M4 won't react to face or age or the creature morphs



  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Here is the image. There is also something else, maybe this has something to do with the issue, I have 2 my daz3d libraries shown in the images , someone told me I should have only one mydaz3d library folder,I have reinstalled daz but it hasn't changed.

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  • Your Content Directory Manager screenshot isn't showing the paths, the last screen shot shows the /Runtime/Textures folder which is not relevant.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Richard please show me what you need to see with a screen shot ,or explain it as if I am a computer dummy (which I often am), I really don't know what to do, thanks

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    is this what you mean?

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  • The first two paths under Daz Studio formats are certainyl odd, and the first one is going to cause issues as it is inside another folder you have selected as a content directory - which will confuse DS when it is trying to work out how to record the location of any files in that folder. The second one may indicate the root of the issue, though, as it is a OneDrive folder and Windows is apt to move everything to the Onedrive folder instead of leaving it in the main Documents folder.

    Where, in al of those, is the /Runtime/Libraruies/!Daz folder? And the /Runtime/Character/Daz People folder with the Vicotria 4 and Michael 4 CR2 files?

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024
    edited January 2022

    What's behind door number 4 (New Content Set)?

    Under DAZ Studio Formats,
    The first one is a "nested" folder as it is a subfolder on another content folder - Remove
    The second line on OneDrive (bad idea to have a folder on OneDrive) describes a path that is usually regognized as a path for Poser content (you have it under DAZ Studio Formats)

    Under Poser Formats,
    The last one is a "nested" folder as it is a subfolder on another content folder - Remove

    How many folders do you have in C:\Users\vshym\OneDrive\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My DAZ Connect Library\Data\Cache\? - Take a screenshot of as many as you can, the folders are named "1_XXXXX"

    781 x 434 - 46K
    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Will not grant access to

    C:\Users\vshym\OneDrive\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My DAZ Connect Library\Data\Cache\

    I took out the Cache/ and took screenshot,

    Richard where do I look for your question? 

    Where, in al of those, is the /Runtime/Libraruies/!Daz folder? And the /Runtime/Character/Daz People folder with the Vicotria 4 and Michael 4 CR2 files?

    If there are any screen shots you need I'll tke whatever you tell me, thanks


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  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Ok, none of the Victoria 4 or Michael 4 related files were amongst the DAZ Connect installed products, that is a good thing.

    Do a search in Windows Explorer for "Victoria 4.2.dsb", where is it found? - The complete path starting with the drive letter.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    PerttiA said:

    Ok, none of the Victoria 4 or Michael 4 related files were amongst the DAZ Connect installed products, that is a good thing.

    You can't install V4/M4 and their Exp morphs packs with Connect. The morph system is not compatible, so they don't offer the option to install them with Connect.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845
    edited January 2022

    vic3d said:

    Richard where do I look for your question? 

    Where, in al of those, is the /Runtime/Libraruies/!Daz folder? And the /Runtime/Character/Daz People folder with the Vicotria 4 and Michael 4 CR2 files?

    If there are any screen shots you need I'll tke whatever you tell me, thanks

    To see where the V4 and M4 cr2 files are on your disk, go to the "content library" tab in DS and then to Figures/Daz People. Right-click on the Victoria 4.2 icon or the Michael 4 icon and select "Browse to file location", that should open Windows explorer where the file is.


    For the !Daz folder:

    Check in each of the folders you have listed as "Poser format" contents in preferences if you find it, under "Runtime" then "libraries". There will be one in the content directory where the V4 cr2 is, if there is also one in another content directory that can cause problems (depending on what's in there).

    Post edited by Leana on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    here is the location for Victoria 4.2.dsb

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Is that the only image needed? Leana had written more ways to locate, but is that al lthat is needed to be seen or please tell me what else, thank you

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  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    That tells us in which of your content directories V4 and M4 are installed (C:/Applications/Data/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library/, apparently).

    Did you install all the morphs packs for them in that directory?

    Is there a /Runtime/Libraries/!Daz folder in the other content directories?

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024
    edited January 2022

    Ok, the base files for Michael 4 and Victoria 4 have been found in their proper place, although the folder should probably be the first one listed under "Poser Formats" in "Content Directory Manager"
    You can change the order the content directories are listed in by selecting the content directory and using the buttons "To Top", "Up One", "Down One" and "To Bottom"

    Whatever morphpacks and characters you have installed for Michael 4 and Victoria 4, should have also been installed into that same content directory (C:\Daz 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\), have they been installed there?

    You haven't shown us what content directories are in content set "New Content Set"

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    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    is this where you were asking about?

    where should I look from here for the morph packs, am I in the right place?  Will you please send me a screen shot (if needed ) if I am not looking in the right place, thanks

    I didnt undertsand on the image of content directory, what is the folder I should move to the top?



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  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024
    edited January 2022

    In "Content Directory Manager", under "Poser Formats", select the folder "C:\Daz 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\" and move it above the other two folders there.

    If installed correctly, the morphpacks should be found when you navigate into "C:\Daz 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\" and continue to:

    Victoria 4.2 Shapes++
    \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\DAZ's Victoria 4\Morph Injections\INJ Morphs++ V4.pz2

    Michael 4 Shapes++
    \Runtime\libraries\Pose\DAZ's Michael 4\Morph Injections\INJ Morphs++ M4.pz2

    Aged for V4\M4
    \Runtime\libraries\Pose\DAZ's Victoria 4\Morph Injections\INJ Aged for V4.pz2
    \Runtime\libraries\Pose\DAZ's Michael 4\Morph Injections\INJ Aged for M4.pz2

    Michael 4 Creature Creator Morphs
    \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\DAZ's Michael 4\Morph Injections\INJ Creature M4.pz2

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    It seems things are installed correctly? 

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    I moved to the top C:\Daz 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\ 

    morphs still not working

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    vic3d said:

    It seems things are installed correctly? 

    It looks that way.

    Why don't you take a screenshot of what your parameters pane is looking like - These figures predate all the genesis characters and the logic in finding the morphdials is different.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Pewtti, there are some sliders there, however when I apply something new , a face from m4 elite face or essential faces or something from aged no new tab or slider comes into parameters , for aged it is aged hands sliders only that is there and those creature sliders upon opening new character

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877
    edited January 2022

    vic3d said:

    is this where you were asking about?

    where should I look from here for the morph packs, am I in the right place?  Will you please send me a screen shot (if needed ) if I am not looking in the right place, thanks

    I didnt undertsand on the image of content directory, what is the folder I should move to the top?

    Double-click the Runtime folder (that you have highlighted in the screen shot), then in that double-click the Libraries folder. Does that contain a !Daz folder? If so double-click it. There should then be folders for Michael 4 and Victoria 4 - pick the one we are dealing with (Michael 4 I think). That folder should contain a lot of folders - one for each bone. Open the BODY folder and post a screen shot of its contents please.


    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    this should be it

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  • That means you have four products with full body morphs installs:

    ps_mr477 - Morphs++
    ps_mr549 - M4 Creature Creator
    ps_mr074 - I think this is the base figure

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    For info:

    ps_mr652 = Aged M4

    (and yes, ps_pe074 is the M4 Base)


  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Is that good, are things in the right place,  is there that can be done to make it work Are there any more screen shots that will be helpful?

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    All the M4 morph paks have an explanation warning as their icons

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  • I hesitate to suggest this because I'm thick and may not understand what you've all been talking about. Still. Have you activated the Michael 4 Shapes++? If not, you can do so by opening Windows Explorer and navigating to the folder where you installed the Shapes++. Open Runtime/libraries/!DAZ and double-click DzCreatExPFiles-M4.bat and DzCreateExPFiles-M4Gens.bat.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    What does your log say?

    Help->Troubleshooting->View Log File

    Do not copy the text to the message area, but attach the log to your post as a file.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    I clicked all the places told to in the image, I restarted daz same situation morph doesnt work, no new slider appears in parameters for the morph i double clicked


    I saved the Help->Troubleshooting->View Log File Pertti but when I tried t oattach it here it will not load as an attachment, can you tell me another way I can post it for you to see

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  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    Can you show us the parameters tab with your M4  selected in the scene please? (or your V4, as you prefer)  It should have sections for MorphForms and Morphs/Shapes - if so, expand either or both before you screenshot.

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