Virtual Reality Q&A (OT)

Since a LOT of people got headsets for christmas this year I want to start a thread where people can ask questions or recommend good programs they found.
I've been in VR for 4-5 hours a day the past 4 years and can at least point you in the right direction :) If you find any good games/experiences you want to recommend please post and I'll add them to the list.
I also want to ask anyone if you're NOT interested in VR to please discuss the why in other threads, leave this one for people who want to know more about what is available or have questions on how to make something work in it. Thank you for your consideration, I appreciate it :)
Games are released on both steam and Oculus so I will link to the websites instead of a specific platform and you can follow the store links from the websites.
Games/experiences/apps I recommend as must haves
Walkabout Golf :
Mini golf game that you can play solo or with other people. They're releasing regular DLCs that's about the cost of a cup of coffee and worth every cent.
My 83 year old mother absolutely adores this one, beautiful environments and one to keep an eye on
Demeo :
DnD board style game that is super fun to play with friends or solo. They are regularly coming out with new levels, so far free but I would be happy to pay for a new level, a lot of care and time goes into these levels.
Gravity Sketch :
A free 3D modeler with excellent tutorials. You can export creations as OBJ or FBX and take it into a regular modeler to finish off. I am using it more and more as part of my workflow to create products - it is much easier to draw in VR in 3D space than doing it on a flat screen.
Puzzle games
The Room VR :
Beautifully designed and great for puzzle lovers, will be the next one in a snap
The Thalos Principle :
Beautiful design, I loved just walking around - the devs did an awesome job with environments and sound. The puzzles were challenging but fun.
Dungeon Crawlers
Karnage Chronicles : or
Beautiful design and excellent figthing - really fun with friends too. The video for it is really corny, which stopped me from getting it for a while but no regrets purchasing.
Social spaces
Alt Space :
VRChat :
Fitness and Health
Beat Saber :
Gorilla Tag : or
lots of kids play this one so be prepared :)
I'll expand the list as I get time - feel free to add links in the comments :)
Welcome to Virtual Reality!
How can you talk about VR without including Beat Saber?!
Love this game. My kids play it ALL the time. It's super fun and a decent workout if you let yourself get into it :D
Another game my kids play a lot of is Gorilla Tag. I think it's still Early Access (and free)
The amount of calories my son burns playing this game is
lol - I'm working on it - Beat Saber is definitely a must
If there's enough interest I'm happy to set up a Daz meetup every now and then in ENGAGE for people to hang out and talk, walk around in a Daz environment :)
Another game that is fantastic in VR is Valheim. Its a pancake game originally, but the team on the Flatscreen to VR Modding discord did an excellent job to port it to VR. You do need a strong PC to run it, with a Quest 2 you need to connect it to a PC - step by step here :
Valheim :
VR Mod :
Great thread Mada!! I would love to have a meet up in Engage, especially if there is a DAZ environment to explore.
If you are new to VR, install the Lab it's free and has lots of cool experiences and games to show you what VR can do.
My goto game in VR, Blade and Sorcery
A must have program IMO Virtual Desktop. I find it works better on some games that the link cable or air link
i also have quite a few hours in this WW1 combat flight sim. not the most realistic, but a ton of fun and nice graphics. There is a Steam version and a Quest 2 version which doesn't look as nice
Premium Bowling is easy to get into, fairly realistic and lots of fun. I play my Dad weekly in it. there is a Steam version and a Quest 2 version
Virtual Desktop is pretty good yes :D I'm actually using it to play Tombraider at the moment. You can turn on stereoscopic in the game under display and then in VD turn on Half SBS and it will show in 3D using and XBox controller. Its on a big screen in front of you, not immersed - but the environments looks absolutely amazing.
Beat Saber is my all-time favorite. Then, when I'm feeling lazy, I like to kick back with angry birds. It's so satisfying to play slingshot games in 3d.
I would buy a VR set in a heartbeat if I was able to use it in Daz is there any talk of this happening ?
I don't think its going to happen anytime soon but never say never, they have expanded in so many directions right now and doing well in all of them. :)
If you have time to set it up it is entirely possible to bring Daz scenes into Unity and walk around them in VR. I have done so with several Stonemason sets as well as other environments.
I want to recreate the desert scene in Blade Runner 2049 for my next project using Genesis figures :)
Tht would be nice :)
I want this myself badly! The more time I spend in VAM and Mirage (2 VR apps that let you pose, animate and create characters from the G2 figures) the more I want it. Setting up a project in Unity and viewing in VR is fairly easy, getting the DAZ assets into it, is a whole other story for me, LOL
There are quite a few 3D model viewing apps on Steam for VR, but I have yet to find one that works well.
VR addict here! I watch all movies & TV in VR now! Netflix & Amazon Prime have their own apps, everything else I watch in Virtual Desktop (love the big dark theater) or Big Screen if I want to watch with others either publicly or privately. I also have several houses/mansions in Altspace VR and can plunk a big screen down anywhere to show videos to friends there but that only works with the Edge browser which doesn’t seem to allow VR streaming from several providers but YouTube always works. I love that I can watch any movie in a huge IMAX like virtual theater while lying in bed with my cat with Virtual Desktop though, that’s my favorite for private movie watching.
For workouts: My favorite is Audio Trip which is constantly updated and you can customize it, set it up for a better more active workout mode or various rhythm game modes. Also Synth Rider and FitXR (which I got prior to the subscription mode and I’m not subscribed but it has boxing, dancing and something else I haven’t tried yet.) I like these better than Beat Saber which I also have. Oh also Dance Central is a good work out and Creed and Thrill of the Fight (which I got on sale but don’t really have enough room for!) Most of these don’t require a lot of room at all and can be done in fairly small spaces but stay away from shelves! Oculus comes with an app MOVE that counts all your calories burned too!
I love AltspaceVR for socializing. I have several houses and art galleries there. My main newest one is code ISQ763 with all art on walls done in DS, Poser, Photoshop. The gallery is a big two floor martini lounge with pool & jacuzzi upstairs. You can grab a drink. It’s currently decorated for Christmas. You can visit there any time! There are networking events, seminars, parties, comedy shows, group meditation and more in AltspaceVR. Very few children, none really if you go to the right places, they even have parties for those over 40 and most people I meet are 30-60’s, lots of women as well as men, everyone is really nice and helpful so no one should feel intimidated if you’re new to all this. Lots of people who go to Burning Man (which was in VR there for the last two years) and people into creating in Unity which is how worlds are built there although you can use Altspace free assets too.
In recent sales I got some relaxing games like pinball, mini golf and fishing, none of which I do in real life, especially fishing, I would never fish, but in VR it’s pretty and relaxing and no real fish are killed and even the VR fish are either put back or saved in a giant fish tank.
Also watching YouTube tutorials on giant screens is much better than watching on regular computer screens! The resolution is great and it’s much more immersive.
Tiltbrush, Gravity Sketch, Medium, & Quill are some great art programs.
Nature Treks & Guided Meditation are great for beautiful relaxing scenes. TaiChi for focus & relaxation. There’s even a free app by AARP called Alcove for those of you who think you’re too old for VR!
Tons of travel experiences and VR nature videos, so much to do, experience, play, people to meet from around the world... I don’t know how people got through Covid lockdown WITHOUT VR!
And oh yeah, tons of shooter/action/violent games but I don’t do those...
So I am curious how many got a VR headset for Christmas or plan to?
I personally know 3 outside the DAZ community, one a ReverbG2 and 2 are Quest 2s
I could not convince a single person I know to purchase one. I have an original Rift, Go, Quest2, and several promotional old Cardboards. People think I’m some sort of a religious zealot when I talk about VR lol. They prefer to stay with their small 40” TVs, play games on their phone and not travel during Covid while I have the whole world in my headset! I know one guy who I convinced to buy a headset last year but he mostly uses it for video porn...
I had a chance to experience the Oculus Quest 2 at my brother's house on Christmas Day.
It was amazing.
I only played the WWI flight combat game, but it was so good. My brother has quite a library on the device and I believe he also pairs the OQ2 with his gaming PC. He really loves his OQ2. And I can see why!
I remain extremely tempted to go out and buy one at any moment. :)
This may be a stupid question but can VR be a workout for your body? Does it wear down your body to a point your so tired you can't continue? Kind've like the old Nintendo Wii did.
Oh yes - I sweat just as much in VR as at the gym :) Beat Saber is good for that, Ragnarok is a really good workout (who knew beating kettle drums would be such hard work lol) and then there's a whole movement for fitness where you can subscribe to programs
edit : I see Wonderland also added some workout apps she's using a couple of posts above :) there is no shortage of fitness opportunities
I don't think the official figures are out yet on how many sold this christmas but it was a LOT. Several devs I know said they made more sales in a single day than previous years combined. :)
I should visit your gallery soon :) Its been really fun with all the christmas parties in VR, we had a decorated room in ENGAGE too with a Santa sleigh ride through the sky.
Burning Man is good too, had a lot of fun with friends listening to music and hanging around in the art :)
I would love to try it out but I'm also really fascinated with the idea of modeling content in it and what that's like. The wife and I have discussed at length possibly getting one to see.
I still think it’s marketed wrong. People think it’s only for hard core gamers who like to shoot each other violently. And there IS a lot of that but soooo much more as I mentioned in my earlier long post. They need to develop and market to women and older people too. Can you imagine how it would change the lives of elderly who are bored out their minds in old age homes? Or how they could improve their minds with VR games or do simple workouts even from wheelchairs? Or how they could meet with friends or relatives in virtual beautiful locations, or travel all over the world? VR should be in every household & home for the elderly that can afford $299. Even in schools for educational purposes. Zuckerberg should donate hundreds of thousands of Quest2s to schools. Experiencing history or geography and probably even math in VR would definitely make it more interesting and memorable. There are so many uses for VR and so far it’s only really being marketed for shooter games...
Nice, that is great to hear. I have been mulling over my wishlist and looking at new releases at Steam trying to see if there is something I need or don't have since most of it is on sale till jan5
Frank, definately YES! Especially combat melee games. I workup a sweat every time I play Blade and Sorcery. I am not into any of the actual fitness and dancing games like beat saber, not my cup of tea, but my GF loves them and they always leave her drenched.
I agree on marketing to older people BUT the caveat is that you need someone to help them to learn the headset. I got my 83 year old mother a GO when they came out and it worked fantastic but man did she struggle with the controller. Its not something older people grew up with, the concept is totally unfamiliar to them. I had to spend a lot of time to get her to the point where she was comfortable with it, and then you couldn't get it away from her lol. I upgraded her to a Quest 2 when it came out and it was the same thing again with the controllers, its not intuitive. She now spends her time in Walkabout Golf and 360 experiences on Youtube travelling the world and I have not seen her this happy or conent in years. It made covid lockdowns bearable because we could play games and she got to socialise with her grandkids.
There's a group in Melbourne who will rent out headsets and experiences to aged care homes - - and they are getting a lot of positive feedback from the communities.
Steam games are too glitchy for me on the Quest 2 even when plugged in to the computer although Rift games from the Oculus Store work fine. I do have a Viveport Infinity subscription though which is through Steam and hit or miss. I still prefer the Oculus store.
Oops, the statement below was really for a different thread!
Also the Metaverse is not inherently evil any more than the regular universe. There will be evil people and those who try to make money, but it’s also filled with wonderful friendly and creative people. Check out the FREE Altspace VR app. No charge for anything unless you want to join a creator’s Patreon or hire someone to create something personal for you in Unity but you can create a lot with free assets, build your own, or not create at all and just go to events, seminars, parties, comedy shows, all free. Only a handful of people make small amounts of money from Altspace, no companies or corporations including the owner Microsoft. Some people make money like the PAs do here, creating 3D assets and selling them through PayPal or Patreon (no middle men taking a percentage.) Many people give out free assets they’ve created and allow sharing. It’s a very friendly place!
I'm using Gravity Sketch more and more for projects. For my latest outfit I did a lot of the concept/volume sketching in a headset before taking it all back to a modeler to finish. Its so much easier to draw a bow with a knot, the folds for a skirt hem or sweeping lines in VR than on a flat screen. Once the outfit is out I'll come back and show it :D
Sorry to hear that. I do what I can to suppoprt PCVR more than the Quest2 store since I want more higher resolution games/experiences. the Quest 2 is a powerful headset, but the games being made for it lately are usually not as detailed as their PC counterparts.. I only own 5 games from the Quest 2 store, but close to 50 from steam
FSMCDesigns said:
Which games? Many are in the Oculus Rift store (but rarely go on sale.) Some games offer Oculus and Rift versions and some are cross platform, giving you a free higher (or lower) res version. I have not actually paid for a Steam game because the free ones were so awful and the Viveport ones glitchy...
Yea I'm in the higher resolution camp too so own a lot of steam games.
@Wonderand What kind of cable are you using to connect? There's a lot of data that has to download so if the cable is not up to it you can get glitchiness.
I use one from Amazon but it works fine on Rift Store games, just not on ones originally created for the Vive, I guess, although they are listed as Oculus compatible. Just connecting to the Viveport Infinity app can be a huge pain. I think it has to go through the Oculus PC app first before it can even get to Steam, then Viveport. It goes through three different home UIs! And I’ve had some problems with even the Oculus PC app getting corrupted. I tried to install it on an external SSD which did not work and it took two months of back and forth tech with support to get it to work again, back on the C drive.
For what I use it for most, the Quest 2 is fine. The resolution on movies with Virtual Desktop is just as good as real movie theaters, it’s fine for Altspace VR and my workout apps, watching YouTube tutorials... I don’t do any shooter games and although I have a lot of Rift games and apps, I still end up untethered with just the Quest2 more often than not. Is Beatsaber that much better on the PC version? It’s not cross platform although Synthriders is.
I wouldn't bother if its just for beatsaber - that sounds like you've had a LOT of issues. I mainly find that on the Quest everything is blurred much closer to you than on a PC - you can see all the way into the distance on PCVR, ... so if you're playing something like No Man's Sky or Lone Echo it loses some of the visual effects.