Announcing The Platinum Club Plus [Beta] Program



  • diogenese19348diogenese19348 Posts: 927
    edited July 2014

    Looking at today's T-party sale, am I correct in saying that none of the PA prices are getting the PA+ discount unless those items are DO items (or still in the 80% off sale)?

    Haven't found any PA items to check, that 30% DO does stack though, and you don't have to put it in the cart to see it. BTW, Emperor's New Clothes for Asgard Cleric is still in the store. Wasn't that an April Fools Item that doesn't do anything?

    Edit: Just looked. PA items don't stack. DO items do. At least that is the way it is working at the moment.

    Post edited by diogenese19348 on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited December 1969

    Looking at today's T-party sale, am I correct in saying that none of the PA prices are getting the PA+ discount unless those items are DO items (or still in the 80% off sale)?

    Haven't found any PA items to check, that 30% DO does stack though, and you don't have to put it in the cart to see it. BTW, Emperor's New Clothes for Asgard Cleric is still in the store. Wasn't that an April Fools Item that doesn't do anything?

    Edit: Just looked. PA items don't stack. DO items do. At least that is the way it is working at the moment.

    Yeah, that's what I was seeing. So now we know yet another way that DAZ can make the PC+ PA discount useless. Somehow, I expect that there'll be a lot of these "flat price" sales in the future. :(

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 1969

    Looking at today's T-party sale, am I correct in saying that none of the PA prices are getting the PA+ discount unless those items are DO items (or still in the 80% off sale)?

    That was the impression I got looking over my wish list. PC+ PA's didn't stack, but Daz O's did.

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,498
    edited July 2014

    Conny1000 said:
    Ein Beispiel aus dem Sommer Sale. Ich habe alle punches erfüllt (aus lauter Angst, ich würde womöglich dann nicht in den Genuss des Rabattes für Aiko 6 Pro Bundle kommen) - diese punches haben mich ein Vielfaches mehr gekostet, als wenn ich ganz normal gewartet und Aiko 6 Pro Bundle zu 100 % oder 80 % gekauft hätte. Ich hatte alles zu 100 % erfüllt (50 % off Aiko Release und 100 % off Dark Sisterhood or Gated Courtyard). Leider war ich zum Zeitpunkt des Releases in Urlaub und hatte den DAZ Support vorher darüber informiert. Nach meiner Urlaubsrückkehr hatte ich den DAZ Support kontaktiert wegen Aiko 6 Pro Bundle and Dark Sisterhood. Ich hatte die Möglichkeit Aiko 6 Pro Bundle zu 50 % off zu kaufen, aber die 100 % off für Dark Sisterhood fehlt bis heute bzw. kann ich nicht unentgeltlich kaufen. Wenn ich diesen Artikel haben möchte, müsste ich diesen regulär bezahlen anstatt 100 % off.
    Aber mit meinen sehr schlechten Englischkenntnissen kann ich diesen Umstand dem DAZ Support offenbar nicht verständlich machen, jedenfalls habe ich bis heute keine Antwort erhalten. Da gibt man dann schon Unsummen aus und kommt dann nur, weil man zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung in Urlaub ist, um diese Vergünstigungen. Das finde ich nicht ganz korrekt.
    Ich fand und finde die PC Membership gut - so wie sie bisher war - sie war bisher nicht kompliziert und für jedermann verständlich. Entweder man kauft die Artikel für 1,99 Dollar oder man lässt es bleiben. Der Coupon war ein angenehmes Plus. Aber ich musste nicht hin und her überlegen, was, wenn, wie und wenn das, dann geht das - das schaffen meine Sprachkenntnisse und Google nicht mehr! Ich habe schon aus den Sommer Sales und den ganzen Sales zuvor so gut wie nie teilnehmen können, weil ich sie nicht verstanden habe - d.h. ich habe auch nicht die Kombinationsmöglichkeiten verstanden, weil Google erklärt nichts. Wenn diese Aktionen seitens DAZ auf deutsch erklärt werden, dann sehe ich kein Problem darin. Aber ich kann und will nicht immer wieder jemanden bitten müssen, mir alle Aktionen von DAZ haarklein zu erklären und zu übersetzen. Ich möchte aber nicht immer wieder Dritte bitten müssen, mir alles genau zu erklären, damit ich bei DAZ meine PC Membership benutzen kann - das ist mir als Kunde nicht recht. Außerdem möchte ich planen können, d.h. ich möchte gerne vorher wissen, welche konstanten Vorteile habe ich von einer Membership und welche konstanten Vorteile hat jedes Club Mitglied gleich - die Betonung liegt auf gleiche Chancen und gleiche Chancenauswertung! Und nicht, daß einige keine Vorteile haben, weil sie die Aktionen nicht verstehen, aber andere genau wissen, wie sie was kombinieren können, um die PC Mitgliedschaft voll zu Lasten der nicht verstehenden ausnutzen können. Ich möchte gerne einkaufen mit dem Wissen, daß jedes PC Mitglied gleiche Chancen zu gleichen Preisen erhält und ich finde auch, das gehört zu einem normalen Geschäftsgebahren. Ansonsten ist es für Nicht Muttersprachler ganz klar eine deutliche Benachteiligung.
    Conny, die bisherigen PC-Regeln haben mich auch absolut überzeugt. Fair und einfach - das hat Spaß gemacht. Jetzt aber geht der Rechen-Zirkus auch hier los. Übrigens hatte ich gerade ebenfalls ein 'Erlebnis der Dritten Art' mit einem der gefühlt 876 verschiedenen Sales, und ich bin momentan stinksauer auf DAZ. Wenn man knapp 10 Dollar für nichts und wieder nichts zahlt, nur weil man mal aus Versehen den falschen Knopf drückt, dann ärgert das doch sehr. Wollte einen Gutschein einlösen, den ich auf Anraten des Help Centers völlig überflüssigerweise für mich selbst gekauft hatte (ja, ich war so trottelig!), drückte auf 'Redeem' (wozu zum Teufel dient dieser Knopf überhaupt???) - und weg war der Betrag. Für exakt garnichts. Leider, leider kann das jetzt nicht mehr rückgebucht werden... >:-(

    Dass mit diesen Sales absichtlich Verwirrspielchen getrieben werden, vermute ich schon länger; das hat auf jeden Fall ein 'G'schmäckle'. Methoden wie diese wären nach unserem Wettbewerbsrecht absolut undenkbar; die würden in Abmahnungen ersticken. Das US-Recht ist in diesen Dingen anscheinend äußerst 'liberal'... Aber warum nerven die ihre Kunden überhaupt so? Verärgerte Kunden wandern ab, nicht wahr? DAZ ist längst nicht mehr konkurrenzlos - haben die das noch nicht bemerkt? Aber vielleicht rechnet die Mehrheit der DAZ-Kunden lieber herum, statt mit den gekauften Sachen zu arbeiten.

    Braucht DAZ solche Mätzchen? Im Großen & Ganzen ist (war?) das doch ein recht guter Laden.

    Wie auch immer: Deutschland ist im Halbfinale! :-)

    Post edited by caravelle on
  • bad4ubad4u Posts: 684
    edited July 2014

    polka dot said:
    Übrigens hatte ich gerade ebenfalls ein 'Erlebnis der Dritten Art' mit einem der gefühlt 876 verschiedenen Sales, und ich bin momentan stinksauer auf DAZ. Wenn man knapp 10 Dollar für nichts und wieder nichts zahlt, nur weil man mal aus Versehen den falschen Knopf drückt, dann ärgert das doch sehr. Wollte einen Gutschein einlösen, den ich auf Anraten des Help Centers völlig überflüssigerweise für mich selbst gekauft hatte (ja, ich war so trottelig!), drückte auf 'Redeem' (wozu zum Teufel dient dieser Knopf überhaupt???) - und weg war der Betrag. Für exakt garnichts. Leider, leider kann das jetzt nicht mehr rückgebucht werden... >:-(

    Mit Gutschein meinst Du eine Gift Card denke ich mal, oder ? 'Redeem a gift card' bedeutet nichts anderes als das der Gutschein - den du entweder selber gekauft hast oder von jemand anderem erhalten hast - deinem Konto gutgeschrieben wird. Er ist also nicht verloren, sondern findet sich nun unter Store Credit als Guthaben, das du beim nächsten Kauf im Zahlungsvorgang nutzen kannst.

    Dies ist somit der richtige Weg wie du einen Gutschein für dein eigenes Konto einlöst, der Kredit bleibt erhalten bis er genutzt wird und kann auch in Bruchstücken genutzt werden, du kannst den Code jetzt lediglich nicht mehr jemand anderem geben. Übrigens kaufe ich fast nur so ein, einen $100 Gutschein für sich selbst holen wenn es einen Discount darauf gibt, und dann kleinere Käufe immer damit bezahlen damit nicht jeder mickrige Kauf auf der Kreditkarte landet - außerdem hast d so auf jeden Artikel noch mal einen kleinen Rabatt (falls der Gutschein reduziert war) ;)

    Post edited by bad4u on
  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,498
    edited December 1969

    Danke, bad4U, das mit den gift cards ist eigentlich ein ganz guter Tip. Was meinen Geschenkgutschein angeht: Dass 'redeem' 'einlösen' heißt, wusste ich auch - aber der Betrag war einfach futsch! Die ganze Prozedur war etwas kompliziert, und eigentlich hatte Britney mir sogar helfen wollen - aber irgendwie ging einfach alles daneben. Das Ergebnis ist für mich allerdings ärgerlich. Jetzt habe ich das, was ich eigentlich kaufen wollte, über den T-Party-Sale plus PC+-Gutschein noch billiger bekommen... ahem... hüstel... ;-) Na, das mit der gift card war trotzdem übel.

  • bad4ubad4u Posts: 684
    edited December 1969

    Und der Betrag ist auch nicht unter Store Credit aufgetaucht ? Seltsam -.-

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,498
    edited December 1969

    Nein, auch da nicht, obwohl ich, wie gesagt, das Produkt, für das die gift card gedacht war, schlussendlich gar nicht gekauft habe. Ich wundere mich auch, denn bisher war DAZ eigentlich immer sehr kulant.

  • JennKJennK Posts: 834
    edited December 1969

    IIRC they said earlier that PA's would stack only if they wanted too.

  • bad4ubad4u Posts: 684
    edited December 1969

    And that's exactly one of the problems with new PC+ strategy - maybe you get a discount, but maybe not. And if PA discounts neither stack with intro nor with sale discounts, these are not even worth mentioning. With PC+ you pay for some promise that is not guaranteed ("Discount on significant selection of Premier Artist Stores each week (in addition to sale prices)") . There are enough sales around the corner where you get another 30%+ on older items without the need for being a PC+ member then.

    Basically that leaves the (sometimes) better discount on DO and the 6OFF18 PA coupon in exchange for the $1.99 items.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    JK0011 said:
    IIRC they said earlier that PA's would stack only if they wanted too.

    Something that just occurred to me. Considering how frequently glitches crop up when new discounts are added to the store, how can we tell if an instance of stacking not working is intended or yet another store glitch needing a kick in the database from Tech Support?
  • IceEmpressIceEmpress Posts: 639
    edited December 1969

    I’ve noticed a lot of feedback about how complicated the PC+ program is. I’m curious what aspects of the PC+ program are difficult to understand. Is it an explanation issue (we didn’t do a good enough job explaining it) or is it an implementation issue (it wasn’t implemented the way you expected it to be, or the way we said it would be).
    Too many rules about DO vs PA items-- for instance, whether or not they stack with each other and when, and how complicated the coupons are.
    Also, let me be frank, that the "it stacks but only if the PAs want it to" is just plain stupid. So you're going to end up with some sort of special sale involving multiple PAs, and some of the items from this sale will stack and some won't.
    I understand there is a need to let the PAs make their own rules in order to make a living, but it just doesn't work. I would strongly suggest you let them set their own PA prices, instead. Also, we need to be able to sort PA items by category (hair, clothing, props, etc.)
    To summarize: 100% of what we find complicated is the different rules/conditions for DO vs. PA items. The rules need to be the same, otherwise it's much too confusing, and absolutely impossible to keep track of.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    ... BTW, Emperor's New Clothes for Asgard Cleric is still in the store. Wasn't that an April Fools Item that doesn't do anything?

    Yep. 0 Texture files ... and it was $0.00.
    I contacted support yesterday, but well, there is the weekend.
    I hope nobody buys it!

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited December 1969

    opal42987 said:
    I’ve noticed a lot of feedback about how complicated the PC+ program is. I’m curious what aspects of the PC+ program are difficult to understand. Is it an explanation issue (we didn’t do a good enough job explaining it) or is it an implementation issue (it wasn’t implemented the way you expected it to be, or the way we said it would be).
    Too many rules about DO vs PA items-- for instance, whether or not they stack with each other and when, and how complicated the coupons are.
    Also, let me be frank, that the "it stacks but only if the PAs want it to" is just plain stupid. So you're going to end up with some sort of special sale involving multiple PAs, and some of the items from this sale will stack and some won't.
    I understand there is a need to let the PAs make their own rules in order to make a living, but it just doesn't work. I would strongly suggest you let them set their own PA prices, instead. Also, we need to be able to sort PA items by category (hair, clothing, props, etc.)
    To summarize: 100% of what we find complicated is the different rules/conditions for DO vs. PA items. The rules need to be the same, otherwise it's much too confusing, and absolutely impossible to keep track of.

    I think it's become pretty clear that the vagueness of the wording and doubletalk is intentional, as DAZ's advertising has become increasingly punctuated with asterisks, exclusions, exceptions and hidden clauses over the last two years, and that's accelerated noticeably over the last few months. The ironic thing is that what they've mainly achieved is to make a lot of people automatically pass up most new items when they first go on sale, as we all know that if we wait two months we can usually buy just about anything for considerably less than the introductory pricing without all the gotchas. Frankly, at this point if a D.O. isn't at least 65% off and an PA product isn't at least 50% off, the only reason to buy it is if you have to have it right now.

    Meanwhile, from my perspective the PC+ is looking like a total bust except for the free items the PAs are kicking in (and I've no delusions that those will continue if it gets installed as a regular program.) Beyond those, what the PC+ seems to be delivering in exchange for the loss of the $1.99 items is a slight variation on the ubiquitous coupons "$5 off purchase of $25" coupons (that we've been getting on a regular basis anyway,) a diluted DAZ originals coupon that now allows purchase of older PC items but at a greatly devalued price, and the 30% off PA sales which are looking to be considerably less valuable than the current average 50% off PA sale. Not really getting where anyone can see a "plus" in all that mathematically, but whatevs...

  • edited December 1969

    I bought 2 orders today totaling $162.55. I saved $148.30. The thing is, of that $148.30 only $30.90 was PC+ savings which included the two coupons.

    Had these items not been on sale for such a good price, I most likely would have bought nothing.

    Had I been able to use my coupons on "new" items, I would have probably purchased more.

    Should the current system become the PC, to my way of thinking it is best to just wait for a good sale. I don't mean the stacking sales. It's too tedious to try and sort those.

    I am very happy with the regular sales should they continue as they have for the past week or two.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    I've not bought a thing in several days. No PC items, no new releases, no stacking.
    Because this "the PA decides" thing.
    Don't waste our time, thinking we're going to test each thing in the cart.
    What you need is a dedicated page stating a & b.

    a. the vendors who are participating that week
    b. which vendors have stacking in what sales.

    The sales team knows that anyway, so why would you have thousands of shoppers tediously going through the same routine, duplicating the effort of checking each product for stacking or not, when a small group of sales people can just elect one individual to jot it down and hand it to the web team to put on the page? Sheesh.

  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    edited December 1969

    Novica said:
    I've not bought a thing in several days. No PC items, no new releases, no stacking.
    Because this "the PA decides" thing.
    Don't waste our time, thinking we're going to test each thing in the cart.
    What you need is a dedicated page stating a & b.

    a. the vendors who are participating that week
    b. which vendors have stacking in what sales.

    At least a. isn't so hard to see, you just have to look...
    a) at -> My Account -> Platinum Club

  • KinichKinich Posts: 883
    edited July 2014

    PC+ Thoughts & Musings 1

    I have been a Platinum Club member for almost as long as I have been a member of the DAZ Community, about six years and over that time I feel it has more than paid for itself in discounts, coupons/vouchers and PC items at $1.99 or even $0.99 during those PC Sales that crop up occasionally.

    So when the PC+ was announced I was intrigued by these changes and what they would mean for me so after a few days to check the details (and spend old $6 coupon that I had not got round to using) I signed up to give it a try safe in the knowledge that I would revert back to the old club at the end of July (though I did miss the free Weasel), so my thoughts so far and please feel free to disagree or debate as these are only my thoughts as they stand at the moment.

    1. $1.99 items, yes I miss these but I can understand the financial reasons for DAZ's wish to change this price point but I must admit to not purchasing any of the PC items since I signed up for PC+, for three reasons.

    a. I know that I could have got them for $1.99, and will again after the PC+ Beta ends in a few weeks.
    b. I have most of the older items I want at this time, but I do have a few gaps to fill which I probably will (at least in part) when the Beta ends.
    c. Nothing in the last couple of weeks has grabbed me, but that is really just a personal thing and as much to do with what I'm working on and interested in at the moment than anything else.

    2. The new coupon usable on PA items is a nice touch and in some way makes up for the loss of the old Voucher to the new Coupon but I can understand that for a good few people the $18.00 spend makes it worth less in real terms than it's face value. I also must admit to the fact that I have used both PA eligible coupons so far but I have used them in conjunction with PA's featured in the PC+ 30% discount program coupled with other stacking discounts & offers, but my spending is also probably far more than some can afford which means that those who can afford most also save most.

    3. The maths (or math if you prefer), this does not throw personally as I am in an electronics/engineering profession so this is second nature and maths has always been a strong subject of mine. But also be aware that for many of us an additional calculation comes into play, the exchange rates and foreign currency charges we might be facing.

    4. The rules regarding stacking or non-stacking discounts, I can understand the logic for PA's, this is for many how they make their living or at least part of it so taking too big a hit can have serious financial implications that month/week but we do really need this clarifying as to who and what stacks.

    Now for some ideas.

    1. $1.99 items, I think I would prefer fixed price points rather than a percentage discount but in order to meet the raising costs and also to appease members I would like to suggest three price points.

    a. $1.99 (or $2 if you want to round it up) for old PC items that have always been at that price.
    b. £2.99 ($3) For small sets and/or texture expansions.
    c. $4.99 ($5) For larger sets, full outfits, scenes etc.

    Now the price increase may be hard to swallow for some but I think a price increase of some sort is inevitable and required to keep the PC going. And with the new coupon usable on older items and the 30% introductory discount applied that DAZ have introduced this becomes $2.10/$3.50 for early purchasers. I have no idea whether this will produce enough income for DAZ but a variation on this might be a reasonable compromise.

    2. The PA coupon, this is a tricky one as so many different groups of people are involved, DAZ, PA's and Customers, all with different ants and needs so I think that the best bet is to leave this as it is and treat it as an 'extra' on top of the regular PC deals. Or maybe offer an alternative PC DAZ Original coupon worth a bit more ($9?) for people who do not want to use the PA coupon as an either/or option, not sure how easy that would be run but a free choice each month for everybody so when they use the first coupon it disables the second one would be a good system in my opinion.

    3. The maths, maybe if the product pages showed the price options, Full, Discount & PC Discount and maybe a flag of some sort to show if it stacks with any current sale prices/offers similar to the current DAZ Original & PC icons? This should not be to difficult as the software behind the site must know this information. This would also make it easier to spot if something was amiss in your cart if a discount does not show and the flag was present.

    4. Stacking or Non-Stacking, as well as the above suggestion maybe a page similar to the compatibility matrix for figures for PA's involved in the PC+ discount scheme that week so we can check on a single page without having to add and remove items from our carts?

    Anyway that's it for now, hopefully you will all see this a constructive comments and suggestions because that is how it is meant and please feel free to comment and discuss.

    To DAZ, do you want me to put this in the PC+ feedback as well as here or is it enough to post it here? (I've saved the text in a file so pasting it into the feedback box would be no problem)

    Post edited by Kinich on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Kinich said:
    PC+ Thoughts & Musings 1

    I have been a Platinum Club member for almost as long as I have been a member of the DAZ Community, about six years and over that time I feel it has more than paid for itself in discounts, coupons/vouchers and PC items at $1.99 or even $0.99 during those PC Sales that crop up occasionally.

    So when the PC+ was announced I was intrigued by these changes and what they would mean for me so after a few days to check the details (and spend old $6 coupon that I had not got round to using) I signed up to give it a try safe in the knowledge that I would revert back to the old club at the end of July (though I did miss the free Weasel), so my thoughts so far and please feel free to disagree or debate as these are only my thoughts as they stand at the moment.

    1. $1.99 items, yes I miss these but I can understand the financial reasons for DAZ's wish to change this price point but I must admit to not purchasing any of the PC items since I signed up for PC+, for three reasons.

    a. I know that I could have got them for $1.99, and will again after the PC+ Beta ends in a few weeks.
    b. I have most of the older items I want at this time, but I do have a few gaps to fill which I probably will (at least in part) when the Beta ends.
    c. Nothing in the last couple of weeks has grabbed me, but that is really just a personal thing and as much to do with what I'm working on and interested in at the moment than anything else.

    2. The new coupon usable on PA items is a nice touch and in some way makes up for the loss of the old Voucher to the new Coupon but I can understand that for a good few people the $18.00 spend makes it worth less in real terms than it's face value. I also must admit to the fact that I have used both PA eligible coupons so far but I have used them in conjunction with PA's featured in the PC+ 30% discount program coupled with other stacking discounts & offers, but my spending is also probably far more than some can afford which means that those who can afford most also save most.

    3. The maths (or math if you prefer), this does not throw personally as I am in an electronics/engineering profession so this is second nature and maths has always been a strong subject of mine. But also be aware that for many of us an additional calculation comes into play, the exchange rates and foreign currency charges we might be facing.

    4. The rules regarding stacking or non-stacking discounts, I can understand the logic for PA's, this is for many how they make their living or at least part of it so taking too big a hit can have serious financial implications that month/week but we do really need this clarifying as to who and what stacks.

    Now for some ideas.

    1. $1.99 items, I think I would prefer fixed price points rather than a percentage discount but in order to meet the raising costs and also to appease members I would like to suggest three price points.

    a. $1.99 (or $2 if you want to round it up) for old PC items that have always been at that price.
    b. £2.99 ($3) For small sets and/or texture expansions.
    c. $4.99 ($5) For larger sets, full outfits, scenes etc.

    Now the price increase may be hard to swallow for some but I think a price increase of some sort is inevitable and required to keep the PC going. And with the new coupon usable on older items and the 30% introductory discount applied that DAZ have introduced this becomes $2.10/$3.50 for early purchasers. I have no idea whether this will produce enough income for DAZ but a variation on this might be a reasonable compromise.

    2. The PA coupon, this is a tricky one as so many different groups of people are involved, DAZ, PA's and Customers, all with different ants and needs so I think that the best bet is to leave this as it is and treat it as an 'extra' on top of the regular PC deals. Or maybe offer an alternative PC DAZ Original coupon worth a bit more ($9?) for people who do not want to use the PA coupon as an either/or option, not sure how easy that would be run but a free choice each month for everybody so when they use the first coupon it disables the second one would be a good system in my opinion.

    3. The maths, maybe if the product pages showed the price options, Full, Discount & PC Discount and maybe a flag of some sort to show if it stacks with any current sale prices/offers similar to the current DAZ Original & PC icons? This should not be to difficult as the software behind the site must know this information. This would also make it easier to spot if something was amiss in your cart if a discount does not show and the flag was present.

    4. Stacking or Non-Stacking, as well as the above suggestion maybe a page similar to the compatibility matrix for figures for PA's involved in the PC+ discount scheme that week so we can check on a single page without having to add and remove items from our carts?

    Anyway that's it for now, hopefully you will all see this a constructive comments and suggestions because that is how it is meant and please feel free to comment and discuss.

    To DAZ, do you want me to put this in the PC+ feedback as well as here or is it enough to post it here? (I've saved the text in a file so pasting it into the feedback box would be no problem)

    you have to - we had to read - let them

  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_jared said:
    I've noticed a lot of feedback about how complicated the PC+ program is. I'm curious what aspects of the PC+ program are difficult to understand. Is it an explanation issue (we didn't do a good enough job explaining it) or is it an implementation issue (it wasn't implemented the way you expected it to be, or the way we said it would be).

    Keep in mind that part of the reason we are offering these benefits is so that you can use your PC membership perks on PA items. The other reason is that since under PC+ Platinum Club items are generally more in price than regular PC we don't want to leave PC+ members without something in return.

    I've seen a lot of comments where people suggest we simply raise the price and be done with it. That is definitely something we could do, but then members miss out on potential perks.

    If you have to explain how a sale works with a FAQ, that's going to turn people off right there.

    I much prefer the fixed prices for PC items, rather than discounts, and I also prefer keeping PC items all at about the same "size." we have DAZ Originals on discount to PC members and eligible for coupons. That's where the larger items that don't fit with PC prices should go, I think.

    Beyond that, with the sales, I think it's critical to be able to show relevant discounts right on the store page, not after items are in the cart, or even only in the checkout page. So with the 30/40/50 sales, for example, if the customer puts one item in the cart, show all the relevant items at 40% everywhere in the store, especially in the wishlist.

    Another thing that would really help is the ability to see what you've already bought more easily. If PA X is participating in a sale, I'd love to be able to browse their store, but don't make me have to click on each item to see that I've already purchased it. And the more I like the vendor, the more likely I am to have already purchased one of their items. I check a few, then I give up. If you can also show that I've wishlisted an item in the store catalog page, I'm a lot more likely to add it into my cart.

    I can do the math on the various stacking sales, but I usually don't have time or the motivation to do so. Show me what I can get a discount on wherever I see it in the store, and weight my views with items I've not yet bought but have considered in the past, and I'm a lot more likely to buy.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited July 2014

    Okay, one thing about all these "financial" issues that people seem to keep losing track of:

    DAZ Originals, including Platinum items, are bought and paid for by DAZ. The PA who created them sells it as a buy out, so all financial risk on each PC item is borne entirely by DAZ3D Inc. The ONLY way that negative sales affect PAs in the original PC is if DAZ decides to stop buying NEW PC items. However, with the PC+, the PAs are assuming a larger chunk of the financial risk, but the increased revenue on the PC items (should there actually be any) STILL only goes to DAZ.

    So, the only benefits of the PC+ to the PAs are:

    1. the possibility of selling more items and possibly getting a partial kickback off the SAVE6 coupon sales. Of course, this works out to basically the same as what they get running a regular store sale, EXCEPT that the $$$ earned off the SAVE6 coupon are partially vapor dollars, given that the existing DO only PC6 coupon already accounts for the full $$$ spent by subscribers, so at best a SAVE6 would be worth $3. And that doesn't take into account the odds that someone could use the SAVE6 entirely on DOs, so that no PA gets any benefit. In short, this is actually more likely to be a cash sink rather than a plus to most PAs. That leaves option 2-

    2. the chance of selling an item to DAZ as a PC item or DAZ Original. Of course, the odds of this are basically are unchanged from the present unless DAZ is planning on either expanding or cutting back on the number of PC items offered each month. And it's pretty obvious that expanding isn't happening any time soon.

    So, the end of the long term equation is that the PC+ is, at best, a zero gain and more likely a loss for PAs.

    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • Dream CutterDream Cutter Posts: 1,224
    edited July 2014

    1. Do hoops and hurdles and conditions protect profits or inhibit sales?
    2. Are PC members already hooped and hurdled and deserving of best value possible?
    3. If $1.99 DO items are lost leader items that do not turn a profit then if so, Why EVER discount further? Seems counter productive since they are offered to encourage visits and heighten visibility of profitable products and come at great expense.
    Might make the donkey happy but the result is you deplete your carrots quicker without advancing the cart.

    Rather than concentrating on a fixed price of exclusive club offerings, how about accepting a fixed MARGIN whereas the profits determined by the difference of the monthly revenue (sales + monthly PC premiums) and cost of the program. Exclkusitivity of offering is key. With this method, the administration of the PC is simplified by managing the volume and rate of introduction of exclusive PC offerings to control cost without having to determine each products break even point in the sales chart. Then you can use marketing to entice customers to remain members with sneak peels at the really cool products that will be introduced next month. Nothing like building anticipation, and controlling the release is more effective at conditioning behaviors.

    Post edited by Dream Cutter on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    sedor said:
    Novica said:
    I've not bought a thing in several days. No PC items, no new releases, no stacking.
    Because this "the PA decides" thing.
    Don't waste our time, thinking we're going to test each thing in the cart.
    What you need is a dedicated page stating a & b.

    a. the vendors who are participating that week
    b. which vendors have stacking in what sales.

    At least a. isn't so hard to see, you just have to look...
    a) at -> My Account -> Platinum Club

    Right- that's what I'm saying- put it on the same page, the one that already exists :) They don't even have to create a new one.

  • Daz Jack TomalinDaz Jack Tomalin Posts: 13,497
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    you have to - we had to read - let them

    Just wanted to chime in and say that we're still very much paying a close eye to both this thread and the feedback coming in through the portal.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited July 2014

    Novica said:
    sedor said:
    Novica said:
    I've not bought a thing in several days. No PC items, no new releases, no stacking.
    Because this "the PA decides" thing.
    Don't waste our time, thinking we're going to test each thing in the cart.
    What you need is a dedicated page stating a & b.

    a. the vendors who are participating that week
    b. which vendors have stacking in what sales.

    At least a. isn't so hard to see, you just have to look...
    a) at -> My Account -> Platinum Club

    Right- that's what I'm saying- put it on the same page, the one that already exists :) They don't even have to create a new one.
    That stacking discount is what's bugging me. It's advertised on the PC+ page that we get a stacking 30% discount with that weeks PAs, yet the stack is a crapshoot. Not all participate. Don't advertise the stacking discount as a PC+ benefit unless it's going to be consistent.

    Even the items that aren't under new release pricing aren't consistent.
    Dumor3D's T-Party items don't stack with the PC+ discount.
    The Antfarm's don't stack.

    The same goes for the rest of this weeks PC+ PAs.

    Yet on the PC+ page, it says that new release pricing stack is up to the PA, but regular sales will stack just as the DO discount does. So far it looks like any sales stacking is up to the PA, not just intro sales.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, you nailed it. I haven't even looked at the T sale- didn't even LOOK. It just seems you have to really work to find what is discounted with what. As many have said, it's not fun (for me) at the moment. I completely understand the PAs not wanting multiple discounts- I just think the PC+ bargains should be laid out for easy shopping. When you have Artemis store going 38% instead of 50% and other glitches/pricing counteracting each other, it continues to erode confidence in the shopping experience.

    Again, not trying to negate the kudos for offering the two coupons to offset price changes, but the pricing of participating PA stuff needs to be glitch-free and consistent.

  • anikadanikad Posts: 1,919
    edited December 1969

    Yes I went thought ever PC+ store to see if it was stacking with the T sale. Would have been nice if I had known to save myself the bother. That being said there's some good deals to be had in the first tier.

  • edited July 2014

    anikad said:
    Yes I went thought ever PC+ store to see if it was stacking with the T sale. Would have been nice if I had known to save myself the bother. That being said there's some good deals to be had in the first tier.

    I did save myself the bother. I just bought out of tier one with one exception that was out of tier 2,an item I have wanted for a while. I posted earlier in the forums of how much I saved and how little of that was due to PC+.

    That said, I did sign up for one more quarter of PC Club while the fee was $12.00 (yesterday evening and during the night ... is gone now). I'll spend the $12.00 to see what may happen going forward.

    I hope the stacking is trashed and someone can come up with a clear consistent way of listing sales.

    In the meantime, for the most part, I'm just waiting for my self imposed PC+ sentence to be done with, lol.

    Post edited by nightsidestudio_0dc8e91a7a on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited December 1969

    Ada933 said:
    That said, I did sign up for one more quarter of PC Club while the fee was $12.00 (yesterday evening and during the night ... is gone now). I'll spend the $12.00 to see what may happen going forward.

    I did the opposite. Normally I take advantage of any discounted renewal offers, but I'm currently stuck in whatever DAZ mutates the PC into until April of 2015 and I'll need to see where all the current changes are ultimately going to go before I'll extend it any further. Or given the constant wailing about financial problems, if any version of the PC will even be here. Considering that they've already made the free items irrelevant by giving them away to everyone a few months latter, and made the $1.99 items far less attractive as instant buys by repeatedly bundling them into even cheaper packages a few months later, about the only benefit left is the stacking 30% off, which the current runaround with the PA items seems to set a precedence for even further restrictions even as the recent run of 80% off sales make some PC items cheaper to non-PC members than PC members...

    The thing that I really don't get is why, if DAZ is really doing as well as they keep proclaiming in their mailouts, do they keep trying to "fix" a program that has to account for an extremely small portion of their overall gross income yet a significant part of their customer loyalty? Especially when the logistics of the proposed fix look to consume whatever profit differential there might have been with all the added costs in store programming, customer service and real dollars paid to PAs.

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 1969

    Since they're always marking caveats on the sales, maybe they could include a list of stacking (or non-stacking) PC+ PAs when they post each sale banner? (the one on the special sales and promotions page, not the slider)

    I mean, some people are going to miss it anyway, no matter how they set up the notifications, because where one person thinks is a reasonable and easy place to look, another may not, but at least that way, there is a list available, and if something isn't stacking that should, people can at least ask about it.

    While I might be a little bummed if they dropped the PA stacking all together, I wouldn't be too upset. As someone else pointed out, I may have passed on the initial promo period because I didn't have the funds available, not because I wouldn't buy it at that price.

    I've decided that to provide myself with the most accurate data on how PC+ impacts me, I need to keep my purchase patterns as normal as possible, even if that means spending a little more on PC items now, rather than getting them cheaper next month. After all, if I just wait until next month, I don't get an accurate feel of how the higher prices for PC items impact my budget.

This discussion has been closed.