Virtual Reality Q&A (OT)



  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,059

    Mada said:

    I wouldn't bother if its just for beatsaber - that sounds like you've had a LOT of issues. I mainly find that on the Quest everything is blurred much closer to you than on a PC - you can see all the way into the distance on PCVR, ... so if you're playing something like No Man's Sky or Lone Echo it loses some of the visual effects.

    I have Lone Echo through the Oculus store. Oculus store apps work fine (now that the app is working correctly again.) It’s apps purchased through the Steam store I have a problem with. Most of the major ones are in the Oculus store. Ones not in the Oculus store may not work as well as a Vive port onto the Quest/Rift which may be why they are only purchaseable through Steam or free even though they are listed as Oculus compatible... App Lab apps are now Oculus native so that’s good at least. The Quest store has a lot more sales lately than the Rift store though. It’s great when games are sold cross platform so you can try it out tethered to PC vs untethered and compare the quality. Beat Saber wants you to purchase twice! Guided Meditation is sold three separate times for Go, Rift & Quest and you have to buy all three at different resolutions if you want to use on the different devices. 

  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026
    edited December 2021

    Karnage Chronicles is on sale - definitely recommend this one. It has a Dark Disney feel - excellent environments

    I love the concept art for the game too :D

    1812 x 1198 - 331K
    Post edited by Mada on
  • Wonderful thread. So I have my Quest 2 ready to buy.  I would love to be involved in a Daz meetup sometime.  Hopefully, this thread will remain open

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,059


    Wonderful thread. So I have my Quest 2 ready to buy.  I would love to be involved in a Daz meetup sometime.  Hopefully, this thread will remain open

    It’s easy to do in AltspaceVR! We could meet in my gallery and I could explain to others how to create their own galleries and show people around all the amazing worlds there! 

  • Wonderland said:


    Wonderful thread. So I have my Quest 2 ready to buy.  I would love to be involved in a Daz meetup sometime.  Hopefully, this thread will remain open

    It’s easy to do in AltspaceVR! We could meet in my gallery and I could explain to others how to create their own galleries and show people around all the amazing worlds there! 

    Great, as soon as I get set up I will drop you a line

  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026

    Wonderland said:


    Wonderful thread. So I have my Quest 2 ready to buy.  I would love to be involved in a Daz meetup sometime.  Hopefully, this thread will remain open

    It’s easy to do in AltspaceVR! We could meet in my gallery and I could explain to others how to create their own galleries and show people around all the amazing worlds there! 

    Sounds awesome :) I think we'll have more and more people coming in and looking around. The plan is to keep the thread going and people can arrange to meet up or let others know when they're going into a world. Best part of hanging out with other Daz people is their eyes don't glaze over when you start talking shop heh

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,784

    I just had a second look at Altspace and a look at Engage and installed both. Now just need to set up an avatar.

    Funny, when I got on VR today, I noticed on the browser page a painting app link for  a VR app called brushworkVR, so I clicked on it. Pretty neat have a canvas and easel in VR with a palette (limited in colors though, but like real paint you can blend them) and a selection of different brushes. It was set in a nice outdoor setting thanks to an HDRI. I then wasted 2.5 hours playing around creating actual non 3D art in VR, it was fun.

  • stupid question probably, but are there any VR headsets that A: fit comfortably over glasses, and B, don't put a ton of weight on the front of your face?  I've tried two VR headsets- samsung and I can't remember the other one- samsung just was painful over the glasses and hard to focus my eyes and the other was super heavy in front and kept sliding down, and when I took it off my glasses had left lines in my face from the weight, so i couldn't see myself using for any long amounts of time. 

    We don't use it much yet, me or as a family, but recently got some nice science VR applications like a space one to go with my son's astronomy class and he really has been enjoying that. I'll be looking for more of those kind of things to help with school.

  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026

    The Quest 2 is not too bad with glasses if you have the spacer inserted. As far as the weight at the front that is unfortunately a problem especially with the standalone headsets. If it was sliding off then it was not put on correctly, and probably why it wasn't in focus either. You have to make sure that the strap over the top of your head is at the right length so that it supports the weight. I usually recommend that you put the front part on your face and position it until you can focus properly and only then tighten the straps until its not moving around at all.

    There's a couple of other ways to make it less heavy. I have a halo style strap for my Quest that's quite comfortable because the weight is getting spread right around your head.

    Other solutions that people use is to add a counterweight at the back, usually a powerbank so it doubles as a power source to charge the headset as well so you can keep on playing when power runs low.

    VR is brilliant for education, and there's a lot of really good programs out there. VictoryXR has some great programs already and developing more all the time :) Kids love it.

  • that's cool, thanks for the link! I need to write down some of the awesome free VR things i've found, like a physics simulator you can kind of stand in and throw things and weigh things and change their gravity and stuff... and another that let you explore layers of the earth and one that let you 'visit' some of the wonders of the world... one we did for fun was a winter pretend snow fight... he's never seen or been in snow, so it was a blast for him even if it wasn't 'cold' ;) Of course I appreciated the not-being-cold part!  we don't use it too much but i like to wrap up a school unit with something fun and VR excursions is one thing he looks forward to.

  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026

    Some of the sales figures coming in and a lot of VR devs are finally seeing a return on their time - great news for the industry as a whole. Hopefully that means we'll see more AAA games available :)

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,784

    Yep, just saw that also Mada, great news. One of my Fav YT VR enthusiasts pointed this out also as well as their thoughts on what they call the Quest Effect, which echoes my own ideas of supporting more PCVR devs. Funny reading the comment section how many got a Quest2 for Xmas.


  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026

    wow - lots of comments to the video - its great to see more people enjoying VR :D

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,194

     Mada Thanks for starting this thread; I'm beginning to change my mind on VR as a result of what I'm seeing here. I'm not ready to go out and by the requisite equipment just yet, but I'm beginning to think there are some things an anti-social non-gamer just might enjoy. wink

  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026
    edited December 2021

    I'm glad to hear that :) You can never really describe what it is like in VR, especially when you're doing it on a flat screen - one of my guilty pleasures is putting someone in a headset and seeing their mouths drop. Its never what they expected it to be.

    Post edited by Mada on
  • ChadCryptoChadCrypto Posts: 596
    edited December 2021

    Thank you also Mada for starting this thread. I have been using VR since 2017. I got my Rift back then. I also have a Quest 2.

    I have been playing around with Unreal Engine 4 in VR. It's quite fun. Also I was lucky to be one of the early people to get a full version of Twin Motion archviz software for free. I have been able to import Daz enviroments and objects into it. And Go VR. It works good. Have not done it in a long while. Need to get back into it. 




    Post edited by ChadCrypto on
  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026

    I think importing Daz environments is the part I have most fun with :D
    I mentioned Tombraider a bit earlier, and saw that Epic Games actually have it as a free game until January 7 :
    Its not VR but you can play it in VR on a large 3D screen using Virtual Desktop and stereoscopic turned on. You do need a strong computer if you turn on stereoscopic but it looks amazing.

  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026

    IPD and why is it important... if you have a headache after VR or things are slightly blurry there's a high chance that the IPD was set incorrectly - its more important than people realise, especially if you're planning to spend some time in VR. 

    Here is a good article on how to measure and set it up. With Quest 2 there's only 3 settings now, so it might be a good idea to measure your IPD before buying a headset :)

    Quest 2 IPD :

    Its one of the main reasons that VR headsets are not always recommended for younger children, their IPD is smaller than the range possible.

  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026
    edited January 2022

    I highly recommend this show - especially if you're a Jean Michel Jarre fan like I am - tickets are limited. The show will be in VRChat - both pancake and VR

    Post edited by Mada on
  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026
    edited January 2022

    The show was awesome - I felt like I stepped into a MAD comic and the music was amazing, especially in a headset with 6DOF binaural audio. A whole new way to experience music, and I didn't have to travel to France to do it either :)

    The music is  copyrighted so can't be shared on youtube, but the video shows some of the visuals




    Post edited by Mada on
  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026

    For those of you who want to bring Daz environments inside VR, I've been pleasantly surprised by Neos. I'm still in the beginning of investigating the software, but the abilities to import FBX with materials is way better than what I've seen so far on other platforms.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,784

    Mada said:

    For those of you who want to bring Daz environments inside VR, I've been pleasantly surprised by Neos. I'm still in the beginning of investigating the software, but the abilities to import FBX with materials is way better than what I've seen so far on other platforms.

    Thanks for the link, will have to check it ut.

    Been busy playing Hitman 3 in VR over the past few days. I was a big fan of the franchise back in the day and to see it come out with VR support was too exciting for me. Kinda glitchy and expensive, but brings back so many cool gaming memories.

  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026
    edited January 2022

    So for those interested - I used Gravity Sketch in VR to start off the design for my latest outfits. The wings, mask, sleeves and skirt in Copperwhirl outfit was drawn out in Gravity Sketch to get the shapes right. I then exported the strokes to Modo as an obj and connected all the different pieces there.

    For the Melantha outfit I sketched out the wings and skirt hem to get the right drape and then took the shapes into Modo to finish off.

    I definitely see Gravity Sketch as part of my future workflow in planning out designs, walking around Genesis lifesize really helps to plan and design :)


    1500 x 1950 - 4M
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  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026
    edited March 2022

    Great interview with Optima Domi and education in VR :)

    Post edited by Mada on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,784

    thought I would bring up a new demo I have been playing called Kayak VR Mirage at Steam. ; The demo is free and is just breathtakingly real looking. I like exploration type games, so this is right up my ally, but might be a little slow paced for those into first person shooters, The full game comes out in a few weeks and I am so excited to check it out based on some of the dev builds I have seen played on YT, like this one



    I have never used a kayak in real life, but always wanted to try and on the devs discord, there are a few real life kaykers that say this is pretty close to the real deal. Funny how tired my arms got after a few hours of exploring/paddling, LOL

    If anyone wants to experience what VR is about, the demo is a good choice for a first impression IMO.

  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026
    edited May 2022

    oh yes I'm waiting for it to hit the steam store - plus there's rumours its going to be multiplayer :D It would be great for relaxation to just paddle around with a friend.

    Adobe has a beta out for modelling in VR, looks like they're taking Medium for a spin after buying it a while ago, and actually developing it which is a nice surprise.

    Post edited by Mada on
  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026
    edited October 2022

    Some new great games hit the store lately - one surprise was Bocce Time - perfect for spending some time with friends or family - definitely recommend :)

    Red Matter 2 was also great - interesting story and great retro space art :)


    Post edited by Mada on
  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026
    edited October 2022

    My first location at ENGAGE is live :)  Halloween fun flying around on brooms in this spooky environment in ENGAGE. Created in Tilt Brush, Unity and the creators room on the ENGAGE platform.
    Check it out if you have a VR headset at PCVR for best image fidelity.


    805 x 805 - 67K
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    Post edited by Mada on
  • MadaMada Posts: 2,026
    edited October 2022

    Finished playing Moss 2 - definitely recommend, the puzzles were fun and the environments absolutely beautiful :)


    1387 x 1389 - 390K
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    Post edited by Mada on
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