OMG a Mouse and It's SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!



  • L'Adair said:
    JOdel said:

    The woodland animals are all very welcome, to be certain (I have a long-standing need for a badger, the European variety by preference) but that is my need, not necessarily anyone else's.

    Domestic animals, however, are the kind of thing that once they turn up many people who had not considered animals at all, will find a use for them. A new domestic cat has been being begged for for years (I'm satisfied with the Hiverwire cat, but, again, I am not everyone). A new rabbit would be *very* welcome. Particularly since rabbits can be used as either domestic or wild, if alternate textures are available. 

    (For the person who wanted white-tailed deer, Hivewire does have a white tail buck. It's an add-on to their mule deer buck. No doe or fawn yet. They have a bottleneck at the rigging point, and textures also seem to come through one artist who has a long to-do list.)

    Since the HW animals are all morphs based on the Horse, which comes with a female morph, it's easy enough to dial out the male bits on the mule deer, or one of the other deer and delete the antlers. And I've not tried it, but you'd probably be able to mix in the foal morph with the deer of your choice to get a baby deer. And you could use the Fallow Deer texture for the baby deer since it has spots on the coat. 

    No, not so much. I tried it when I did a family of deer for a render, using the HW3D Buck to create a doe, (and the very old Silverkey Fawn for the baby.) I ended up creating my own morph for the underside because the Mare morph distorted the body so much. I created another morph to round out the head where it is shaped specifically for the antlers. (All this before Mesh Grabber was released, which would have made it much easier and faster!)

    I love AM's animals. I'd love another deer, (and I've already got Tane.) I'd love a cute little bunny, and/or a jack rabbit. I'd love another housecat… As long as AM continues to create animals, I will continue to buy them. As I am able.

    It worked Ok for me. If you don't dial the morph to 100% it just leaves a small hollow that kind of looks like a navel. It seems like it would be fine unless you're rendering the belly of the deer for whatever reason. But, I don't know. I like having options. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    The mouse is cute. I hope too to see a rat!

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    I think if I remember what Alex was saying on his Facebook post about the mouse that it's a base for many other critters, including rats.  

  • cathan01_wwg1wgacathan01_wwg1wga Posts: 364
    edited August 2020

    I use Lynes' doe and fawn morphs for her reskined Daz Buck alongside the HW3D buck as her updated textures are very well done. Unfortunately, no LAMH or alternate fur options for either, so I have to use a fur shader and quite a bit of postwork.

    As I only purchase animals these days, it's particularly rough seeing all the new beasties released here, on HW3d, and Sparky's website. It's driving me nuts. I may not need a mouse or snow leopard or brand new african elephant or wyvern or tiger or newborn puppy or chihuahua right now, but just glancing at their promos makes me want them even more.

    I'd also like to add in a request for a rabbit and hare. No need to release it anytime soon, though. I don't think it would enjoy loitering about in my wishlist for months on end.

    Post edited by cathan01_wwg1wga on
  • RobertlRobertl Posts: 9

    Did a quick render of DForce mouse in the cleaning pose just to see hair, really liking it.

    1920 x 1080 - 3M
  • Gogger said:
    mcorr said:
    barbult said:
    mcorr said:

    Probably more than your beavers, moose and feral hogs =)

    I think he makes animals that interest HIM. There is nothing wrong with that. I prefer the more common animals, but I have a few of the exotics, too.

    Well, you certainly have a right to your opinion, don’t you. But, you are setting up a srawman argument. He said that he didn’t think people were much interested in a rabbit, and I replied that a rabbit sounded like it would be more interesting to folks than a beaver or moose (i don’t remember anybody clamouring for those like they are for a rabbit). So, since he clearly is interested in what people need and want, your point — or what evidence you base it on — alludes me.

    I have a different take on the matter.

    I make pictures for myself, but I don’t try to sell them.  It’s not my objective, but I think Alex is in the business of actually making money using his 3d skills, probaly because he enjoys that more than office work, or working at mac d’s to make a living. It might be a hobby, but it’s probably also his bread and butter. And that is why he does, in fact, appear to care what people like and want.

    i think it would be more accurate to say that he loves animals, while probably having some favs, so he’s not overly biased about what he makes, or certainly not biased to the point of his financial detriment. If you like them all, thinking about financial advantages to boot is not at cross purposes with one’s passion.

    I've had the honor of being friends with Alessandro for a few years now. In that time I've learned several things about him.  He's an Italian living in Italy, (NEVER goes by "Alex", maybe "Ale" if anything) and has an amazing catalog of critters here at DAZ. He has also sold things in other shops, his frog model, for instance. He also fairly recently spent some time in London working on a motion picture putting his diverse talents to use on that and is also developing an application that generates amazing 3D tree models. He LOVES Nature and is willing to make a model that he knows probably won't break any records in sales, but he felt passionate enough about to make it/them anyway.  Most everybody here in these threads works for a living and we all get by as best we can. Alessandro included. I applaud him for not JUST chasing the money. I think it is a pretty common consensus that nearly everything he does is outstanding and above par, even if not someone's particular cup of tea.  As an artist, I know that sometimes what I SHOULD be making, is not what has stolen the attention of my passsion and energy. <shrug>

    I chuckle a little seeing all these thread-based requests for this beast, or that creature, but what I take away from that is people see an artist with great talent and they hope, beyond all hope, that he just MIGHT listen to their pleas and give them yet one more AMAZING thing! 

    Lastly,  I might add that Barbult is a very, very helpful person on these threads and I've never seen her treat anyone with a lack of respect, regardless of their behavior. She's often coming up with fascinating new information on various products and techniques and is always willing to share her knowledge with everyone. I am honored to count her as a Forum Friend. I, for one, advocate treating her with the level of respect that she has earned.

    He's also a fan of Australia and loves our wildlife and has mentioned he'd love to visit and see our wildlife

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417

    He's also a fan of Australia and loves our wildlife and has mentioned he'd love to visit and see our wildlife

    Oh yeah - that's for sure!  He has done several models based on Australia.  I hope he does more.

    He and I have a standing Kayak & Photography outing agreed to if he ever shows up in this neck of the woods (USA).

  • Gogger said:

    He's also a fan of Australia and loves our wildlife and has mentioned he'd love to visit and see our wildlife

    Oh yeah - that's for sure!  He has done several models based on Australia.  I hope he does more.

    He and I have a standing Kayak & Photography outing agreed to if he ever shows up in this neck of the woods (USA).

    if that happens think he'll get a lot of inspiration there too

  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,275

    So wait. How many animals do I have to buy to get the Hivewire white-tailed deer? I don't have any of their animals (except the cat and some of Ken's birds). Thanks for pointing it out.

  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760
    edited August 2020

    So wait. How many animals do I have to buy to get the Hivewire white-tailed deer? I don't have any of their animals (except the cat and some of Ken's birds). Thanks for pointing it out.

    Just the Horse and the mule deer. 

    Post edited by zombietaggerung on
  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,275

    OK, thank you. smiley

  • owie boo boo.jpg
    2646 x 1229 - 3M
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    IUS said:

    Instant buy for me, my request would be a Red Panda.

    Me too!  Cutest cute little furry animal in the known multiverse.  Alessandro did mention it as a future project some years ago but nothing seems to have happened, alas. 



  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,839

    He's also a fan of Australia and loves our wildlife and has mentioned he'd love to visit and see our wildlife

    Ooh,  could that mean a Dropbear by AM one day? ...

  • He's also a fan of Australia and loves our wildlife and has mentioned he'd love to visit and see our wildlife

    Ooh,  could that mean a Dropbear by AM one day? ...

    ya never know Actually while ago I was working on a drop bear render project using his koalas ispired by the movie Drop - new movie coming, didn't finish it cause thought they wouldn't like it here

  • The mouse is adorable and so well done! definately worth the price to me- it's a whole new sculpt and rigging and he even put in D force hair!

    This is the only PA making such realistic animals for us here at Daz that I know of... and just look at the prices of comparable animal models at places like turbo squid!

  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611

    But there is no "mouth open" morph??

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    But there is no "mouth open" morph??

    Just use the jaw

  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611
    scorpio said:

    But there is no "mouth open" morph??

    Just use the jaw

    Oh... will try that... thank you laugh

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992
    mwokee said:

    It doesn't use or need the Rodent Polymorph.

    Are there any more rodents based on the rodent polymorph coming?

    - Greg

    I can't say for sure, I started a rabbit/hare some time ago but it looked like there weren't many after it.


    Make it with a cuddly white fur option, that might sell.

    And with lop ears! Oh - yeah!!  Instant buy!

  • Just had to share a couple from the gallery because awwwww :) 



    Lothar Weber:

    Should have links to their galleries too 

  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611
    scorpio said:

    But there is no "mouth open" morph??

    Just use the jaw

    Worked great. Thank you for the tip! yes render is working now... 

  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611

    Just had to share a couple from the gallery because awwwww :) 




    Lothar Weber:

    Should have links to their galleries too 

    Thank your for mentioning... laugh

  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611

    Render done - hope you will find her ;-) so much fun with that mouse: "Come dance with me"

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited August 2020

    Really cute creature.


    1000 x 1200 - 217K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309

    I completely agree - it is just too cute (especially for a 'vermin' animal)!

    ... and I am not even a FAN of cute!  But I definitely want this one.  going to have to wait until funds allow though

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Probably needed to go with a different color on the mouse he kinda blends in.

  • @Daventoki, is there a mouse in that render?? I can't find him!

    Wonderful renders all, especially the mouse in the teacup!

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited August 2020

    So cute....


    1000 x 1300 - 348K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484


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