SereneNight’s Sci-Fi Fun Thread 3



  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    How easily do the poses apply, using this Bone Minion technique? The promo says tweaking may be necessary. How much tweaking?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,879

    Don't we already have about a billion poses for G8? I don't understand the desire to apply poses made for older generations.

  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783
    edited July 2022

    Because sometimes the exact pose -- or close enough to it -- is NOT among those billion G8 ones. Sometimes it's one you've used before when you were working with old Mike 4 or whomever but now you've upgraded your characters to G8/8.1 and that perfect pose won't work right with them. And when you go off to Daz or Rendo or wherever, you discover there is no new version of that old set. Nor anything similar, hence the market for converters.

    Post edited by Byrdie on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    barbult said:

    Don't we already have about a billion poses for G8? I don't understand the desire to apply poses made for older generations.

    I almost never use pre-made poses, so for me the entire pose market is a little baffling.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2022

    inquire said:

    How easily do the poses apply, using this Bone Minion technique? The promo says tweaking may be necessary. How much tweaking?

    You need to purchase the correct bone minion product for the generation you use. Then you attach i to the figure. You apply the poses as normal to the bone minion, which corrects the figure and moves it to the correct pose. 

    I think the poses are generally pretty spot on. M4 tended to have a lot different 'hands' so for example, they tend to have the fngers not in too complex of poses. 

    But I personally find it easy, now that I understand it to use.

    I guess its usefulness depends on how many poses for the generation you want to use.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    barbult said:

    Don't we already have about a billion poses for G8? I don't understand the desire to apply poses made for older generations.

    Back in the day, there were a number of vendors making some nice gay couples poses. I mostly wanted to use bone minion on them.. I have used posed converters on them, but it is time consuming. This seems to require a lot less correction.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    I bought the bone minion Generation 4 (M4, V4, etc.) to G8 and G8.1 to test. So far, works well. Is there a Forum for this product, with a link to the Forum? Also, is there a way to hide the bone minions once I've applied poses, so that tweaking would be easier?

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    inquire said:

    I bought the bone minion Generation 4 (M4, V4, etc.) to G8 and G8.1 to test. So far, works well. Is there a Forum for this product, with a link to the Forum? Also, is there a way to hide the bone minions once I've applied poses, so that tweaking would be easier?

    I believe the PA has multiple threads here:

    I have not found a way to hide bone minion, and it tends to 'hover' around the character during my rendering. It can of course be deleted after you apply and choose a pose. Let me know if you figure it out. I admit, I tend to use things up until my degree of desired functionality is reached, and not explore further, so its possible I do not know the full in-and-outs of this.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2022

    Here is another F4/M4 pose converted with Bone Minion for M4.

    1800 x 1400 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    Great job. And thanks for all the info on bone minion. I really think it's a terrific product. 

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    About the Bone Minion product and whether or not you can hide those bones, RiverSoftArt provides the answer here:

    It's in the Parameters Tab, when you have selected the Bone Minion. You'll find "Show Bones," which is the way the Bone Minion loads, and you can switch it off. I provided a little screen shot.

    Screen Shot 2022-07-24 at 10.25.54 AM.png
    302 x 173 - 22K
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Oh thanks inquire! I really appreciate that. Bone Minion doesn't really need to be seen in my opinion so hiding it would be optimal!

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2022

    So, here is the FE Yami Hair for Genesis 8 Male. I like it. Yes, it is a mullet-adjacent hairstyle, but it renders nicely and has a good hairline. 

    I've been wanting to use the tambourine for something.


    1400 x 1800 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2022

    So Noa 8 is basically a M4 style head on a stocky but buff body. Not loving the baked-on hair, no additional characters, and kind of strange-looking pelvis.  While I approve of new male characters by default, I have questions about the purpose of this one, especially with his complete lack of content. Didn't we do the Elios thing already and have a god-type figure once now?  Now if they marketed this as M4 for Genesis 8 and included some of his greatest hit content ported for Gen 8.  I think this might've gone over well. But, I don't see this as Zeus, and his content is very light, and his skin looks like something we've seen before.  I just lack enthusiasm for him, even though, typically I'd be into this sort of thing. 

    Things to note, I like his base shape. I'd probably narrow his waist a bit, and I definitely would prefer less arch to his brows, you can find others that will work. He's got nice arms I like the shoulders and he might blend well with other males. So I think he's worth adding; I just want more stuff for him exclusively, and his face really does look like M4's default head, and those brows being so arched, give him a perpetual surprised look. 



    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    Ha! I knew there was something familiar about that face. Indeed it is very Mike Four-ish. And yes indeedy, if Daz were to do an M4 to M8 (or even M9 whenever he comes out) character and port over some of his best stuff I'd be all over such a bundle. Even if I had to live on cheap ramen for a month so I could afford it. Think maybe I'll wait awhile before buying this new dude, though. I don't need all the Greek God stuff  -- even if some people don't know Ajax from Apollo -- and besides, there's always another sale. 

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I'd go for some of the "real period clothing" for M4 refit & retextured. This new M4's legs look oddly skinny for such a muscularly developed torso, but that's a common motivational shortcoming of bodybuilders. Don't know if I'll buy or not as there are 2 or 3 Mousso characters I want still and I dread getting too many characters with the DAZ Studio slowdown to a crawl many of you have talked about that have many DAZ 3D 8/8.1 characters.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2022

    I wonder if maybe they used the high-resolution M4 base textures for Noa's head. (And I just mistyped that as "Noah" which I suspect explains the repeated errors on Noa's page originally -- you just don't expect that name to stop there.)  Not for his body -- M4 had a notably hairy body texture and Noa really doesn't -- but it wouldn't be hard, with the tools and skills they have, to color match M4's head to another body. I'm reasonably sure they've reused Rob Elite's texture a couple of times, so why not M4 himself?

    I did finally decide to pick him up. Not going for the daily bundle-one-piece-at-a-time approach, though. Apart from not being interested in Anthea, at the current pace, all of the Noa items unbundled would cost a minimum of $102. It will be a larger non-bundle bundle than they've had in a while -- looks to be 13 total items, counting advertised freebies -- but still.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2022

    I dislike the pro bundle and then the drib and drab release schedule. The initial bundle itself was kind of lacking, then to get more Greco Roman god stuff released each day is kinda a strange approach. If it all was released the same day my impulse might have caused me to hit buy it now. smiley Now that sanity has prevailed, I sort of feel burned by the approach since better items of the same sort may be coming out than what was in the pro bundle. Also never do like the HD not being bundled with the character.

    I haven't liked any of the bundles really since Torment. Now those were bundles. yes

    I did buy the expressions today.

    I agree they likely used Michael 4's face/skin on a different skin body. It explains the odd brows and the placement of the features which doesn't quite seem right, it's like the skin is a bit too wide for his face. And genesis 4 skins always seemed to cause the Botox brow look.

    what I miss most are the characters. I think I really want to see what Noa looks like without m4s skin map.


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2022

    Honestly, after looking at the Noa HD promos, I decided to skip it. It looks like it mostly just provides skin details for portrait type renders and very little else, and I don't do a huge number of portraits, so I can wait for a deeper sale for that.

    So I decided to run a couple thought experiments. I sent the M4 High Res textures through Texture Transformer and Map Transfer to get a G8.1 map, and then put the M4 High Res diffuse textures over Noa's underlayers. First image below. It seems very clear from this that they color corrected M4's head and put it on a different body -- understandably; the market would really not appreciate getting a texture as hairy as M4 today. I had to add some fibemesh hair to him because the texture hair was so weirdly shiny, in a way that clearly said that there wasn't actually any hair in the image at those locations.Noa is on the left, Michael 4 over Noa on the right. For some reason, M4 looks really angry about something; I didn't put any expression on his face, so that's just him.

    Noa left michael 4 right


    For the second image, as requested, Noa with a different texture, along with Noa Michael 4 on the right (because I just redid the texture in the same scene). The texture is the Deepsea 8.1 Merchant Resource. Not sure what the settings are -- I just used the default preset -- but it should be possible to make him a lot less orange with them. He does look quite a lot younger with that texture set.

    deepsea left noaM4 right


    And finally with the RY Perfectly Imperfect resource on the left, and his own texture on the right. Honestly, I think the Raiya texture makes him look a little more ... surly pouty Greek demigod. And apparently permanently surprised brows are just his thing.





    842 x 673 - 602K
    842 x 673 - 600K
    842 x 673 - 603K
    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2022

    Wow those turned out well yes.  I think I prefer him best with any other skin than Michael 4 because his brows look less Tammy Faye that way. I didn't realize I had so much dislike of michael 4's skin but I think I suffer cognitive dissonance seeing that skin on Noa. It just screams m4 and   I can't get past it.   They should've just made him m8.1 oh wait....we have one already. Okay now my mission is to put m8.1's skin on Noa. Afterall turnabout is fair play.wink

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Hmm I really like  RY Perfectly Imperfect resource's on him. It looks more realistic and his features are more defined with that product. Thanks for sharing!

  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    Is there a browless version of the skin he comes with? That way one could avoid the Tammy Fay look plus use brows to match whatever hair color he has. Except for the brow issue, I quite like the M4-ishness of him.


  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    For the Perfectly Imperfect for GM 8.1, it says "Anatomical Elements." But does it include those for both un and circumcised?

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2022

    inquire said:

    For the Perfectly Imperfect for GM 8.1, it says "Anatomical Elements." But does it include those for both un and circumcised?

    Yes, it has both.


    Byrdie said:

    Is there a browless version of the skin he comes with? That way one could avoid the Tammy Fay look plus use brows to match whatever hair color he has. Except for the brow issue, I quite like the M4-ishness of him.


    Yes, he has a browless version. I've got him with Super Natural Brows on the right side, below, and his painted brows on the left side. I also pulled his translucency down to .6 from .85 -- just a personal thing -- so that's why he looks paler.


    842 x 673 - 582K
    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    Thanks. Wishlisting him for now, gonna wait & see what else lands I might be interested in. :sigh: Don't ya just hate it whenever there's more month than money? blush

  • leemoon_c43b45a114leemoon_c43b45a114 Posts: 882
    edited August 2022

    Here's a quick render of Noa @ 65%, Achilles @ 35%, a very few morph adjustments to the sternum depth/glutes/inner thighs, and 2 muscular figures dialed in at low strength to give him additional muscular volume.  I also applied my modified version of Pablo's textures (to work better with my lighting setup.). That's all I remember doing at the moment.

    I do like Noa and have picked up a good number of the items that have been offered for him this week.


    3868 x 1251 - 2M
    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Wow! He looks good with that mix Lee! Thanks for sharing that.

  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,503
    edited August 2022

    I realize there is a shortage of grecian male hair in the store!

    1530 x 1261 - 549K
    Post edited by nemesis10 on
  • Serene Night said:

    Wow! He looks good with that mix Lee! Thanks for sharing that.

    Thank you so much, Serene Night!  I love mixing various figures and morph products together. :)


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2022

    Melyen HD for Genesis 8.1 Male is a fantastic new male figure, for Genesis 8.1 Male. He includes body, head shape, and multiple ear shapes (including an ear-down morph! I need more of those). He has some great freckles, and there is optional makeup, ears, and elements. I should mention that the freckles have different strength options so that you can add a lot or a little. 

    The texture is very nice. We need more freckled males. His morph, especially the head, is very useful. He has a LOTR Elf feel and reminds me of Maehdros, the eldest of the seven sons of Feanor. (Yes, I am that LOTR fan-geek). 

    The ear morphs are perfect. I've been looking for some way to make the ears of my elves go up and down. It appears this morph will do a down ear position...although I wish you could adjust them further up and down a bit more since the current trend with elves is to have the ears be a bit more moveable since it gives them more expression.

    This elf is a nice addition to anyone's runtime. 


    1400 x 1800 - 2M
    1400 x 1800 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
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