[Contest] RRRR - Just Random



  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited April 2015

    Y'all made my day. Took some time to look through the last couple of pages of the thread. Really put a smile on my face and kept it there.

    @Gopherus, thanks for your comments. Yes, I think the Slapstick character was intended to look like Buster Keaton. I compliment you on your culture and breeding! LOL.

    - Tag: emsim #1, This is Not the Mount I Was Looking For - Made me think of the old Volkswagon Beetle. What are the fuel costs?

    - Tag: Totte #4, A Peaceful game of poker - Looks like someone check-raised. Not very friendly.

    - Tarina Kivi, Pull #1, Title: Warmth - Warmth is a perfect title. I love these images with interesting details in all the little corners. Nice.

    - Tag: barbult #3, Jayden’s Ark of Folly - I've assembled furniture in rooms and not been able to get it out, but never a boat. Very creative idea with that pull.

    - Tag: Totte #5, You did what with the beer money? - Hmmm, beer money disappeared and vintage auction stuff gets delivered? Grounds for divorce - NOT! No one would still be married anymore. :> Good one.

    - luci45#5, The Arms Dealer’s Crew - It is so hard to train and keep good help. Or did the competition bribe the inspectors? Either way, great render.

    - Pull #3 Azoohouse, Family Outing - Hope you had a great vacation. Welcome back. Love the intimacy of the poses. Well done.

    - MorganRLewis #1, A Conventional Proposal - Sorry about the tech problems, but tremndous results. Sometimes if I am having trouble with scene size I try rendering the background and secondary figures, then use that as a background with shadow catchers for the foreground. Not sure if that is a good option for you.

    - Pull #4 Azoohouse, Capturing the Pirate - Love the self reference on the building in the background and the drape of the green strands. Good one.

    - Gopherus #4, Farissa s Christmas - The expression matching the cat is priceless! It is always fun to get those Vicky3 and earlier pulls to dive deep into the product library.

    - luci45#6
    There Goes the Neighborhood
    LOL - its not that they are humans, it is that they brought a grain silo with them! I love the little details you always include - he is bringing in the mail, for heaven's sake!

    - obanion#01, Title: Angela’s Ass-Hats - The girl's don't appear to actually be all that upset. They protest too much.

    - luci45 #7, Gogo Special For the Ladies - Hmmm, Ken, Luci and I seem to have burlesque in various forms on the mind. Three in a row. Expression and hands of the background woman are tremendous. - well done.

    - Gopherus #5, The Attack of the G’Gugvuntt/Vl’hurg Collector Battlefleet - made me think of the "Hundred and one pounds of fun..." scene from South Pacific. Creative approach.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited December 1969

    tag: luci45 #8
    Justin's Grandmother
    Justin never tires of listening to his grandmother's tall tales.

    Simply Cool for D3
    Skin Overlay for V4 and M4 Skin Sets
    LoREZ Monk
    Jepe's PlateZ
    Indoor Shoes for Genesis 2 Female(s) (LB)
    Dream Home Yard and Pool Decor Eclectic (LB)
    Barny Texture for the Freak (LB)

    Also used:
    Kaylee for V4 and V5
    Supersuit Shaders
    Young Teens 5 Justin
    Tweens for Justin and Julie
    David 5 and David 3 for Genesis
    Justin Poses
    Beyond the Sea
    Casual Jeans and T-Shirt for Genesis Female
    Girl's Night Outfit for Genesis 2 Female(s)
    Girls Night Textures
    Persian Beauty Outfit pants
    Charming Giselle
    Violet Hair
    Totally Bazaar
    Wonderous Wares shaders

    1800 x 1500 - 555K
  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Diomede64 for your comments

    @Luci45 #8 Looks like a nice tall story.... is that the grandmother being kidnapped by conan in her youth... peeving her wizard uncles
    Nice one!

    Gopherus #6
    The Hazard of Feeding Vegetables to a Klingon

    Monster Rat
    Antique Furniture Collection
    Rosemarie for Veranil
    Shayarin for V4

    Thanks to Mylochka at shareCG for the Klingon textures and Romulan hairdos

    "Alright! Alright! If the brussel sprouts touched your mashed potatoes, then you don t have to eat them. Now come down. You re scaring Fluffy!

    750 x 1000 - 627K
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969

    Sorry, been busy elsewhere (with my Ulfnaar story)

    Thanks emsim, barbult, Luci, gopherus & diomede64 for your comments!

    luci45 #5 - Wow, they are not very careful with their customers, great render and post work on this!
    Azoohouse #3 - Nice framing and render, but isn he really the farther or was it Roger Rabbit?
    MorganRLewis #1 - Nice one - she looks surprised and happy.
    Azoohouse #4 - Very fun idea aLOL - nd usage of that pull. I see why he surrendered!
    Gopherus #4 - Haha, I wish she was in my family!
    luci45 #6 - Haha, made me think of the TV series the 3rd Rock from the Sun.
    obanion #01 - Haha - you got a sick sense of humor and that’s what we like!
    luci45 #7 - Lol - Hen party anyone?
    Gopherus #5 - Ohh nook run! The birds!!
    Diomede #1 - Nice cartoon style but what is he looking for?
    Diomede #2 - Ohh, the creature from black lagoon, shot him quick!
    luci45 #8 - So reminds me of my granny and her tales, great one.
    Gopherus #6 - Food paranoia at its best!

    Pull #6
    #96 A Little Love (#12146)
    #1904 Feeling Sick Cold Stuff (#12324)
    #1727 Enamore Mage for Genesis (#14022)
    #3931 Phantom Ride (#20205)
    (LB) #641 Burnt and Busted (#12613)

    Random numbers generated Apr 23 2015 at 15:7:33 by www.psychicscience.org
    Free educational resources for parapsychology and psychical research.

    453 x 383 - 60K
  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Totte for your comments!

    Pull #7
    V4 Wizard Robe
    Royale texture for Ceremonies of the Peoples Accessories (rDNA)
    Modualz Aquatica 2 - Corals (rDNA)
    Harajuku texture for Lily Dress

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, Gopherus. #5 - She thought those dimwits would be easier to manage than her overly clever last crew, who tried to cheat her. #6 The cat did help. #7 Random draws are definitely weird. My last pull of 7 included 5 men's clothing items. #8 Although it made no sense I was going to describe them as Romulan priests, but didn't want to offend any Trekkies. I see you don't mind. Hehe.
    Thanks, emsim. Cuteness is in the eye of the beholder I guess.
    Thanks, diomede64. Your comments are always great.
    Thanks, Totte. I am glad she is like somebody's grandma. Mine had a lot of stories too.

    gopherus #4 Oh, that is so absurd! I love it!
    obanion #1 I agree with gopherus - the ladies are enjoying the view.
    gopherus #5 This one is so wonderfully wacky. It also reminds me of South Pacific. ("That's my little honey bun.")
    Diomede 1 Nice one. I spent too much money in March and passed on that slapstick outfit. Wish I hadn't. RRRR renders can always use Keaton and Chaplin. LOL.
    ]Diomede 2 I love the monster's lurching pose, makes me wonder what will happen next.
    gopherus #6 (You have been busy.) This one made me laugh too. Yours always do. So very unique.

    Pull #9 (unbelievable - 5 men's outfits!):
    Steampunk Cowboy for David
    Sombre Raven M4
    Moody for Dark Moods
    Just Chill
    Hash Slingers for Short Order Cook (LB)
    Dream Home Entrance Lanai and Mud Room (LB)
    Classic Furniture Assortment (LB)

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    Got my list complete so here goes Pull 1:

    515 = Working Man M4 Unimesh Fits
    1736 = Olympia 6 Pro Bundle (= Kori, Jungle Girl, inston Dress, Warrior Goddess Poses, Thalia Hair, Toooth and Bone, Nidale, FW Diana, Prehistoric Princess, Rose Thorn, Simply Olympia Poses, Boudoir Poses, Persephone Hair, Jewell Hair)
    129 = The FREAK 4 Base
    1753 = Christmas Accessories

    Eek, I'm not sure the Unimesh Fits will stretch to Freak 4! Looks like another heavily-populated scene from me, then.

    Well I got diverted on several other directions, but finally came back to this:


    Ah, Christmas - a time when all the family comes together as one. When differences are set aside. When all is harmony and calm.
    As long as noone upsets Uncle Mort.

    Also Used:
    Cousin Nidale (using Nidale, Jewell Hair, Jungle Girl top, Boudoir Poses) - Casual Jeans and T-Shirt (pants and shoes)
    Cousin Joe - Hiro 4, Angelo skin, Jamie Hair
    Uncle Mort (Freak 4) - Cesar Hair, Mafioso clothing
    Aunt Diana (using FW Diana, Thalia Hair, Winston Dress, Warrior Goddess Pose) - Clara Collection (jewellery)
    Cousin Kori (using Kori, Persephone Hair, Rose Thorn, Tooth and Bone, Simply Olympia Poses) - Patchwork Shoes 5
    The Study, Redhouse Christmas Carol Expansion (tree)
    Advanced Distant Light, Advanced Spotlight

    1024 x 896 - 559K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited April 2015

    Well, as I've not been by for a very long time and there are several pages of splendid entries, I'm going to be a little lazy and say "Well done all so far!" (Note to self: try to keep up in future)

    And so to Pull 2 (now I'm back in gear):
    1728 = DG Metal Overlay Shader Presets
    574 = The LaceMaker
    2958 = Capsces Madame Mojo Monique 6
    2013 = Fine Dining

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    And so to Pull 2 (now I'm back in gear):
    1728 = DG Metal Overlay Shader Presets
    574 = The LaceMaker
    2958 = Capsces Madame Mojo Monique 6
    2013 = Fine Dining

    (Took a little less time than the last one!)


    Come Dine With Us

    You are cordially invited to dinner. Maybe the hosts are a little ... shall we say ... eccentric.
    I wonder what is on the menu? (Dare you take the lid off that dish to look?)

    Also Used:
    Monique - Vidal Braids, Swamp Witch (retextured with Totally Bazaar as well as LaceMaker)
    David - Pure Hair Sleek, Doomed Poet Clothing
    Riva - Sultry Hair, Sensibility (retextured with Totally Bazaar as well as LaceMaker)
    Morphing Pythons, Cold Blooded textures
    Baroque Grandeur Dinner Service
    Rural Chateau, Alluring Garden (backdrop)

    1024 x 896 - 474K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited December 1969

    Pull 3:
    2258 = Royal Prince Hair
    912 = Dream Home: Great Room -- Breakfast Nook Eclectic
    346 = Footsteps Tool
    2641 = Archery Pose Collection

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Luci45 for your comments. They do look like Romulan or perhaps Vulcan priests. Thinking of Spock and his brother.
    5 men s outfits…. am I hearig strains of music from the village people?

    @ MelanieL #1 Christmas can get a little crowded. The solution might be not to invite mort… but if you can wait a few years he should mellow out. Nice one!
    #2 I m thinking that a good strategy is to feed the snakes first, in which case there s a chicken or a rat under that cover.
    Is the 3rd place setting for the camera person? Nice lighting. Well done!

    pull #7
    V4 Wizard Robe
    Royale for Ceremonies of the People Accessories (rDNA)
    Modualz Aquatica #2 Coral (rDNA)
    Harajuku texture for Lily Dress

    Gopherus #7
    Demons of Despair

    Algebra Exam Unleashed
    Demons of Despair Bequeathed
    Hopeless Harajuku

    810 x 1000 - 974K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    Pull 3:
    2258 = Royal Prince Hair
    912 = Dream Home: Great Room -- Breakfast Nook Eclectic
    346 = Footsteps Tool
    2641 = Archery Pose Collection

    Still trying to catch up!


    Quickie Divorce

    When Mike wandered out of the garden and into the house YET AGAIN, tramping mud ALL ACROSS THE CARPET, exactly as he had been ASKED NOT TO DO on so many occasions, Vicky decided that enough was enough! (And that carpet needed cleaning anyway)

    Also Used:
    Mike (M5) - Town and Country clothing, Wellington boots by Wilmap (freebie), Spanish Rose Macestas de Flores, Holiday Cactus
    Muddy Prints - inverted Footsteps Tool field with mud texture
    Vicky (Tori for V5) - Pure Hair Timeless, Town and Country clothing, Ballerina Assembly Kit shoes, V4 Archer bow and arrow prop
    DH Great Room Eclectic, DH Yard and Pool Eclectic, Lisa's Asiatic Lily
    Skies of Terra, Advanced Distant Light

    1024 x 896 - 562K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited December 1969

    @gopherus #7 - Lovely colourful render - those masks look fun. And thanks for the comments - yes, the end space is reserved for "you" - good idea on the chicken or rat!
    And Pull #4:

    2743 = Minos Poses for the Minotaur 6
    1046 = Sheer Greatness!
    1366 = Frivolous Forties
    157 = V3 Morphing Fantasy Dress

    Interesting bunch...

  • EmsimEmsim Posts: 234
    edited December 1969

    Thank you diomede.

    I crashed my computer a few times rendering this so when it finally completed the image, I realized that the book was upside down. So instead of fixing it I just changed the story. I kind of like it better this way anyway. :-P

    emsim said:
    And now for my second pull:
    717 - Future Bright
    2247 - Medieval Merchants House
    336 - Moroccan Dreams for Michael 4
    700 - Fantasy Book

    Also used: Gabriel Hair, Moonscapes, Jepes CosmicZ, Carrara Skies Lightdomes 1, Carrara Skies Volume 2.

    Tag: emsim #2
    Past or Future?
    After years of searching for the Book of Knowledge, Gabriel was finally successful and could find out what his future held. But he accidently opened it upside down and instead saw a far future and past that had nothing to do with him.

    1333 x 1000 - 118K
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited December 1969


    Steampunk Cowboy for David
    Sombre Raven M4
    Moody for Dark Moods
    Just Chill
    Hash Slingers for Short Order Cook
    Dream Home Entrance Lanai and Mud Room
    Classic Furniture Assortment

    Also used:
    Zior Hair
    FWF Mayuree HD for Mei Lin 6 texture
    East Asia for Genesis 2 Females
    Karaoke Machine
    Gothic MoHawk Hair for Genesis 1 & 2 Male(s)
    Shimuzu's Head Morphs for Michael 6
    Leather Factory Shaders for DAZ Studio
    Ecomantics - Efficient Ecosystems
    Dream Home: Foyer and Living Room Decor -- Eclectic
    Design Tool Box Flooring
    Design Tool Box Paint and Paper
    Concert Crowd Poses for Genesis 2
    Ibrahim for M4 and Genesis M5
    David 5
    Supersuit Fur Shader
    Stoltz texture
    Wagner morph
    Dwarf morphs - nose and brows

    1800 x 1112 - 557K
  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Thanks MelanieL for your comments
    @MelanieL #3 I m thinking that her hand is starting to wobble... maybe she should get a little closer
    but it would be easier to put down some acetate where the mud is getting tracked in.
    or put some cupboards by the door for him to put his shoes in. Good one!

    @Emsim #2 lol! Ah! the question of relevance. that s a pretty neat book that can produce holograms of the future and past. Well done!

    @Luci45 #9 Ha! Karaoke I hope they can also carry a tune. Is Mr Bigg auditioning their garage band? Nice one!
    you got all 9 in!

    Draw #8
    K4 Morphs ++
    Summer Gazebo
    Morphing Meershaum

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited December 1969

    @emsim #2 - pretty! (And a neat way out of your dilemma)
    @luci45 #9 - great poses and use of all those outfits (and congrats on getting to #9)
    @gopherus - it was inspired by my late grandfather - he did that sort of thing all the time - but Grandma had linoleum in the room by the garden door, so didn't get quite so annoyed (and she'd never learned archery).

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    After a ridiculous month of illness and over-scheduled calendars, I finally finished one!

    Karibou said:
    Okay, pull #1:
    7587 SlipperAnimal ( WhopperNnoonWalker, Karth), RR
    5914 Orkz Passages Entry (Sixus1), RDNA - discontinued
    7054 Safari Furniture for Kids4 (Capsces Digital Ink, The3dZone), DAZ
    6911 Rowan Trees Megapack (esha), DAZ
    (LB) 6201 Planet Alpine (Stonemason), DAZ

    TAG: Karibou Pull #1
    Title: (The) Brian, (The) Mitch and The Space Probe: An Untold Chronicle of Narnia
    Mitch suddenly understood why his son had been reluctant to clean his closet...

    (You have to say the title out loud to really get the full impact)

    1870 x 1334 - 1M
  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    The problem with not rendering for a month is that my RRRR database was waaaaaaaay behind. Let's see if I can pull off another one before this one ends!

    Pull #2

    4588 Lapis morte (Mortem Vetus), DNA
    89 A Curious Tea (LaurieS), DAZ
    1639 Creature Creator HD for Genesis 2 Male(s) (DAZ3D), DAZ
    8600 The Mad Chemistry Lab - Chemistry Set ( ARTCollaborations NeilV 1 ), DAZ
    (LB) 8171 SV7 Rhain (Seven), RR

    Huh. Well... Okay!

    1284 x 2000 - 805K
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969

    Karibou said:
    The problem with not rendering for a month is that my RRRR database was waaaaaaaay behind. Let's see if I can pull off another one before this one ends!

    Pull #2

    4588 Lapis morte (Mortem Vetus), DNA
    89 A Curious Tea (LaurieS), DAZ
    1639 Creature Creator HD for Genesis 2 Male(s) (DAZ3D), DAZ
    8600 The Mad Chemistry Lab - Chemistry Set ( ARTCollaborations NeilV 1 ), DAZ
    (LB) 8171 SV7 Rhain (Seven), RR

    Huh. Well... Okay!

    This looks easy!

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Thanks MelanieL for your comments!

    @Karibou #1 Lol! Definitely want to stay out of that closet. We ve come a long way from lions and loveable monsters to killer spacecraft. Nice one!

    Draw #8
    K4 Morphs ++
    Summer Gazebo
    Morphing Meershaum

    Gopherus #8
    The Continuiing Story of Bungalow Bill

    He went on a journey with Sabu as his guide
    His mother was steering so it was a good ride
    and as he stood upright and puffed his chest with pride...
    all the children sang... Hey Bungalow Bill...

    He went out hunting with his dinosaur and pipe
    His mother commented that he was smelling rather ripe
    And the children thought that it was all just plain hype
    and then they sang... Hey Bungalow Bill....

    750 x 1000 - 952K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited December 1969

    @Karibou #1 - love it! Neat idea and that little glimpse into "Narnia" is great (though I don't remember an angry droid there?)
    @Gopherus #8 - another great idea - but that's some howdah on the back of the diceratops! Lovely and colourful and I like your new verses :)

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Tag: Diomede #3
    Title: Not pizza again!
    That fancy library that the Beast had accumulated did not have a single cook book.

    Diomede Pull #3
    2575 Millennium Baby”
    2712 “Moyra’s Lingerie Boutique: Hollywood
    1508 “Fantasy Castle 2011 Castle Keep Ps”
    3492 Sneaking Out Clothes for Genesis 2 Female(s)”

    Also Used
    - Mystic gorge for Carrara
    - Venus hair for Carrara
    - Genesis Troll
    - Adventurer tunic, boots, vest, and pants for Genesis
    - The Kids 4 (twice) and K4 briefs and tshirt
    - Duke hair
    - Ebike

    1200 x 788 - 306K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Thanks to everyone for your comments.

    Tragedy on previous render - my program crashed mid render. Choices were to start over (Save often! Ooops) or try to salvage one of the test renders. I chose salvage a test render.

    Anyway - press onward to pull #4

    4194 "Victoria and Michael Sweaters","189"
    987 Defiant for Genesis"
    1498 Fantasy Accessories for Pharaohs for Genesis Female
    4893 Nature Colours Nemesis

    I think that 4194 is a sweater set for Victoria 1 and Michael 1. Digging deep.

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Thanks MelanieL for your comments. Do you remember Kubla Khan? He had gout and could no longer ride a horse. So he had a huge howdah built, carried between 4 elephants. And from that platform he commanded his armies.

    @Diomede64 #3 It doesn t look like there s much garden space at the beasts lair either. Maybe he can find a chinese place that delivers.
    good one!

    Pull #9
    Victoria s Changing Fanasy Suit
    Boy! I Feel Like a Lady for Coure Di Moda
    Parkside High Lobby
    Curious Bus Stop

    Looks like i ve pulled an ancient item too. Victorias Fantasy Suit for V2

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Anyway - press onward to pull #4
    4194 “Victoria and Michael Sweaters”,“189”
    987 Defiant for Genesis”
    1498 Fantasy Accessories for Pharaohs for Genesis Female
    4893 Nature Colours Nemesis
    I think that 4194 is a sweater set for Victoria 1 and Michael 1. Digging deep.

    Tag: Diomede #4
    Title: Fate of the Last Pair of Adventurers

    The crystal prisons confronted Ettienne and Simone as they searched through the upper chambers of the starwitch's keep.

    Also used

    Venus hair for V4, Micah Hair for Genesis, Harlow Hair, GG Egyptian Skirt for V1, Dresscoat Italia Boots for V1, Popstar Dancepants for M1

    @ Luci45 #8, Justin’s Grandmother - the tales get better when grandma has a cocktail in her hand. Fun idea.
    @Gopherus #6, Hazard of Feeding Vegetables to Klingons - lampshade, get him a lampshade to wear! Now everyone will want a pet rat.
    @Melanie#1, Togetherness - looks like yo got off to a late start also. Great holiday scene. Every family has that one.
    @Melanie #2, Come Dine with Us. - Great use of those shader pulls. Love the lighting.
    @Gopherus #7, Demons of Despair - I don't know why they are despairing, looks like they are about to have some fun - if they like getting their butts kicked by a good anime beat down, that is.
    @Melanie #3, Quickie Divorce, sometimes you need a divorce lawyer, and sometimes you just need the coroner. Hope he has a good health plan.
    @emsim #2, Past or Future? - Oh no, you have had computer problems also. I've had a lot of problems snce the last update. Anyway, I really like the book the way it is. Glad you kept it.
    @luci45#9, Heartbreaker - Sign them up! I've developed a fad for a jazz grop that post youtube videos from their living room (scottbradleylovesyou). Looks like this crowd could be guest singers.
    @Karibou Pull #1, (The) Brian, (The) Mitch and The Space Probe: An Untold Chronicle of Narnia - So sweet, what a great drawing on the wall. Nice one.
    @Gopherus #8, The Continuiing Story of Bungalow Bill - Wouldn't want to get caught in traffic behind those folks!

    1940 x 1455 - 246K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Diomede Pull #5

    3040 Pred Pack - Bay Bushes
    4088 V4 Elite Life Poses
    237 "Army Truck 1930
    4363 Wonderland Mad Hatter for M4

  • EmsimEmsim Posts: 234
    edited December 1969

    Thank you gopherus, MelanieL and diomede for your comments. @diomede - not sure what was going on with that last render - apparently my computer didn't like something I was doing. I hope yours starts behaving for you.

    Another catch-up session:
    Obanion #1: The title made me laugh. Looks like a competition going on there. I don't think they're even aware of the ladies!
    Luci45 #7: I love the look on the ladies' faces. I'm pretty sure that's what my face would look like if I saw this!
    gopherus #5: Looks like everyone's having a great time... except the aliens! I love the energy in this one.
    diomede #1: I like the cartoon style. Interesting place for Muncy to hide!
    diomede #2: Has the creature been shot or is it swooning at her beauty? Nice effect with the sky and the lighting.
    Luci45 #8: Looks like granny's got quite the imagination! I like how the story fits seamlessly into the picture.
    gopherus #6: Okay, this one's just funny! The expressions and the situation are priceless. Although I often have a similar reaction to brussel sprouts.
    MelanieL #1: Good old family holiday drama. Seems like Uncle Mort's a bit touchy!
    MelanieL #2: I really like the lighting in this one. I'd be leery of joining them for dinner though.
    gopherus #7: She looks more annoyed than scared. Where is that demon's hand, anyway? (the one right beside her, I mean)
    MelanieL #3: Looks like that's the last time Mike will track mud across the carpet for sure! Vicky's definitely about to make her point! (hmm, sorry - bad pun)
    Luci45 #9: The guy in the chair doesn't seem to be enjoying the karaoke but everyone else looks like they're having a great time!
    Karibou #1: Clever play on words with the title. :) Narnia has changed quite a bit but I'd be closing that closet door real fast!
    gopherus #8: I love the verse, it made me laugh. They all look so happy and the bubbles coming from his pipe is a nice touch.
    diomede #3: Poor beast, such despair. Will he ever get a home-cooked meal?
    diomede #4: Cool effect with the prisms! That would be a startling thing to be confronted by.

    Not sure if I'll be able to finish it but I did one more pull:

    Pull #3
    2161 - LoREZ Crow
    276 - Gloves Pack (renderosity)
    816 - Music Pack
    2279 - The Paragon - Exterior

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited May 2015

    diomede64 said:
    Diomede Pull #5

    3040 Pred Pack - Bay Bushes
    4088 V4 Elite Life Poses
    237 "Army Truck 1930
    4363 Wonderland Mad Hatter for M4

    Thanks for the comments, Emsim and Gopherus.

    Tag: Diomede #5
    Title: Uninvited Guest

    No Dorothy here. This is Alice. Would you like to stay for some tea and cakes?

    Also used:
    RDNA park tree, B25 Alice for V4, Venus hair for M4 and V4. YDress for Genesis, Toon rabbit and outfit, Poser card soldiers, Poser cheshire cat, squeaker, LS curious tea set.

    1540 x 999 - 435K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    And Pull #4:

    2743 = Minos Poses for the Minotaur 6
    1046 = Sheer Greatness!
    1366 = Frivolous Forties
    157 = V3 Morphing Fantasy Dress

    Interesting bunch...


    The Customer is (not) Always Right

    When a customer came to the department store looking to build a whole new wardrobe, the assistant was usually delighted at the prospect of a nice fat commission. But some customers were a little more difficult than others.

    "Hmm, maybe not my colour?" - "Perhaps not, er...Madam?"
    "Ooh, maybe not my style?" - "Well, maybe it's not quite you, Madam"
    "Um, the undies I'm mostly happy with, but what am I supposed to do with these?" - "Aaarghhh!"

    Used: (L-R) Minos Poses 06 / 07 / (slightly modified) 02

    Also Used:
    Sales Assistant - V3 Thistle, Amarseda Hair
    Customer - Minotaur 6 HD, Party Pickup Dress and Textures, Boudoir Bliss for Genesis, Moyras Lingerie Boutique Honeymoon textures
    Bettie Paige Drapes (Optitex freebie), DH Great Room Accessories stool, DH Dressing Room Furniture hangers, Useful Mirrors for DS
    Design Tool Box Bundle, Fabricator and Hardcore Utility shader presets
    Advanced Ambient and Advanced Distant Lights

    1792 x 796 - 772K
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