Computer freezes on simple scene with Tara, outfit and hair!



  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    The point being is that the engine is capable of reproducing the effects of high poly count models on the fly. You can call that faking, but the result is what matters, Unreal 5 does not force the developer to create different scales of models. Iray does not seem to be capable of this. Iray has texture compression, but this texture compression is not as advanced as what game engines may use.

    You pretty much described it yourself, the game engine is capable of altering the mesh resolution depending on how close it is to the camera. Iray really needs to be able to do this better. But also, at the end of the day, that big enemy in Horizon is rendered at its full poly count when the player is up close to it.

    The PS5 is only as capable as a 2070, while the Xbox Series X will be around a 2080. They may offer better ray tracing performance, but Ampere is set to pretty much blow them all away. I expect a 3060 to easily best a PS5, and a 3070 would best a Series X. Those may not be considered "cheap" but they will be cheaper that what Turing offered.

    These may not be the cheapest hardware, but good hardware is not cheap. The 1060 is from 2016, and so is the PS4 Pro. The original PS4 released all the way back in 2013. It is going to be 7 years old when Ampere releases. If tech is going to make a run at Moore's Law, it is going to increase drastically. But fabricating the new process nodes is more difficult and expensive. An excellent example is Intel, who has been stuck on 14 nm for what seems like forever. They had a very hard time developing their 10nm node, and even right now still having some issues with it. They have already delayed their 7nm fab by a year.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    The point being is that the engine is capable of reproducing the effects of high poly count models on the fly. You can call that faking, but the result is what matters, Unreal 5 does not force the developer to create different scales of models. Iray does not seem to be capable of this. Iray has texture compression, but this texture compression is not as advanced as what game engines may use.

    You pretty much described it yourself, the game engine is capable of altering the mesh resolution depending on how close it is to the camera. Iray really needs to be able to do this better. But also, at the end of the day, that big enemy in Horizon is rendered at its full poly count when the player is up close to it.

    The PS5 is only as capable as a 2070, while the Xbox Series X will be around a 2080. They may offer better ray tracing performance, but Ampere is set to pretty much blow them all away. I expect a 3060 to easily best a PS5, and a 3070 would best a Series X. Those may not be considered "cheap" but they will be cheaper that what Turing offered.

    These may not be the cheapest hardware, but good hardware is not cheap. The 1060 is from 2016, and so is the PS4 Pro. The original PS4 released all the way back in 2013. It is going to be 7 years old when Ampere releases. If tech is going to make a run at Moore's Law, it is going to increase drastically. But fabricating the new process nodes is more difficult and expensive. An excellent example is Intel, who has been stuck on 14 nm for what seems like forever. They had a very hard time developing their 10nm node, and even right now still having some issues with it. They have already delayed their 7nm fab by a year.

    wow indeed that gonna be the big sales point of unreal 5, you not gonna need to have a "lod" anymore" at best you gonna still need to do a 'retopology" not because "too much polygon" but because sculpting a character for game is not the same for "render", daz is a good exemple of it, the "mesh" must be created taking in account which it will be rigged" then it will ned to "deform properly" which can't be done by a "rought(brute) sculpited character, you would still need to "proper adjust the places of each "square" to make sure the character will proper "deform" in a "realistic way", this is one of the reasons we still have topology, not just to "reduce" polygons", but to make sure the mesh behavious properlly when animating it, as they showed while for "props" have millions or billions of polygons not gonna matter it will gonna matter for characters for sometime until they can improve how rigging are made and be able to proper handle any sort of "model.


    I do agreee which the big issue of daz and probably most of the "render only programs" is exactly which they don't have "LODS" as game engines  to work which put too much pressure in the program and in the computer since they don't have any "way to reduce" the impact which the models can have in the computer perfomances, if you have a 1 million character model loaded in daz, don't matter the "distance of the render he will have the same impact if its a close shot or far away shot, the model still a million and consuming the same power 1 million will cost, unlike the game engines which have tricks to reduce this cost.


    because to be fair currently none program can really handle to heavy "loaded stuffs" even pixar or nasa pcs can't handle too heavy poly count scenes, like you have to load a street with peoples and cars passing around, if each model have millions of polygons in the scene(cars, peoples, props) then it could ending burning your computer in the middle of the process no matter how powerfull the machine is, at the current power spec pcs.


    game engines only have "hufge open worlds with "billions" or trillions of polygons because they have tricks to handle like normally is only rendered what you are "seeying", like if you vision sight or what is being display in your screen is a 1km area, then you are only rendering 1km area, even if they wolrd is like 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999km, the remains area is "ignored until you start to "see it"/reach it, then when they start to unload the previous area you are not seeying anymore and load the part you are seeying, this is how the engine handle those stuffs, you don't have the full big world "pre rendered" as you have in normal "render, you are only rendering what you are seeying or need to see now, everything else remains in a sort of stance were its ready to "render" as fast as your pc can, this why aside from bad "optmization", you can have rendering issues, because your pc was not strong enough to render the stuffs fast as it needed to make the things not start to "appear out of nowere" or appear without textures and stuffs like that,  sometimes is bad optimization in the final product others is just someone running the game in the lowest machine possible for the game or in same crazy cases even lower than the min requeriments.


    the current daz indeed looks like can't proper support the current "too heavy" stuffs some sellers are making, they indeed need to improve the program to be able to support those tech they are making or they need to ask the sellers not go "too wild" with the current techs, specially this new "dforce" hair/fur stuffs wich seens to be more heavy than even fibermesh or strands hairs, they need to be more carefull when developing they stuffs using those techs.

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    Perhaps overlooked in this is that Tara was originally designed not as a Daz Genesis character, and the renders of her original form were done in Arnold, not Iray.

    Arnold will not have dforce hair, so it had to handle this hair differently. Also, like I said in the Tara thread, the original Tara has fiber mesh lashes and peach fuzz, on top of all this other geometry. Her fiber brows look much better, too, and if you compare the hairs close, the original looks even more dense than the Daz dforce one.

    If you look at this, you will even see more fiber strands coming out of her clothing. So there is a ton of stuff going on here and tons of complex geometry. However it is true that these renders do not show much of a background around her. At any rate, it looks like she has been altered to work in Daz Studio.

  • actually I've had some projects stall and crash and think it maybe some dforce hairs so maybe like others said maybe this is the case for you, funny thing is again for me don't thinkit happens all the time maybe it's when there is more than one dforce item is being used in a scene or just some conflict with some other products and not others

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    I think there is definitely a dforce connection, and that it is tied to how the software creates strand hairs when a render is started. 

  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,990

    I think there is definitely a dforce connection, and that it is tied to how the software creates strand hairs when a render is started. 

    ..or to how the hair's makers build their product maybe? One thing I learned about computers: many software problems result from user/programmer/designer errors devil

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited August 2020

    I haven't tried to render it yet, but I pulled up a scene quick yesterday with her, the outfit, and hair and snarfed my drink when I realized that the hair is barely even dForce. Meaning there's like three scragglies at the bottom of the braid and a couple whispies at the top that actually move when simulated. Like why was it even made with SBH? It could have saved so many people so much time and energy and crashing to have just made it rigged and transmapped. 

    Honestly...I'm still considering the return of the whole base bundle. Good thing I haven't spent my $10 store credit yet. (If I do keep it, that hair will be uninstalled and cease to take up space in my library.)

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    edited August 2020

    I haven't tried to render it yet, but I pulled up a scene quick yesterday with her, the outfit, and hair and snarfed my drink when I realized that the hair is barely even dForce. Meaning there's like three scragglies at the bottom of the braid and a couple whispies at the top that actually move when simulated. Like why was it even made with SBH? It could have saved so many people so much time and energy and crashing to have just made it rigged and transmapped. 

    Honestly...I'm still considering the return of the whole base bundle. Good thing I haven't spent my $10 store credit yet. (If I do keep it, that hair will be uninstalled and cease to take up space in my library.)

    I kind of like the character and the outfit, but yeah, the hair is more trouble than it's worth.  Same with Tara's SBH eyebrows.  I've had simulations stall until I hid the eyebrows.

    The impression I get is that the lower skill barrier required to get something "okay" looking with SBH is leading to some poorly designed hairs by less experienced PAs hitting the store.

    Post edited by Sevrin on
  • Perhaps overlooked in this is that Tara was originally designed not as a Daz Genesis character, and the renders of her original form were done in Arnold, not Iray.

    Arnold will not have dforce hair, so it had to handle this hair differently. Also, like I said in the Tara thread, the original Tara has fiber mesh lashes and peach fuzz, on top of all this other geometry. Her fiber brows look much better, too, and if you compare the hairs close, the original looks even more dense than the Daz dforce one.

    If you look at this, you will even see more fiber strands coming out of her clothing. So there is a ton of stuff going on here and tons of complex geometry. However it is true that these renders do not show much of a background around her. At any rate, it looks like she has been altered to work in Daz Studio.

    that does look like a lot of detail there. On the Daz Facebook page they have been saying talking up the products they've seen and bought from the Artstation been a few now they've bought from here and other places and had them converted to work in daz, several figures, that school room and subway tunnel enviroment. Dforce seems to be the must have option now for clothing, hair and other products, still prefer and hope most wll include movent morph options as well out of touch still does and a few others, maybe it's easier for creators to convert to dforce than create movement, and styling morphsposes

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