantiasis issue gets fixed soon, but from the promo images, it could be one of my favorite DAZ characters! A mix of beauty with natural realism. I want to see more of that! :)
Can someone render and show her profile? Thanks.
Yep, same problems here. Eyebrows dont follow a pose and the arms, legs and facial displacements are very off. I was able to get her to render correctly once I set all displacements to zero (face, lips, legs, arms, ears and torso). I hope there will be an update soon. Its a very nice figure otherwise
I'll try to get a render for you... but I'm struggling right now because her skin tone is so grey... way greyer (in my opinion) than in the promos, so I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
What do you mean by "profile", however?
OK, here's another good thing... The eyebrows included with Hagar seem to be the exact same as the "Super Natural Brows" merchant resource with the "Angled Down Style" applied... for anybody wondering. You can just use those and achieve the same (identical, to me) look. So... that's good! :)
I bought the model this morning before work. She's beautiful . Wish I could share images but won't likely get around to it until Thursday.
Go ahead a buy the model. She looks worth it.
Hi @duckbomb! I imagine @Worlds_Edge is requesting a render of Hagar in profile, e.g from the side such as this.
So I haven't bought Hagar yet but your talk of anaphylactic displacement maps, grey skin and wandering eyebrows isn't filling me with confidence at checkout lol. She's SUCH a stunning looking figure... so still worth buying with presumption there will be an update??? Or are the issues really bad?
Short answer... NO, they aren't super bad if you don't mind just doing manual tweaking. My expectations are never that everything should be perfect out of the box, but I know that some people do have these, so if that's the case you may be dissapointed in teh amount of work you need to do, but it isnt that bad. When you pick up Hagar, you need to do this to get her to look like in the promo:
1) I had to turn all displacement OFF... If you level out the values to the defaults it looks OK, but there's a huge difference between teh torso map and the rest, and I can't figure out what it is. I'd need someone with more experience to help, but turning them off help.
2) Just delete the eyebrows... I can't figure out a single way to get them to work at this moment. I used the Super Natural Brows merchant resource package, which looks to be the exact same, load those up, and then change the shaping to "angled down style" and it matches the brows perfectly.
As for the grey color... it could just be me and my tonemapping settings or anything else. I'd love for someone else to chime in on that...
Honestly, I'm not trying to nitpik, I really like her, I just was stumbling through this and trying to get her render-ready and figured other people would have the same issues. :)
The only issue I still see is that there's a noticeable difference between teh texture up her neck and then on her face, as you can see from the profile shot. It's not a huge deal for me, though, because I'll just cover it with hair...
EDIT - OK now that I see my own screenshot she doesn't look grey. She's just a little more grey than the other characters in my scene, I suppose... :/ . I dunno, I hope this helps, or at least doesn't make anything worse LOL
This is a new PA to DAZ. However issues won't get fixed if no one submits a ticket.
As far as I know it can be worked around by applying the shaping and materials presets to a base figure, rather than loading the character preset.
I'll have to wait until next week to get her, but the displacement (HD) was a huge draw. She looks even better with duckbomb's camera settings.
Thank you for the image and also the instructions on how to fix the issue. I like the character a lot, but I think I'll wait to hear whether they will fix the materials as I'm not huge on fiddling with settings to make things look right.
lol my first thought was this guy, but then I realized that his name is spelled with 2 gs
Here are a few quick renders. Displacement map removed and eyebrows replaced with the Luxe ones.
After having done a few renders, I can say that she has a pretty nice skin. The model is very different from Bluejaunte's though. The kinks will get ironed out soon - in geological time - and I look forward to seeing more from this new PA.