Show Us Your Iray Renders. Part III



  • HoleHole Posts: 119
    edited May 2015

    no just Photoshop, haven't opened up Fusion yet
    the fog is the sss trick everyone else is using for fog in iray..Cheers!

    Hole said:
    finally getting a bit of time to look into Iray :)...first renders..

    *didn't notice the paint flakes on the car were too large 'till it was too late

    Did you use Fusion for the particles and fog in the Mustang scene?

    Give it a try, with Iray passes and fbx import you can do some pretty crazy stuff and I'm finding it easier and much more flexible than PS for comp.

    Here's what you can do with basically just 2 planes:

    edit-just rewatched that, it's actually a single plane...

    Post edited by Hole on
  • tomtom.wtomtom.w Posts: 140
    edited May 2015

    *Deleted by poster*

    This was my last attempt to get some form of response, but I guess I'll have to accept that this is a private club where I'm not a member.
    So over and out.

    Post edited by tomtom.w on
  • StonemasonStonemason Posts: 1,197
    edited May 2015

    Hole said:
    no just Photoshop, haven't opened up Fusion yet
    the fog is the sss trick everyone else is using for fog in iray..Cheers!

    Hole said:
    finally getting a bit of time to look into Iray :)...first renders..

    *didn't notice the paint flakes on the car were too large 'till it was too late

    Did you use Fusion for the particles and fog in the Mustang scene?

    Give it a try, with Iray passes and fbx import you can do some pretty crazy stuff and I'm finding it easier and much more flexible than PS for comp.

    Here's what you can do with basically just 2 planes:

    edit-just rewatched that, it's actually a single plane...

    that's pretty cool,thanks

    Post edited by Stonemason on
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited May 2015

    Made for you HDRi map for face shots
    the scene is included also so just put the unzipped files in My Library folder and load the scene from the last Beta 0.44
    the scene is under : My Library\Light Presets\MEC4D\HDRI STUDIO
    you can change the Dome rotation , 45 degree is the front and 90 degree is the actual studio room with the light on the side .
    the base light shine at 9 o'clock with shadows
    The Draw Dome is set Off .. When you set it On you will get kind of scene set
    The Finite Sphere with ground is scaled to match the HDRI maps and light power
    you can add extra ISO under tone mapping for more light power no more than 200 ISO
    and change the white point for more cooler or warmer light

    Files (893 KB total)
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    15 May, 2015
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    Four images removed by a mod

    350 x 450 - 75K
    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,366
    edited December 1969

    thanks for sharing!

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046
    edited December 1969

    Very nice of you, Mec4D!

    Always a fan.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited May 2015

    here are example of changing the light in the scene, from cool to warm
    or any color you want See the Tone mapping Settings bellow
    it is small size and save the memory ..and produce less noises .
    I will make more soon with some outdoor simulation

    Images removed by mod

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • 8eos88eos8 Posts: 170
    edited December 1969

    tomtom.w said:
    I'm not at all happy with the hair, but I have given up on it after trying just about everything, so I'll just keep it as it is until someone releases good Iray hair...

    Have you tried Taigafaeri's settings:
    They've worked pretty well for a few of us around here.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited May 2015

    If you don't have cornea bulge morph you can use the cornea setting bellow
    works nice with the new HDRI map
    I am using 2.66 for cornea and liquid inside the eyes at once

    1920 x 1040 - 811K
    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • MusicplayerMusicplayer Posts: 515
    edited December 1969

    Leave it to Stonemason to make his first renders beautiful! Here is one I did the other day for my tabletop RPG group. It is lit only with an HDRI and I think it came out pretty well! I did notice however that it has some blurriness that makes me think of depth of field, but I didn't have depth of field active. I've seen this in some other renders as well and I'm thinking Iray may actually have some kind of auto-DOF for wide angle shots like this.

    Hi Riggswolfe,

    Very nice dramatic render.
    I have noticed that some of my renders do not appear to be as sharp as I would like. I have played about with DOF being on and off, but the results have been the same. I cannot say this is specific to Iray because I have had it happen with 3Delight renders too.

    I did see in a post on one of the forums, it was suggested to go into Render Settings - Filtering - Pixel Filter, and there is a selection of filters : Box, Triangle, Gaussian, Mitchell, and Lanczos, to use.
    The post suggested to try another filter, as the default Gaussian Filter may soften edges and be causing this. Something I am now going to try myself and see if it makes a difference.

    Kind regards,


  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    No private club here my dear..
    you should see this one, as that's what you need

    tomtom.w said:
    *Deleted by poster*

    This was my last attempt to get some form of response, but I guess I'll have to accept that this is a private club where I'm not a member.
    So over and out.

  • none01ohonenone01ohone Posts: 862
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much MEC4D for the HDRI scene. Appreciated.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited May 2015


    Post edited by TJohn on
  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,366
    edited December 1969

    rendered using MEC4D's lighting rig

    I've been working on eye settings and i think I've hit on some that look nice. Here they are for whoever is interested:

    EyeReflection: default Glass-Thin-Clear shader

    Cornea: Glass - Solid - Clear - Dispersive (rainbow) shader, cut-out opacity set to .25

    Base color - White + V5BreeEyesM
    Translucency weight: 0.25
    Base color effect - scatter and transmit
    Translucency Color: 212-61-215 + V5BreeEyesM
    SSS Reflectance Tint - white
    BaseBump : 0.35 + V5BreeEyesB
    Thin Walled: off
    Transmitted measurement distance: 2.5
    Transmitted Color: 204-24-255
    scattered measurement distance: 0.1
    SSS Amount: 1.0
    SSS Direction: -0.5

    Iris & Pupil
    Base color - White + V5BreeEyesM
    Diffuse Roughness: .5
    Translucency weight: 0.25
    Base color effect - scatter and transmit
    Translucency Color: 212-61-215 + V5BreeEyesM
    SSS Reflectance Tint - white
    Glossy Layer weight: 0.5
    Share glossy inputs - off
    Glossy Color: White + V5BreeEyesM
    Glossy color effect: scatter only
    BaseBump : 1.0 + V5BreeEyesB
    Top Coat Weight: 0.5
    Top Coat Color: White + V5BreeEyesM
    Top Coat Color Effect: Scatter and Transmit
    Thin Walled: off
    Transmitted measurement distance: 2.5
    Transmitted Color: 204-24-255
    scattered measurement distance: 1.0
    SSS Amount: 1.0
    SSS Direction: -.5

    800 x 800 - 966K
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    TimG said:
    thanks for sharing!

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    "Those Left To Mourn"

    1250 x 1500 - 401K
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    edited December 1969

    It's really really nice to see such a natural face morph. She looks very realistic. Great lighting on her as well. Breath of fresh air from all those perfectly pretty faces out there. That's one thing I miss is Surrealities work.

    pearbear said:
    Thanks for pointing out that new little HDRI included in the latest update. (mentioned by a few people in the previous thread) It's a great one. Here are a couple of renders using it as the only light source. There are some palm trees and other props added in the background of this scene too, very out of focus. The figure is a custom G2F morph wearing Hongyu's Bikini for V6.
  • EdheldilEdheldil Posts: 41
    edited December 1969

    I like the translucency effekt on her nose! I only add the G2F-Iray shader to the skin!

    Skin: Belle 6
    Char: Belle 6 with some shapes/morphs
    Light: 1x meshlight
    no postwork

    With postwork look here:

    1500 x 2000 - 250K
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited May 2015

    Nice one Tim

    here is one more HDRI map for you to use with the preview scene from the other ZIP

    Day light

    Files (368 KB total)

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    15 May, 2015
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    Image removed by mod

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046
    edited December 1969

    Mec4d, do you suggest the 2.66 with 'corneal bulge 1,' or is that strictly for lacking it?

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Works in both but if you don't have the corneal bulge you need to adjust the glossy as in the shot I posted moments ago

    Mec4d, do you suggest the 2.66 with 'corneal bulge 1,' or is that strictly for lacking it?
  • RiggswolfeRiggswolfe Posts: 906
    edited December 1969

    Leave it to Stonemason to make his first renders beautiful! Here is one I did the other day for my tabletop RPG group. It is lit only with an HDRI and I think it came out pretty well! I did notice however that it has some blurriness that makes me think of depth of field, but I didn't have depth of field active. I've seen this in some other renders as well and I'm thinking Iray may actually have some kind of auto-DOF for wide angle shots like this.

    Hi Riggswolfe,

    Very nice dramatic render.
    I have noticed that some of my renders do not appear to be as sharp as I would like. I have played about with DOF being on and off, but the results have been the same. I cannot say this is specific to Iray because I have had it happen with 3Delight renders too.

    I did see in a post on one of the forums, it was suggested to go into Render Settings - Filtering - Pixel Filter, and there is a selection of filters : Box, Triangle, Gaussian, Mitchell, and Lanczos, to use.
    The post suggested to try another filter, as the default Gaussian Filter may soften edges and be causing this. Something I am now going to try myself and see if it makes a difference.

    Kind regards,


    Did it mention which filter? Unfortunately I don't know much about that aspect of 3d...

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046
    edited May 2015

    Continuing my series of Benders...

    I'm not thrilled with the ground, but this is more of an idea sketch than my 'real' stuff, so whatever.

    And again, I'm making creative use of Soldiers of Magic Serpio.

    (I also need to get some martial arts pose sets at some point)

    2000 x 2000 - 2M
    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • MusicplayerMusicplayer Posts: 515
    edited December 1969

    Leave it to Stonemason to make his first renders beautiful! Here is one I did the other day for my tabletop RPG group. It is lit only with an HDRI and I think it came out pretty well! I did notice however that it has some blurriness that makes me think of depth of field, but I didn't have depth of field active. I've seen this in some other renders as well and I'm thinking Iray may actually have some kind of auto-DOF for wide angle shots like this.

    Hi Riggswolfe,

    Very nice dramatic render.
    I have noticed that some of my renders do not appear to be as sharp as I would like. I have played about with DOF being on and off, but the results have been the same. I cannot say this is specific to Iray because I have had it happen with 3Delight renders too.

    I did see in a post on one of the forums, it was suggested to go into Render Settings - Filtering - Pixel Filter, and there is a selection of filters : Box, Triangle, Gaussian, Mitchell, and Lanczos, to use.
    The post suggested to try another filter, as the default Gaussian Filter may soften edges and be causing this. Something I am now going to try myself and see if it makes a difference.

    Kind regards,


    Did it mention which filter? Unfortunately I don't know much about that aspect of 3d...

    No, it just suggested picking another filter and trying the same render scene again. I too have no knowledge about how these different filters work or, if they will make any difference. I think the poster of the article just said to try a different filter type and see.

    Hope this helps, and I am going to try the same, and see if there is any noticeable difference to focus clarity of my renders. Sadly I have searched endless forums and cannot find the original post again. :-/

    Cheers. :-)

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,918
    edited December 1969

    Victoria posing.

    HDR Dome Lighting only.

    No Post-work

    556 x 897 - 537K
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Cath, that HDR is simply amazing.

    I'm doing a 3DL render with that exr file (get to a Iray render of the downsides of using my HTPC for my Iray test box) and well...(yeah, sort of heretical to post a 3DL render in this thread) but...

    800 x 800 - 690K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,858
    edited December 1969

    Please bear in mind, when posting images, that we cannot allow nudes - even if they lack details on nipples (for females) and genitals. Images should be cropped, posed or clothed to cover.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    I see it produce some shadows too in 3DL , little light intensity up and would be just fine
    actually I did manually added the right light curve

    bellow also tested my dragon eye with the last HDRI map

    mjc1016 said:
    Cath, that HDR is simply amazing.

    I'm doing a 3DL render with that exr file (get to a Iray render of the downsides of using my HTPC for my Iray test box) and well...(yeah, sort of heretical to post a 3DL render in this thread) but...

    1920 x 1080 - 3M
    800 x 800 - 289K
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Oh she was wearing skin colored body suit .. lol j/k I will remember next time

    Please bear in mind, when posting images, that we cannot allow nudes - even if they lack details on nipples (for females) and genitals. Images should be cropped, posed or clothed to cover.
  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    edited December 1969

    I am never going back to not using caustics. So much fun!

    Some minor postwork, mostly just defireflying. Also originally the signature was going to be postworked, but I changed my mind and re-rendered the bottom corner. Thank you to whomever in this thread mentioned that you could spotrender to a new window.

    I really like the hands also the light on the knee.

    Pose was shamelessly stolen off a Sargent painting.

    As ever, larger version in my gallery

    1333 x 2000 - 1M
This discussion has been closed.