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Thank you! I like how he turned out. I think he needs some more skin details and definition. Those will come from the amazing vendors in the future, I'm sure. :)
So, I have been working on converting the G8M morphs I use the most to Genesis 9. It is definitely doable, but the lack of HD and really good male skins is a bit of an issue.
Here I converted Mike 8. He has Vicky 9's skin and some random brows.
I'm kind of impressed that he looks less fair with Victoria's skin than his own, even though she's tuned so that she can only be a blond or redhead without looking odd.
I know plenty of brunettes with Vicky's type skin. It's a pop culture misnomer that only blond & rufous people have that skin type. Now it is true that the probability of having that skin type skyrockets if the person is a natural blond or rufous, but even then they are still outnumbered by brunettes with that skin type.
I wouldn't have reckonized that character Serene Night rendered was Mike 8, as the original Mike 8 looks a lot like John Travolta and this character doesn't. I guess that's a testament to people, despite stereo vision, are still better suited to remember things that can be represented on 2 planes rather than the 3 planes needed to accurately notice the details of the 3D shape geometry over the 2D features of skin variations.
That knight's clothing does drape well though.
Here I converted Torment. I used Vicky's HD for some degree of definition on their features. Torment was my favorite 8.1 figure so I hope they get converted to 9. They certainly suit the styles!
More Torment
I took him into Camera Raw, and added A primrose filter and a vignette.
Good renders.
The improvement in G9 shader materials and geometry is causing the shortcomings of most hair and most cloth to be emphasized again.
That really is true. Most DAZ figures look better without their clothing due to their impressive skin and shapes. But clothing took a downturn when dForce was introduced. It has not really made any leaps forward since.
Yeah, so I was intrigued by the lie overlays and how they might look on the guys.
I like the look of the arms, but I think the chest butterfly seems more designed to emphasize a female chest. Once again, this is Torment 8.1 brought over to Genesis 9, with his head shrunk about 2 percent. I do like them, though. Just needs something a bit different on the torso.
So how are you transfering/bringing over the G8 morphs/characters to G9? Is there a tutorial out somewhere ?
I used these. I did not write them. They were from the YouTube video notes. There are a lot of steps, so it took me a while to get it right.
Convert G8 shapes to G9
1. Load G9 base figure (Dev Load char - no eyes, eye lashes, etc.)
2. Parameters tab > General > Base resolution
3. Unselect G9, load G8 or G8.1 Female Dev character
4. Select G9, the load the G8 autofit clone > Parameters > Hidden > Clones
Dial up to 100%
5. Adjust G9 legs
a) Select r or l thigh, General tab > transforms > rotation
b) Rotate to about 6.57 (or -6.57 for r thigh)
c) Match the rotation to the other leg
6. Save the scene for future use
7. Export G9 with these settings:
File type: OBJ
Filename: Something descriptive
Ignore Invisible nodes
Scale: 100%
Write UV Coordinates
Write Normals
Write Faces
Write Polylines
Write Separate Objects
Filter Objects > Selected Roots
Write Groups
Write Surfaces
Write Material Lib
Quote Paths Containing Spaces
8. Make G9 invisible
9. Select G8, then import the OBJ just exported, leave the default settings
10. Hamburger icon above Scene tab > Assets > Transfer Utility
Source = G8
Target = G9 OBJ
Uncheck parent to source figure
11. Save the scene so that you can transfer other morphs or figures later on
Transfer Morphs/Characters
12. Hide G8 (but still selected), Actor Tab > People.
Here you can select another shape or morph to transfer (Edie 8 body, Gia 8 head, etc.)
Make separate morphs for head and body/body part (i.e., not both at the same time)
Note: Some head morphs may create distortion around the eyes. You can fix these in Zbrush or Blender if needed. Most normal female heads will work fine.
13. Make dummy g9 clothing model visible before saving morphs
Export the G9 "clothing" to OBJ
a) Select the G9 morphed object
b) OBJ format, name it something similar to the morph
c) Same settings as above
Note: you can also reset the morph and dial in another one, then export that. Create as many separate morphs as you like.
14. Delete the G9 morphed figure, delete the G9 Dev Load figure
15. Load regular G9
Import the morphed figure back in
16. Edit menu > Object > Morph Loader Pro
Choose Morph Files > Morph obj just created in step 13.
Reverse Deformations = Yes
17. Parameters > Morphs > Morph Loader Pro. Dial up the morph to 100%
18. Select gear icon for the morph, change Min to 0%
18a. Optional: Change Path to something that matches the morph (Ex. Actor > Full Body, Chest, etc.)
19. With morph at 100%, select the Joint Editor Tool (Tools > Joint Editor)
20. Right click on the figure > edit > adjust rigging to shape, check "Adjust Orientation" box, then click Accept. Exit Joint Editor.
21. Right click on the Parameters tab, select Edit Mode
22. Right click on the morph slider, select ERC Freeze
23. Dial the morph back down to 0%. Then...
Save the morph
24. File > Save as > Support Asset > Morph Asset.
Drill down to the morph (Morph Loader section, unless you changed it in Step 18a)
Tick the box next to the morph, then accept.
oh wow thank you very much
If you save after the line, then you don't need to redo the first half. You can then get into an assembly line mode and converter them.
I mostly converted full characters and bodies. I found myself unsuccessful at doing individual morphs such as eye alterations with this method. It works fine for full character and body morphs. You want to make sure the thing you are working on is visible at the time you save it.
I picked this outfit up on Rendo: its called Rookie Hero.
I like this. Its a nice basic and comes in 3 different colors. It looks good on the men and the female morphs of Gen 9.
Can anyone test the Toon Hero's head for men for me? It seems that at anything less than 100 percent, the eyes can become wonky when a pose is applied.
I've seen that issue with Toon Heroes combined with other shapes. Not sure where the conflict is coming from (might be from other G9 add-ons.) It's a similar eye issue I get when transferring morphs/shapes from G8 to G9. No idea how to fix it.
*EDIT* - It seems like this happens when Toon Hero is not dialed to 100%. I'm seeing this with Toon Hero at 65% with no other morphs dialed in. Toon Hero @ 0% and 100% appear to work as expected. Any other value produces the wobbly eyes.
I have my computer rendering atm, I'll check if I can recreate this tonight. I remember this happened to a character I bought over at the other store for Genesis 3. Where if the character wasn't set to a 100%, the eyes got wonky. I told the PA over there and s/he fixed it. So the best thing would be to submit a ticket.
Thanks! I put in a ticket and set a reminder on my calendar to request a refund in 3 weeks if it is not fixed.
FenixPhoenix gave me the heads up about this thread. I believe I found the problem and fixed it. I'm submitting an update with that and the melanin thing from the other thread.
Wow! Thanks! It looks awesome. Glad to hear there is a pending fix!
As someone who got your toon figures and is planning on using them as both full morphs and, like Serene, as partial morphs, I'm glad you managed to find whatever was causing the issue, Joe! We appreciate the prompt response :).
Thank you for the melanin fix; it may seem like a small thing but it does wonders for one's self image to be accurately represented! I did end up buy the product!
I just tested and I do get some eyes pointed all googly eyes for some of the expressions in Emotions Expressions for Victoria 9 | Daz 3D however when I look at the thumbnail of Victoria 9's expression for the expression applied her eyes are sort of googly eyed in the same way. I think it's just the huge scale of the toon eyes is magnifying the difference between the eyes, not 100% if that's correct behavior though.
Thanks, JoeQuick
This happened to me when manually transferring shapes from G3 to G8. That was before XTransfer. It was the same situation, crazy eyes when the shape was dialled less than 100%. I solved it at the time but it was so long ago, don't remember what it was all about.
I have to say thank you to Hylas for aiming me here ,the issue is happening on the feminine Toon Hero head too . Glad it's being looked into I did put in a ticket as well .
So, having messed around in Genesis 9, I am somewhat struggling.
The chest and torso region can easily become strange on men, the shoulders can look very wide with the Masculine morph, and sometimes the pecs and armpit area look weird. The torso itself lacks a lot of detail and is this strange trapezoid with big coat-hanger shoulders. There needs to be more detail. The fitness and Muscular morphs lack real muscularity, so the body doesn't look as cut as 8.
Michael 9, his face is not to my personal preference. The nose in particular, is large, so I find him challenging to dial in with other morphs. I have nothing against bigger noses, just if I want to mix and match, I prefer less dominant features.
I don't care for the skin, as it doesn't recolor as well as other skin, due to the dark areas around the eyes. For me Michael 9 is a nice add-on character, but as a base to dial-in other figures, its sort of a wash.
The head itself, is different structurally than 8. The ears are different and differently shaped as well.
I find the gender-neutral base to be rather confusing since Dialing in the masculine can sometimes produce odd results and distorts the morphs of figures. Masculine also turns the pecs to strange seams so it just isn't great.
I do like the ability to add female content and clothing and hair to men, but I think all the things I presently struggle with are the result of the unisex mesh which I'm not keen on from a character perspective.
Are you dialing the Masculine morph in on Michael 9? I haven't purchased him, but on V9, I don't think the Feminine morph is supposed to be dialed in in addition to V9.
Mike 9 does not need the Masculine morphs, his base figure does not come with them.
Reinstall Toon Heros for G9 the fix is in !!