Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 9
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Super 3Ds, could almost fall off the mountain's edge in the tree work.
First one, Art, is gorgeous.
When you drop your ray gun in the mud..... That.
I modelled the raygun in Bryce, the mud is a terrain I made and the material applied and the water slab are from David and Horo's High Res Terrain sets.
mermaid010: Thanks, Very nice cliff/beach terrain!
Horo: Well the leaves are probably OK, if you say so. Thanks for your comment on my strange charm(s).
Jamahoney: Great sci-fi scene.
Fencepost52: Don't think we don't like abstracts; at least, I really like them, so, please, keep posting. Your last batch looks great. I like the first one most, probably because of the colours.
Awesome fantastic Anaglyphs from Jay and Horo
Art - the abstracts are beautiful.I agree with Hansmar, some of us love abstracts.
Dave - a great render love the muddy terrain.
Hansmar - Thanks
Cheers, Mermaid ;)
Below..."it's not easy being green..." as Kermit might say, but being somewhat metallic-looking might also be applicable...heh he (couldn't find a suitable frog texture).
Title: Guardian
Wow Jay, love this render
Thanks, all, for the comments! I do enjoy abstracts and was afraid I might be boring everyone with them. :)
@Jamahoney and Horo: Don't know how I missed the anaglyphs. Will take a look at them tonight when I get back to my glasses.
@Jamahoney: Nice frog scene. Those are some huge frog eggs!
@Dave: great modeling and raygun render.
Here's a few more recent ones from me.
The first is based on David's tutorial from this package:
The remaining are from his youtube tutorial here:
Thanks again, Mermaid...and Art - I think you're right; the scale may be out slightly. Perhaps we're dealing here with Frogius Giganticus...heh he
Great works, Art...the middle two objects are super - I'm a bit like you with abstracts: once started, it's hard to pull away from them as they always suprise when one clicks that render button.
Jamahoney - thank you Jay. The anaglyph with the trees is actually not good because the front protrudes and is cut off by the lower edge of the image frame. I did it again, over 6 hours network render only to find that not all materials were correct. So I rendered it again on one machine in over 16 hours and it finally came out as I expected (I have it on my website).
I like the Frogius giganticus.
Dave - the mud is outstanding, ray gun is great, too.
Marmaid - thank you.
Fencepost - great renders, Art. My favorite is the second.
Cheers again, Horo, and know what you mean Re: the anaglyphs.
On the frogs: as a kid, seeing dozens of them in my local marsh was normal, but today they are very rare (the eggs were relatively big too, as above, but I suppose it depends on the species where some are very small indeed). Touching/messing such eggs is banned in my country - resulting in a heavy fine, and rightly-so.
Jamahoney: Great render. wonderful texture.
Fencepost52: Wonderful abstracts again! Keep going. Seeing them make me want to do one (two, many) again.
Yeah, unusual tex.,...just playing around with those Bryce availables - at expense of being natural, but being lazy, I suppose.
Art - Wow awesome set of renders, I like the objects in the 2nd and 3rd renders.
I experimented some more with lighting using Horo’s and
One of the many results.
Very cool POV, Mermaid...the reflection lets us see two sides of the lighting effects, which indeed are perfect.
Hi everyone,
soooooo many impressive Bryce creations & renders! =O
Here is a scene that has captured me for years.....changing the sun angle, sky,
terrain shader. Infinite possibilties. ;)
Mermaid - very well done example.
3dcal - I remember those blue waves, I agree, many many possibilities.
I was again in a cave, drawn in the TE and stacked trice. Ten radials in the in the branches and two using an IES gel, one shining up, one forward. Full size rendered completely in 45 minutes.
The anaglyph has all lights with doubled diffuse. Rendered also in 45 minutes, anti-aliasing took another 5-1/2 hours.
Thanks Jay and Horo
3dcal - very nice example, One is able to do a great variety of artwork with Bryce not only Landscapes.
Horo - love the caves especially the anaglyph one.
More cars... In all the years I've used and abused Bryce, I've never got my head around the various mapping modes & Golden Tools and their tendency to not do what you'd expect... So to try and understand better, I've been mapping some hot rod flames on to some cars (using Bryce mapping not UV)... Not sure my understanding is any better, but patience and many small tweaks gets the result I was looking for.
Beautiful pictures here. Everybody made a very good job.
Because DAZ gave 60 % discount, I have bought stonemason's "Urban Sprawl 2" this morning and made a short test in Bryce. I think, it is a very good product. Except the glass of a shopwindow I hadn't to change anything else.
I still want to learn how to stack terrains and use HDRI....not there yet.
BTW, the blue "waves" are ice formations......methane? ......on an ice covered world
on the other side of our galaxy. =)
I really like your you model them in Bryce or another app, e.g. Wings or TopMod?
very nice render of the room reflected in the sphere.....HDRI?
Thanks for the comment on the terrain....more to come. ;)
@Dave Savage,
way cool rods and Caddy......also liked the ship with the wakes.
Here's a still from my latest exploration of the ice never know WHAT you'll see! =O
(animation on YouTube)
Mermaid - thank you.
Dave - great work with the DTE.
Electro-Elvis - yes, Stonemasons sets are excellent and work directly in Bryce most of the time.
3dcal - I watche the video, looking great.
I took out Alan Armstrong's (aka Brycework) Vlad Castle and tried to do something with it. A dozen radials, some with IES gels and some with soft shadows. Sky and ambient light from the Real-Moon HDRI.
I have a better one cooking now, and will post later.
re: cave anaglyph....looks interesting. I need a pair of 3D you recommend any?
re: Vlad's Castle.....nice render. Flaming torches would be good instead of spotlights.
The Thing 3 (YouTube)

Animation sequence was rendered in Bryce7, compiled in Blender2.77 (500 frames, 1600x1000, 25fps) AA to save time.
image 1200x750
I'll bet Frogius Giganticus would be big enough to wrestle. Hmmmm...wrestle. You could make a render of frog wrestling for the Sports render competition! :)
Thanks, all. I really do love abstracts, but am running a little lean on inspiration at the moment, so it's time to move on to something else for awhile.
mermaid- nice lighting experiments.
3dcal- I really like your animations; very cool! Nice work. It depends on the style of abstract I'm going for. Some of them use basic Bryce primitives. The single object ones came from David and Horo's product: I could have modeled them myself, but since they were available, I just went ahead and used them. Right now I'm most comfortable modeling in Wings 3D, but may try Blender again.
Dave- The car renders are absolutely awesome. I can't decide which one is my favorite.
Horo - Nice cave and castle. I'll check out the anaglyph tonight.
Electro-Elvis - Your render of Stonemason's product is great. Always wondered how well they would work in Bryce and it sounds (and looks) like they do well without much modification. I'll have to save my pennies for one of his sets. Should have picked them up when they were on sale. :-/
Thanks! I love the Bryce water shaders....all I did was use it on Bijan's Realistic Sand Dunes that I bought at DAZ ~5yrs ago.
He(?) had some excellent terrains, including an awesome impact crater for Bryce, but I get a "404 error" on his gallery now......anyone
know what happened to him/her, and if their products are still available somewhere else?
I like to change the sun angle, the sky, the material.....then add something out of place, e.g. the alien, for interest & mystery.
I also want to try stacking the terrains and using HDRI like Horo & David Brinnen.
3dcal - thank you. There are some flaming torches, but there are also spotlights bcause torches are not powerful enough.
The Thing looks like an underwater scene. Very well done animation.
I also have a terrain from Bijan and his store has disappeared meanwhile. Daz culls PA's that sell almost nothing in a year and do not come up with a new product in order to keep the store tidy.
Fencepost - thank you Art.
Speaking of terrains, I started up WorldCreator lately and worked a day on terrains. WorldCreator is the successor of GeoControl, with which Bijan had created terrains. Meanwhile, also the original WorldCreator was sold to a new company.
Here is one of the terrains I made and given a material I got from David a long time ago that shows the geometry quite nicely. Lit by the sun and a skydome HDRI that comes with the Island 2 set.
That looks nice @Horo. I liked GeoControl when I used it and am wondering if WorldCreator is worth the £78 to me.
Fishtales - thank you, Sandy. I'm not sure if the new WC is a bargain. The old one had a cheap and limited hobbyist version, a full Indi version with a quite elevated price (the one I have) and a very expensive Pro version. The difference between the Indi and Pro version was only how much money you were permitted to make a year with selling terrains. The new owner offers generally the same sets but calls it Standard, Professional (Indi) and Enterprise. However, there are only Alpha versions available at the time.
Thanks... I think this one is my favourite (though I cheated with the background and just imported a 2D photo to use as the background). The reflections on the car are provided by one of Horo's HDRIs (I think it was called Fork)