[Contest] RRRR - Just Random



  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited April 2015

    Thanks gopherus for your comment. I think the cheating was more sophisticated than that.
    Tarina Kivi #1 - Very nice and full render, nice lighting too

    Pull #5

    #5924 Weapons Series 1 - Spears and Pole Arms (Rendo)
    #4505 Sci Fi Bladed Weapons (#16379)
    #4453 Sailor's Quarters (Rendo)
    #552 Boarding Party Action (#19410)
    (LB) #4235 Regency Cottage (#5943)

    Random numbers generated Apr 8 2015 at 20:22:14 by www.psychicscience.org
    Free educational resources for parapsychology and psychical research.

    Four items that could match, and one that is totally off, looks like I need to use the little grey cells on this one.

    200 x 200 - 35K
    200 x 200 - 17K
    154 x 192 - 8K
    150 x 192 - 8K
    152 x 191 - 7K
    Post edited by Totte on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    My number 3:

    Teen Jayden 6
    Bunny Dazed Unimesh Fits
    Parkside Head Interior
    Divinity Skies Ascension
    EJ Bellaluna And Moonchild Jewels

    Tag: barbult #3
    Jayden's Ark of Folly
    We built it, we loaded it, the water is rising. Now how do we get it out of here?
    2000 x 1600 - 1M
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969

    barbult#3 - That’s a very good use of that pull!

    Tag: Totte #5

    Totte said:

    #5924 Weapons Series 1 - Spears and Pole Arms (Rendo)
    #4505 Sci Fi Bladed Weapons (#16379)
    #4453 Sailor's Quarters (Rendo)
    #552 Boarding Party Action (#19410)
    (LB) #4235 Regency Cottage (#5943)

    Also used:
    Baton Rouge (textureset for Regency Cottage)
    Darious 6 + KWarrior
    Atticus + Parcour Wear + Dark Passion & Punked Texture (boots) + Facial Hair + TOA Legend Hat
    G2F + Ava + Causal Wear Overalls + End of summer hair
    G2F + Lyric + Ciao Bella + Choko Hair + Bag from Loretta lowres
    G2F + Monique 6 + Day at the mall + Omri Hair + Miladys blade poses
    G2M + Doctor Shadow + Zachariah + Piratess pistols

    You did what with the beer money?
    When they boys came back to the house, they learnt that the girls had spent all their painfully saved beer money on shopping and vintage things on an auction.

    1600 x 900 - 408K
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited April 2015

    tag: luci45#5
    The Arms Dealer's Crew
    Min Lei wasn't sure the conflagration had started but she was angry. Had the feds found out about her business? Had her new and not-so-bright crew been stupidly careless? Or was it that the crew were illegal off-worlders?

    Reflections Victorian Bedroom
    Mestophales Sci Fi Weapons
    L-XV Furniture pack
    Grenade Bundle (LB)
    Dream Home: Kitchen Appliances - V4 Poses (LB)
    Classical Pool(LB)

    Also used:
    Short Order Cook shirt & pants
    Real Deal for Real Feel Pullover
    Voyager M6 pants
    Streetwear jeans
    SG Baseball Cap for Genesis
    Summerwear For Genesis tank top
    Real Cases
    Kruger clips
    LoREZ Police US1
    Augusta Hair
    Street Rat - The Rat Man
    Greater and Lesser Goblin
    Rock Demon
    In Bloom for Mei Lin
    Stephanie texture with Amazing Skins
    Citizen X with (Yeti) Sasquatch texture
    Colonel Chaos ammo belt
    Bad Guy Shoes
    Creature Creator G2M
    Ron's War Elements
    Ron's Explosions
    Urban Recreation background
    Fabricator - Mach Pack
    WW2 German ammunition box (Rendo freebie by Dryjack)

    1800 x 1013 - 649K
    Post edited by luci45 on
  • azoohouseazoohouse Posts: 664
    edited December 1969

    I'm back from vacation and see a lot of terrific renders! My pull....
    "Kena" (rendo)
    "Blaze Hair" (rendo)
    "Minato Outfit"
    "Ami for A4"
    LB I got lucky with the "All Together Pose Set"

    Pull #3 Azoohouse

    Family Outing

    1024 x 768 - 953K
  • MorganRLewisMorganRLewis Posts: 233
    edited April 2015

    Pull #1:

    Legion Flight Ring MRL
    Snowy Roofed House
    Windwalker Evening Style Dress Textures
    Horror FX for Apollo Max

    Four freebies, and one of them my own creation. That's a first. Not sure where I'm going to go with this yet, bit of an odd mix.

    Tag: MorganRLewis #1
    A Conventional Proposal

    My computer fought me heavily on this one... it really didn't like adding so many people to one scene, and I kept having problems adding more. So I guess this is taking place at a small fan convention. Reused a few characters I'd built for different images in order to (partly) populate the background.

    1000 x 1000 - 224K
    Post edited by MorganRLewis on
  • azoohouseazoohouse Posts: 664
    edited December 1969

    Pull #4 Azoohouse

    Outlanders:Fireball (rendo)
    Jungle Vines
    Rolling On
    LB Psi City Sampler & Signmaker for Bryce

    Capturing the Pirate

    With the help of the mighty leviathan, the special agents capture the pirate with his bounty of goods

    1024 x 768 - 768K
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    Nice renders everyone. I feel like I've been running a marathon with Iray and the new 3delight in 4.8 the past few weeks. And still so much to do.

    The chuckles y'all have given me has kept it all worth it. Thanks.

  • EmsimEmsim Posts: 234
    edited April 2015

    Thank you gopherus and Totte for your comments. Here's me catching up again. :-)

    Totte #4: I love the action in this. These guys take their card game seriously!

    Tarina Kivi #1: Warmth is a good name for this. The colors are warm and it's a nice, cozy scene.

    Barbult #3: Another fun one by you! Looks like planning ahead is not a strong point with these two.

    Totte #5: And these guys are serious about their beer money! Looks like they're all pretty evenly matched - I wonder who will win the argument?

    Luci45 #5: I love the special effects and the expressions in this one. I wouldn't want to cross Mei Lin - she looks like she means business!

    Azoohouse #3: This is a cute picture. They all look so happy together.

    Morgan R. Lewis #1: Nice job putting that pull together into something fun! I bet they'll have a themed wedding.

    Azoohouse #4: That pirate didn't stand a chance! Nice job on the leviathan in the water and I like how you put your tag in the picture.

    And now for my second pull:
    717 - Future Bright
    2247 - Medieval Merchants House
    336 - Moroccan Dreams for Michael 4
    700 - Fantasy Book

    That's what I get for complaining about my last pull being mundane. :-P This might take a while.

    Post edited by Emsim on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for all the comments on my entries. Its fun when people enjoy them.

    zarcondeegrissom NAE - Too bad it is not an entry, it is hilarious! Love the poodle skirt.
    Gopherus #1 - I especially like how you integrated the character's head into the sunflower head. The bright color scheme is appealing and draws the viewer in for a closer look.
    Azoohouse #1 - I like your redefinition of UPS - United Pirate Service. The terra cotta colors give it that Spanish feel.
    Totte #1 - That fire and smoke makes it look like the Apocalypse is not that far in the past. Nice to see that after the Apocalypse, all species come together to make beautiful music. They certainly chose an interesting drummer!
    luci45 #1 - That looked like a tough pull, but you put it together nicely. The customers seems quite puzzled about the merchandise. The Diceratops, on the other hand, must be quite mundane to them, as they pay it no attention.
    Azoohouse #2 - This has a unique look to it. It is kind of like a cartoon, but it looks like you integrated some photos of real people. That makes it kind of fascinating to look at.
    Zawarkal #1 - Undeniably yours! The symbolism is always way over my head, but I do enjoy the visual feast that they offer. In this case, the three heads coming out of the one head with arms is especially interesting. I prefer the first of the two versions.
    Gopherus #2 - Aha, I see we are on an Alice theme this month! That cat looks quite menacing. The goldfish look quite worried. And that submarine drive look positively terrified! The colors give it a watery feel.
    luci45 #2 - Wow, I love the warm red and gold colors. At first I thought the kids were twins, then I saw that it was a mirror. (I should have read the title more carefully :) ) You have wonderful expressions and poses on the kids.
    Zawarkal #2 - It is interesting how you combined multiple songs into one image. I like the treehouse condos with swing and cars parked below.
    luci45 #3 - You always have such vibrant lovely colors. This is one of my favorites this round. I mentioned before how I liked the circling birds!
    Totte #2 - Nice hallucinogenic multicolored effect. Is that that stuff the legalized in Colorado? Wow, I'll stay away from that.
    luci45 #4 - You did a great job with multiple environments. It looks like they arrived just in time to save her from some scary dream characters. I like the cool blue colors that predominate in this one.
    Totte #3 - You conquered the multiple environments. That challenge seems to be showing up a lot this month. I like the extra touches, like Mom in the shower.
    Gopherus #3 - That's one creepy house alright! Is that a hologram dino chasing the visitor?
    emsim #1 - I wouldn't want to ride that steed either! It reminds me of Luci45's "boobies" render, just because of the misunderstanding that can occur when requests are not communicated with sufficient clarity. The background that you built for this scene is fun to explore and adds a lot to the picture.
    Totte #4 - Great action! If that is a peaceful game, I'd stay far away from a contentious one!
    Tarina Kivi #1 - Your image really does have a warmth about it. You did a great job with those candles and all the details to explore.
    Totte #5 - Those women are going up against some formidable weapons, but it looks like they may win.
    luci45 #5 - Oh, my goodness, where to look first! There's stuff coming in from everywhere. That's quite a battle and still you incorporated your wonderful colors and vibrancy. It makes me think of the great one with the monkeys you did recently.
    Azoohouse # 3 - You took the modern blended family to a whole new level. Very nice family pose. You made good use of your LB pull.
    MorganRLewis #1 - The onlookers look so pleased for the happy couple. I guess she said YES!
    Azoohouse #4 - Does the Leviathan get a cut of the captured loot? Nice job on draping those vines, too. Wow, you got not only your username in the picture, but also the tag number. Now I have to go back and look at your previous ones to see if they have hidden messages I missed.

  • MorganRLewisMorganRLewis Posts: 233
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    MorganRLewis #1 - The onlookers look so pleased for the happy couple. I guess she said YES!
    Thanks for commenting, barbult! Yeah, I figured I'd go with a happy scene all around. Though if I'd been able to fit more onlookers in, I might have had someone disgruntled at having to wade through the crowd.

    Azoohouse #4 - Does the Leviathan get a cut of the captured loot? Nice job on draping those vines, too. Wow, you got not only your username in the picture, but also the tag number. Now I have to go back and look at your previous ones to see if they have hidden messages I missed.

    Sneaky! And a great image as well.


    Pull #2:

    Caribbean Outfit for G2F by Wilmap
    Garden Escape Patio Furniture

  • EmsimEmsim Posts: 234
    edited December 1969

    My apologies, Morgan R. Lewis, I put zarcondeegrissom's name on my comment for your picture. :red: I fixed my post above. Some day I will start getting enough sleep... maybe when I retire.

  • MorganRLewisMorganRLewis Posts: 233
    edited December 1969

    emsim said:
    My apologies, Morgan R. Lewis, I put zarcondeegrissom's name on my comment for your picture. :red: I fixed my post above. Some day I will start getting enough sleep... maybe when I retire.

    No worries. Just as much my own fault for skimming through on short time and not seeing it. :) And thank you; yeah, it was a little hard to think of an idea at first, but things clicked eventually.
  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    diomede64, emsim, barbult - thanks for the comments!

    I am currently facing artist block... I have started 5 different images for other challenges and they have gone nowhere... just spinning my wheels

    lol, may just have to come back to the RRRR to get kickstarted, lol, just wondering what size boot it will take

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    emsim said:
    My apologies, Morgan R. Lewis, I put zarcondeegrissom's name on my comment for your picture. :red: I fixed my post above. Some day I will start getting enough sleep... maybe when I retire.

    No worries. Just as much my own fault for skimming through on short time and not seeing it. :) And thank you; yeah, it was a little hard to think of an idea at first, but things clicked eventually.Same here, I either completely missed that, or had read it after the fix, lol.
    Word to the wise, Don't retire. You end up with less free time, because everyone 'Expects' you to have all 24 hours plus a day, to dedicate solely to each of there whims, lol. To put it another way, when your working, your 'Tired', then after several years of setting enough aside to stop working, your get Re-Tired.
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, emsim and barbult.
    Morgan R. Lewis, I agree that PKD's narratives get a bit tangled sometimes, like his fertile mind was writing multiple stories at once. Hollywood does love trying to adapt his work, but they dumb them down too much for me. (Well, Bladerunner was good though not much like the book.)
    emsim#1 Nice scene! I like the poses and expressions and the items on the bottom foreground have a nice effect.
    Totte #4 I love the action in this one. The flying cards and dice are great!
    Tarina Kivi #1 A beautiful, fun and lively render and warm. I love all the details. The blue creature (or bird?) in the cage is a wonderful contrast to all the warm colors.
    barbult #3 This one is so cool! A great idea and so well done. I'm glad Jayden realizes the value of blue parrots. ;-)
    Totte #5 Wow, the boys are really upset! Well it was their beer money.
    Azoohouse #3 Wow, quite a family portrait! Nice posing.
    MorganRLewis #1 OH, that's nice! I love the characters and their expressions. Looks like it could be a fan convention. I know the frustration of not being able to add enough characters.
    Azoohouse#4 Cool! I love the reflection and your tag fits right in.

    My pull #6:
    Swords Fantastic
    Skin Overlay for V4 and M4 Skin Sets
    Afro magic 1 (Rendo)
    Alicia (LB)
    Dream Home: Great Room Decor - Eclectic (LB)
    DAZ Water Pump and Grain Silo (LB)

    I had this one almost done when DS crashed and I hadn't saved it for a while. Groan.

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Barbult! The monster could be a hologram set up by the caretaker to scare away visitors... or it could be a bonafide ghost

    @Tarina Kivi #1 Great detail! An interesting scene to ponder and oh so cozy

    @Barbult #3 Now that was smart! He built it where no one could criticize his construction. Good one!!
    A dude out here actually built a boat in his backyard. His wife humored him until he actually finished it and arranged to have it hauled to the ocean. Then she divorced him. She wasn t about to go anywhere on that contraption!

    @Totte #5 Great action and point of view! As long as the characters don t look down they should be ok. (i think that s the wiley coyote principle)

    @Luci #5 Aren t those those mentally challenged aliens from 5th Element? She shouldn t have left them unattended. Nice one!

    @azoohouse #3 Really great family photo! Does the father know that the kid is adopted? or replaced by gypsies?
    #4 It certainly does t pay to be a pirate these days! at least the whale didn t swallow him. I like the vines/seaweed hanging there. Nice one!

    @MorganRLewis #1 Looks like the girl is happy to be engaged to a super hero. Well done!

    pull #4
    Duchesse Hair
    V3 Fashion Boots
    Christmas Past Exansion 2 for the Study
    Farissa for V4

    Gopherus #4
    Farissa s Christmas

    Farissa was the easiest person to buy for. She always wanted the same item. and was always delighted with receiving them.

    750 x 1000 - 753K
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited December 1969

    There Goes the Neighborhood
    Darona and Kip are appalled when human neighbors move in next door. But Alice and Dinah will eventually win them over. (Gopherus inspired me to include Dinah.)

    Swords Fantastic
    Skin Overlay for V4 and M4 Skin Sets
    Afro magic 1 (Rendo)
    Alicia (LB)
    Dream Home: Great Room Decor - Eclectic (LB)
    DAZ Water Pump and Grain Silo (LB)

    Also used:
    DAZ Cat
    Christmas Cactus
    DZ Fire Metal Shaders
    Great Room furniture London table and couch
    Awesome Creatures for Creature Creator Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Wondrous Creatures Genesis 2 Female(s)
    Amazing Skins For Genesis 2 Female(s)
    Viking Male Hair for Genesis and Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Postal Props mail
    Dark Hours
    If You Build It - Picket Fence
    NFXstudios Farmhouse
    Georgina Hair for Genesis
    Big Bill Trailer
    Lorenzo LoRez
    Tropical Pond background
    Genesis 2 Male(s) Expressions & Face aniBlocks
    Sun Hawk Camp grass

    2000 x 1600 - 677K
  • EmsimEmsim Posts: 234
    edited December 1969

    Word to the wise, Don't retire. You end up with less free time, because everyone 'Expects' you to have all 24 hours plus a day, to dedicate solely to each of there whims, lol. To put it another way, when your working, your 'Tired', then after several years of setting enough aside to stop working, your get Re-Tired.

    Lol! I'll keep that in mind. As it is, I have a while yet before I can retire anyway so I guess I'll just continue in "tired" mode. :lol:

  • EmsimEmsim Posts: 234
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Barbult and Luci45.

    gopherus #4: Farissa's quite the fashionista! I love how excited she looks. At least she won't have to think too hard about what shoes to wear!

    Luci45 #6: I like the perspective and expressions in this. It's funny how Darona and Kip are freaked out about a cute little girl and her kitty.

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Emsim for your comments. when you find clothing that you like there s no need to look for anything else

    @Luci45 #6 Seems to me that Hellboy had a thing about cats. so alice has made a good choice in taking dinah over.
    and those neighbors look like good ones to participate in a housewarming party. Nice one!

    Pull #5
    Alien Collector
    Decor Basics
    Songbird Remix Hawaii
    City Nights texture for Performer V4

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    Finally back on my feet (well, at least on my knees!), with a surprise three-day weekend ahead of me. What else would I do with the time...!

    Pull #1:
    545 - Citizen Wicked Hereafter
    2871 - Simple Veins HD
    3510 - VaL Blues
    1262 - Freak 5

    It just doesn't get any more random than this...!

    A couple of things to note:
    Once again, this one took for-freakin'-ever to get done. But this time, the only thing I can blame it on is my infamously short attention span. (Oh, look! Kitties!)

    Also, like the old 'picture in a picture' ploy, I've learned that you can explain pretty much any incongruous, anachronistic, or simply outlandish outfit you may draw with two simple words: 'cosplay convention'!

    Also used:
    Dream Home Yard and Pool (Actually, pretty much the whole Dream Home collection!)
    Free Weights Gym
    David 3
    David Bodybuilder morphs
    Victoria 4
    Sofia character for V4
    Coco Hair
    Lilith 6
    Ring Bikini for Genesis 2 Female(s)
    Darius 6
    Simply Casual Boxers and Shirts for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Kozaburo's Long Hair
    Bodybuilder Poses for The Freak

    TAG: obanion#01
    Title: Angela's Ass-Hats

    Since it was on her way to the cosplay convention, Stephanie thought she'd drop by to visit her old college friend, Angela. Where she met Angela's housemates for the first time.

    Stephanie: "Is this, like, a regular thing around here?"
    Angela: "Oh, yeah. Practically scripted."
    Stephanie: "God, girl, you must be ready to open a vein!"

    1000 x 750 - 1M
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited April 2015

    tag:luci45 #7
    Gogo Special For the Ladies
    With most of the male population away at war, Ludovich (who was disqualified from military service due to emotional instability) thought his pole dancing would be a nice treat for the ladies. He was wrong.

    Note: the dancing guy was inspired by one that Totte did a few years ago, based on a real incident I believe. ;-)

    SpeedLights Outdoor Light Set 1
    Scissor Lift
    Go-Go Booth (Rendo)
    Good as Dead Poses
    K-Nicky Hair for Genesis
    Casual Jeans and T-Shirt for Genesis and Genesis 2 Female(s)
    Astrid for Stephanie 4

    Also used:
    Udane Hair
    Streetwear Jeans
    Short Order Cook
    SG Baseball Cap for Genesis
    Sexy Time Lingerie
    Warmth for Lilith
    Summer Cazh
    Ludovich (Runtime DNA)
    BWC Fashion Poses for V6, V5 and V4
    Wonderous Wears bottle
    Dreamy Night
    Preppy Style Hair
    Loretta Lorez
    Techno Town (Rendo)

    2000 x 1600 - 488K
    Post edited by luci45 on
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited December 1969

    Pull#8, or as Ken says, the penultimate pull:
    Simply Cool for D3
    Skin Overlay for V4 and M4 Skin Sets
    LoREZ Monk
    Jepe's PlateZ
    Indoor Shoes for Genesis 2 Female(s)
    Dream Home Yard and Pool Decor Eclectic
    Barny Texture for the Freak

    Weird, I just got Skin Overlay for V4 and M4 Skin Sets in pull #6. (And I have a really huge runtime.)

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    @Ken OBanion #1 But they re harmless in their own way! and she seems to be taking it all in… Nice one! Worth the wait!

    @Luci45 #7 Ah! my favorite expressions… shock and disgust. any reaction should be considered a positive. They ll remember him.
    Good one! Actually when you make enough draws no matter how big your runtime weird things become commonplace.
    That s why there s so many lottery winners who have won more than once… even one guy in california who won 2 lotteries on the same day

    pull #5
    Alien Collector
    Decor Basics
    Song Bird Remix Hawaii
    City Nights for Performer V4

    Gopherus #5
    The Attack of the G'Gugvuntt/Vl'hurg Collector Battlefleet

    Amelie made her decision. Although she had never been a great juggler… and she dropped more than she caught… but from the reaction of the sailors to her act… she knew it was time to join Cirque du Soleil.
    Oh, and of the annihilation of the G'Gugvuntt/Vl'hurg battlefleet by the birds of Hawaii… no one ever noticed. Maybe next time they ll pick on someone their own size! (or smaller)

    750 x 1000 - 756K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited April 2015

    diomede64 said:
    Diomede Pull #1

    1521 - "Fantasy Gaming Poses for Aiko 5
    2735 - "Natsumy Hair for V4"
    4783 - i13LL PIN UP SUPREME MEGAPACK ironman13, lunchlady
    1964 - Hot Cabana Wear

    Since the draw is 100% pinup, I think it is my duty to go in a different direction.

    Tag: Diomede 1
    Title: The Night they Raided Muncy's

    Muncy's landlord sent the collection agents during the second act.
    Couldn't really avoid the pin theme.

    Also used,
    - Orion hair
    - Slapstick character and clothes
    - PH Bubblegum Hair
    - Future Cop Genesis

    1040 x 780 - 131K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Diomede pull 2

    2484 "Monaghan Outfit"

    3979 "Villa Venus Entrance

    3855 "V4 Elite Body Shapes

    2115"Lisa's Botanicals - Palm Trees

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Wow, inspired during the basketball playoffs. Will wake up tomorrow and wish I had spent more time and slept on it.

    Tag: Diomede #2
    Title: Captain Creature from the Black Lagoon

    Diomede pull 2
    2484 “Monaghan Outfit”
    3979 “Villa Venus Entrance
    3855 “V4 Elite Body Shapes
    2115"Lisa’s Botanicals - Palm Trees

    also used
    - 3D Universe pirates cove props and ship
    - dynamic venus hair for Carrara by 3dcelebrity
    - Poser 8 Creature

    1240 x 692 - 114K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Diomede Pull #3

    2575 Millennium Baby"
    2712 "Moyra's Lingerie Boutique: Hollywood
    1508 "Fantasy Castle 2011 Castle Keep Ps"
    3492 Sneaking Out Clothes for Genesis 2 Female(s)"

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    @Diomede #1 lol! Is that Buster Keaton getting an eyeful? Nice one!
    #2 I really don t think a flintlock is going to stop the monster. I hope those boots were made for running as well as walking
    because she s going to need to. Well done!

    Pull #6
    Monster Rat
    Antique Furniture Collection
    Rosemarie for Veranil
    Shayarin for V4

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