Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 9
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Nice. It will be a few months until the real ones are out in my garden though :)
Horo: Thanks, and thanks for the flowers; they look great!
Here are two more images with my latest Structure Synth object. Endless options, it seems. I first made the ligher one, with true ambience (premium render). I did use the 'automatic improvement' in PS Elements, because it was a bit flat in my view. The other one (very dark shadows) was with regular AA and no postwork, except my signature. Which one do you prefer, and why?
Nice one, Horo...have never seen those flowers in all my life of amateur gardening.
The left-side one appeals better to my eye, Hansmar.
I'm still away with the fairies, so magic abounds. Title: Magic Wood.
Fishtales - thank you. Yes I think so, the wrong season is approaching for them.
Hansmar - thank you. You're making good use of Structure Synth. Like Jay, I prefer the left one.
Jamahoney - thank you. I haven't seen such flowers either though they are called "alpine violets" (literal translation) in German. Beautiful magic wood, very well done and the horse is a nice addition.
Why do some flowers come off their stems and hang in the air? :-)
Slepalex - I've never seen those flowers in nature. I also find it a bit odd how the stems enter the blossom. In this Xfrog FL05 model, some parts cut through others.
This is actually a bellflower (bellflower, campanula, harebell, bluebell). Flower has mostly different shades of blue or white. The literal translation from Russian name - колокольчик = small bell. In German, literally - das Glöckchen or die Glockenblume.
Simply flowers in your picture painted incorrectly.
Your model of xFrog certainly is not the original file. Someone bothered to distort the geometry when converting a file from one program to another.
They are woodland plants and flower in the Autumn.
There are lots of different colours too.
Based on your link, bud of cyclamen really strange located to the stem.
Slepalex - the meshes came directly from Xfrog, I didn't tinker with them except adjusting the material. The German name for Cyclamen persicum is Alpenveilchen. I cannot argue with you because I have never seen this flower in nature.
Fishtales - thank you for the link.
They start off as a round bud and, as the flowers burst they grow to a point and then open up backwards and around the stem, a bit like a nun's cornette.
Yes, especially "cyclamen" pink!
I have quite a few in my garden, some of them in flower now - not sure that they are all persicum, I never put them there, they were "planted" there by the birds I think.
Oops, I almost forgot why I came here when I got sidetracked by the cyclamen:
Dan Whiteside - I really like the stormy render with the little aeroplane.
Horo - those bonsai trees look really neat with the pencil sketch effect. The main scene in your rainbow render is lovely (can't make my mind up about that rainbow).
Jamahoney - I rather like your bubbles render (the colouring especially) and your Magic Wood render is really lovely.
mermaid - another nice little aeroplane render - the canyon scene is great.
Hansmar - I like the backlighting on your pink abstract and the little fellow in the box one (I prefer the first version I think, although my eye is more drawn to the figure in the second one)
Thanks MelanieL...much appreciated ;)
On the Cyclamens, I wasn't really commenting on whether they looked wrong, but really that I never grew such flowers in my own garden (must try them next year).
It looks like the mesh and series of flowers, petals etc., grouped weirdly as they were loaded (I get this happening sometimes - particularly with some of the 'freebies' out there).
Special thanks to Fishtales and MelanieL giving this flower nut some enlightment. I tried a bit less controversial flowers from Lisa's Botanicals with the name of Desert Plant and Desert Grass.
@Jamahoney: Very nice magical work. And thanks.
@Horo: Thanks.Nice bunch of flowers. Is that a photobackground, or pure Bryce? It looks very good.
@MelanieL: My thanks.
Very nice looking render Horo! I like the way you have focus on this flowers!
Just a kind word about your previous flowers render : I had a look at FL05 models in xfrog and the flower stems are exactly looking the same way as the exported model in .obj format.
So nothing wrong with cyclamen and if you take a look at some real flowers species, you will see that everything is right.
Hansmar - thank you. Yes and no. The ground is a mounds terrain with a tile material based on a photograph but with a separately made specular map from it and a displacement map for bump. I made the photograph and David made it to a real material for Bryce. This is the set:
c-ram - thank you Marco. You and Sandy really helped me to understand how this flower "works". I had the same doubts as Slepalex.
Triple stacked terrain with a cave, two additional terrains right and in the background. The Autumn Pine 3 is from the BTO library, instanced six times, the bush instanced trice and the red plant instanced once. Sky and ambient light from an HDRI, key light by the sun.
Horo: Thanks for the explanation. What a great point of view in your new render. Fantastic texturing and overall scene. One thing, the leaves of the ground cover appear a bit too light for the shadow they are in. Of course, it is the dapples of light coming from the trees, but somehow, they look very light to me.
Here is yet another abstract using my latest Structure Synth object. This time. I accidentally elongated it in one direction, but since I like the result, I decided to go with the flow. This time, I 'cut a hole' in it with a reflective sphere that is close to the camera. Together with a preset sci-fi sky, which I turned from day to night, you get this effect. It's called 'Space junk'
Horo – lovely Cyclamen render, very nice lighting. Both FlowerInGlade and PinyLedge are awesome
Hansmar – Where is my box - I also like the left render. I love Space Junk. You are making awesome abstracts with this model.
Jay – Wow awesome, a render I would love to do someday, it’s easier for me to get this effect in Photoshop.
Melaniel - thanks
Inspired by Dave’s and Horo’s overhanging cliffs, my attempt…..I used the Sunny Afternoon Hdri for lighting.
Ah cheers, Mermaid...and love the latest - thought I saw a crab crawling across your beach at one time...heh he
Nice one, Horo, the tree foliage colour is just right, and the ledge/slope rockface looks very natural. I've never been a fan of Bryce trees and trunks, but in the hand of a master, they look, simply, marvellous.
Below, a space accident: "Houston, there's something wrong with the looks like it is about to blow.....wwwwww"....
Hansmar - thank you. Well, the leaves on the bushes are translucent, a bit like real leaves, and have a fresh and healthy green.
Your abstract has a strange charm. Nice colours, too.
Mermaid - thank you. Your cliff is fantastic.
Jamahoney - thank you. You know, the Tree Lab has a bug and doesn't change the tree character, it's always the default one. But the BTO ones are really good.
Your space scene is excellent, I like the idea and what you made of it.
Thanks Jay, awesome space scene.
Horo - thanks
Thanks Horo and Mermaid.
Space scene in 3D...just for fun (red/blue glasses etc., required)
Lots of wonderful and inspirational renders being posted. I've been Brycing every day, but haven't posted anything because I'm still doing abstracts and figured most people would get bored seeing them. However, here are a few I like.
Jamahoney - cool anaglyph, Jay, well done.
Fencepost - great abstracts, Art.
I also made an anaglyph of my previous render, though it didn't turn out very good. Because the camera is near with a wide FOV, near vegetation protrude and hit the lower frame. Protruding objects should never be cut-off by the image frame because it irritates.
Jay inspired me to do another two anaglyphs. The cyclamen blossoms are a bit difficult, the flowers in a glade work fine for me, DOF doesn't work through lenses in front of the camera.