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Ok, thank you, Richard. I'll try that and see if that works to get it unfrozen.
Edit - Ok I deleted the folders inside the "Temp" folder there but that didn't fix the issue. Daz Studio still freezes the second it boots up.
Have you checked the end of the log file, in the base folder for that version of DS (the one that contains the Temp folder)?
This is where the log ends:
2020-08-22 16:15:04.077 Executing startup script...
2020-08-22 16:15:04.254 Started in: F:/Daz New Content Database/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4
2020-08-22 16:15:04.254 DAZ Studio Started
2020-08-22 16:15:04.274 Creating Pixel Buffer
2020-08-22 16:15:04.309 Pixel buffer - Width: 1024 Height: 1024
2020-08-22 16:15:04.332 Compiling OpenGL Shader...
2020-08-22 16:15:04.349 Fragment Shader:
Fragment Shader compiled successfully.
Linking Shader:
Shader Program successfully linked.
2020-08-22 16:15:35.637 Compiling OpenGL Shader...
It seems to stop each time and get hung up on or after "Compiling OpenGL Shader...". There's a bunch of "Index out of range in DzActionMgr::getCustomAction()" warnings then this:
2020-08-22 16:15:04.077 Executing startup script...
2020-08-22 16:15:04.254 Started in: F:/Daz New Content Database/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4
2020-08-22 16:15:04.254 DAZ Studio Started
2020-08-22 16:15:04.274 Creating Pixel Buffer
2020-08-22 16:15:04.309 Pixel buffer - Width: 1024 Height: 1024
2020-08-22 16:15:04.332 Compiling OpenGL Shader...
2020-08-22 16:15:04.349 Fragment Shader:
Fragment Shader compiled successfully.
Linking Shader:
Shader Program successfully linked.
2020-08-22 16:15:35.637 Compiling OpenGL Shader...
And then that's where it just freezes and nothing else gets added to the log.
I've had few dForce freezes with Tara recently, with different or no hair and with a dForce outfit.. I'm starting to suspect the eyebrows could do with hiding before simulating.
oh also for Tara hair (and Dforce hair in general)there are settings you can chance to drastically lower resource usage when rendering
The hairs are set up so they can look good if you're doing a large portrait of the face - but as you zoom out those settings become more and more overkill
If you decrease hair density and then increase line width start and end by the same percent (so halve density, double width for instance) the overall density remains the same but with less total strands and therefore less geometry
compare the 2 attached images -
at this size + distance how much can you spot the difference? but in one of theme the geometry uses 650mb and the other 120mb
(sidenote if vendors want to include some quality presets I'd be very very for it)
That's a helpful tip. Thanks. Ima try something!
Hmm. The hair I tried this with doesn't let you edit the hair itself. There are PS and PR and tesslation settings, but I couldn't find any for density. Reducing tesselation a notch did help reduce memory demands.
...It mightve helped if I'd mentioned this was in the shader settingss
its in the shader settings.
line width is usually right at the top
density is hard to find scrolling so its best to use the search bar
gee Diva I hope you can fix this
usually if programs bork like that I uninstall, use Ccleaner registry cleaner and delete everything under them in application data roaming after making backups
is like killing it with fire but usually works
Yeah, I figured it was in the Surfaces tab. I searched for density and the only thing that showed up was GSM density in simulation. I found Line Start, End and UV width, but without being able to reduce density, there's not a lot of point playing with those.
I have been a sanctioned photographer hired by an association International Hot Boat Association, (Lucas Oil TV Speed Channel, NHRA, Monster Trucks, had my own TV series, and blah blah blah many others) to represent their needs.But this is not a professional arena and in it we all matter equally. We pay for the products. We all deserve best results.
By the looks of it content and software have jumped 10 years into the future, leaving the hardware lagging behind.. In some cases it is becoming ridiculous when this happens..
I have finally found some new ways to level it to my hardware needs again until the next update breaks it for my lesser Nvidia card
Vlad here rendered reasonably fast in Tara's kit
nevermind he has no tankard
being drunk he just thinks he has a bevy
he is postworked in as he is a png series which is really the only way I can render figures animated in D|S I did grab more RAM a few weeks ago and whacked it in, now have 32GB
that definitly helps because I think as long as the geometry fits on my 980ti D|S will seemingly use the RAM for textures out of core like Octane, big textures do ramp RAM usage up suggesting this
edited to add I use the latest beta
Did you update to the latest by any chance? Click Help -> About Daz Studio to verify version.
After I did this update, my 1080 Ti and 64GB Ram is running into memory crashes. I have a feeling if you did recently update, that is your problem. You might want to roll back to an older version of Daz Studio to see if it works.
Here is related thread to people having potentially similar issues:
Thanks jcade :) I did density presets for another hair for the purpose of showing more or less scalp on a high fade cut, but I have not done it for the purpose of close up vs long shot. Will consider it in future!
The density adjustment for hairs with Target Surface mode (such as Ezra hair in j cade's sample) is through "PS Hairs Density (cm^2)" and "Additional PR Hairs Density (cm^2)" in the Surfaces pane. However Tara hair uses Root Radius mode so you will adjust density by changing the "PS Hairs (Per Guide)" and "PR Hairs (Per Guide)". Hope that helps :)
That's the place it usually stops, pending a user action, so it isn't obviously failing. You could try removing the .dsx files from that folder (move them rather than delete them since they set your UI) and see if DS will then open.
Woohoo! Progress! The Hairs per Guide sliders are there. Do I want to be messing with the PS hairs or the PR hairs or both?
Presets would be great. Or if the sliders would somehow be combined, that would help, too. The hair I'm looking at has 16 different zones, so I gotta say that the prospect of having to manually change multiple parameters, typing in numbers by hand for each makes me not want to bother with it at all, or ever buy from this particular vendor again at all.
Thank you for that awesome information, as I have two dforce hair products, Sea Salt and Soft Curls hair and never used them because they would kill my system. Changing the PS Points (Per Hair), PS Hairs (Per Guide) and PS Hair Distribution Radius to 10, 8 and 1, I cut the Geometry usage from about 1.5 GB to about 330 MB.. If I changed that to something like 5,5,5 the Geometry usage would go down to about 140 MB.. Amazing how just a couple of settings could do so much..
Well it seems that turning the PS Points (Per Hair) right down does have the undesired effect of making the hair not simulate properly.. Had to turn it back up, but adjusting the other two settings seems to have helped in lowering the Geometry usage.. Still tinkering around to get an optimum setting though..
Oh you all matter I'm the one that doesn't I'm the thing that should not be/exist everyone looks down on me

_ Guess , ought to Edit this => Windows
= Daz Studio =
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\dson\cache
_ thanx
wow lol, what a really mess, thi is why i'm not really fan of that "high poly density" stuffs from some daz vendors, no matter how you say "for render don't matter", well it's seens which really matter, because even when trying to rendering if you have too much geometry" it will affect render time and even freezing, because it's too dense and being honest even most of the 3d movies characters are not "dense like that", well peoples say "it's for realism" well you can get the same results if you know how to work with shaders and textures maps or you must buy a "NASA" computer" like others are saying 32 giga ram, probably now a 2000 series(1000 is becoming too old for all that heavy geomtry stuffs) and others stuffs, after see all of that i'm really start to feeling which i'm really losing nothing by skipping tara, if it's that insane troublesome, character and stuff.
Well with all that new "dforce", hairs and furs and fibermesh or "stranding" which are heavy on geometry and polygons, couples with some also heavy poly outifts, can really make a single character be more "heavy" than maybe a full game like for exemple the last of us, because you are rendering in a single character what you could be rendering in maybe half of the game" or if you don't like games, then some "3d movies", while i love realism and details i really feel which we also must be carefull about "balance" between how "much detailed you want" and how much it can affect the customer or be acessive to the customer, like if you make a let's 2 million+ poly hair or outfit because you feel it need to have so much detailed which it must be down to be able to see the cloth pores" ok, but you gonna have a big chance to see only few peoples buyinig it because not everyone gonna have a ultra mega top pc to handle it and even in some cases if theyhave they not gonna like it, to have something so heavy which will make they machines go crazy to render or animate it.
is important to have some balance and see when just using a "normal map" or bump map and doing some retopology would be good almost as much as "just making it "big" and you could still achiev a "realism level, without need to burn down peoples machine.
Well hell I bought the Tara bundle and now I am glad I haven't tried to render her yet, because I only have an old 1060ti with 3 gigs of vram... and only 16 gigs of normal ram Now I am wondering if I can even load it' let alone render it, I certainly don't want my DS to get borked, because that would be annoying as all hell.
I'm sure you can load it. It does not load the whole thing in the viewport. But rendering is a different story, there is no way 3gb VRAM can fit this. Actually, how are you rendering anything with 3gb? I am genuinely curious, that has to be limiting as I once had 2gb, and then 4gb, and it was awful. Anyway, Tara herself should be fine if you drop the render subd level down. Her outfit has a lot of high poly pieces, and that is probably the other problem people are having.
I am wondering where this issue is happening. I don't think this is a GPU issue. I think it is somewhere in the process of transferring the data to the GPU that these crashes happen. So could this be the CPU or the bus? Or perhaps it is software not handling the job well.
The PS5 had a demo with Unreal 5 that showed literally millions of polygons getting thrown around the real time. So don't tell me that this is impossible, as the PS5 is obviously no super computer. The magic for Unreal 5 is in its ability to handle and compress mass volumes of data very quickly so that GPU can run it.
Even current gen hardware can handle some high poly counts. In Horizon Zero Dawn, the giant T-Rex robot is using over 550,000 polygons, and that is just one item on the screen. That does not count the player character, the environment, and anything else that may be on screen. This game engine is pushing out 30 renders every second on aging PS4 hardware, the PS4 Pro has just 4 TFlops of power. Its crap. Modern hardware can really crunch some high poly counts, so this is not the issue...well it obviously is for Daz Iray.
sadly I only own the outfit and that renders fine, I gather it's the hair that's the issue
it looks very fine and thick
*sigh* Forgot to drop the SubD on Tara, had to kill a bunch of Daz processes and restart the thing.'
(Fuuuuuu.... I did it again. Okay, drop the SubD before I hit Render.)
I still haven't tried the outfit.
Well the 3 gig card I have is enough to play several newer games on ultra settings, but yeah, I am not rendering with IRAY these days, I have been rendering in 3DL because with 3 gigs of VRAM the renders are about a day and even then it is still noisy as hell, so it was either render a bit and stop save the render and try to denoise it, or shift to 3DL until I can upgrade my system, I could not find a good denoiser, so here I am with 3DL renders for the moment.
With Iray if the scene is over the VRAM capacity it drops to CPU only mode. So that is why it takes so long to render with a 1060 3gb most of the time, because the 1060 is actually not rendering at all, as if it is not even there. The 1060 wouldn't be too bad if it had more memory. The 1060 has 4 TFlops of performance, similar to a PS4 Pro, so it has some capability, but that 3gb is a bottleneck.
well about ps5 as you told they are working in tool to "proper compress". the "millions" of triangles in the models for when its rendering it will make a fake "topology" where while "physically they still millions" during the render they will be rendered as if they where let's say hundred instead of millions, the new system will get all the "many polygons" which are too close and compute then as if they were a single one in pixels, well its a complext math and i really don't proper know but the idea is "instead of you have to "reduce" the polygons by making the topology outside unreal" the engine will in a fake way do that for you, he will process the millions in a way which they will be loaded as "much less" than they are actually in real, instead of render 1 million tris from a single object they will render if as if it was like 500k by grouping together some vertices as if they instead of being 2 or 3 they will count as a single 1 in the render process, the model will gona be still heavy high poly and you gonna still see the level of detail but the engine will be actually only rendering a "fraction" of that polygons.
also about the horizon, indeed, but you don't see too much of that 550+ characters around, and even with that they use the "LOD" system where this 550k+ are only loaded when you are "close" to the model" games engines (at last the most top ones) have the LOD(level of Details), which adjust the poly count based on the distance you are from the model, then in many cases you have the same model with like 3 to 5 versions, each one with a poly count, then the "more far away" you are from a model the less poly version wil be loaded, another thing which even that model still far behind what many "daz stuffs or vendors can push, you have some outfit and hairs sellers which don't take in account the "character as a full"(i means they only care to work in they own models), without pay attention to the "final impact" it can have when combied with all others stuffs, based on some combinations" of outfits, fibermesh eyebrows 4 level sub characters and fibermesh/strand/dforce hair, you can easy have a single character reaching a final count near 2 millions polygons, in a single character and being honest this can easy be even more than many pixar movies characters.
would be good if the artists start to pay more attention to the "whole scene" not just they products itself, i means how much impact it can have in the final character after you add all the stuffs plus some renders heavy configurations, it can have a huge impact on it.
and remember the ps5 and next xbox consoles which are comming they are all being around last level of"ssd cards" and video card around rxt2k, which are not still on the "line of cheap stuffs" which anyone can buy now. this new generation is comming to try to catch up or get close with current generation of top game pcs, which are pretty expensive to have.