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Serene Night said:
Oh by the way, meant to say: Yoda is awesome! Love that picture.
The place was quite remarkable. I am still amazed that this guy who has an Oscar for cinematography used my crappy camera to take pictures of my brother and me. The place has no actual street address (they tend to create dummy companies i.e Acme Notions Inc where delivers go for example) so we recieved visitor passes, and a parking pass for the garage under the facility. We went up an elevator and through to a plaza where the Yoda statue lives to the lobby. The lobby is a weird mixture of vintage and modern like a trendy club filled with props, art, and faux books. There is a counter like something from a 30's movie with people who are dressed like hotel people from a 30's movie (red jackets, black pants, jaunty round boxlike caps with a strap. We signed an electronic nondisclosure form, went through a vintage looking turnstyle which had a reader for our passes and into the facility. One thing i want to mention is Javva the Hut, a little coffee stand next to the employee store ( I am still amused that this guy who has an Oscar for cinematography took photos of my brother and me with my crappy camera!
That sounds like fun. I think I'd love to drink a coffee there. I am a big coffee drinker!
Emrys's new guy looks amazing~! Here is E3D Tyr.
Tyr is a Viking-warrior type, reminds me a bit of Thor. He's got well-defined everything his own fibermesh brows and beard. His skin is excellent. He includes heterochromatic eyes, warrior/barbarian makeup, and gen texture.
He looks great. I would definitely pick him up. He's a steal.
I think we're all sort of waiting for Genesis 9/X to drop. However, I really like the new set by Blue Rabbit set "Chasing Summer"
Best of all, it includes some poses, and a really cool wave with a surfboard. I think Boyd will have to try that next.
Here is one of the outfits.
I was going back and forth on that bundle. On the one hand, it all looks well made. On the other, I pretty much have some version of everything in it. So ... still not sure. (And it costs 10% more now anyway.)
Okay, so I did buy V9 'pro bundle,' and it did finally arrive in my queue in DIM.
I think she's a pleasant surprise. I really do like her!
I did try her skin on the masculine form in the bundle, but her nipples do not align. The skin looks good, though, so hopefully, there will be a fix to make the male nipples and V9's skin work. This is one of the masculine skins which came with Gen 9.
One pitfall I see with the new file structure in unisex Gen 9 is I really do hope they keep it better organized. It's going to become hellish in there real quick if the files and folders aren't better managed.
Base Masculine Form
Victoria 9
I think the set is pretty good. Definitely would recommend it. There is a certain 'shiny' quality to the cloth which is a touch plastic-y. But I do like the fit. I also really like the wave and the poses.
If you use Victoria 9 skin on the G9 male form, there are chest/nipple textures aligned to the masculine form.
They're named: Victoria 9 Skin Nipples 01 Masculine or Victoria 9 Skin Nipples 02 Masculine.
Okay, so I guess my mistake was to load V9, and zero her out. I should instead load the G9 Masculine form. Interesting.
Nevermind. Vicky's skin is in a weird place. I may be moving that folder real soon!
Edit, still no luck with the nipples. I loaded the base figure, then applied the male form, and V9's skin and the nipples of the skin are misaligned.
After you load the v9 skin did you apply the Chest 01 M?
My post disappeared but what worked for me was
Load Victoria 9
Add Masculine chest texture
Go to shaping, add masculine shape for body, head, and chest nipples
Zero all of the shapes that begin with feminine (body, head, chest nipples)
Texture fits! I guess I could have summed that up by searching everything on the shaping tab called "masculine" and set to 100% and everything called "feminine" set to 0%
Thanks you two!
I was unaware that there was a torso texture for Masculine torso for V8. That will take some getting used to to find all the new quirks of the skin and texture.
thanks so much! I didn't know about this until you mentioned it. Appreciate the tip!
I bought the Victoria 9 HD Intro Bundle / Character Essentials too. The FACS and character look great & there are so many adjustments. Did you notice that the body has muscle flex adjustments for when you pose (not body builder type just sort of typical)? At least, that's what I think those are but there is so much to try out.
I was on the fence too about the beach bundle, on the one hand the clothing looks less like paper doll clothing from the effects of dForce, and on the other I own similar types of clothing already. What's likely to cinch it though is I want that wave, it's much better wave than what waves I have already for a surfing wave.
The wave you can see looks good. That is G9 with the male far east skin from the G9 Essentials. The hair is a morph of the Pixie hair. The expressions and posing is great but it's been changed so I will need to fiddle and get use to it the new way, example: check out the metatarsal and foot posing now as they are much better but so diffient I have to find reference photos of posed feet to be sure.
The autofit for is hardly working at all so I just put him in the G9 Essentials shorts although autofit is not quite working correct there too, instead of the End of Summer clothing. Propably the most useful thing in that bundle for me are the different casual shoes of which I had hardly any of.
He's about to be flipped off his board by the way.
This is the result of messing with the G9 base masculine form and adjusting some flex, proportion, and scale dials. He's using one of the base male textures with V9's blue eyes.
That looks great! I noticed that G9M is somewhat stouter in he center, and his shoulders seem different in an undefined way. But your render looks awesome. can't wait for the standard packs so I can see if I can recreate the boys. Of course, using their old skins will be an issue, unless a conversion tool is made.
That looks great! I like the wave. I can see that will be fun. You did well for what you had to work with. Sorry about the quotes. I could not unquote this comment for some reason!
Fixed the quote by clicking the Source button (if you have that) and changing blockquote to p in the open and close tags for your words.
Thanks Richard. You are awesome!
I thought of you when i saw this thread:
@Nemesis10: That looks amazing! Can't wait!
For those who are curious how the new outfit dForce Iron Lady looks on Genisis 9 male, the answer is it does look pretty decent! Too bad the PA did not have pics of the male figure wearing it in the promo- I am sure others would buy it for male figures.
Looking good. I've been super happy on how things fit on the male morphs :D
@Mada I agree! I love the way this outfit looks on the feminine and masculine form. I was concerned because the forumites were worried about the male chest, but I see no issue. It fits well!
The team spent a lot of time to make sure it all works well together :D
Looks really great. I was wondering if it would drape well on a male. The bundles today are doozies. I wasn't expecting such a big bundle for V9 so soon & I want them but will have to wait a while to afford them.
I am enjoying the ease with which G9 converts back & forth between male & female. I used to make an effort to stay roughly balanced in ratio male to female in past collecting but now I can really buy according to gaps in clothing, architecture, and such things or which character I'm simply more interested in. I think this will be a boon to your desire for more appropriate male clothing and hair products too.
I am pleased to have more variety and the the fact that some of the more unisex outfits will work on the more masculine characters is great. I just wil have to keep my purchase of morphs down, with the unisex morph, I can't afford to have too many figures. Sadly that means fewer females, since no way I will stop buying male content.
I'm also looking forward to more add-ons and male characters for G9.
For the base G9 figure with the body and head morph expansions, a little Toon Kids, some Growing Up, base morphs, and V9 textures, he's looking pretty good.
If G9 lightens the load on the content creators to make products across genders, it may encourage more outfits that work on many different G9 figures regardless of gender.
Wow Lee he looks super cute you did a great job with him!