PBS Metals , Metallic Plastics and Paints shaders for Iray [commercial] Just released

For those that don't know how or have not time researching the web for PBR accurate values here is a nice base collection of metal and metaloid shaders for Iray
all shaders are Fresnel IOR based, render quick from 3 sec to 25 sec
222 unique shaders
12 tool presets
Geometry Shell Shaders = to use with geometry shell
Metal Dust and Scratches Smart Layer = to use on top of base shaders
Metal Oil Paint Scratched
Metal Paint Flakes Smart Layer = to use on top of base shaders
Metal Paint Scratched Smart Layer = to use on top of base shaders
Metallic Metal Paint Base
Metals Brushed Base
Metals Pure 100 Base
Metals Spray Base
Metals Used 1.8 Base
Metals Used 12 Base
Micro Surface Patterns = to use bellow layer of all Metal shaders
Oxidation Smart Layer = to use on top of base shaders
Plastic Base
PVC Plastic
with this mean that the based metals are final and accurate and physical based
another set with layered oxidation is in production

Looks amazing! Can't wait to pick it up :lol:
along with the Unshaven2, I am really watching for this
Thanks, the Unshaven go first for release
bellow the 7 codes explained for each metals surfaces
so you know what to do with it exactly , see the full image 2000x2000
you don't have to convert any surfaces before using this shaders
it will convert automatic any surface selected in the Surface Tab
if you click CTRL+ shader you will get option to keep your bump maps normal maps
Looks lovely. But I've got to admit I'm used to seeing it spelled 'titanium'. :-)
LOL thanks I updated it ,I am thinking about the Tytan X today damn lol funny
Here some renders with the PBR materials
I used
Chrome 12
Titanium 1.8 for the dark Car Paint
X-Red-Met_for the Car Paint
X-Yellow-Met_for the Car Paint
render time 1 min per image on GTX 760
Good stuff!
You missed a tytanium in the text under Titantium 1.8 Spray ;)
Thanks Simon , missed this one
bellow some example of the additional layer that can be added to any metal base surface of your choice
so first you add the metal base and after the rusted layer, you can scale it up and down to fit your model look and feel
Rendering some test before the finale of the new PBS shaders
all materials mostly used the shaders from my new pack .. beside the old book ( the metal yes ) and old feather
Steel-12 NEW
Black Met Plastic
Orange Met Plastic turned off flakes
Green Met plastic turned off flakes
Render time 2 minutes 200 samples on GTX 760 , CPU rendering Friendly
the fastest Fresnel IOR PBS (physically based shaders ) setup ever based on the latest documentations
and another instant buy this month. Will be watching out for this
Thank you, finally finished converting my full database into Iray at last for the Metallic surfaces , I still have the oxidation version in production but a lot of work with that so for now the procedural base only what include 107 true metallic shaders and there will be no better in the future as it is the standard for PBR raw metal materials
Beside the true raw metals , you will have also metals adopted to HDRI light maps so they blend beautiful with the backgrounds and in any scenery code-12
you can change glossy and roughness of the reflections and still keep it PBR accurate , mix with your bump or normal maps ( some will be included for the micro surface ) also video to explain things and how to create layered surfaces like organic + metal and other surface together so very interesting and educative product in making .. I am almost done just the promos now
Well I can't share my trade secrets especially before releasing my product , I create the product so it will be easy to use it , I have a large database of values since I render PBR for some years already so this topic is not new for me .
There are 3 kind of reflections , one is Metallicity, then Specular and Fresnel IOR
Metallicity was invented by Disney to save the rendering time and data and complicated diffuse-specular setups that cost a lot of time and use more RAM than any other, then you have Fresnel IOR, I invite you to research it on Internet to get more familiar with this terms
but in short IOR is part of Index of Refraction , but in this case it just use the reflections without refraction on the curves of the angles so you get beautiful realistic look .
All raw metals does not have albedo-diffuse color as all the beauty come from reflection only ..what they have is the specific RGB color for each kind of metal surface that the metal reflect with as only Metal have color for reflections (specular) any other surface on earth have monochromatic black and white reflections only .
All 3 types of reflections are PBR but request different values and setting so specular or Metallicity or IOR will have total different values as they works differently to produce the effect .
The success to have the right shader is to have it accurate so it render and calculate as fast as possible , clumping the Uber shader with wrong info will extend the rendering process as Iray try to find solution for the mess it find on the way.. like for example rendering 3Delight shader that are not converted to Uber Base , waste of rendering time as Iray will try to figure what type of material it is and convert it for you.. so pay attention for your setups and don't slide anything up or down you don't know it will be good or not
PBR is the most simple and intuitive shader setup ever as it reflect the world around us and it is easy to reproduce as long you are educated enough to understand what the slider mean in your shader tree , trying stuff out hoping for a success is like blind chicken try to find a corn .. I learned on my own mistakes long time ago
If you are serious about your rendering time with Iray, you have 2 choices, buy final product and let the others do work for you or go and research the Internet about PBR , it will be confused as all people talking about one thing with different engines and all the data not always match the calibration of Iray for that reason I am doing it so you don't have too but I recommend to learn more about and once your mind switch to the new thinking you will see how easy it is , just before empty your cup as what you learned in most about 3Delight shaders will be not useful in 80% with Iray if you go for the accurate PBR for stylized work everything is allowed still do you know that Disney use PBR in all animated movies ? oh it does not looks real? no but it calculate faster and accurate in place of clumpy shaders ..
Simple is Beautiful !
So, will you eventually release rust (oxidation) shaders as well? I could really use some lightly corroded surfaces.
since oxidation is not under Metal category under PBR this will be another set as it request layered shaders and a lot of stuff still need to be make for that , diffuse, normal etc.. so it can be added to surface , working on that with highest precision , oxidation, paint off surface and oil and acid but keeping it in this thread so please stay tuned .
These shaders look great. Having PBS shaders that are designed for iRAY will make rendering quicker. How much quicker than converting Reality shaders or non-PBS ones? Is it possible to create other PBS shaders such as rocks, fabrics, ground, skin etc? Having used Octane Render plugin I know that having shaders designed for it (Redspec) can make a huge difference to how the render looks and how fast it renders. I'll definitely buy these as soon as they are released.
Yes I am working on the rest of the database of PBShaders all PBR ready like fabric, wood, grounds and many others also skin .
Here is example of some of them all was PBS ... used also Silver-12 from upcoming Metal package
Wow! They look fantastic! How much quicker are these PBS shaders to render than converted Reality shaders or other kinds of shaders for iRAY that are available in the shop now? Are the rendering speed improvements with these shaders negligible or significant?
I don't saw any PBS shaders in the shop yet .. so cant tell you
correct shaders calculate fast , you can't convert Reality or other shaders to Iray as they do not work this way so all you have to left is setup it correctly from zero, shaders interact with the light so if it is not accurate the light will be not correct too.. I try to make it a perfect combination here and push to the limits .. as there will be only one kind of shaders for Iray and that are PBR ready :) no cheating
and you know, if the shaders are not set correctly it will take hours for render that why for me it is important to make it right .
Thank you and please stay tuned
Cath what the heck, that butter looks good enough to eat off my screen...lol. I am always amazed at the work you put out. If I ever switch from octane to Iray I'm dumping a ton of cash on your shaders lol.
Dinner chez Cath! And I bet she's also a bl**dy good cook along with all her other talents :)
Thanks Sorel and Simon , yes I am very good cook and baker .. another passion of mine
but for today I "cook" for you Green Gazpacho for the entry with roasted potato, mushrooms and cereal sprouts.. going now for the main entry ...
I WILL find something you are rubbish at, LMAO! :)
Ok there is only one thing I can't do .. drive a car LMAO !!! I am serious always had a driver before never learned
I WILL find something you are rubbish at, LMAO! :)
Woohoo, yeah, whooopeeeeee!!!!!! Unleash the balloons and start the fanfare! LMAO ;)
Do you feel better now Simon LOL
Woohoo, yeah, whooopeeeeee!!!!!! Unleash the balloons and start the fanfare! LMAO ;)
Woohoo, yeah, whooopeeeeee!!!!!! Unleash the balloons and start the fanfare! LMAO ;)
Well, no. You see I realised shortly after I replied with such gusto that driving is not something you are rubbish at, it's just something you have not yet taken up ... ;) But I've had an brilliant flash of inspiration! On the basis that not everyone is like SIckleYield, how are you are at getting spiders out of the bath? ;)
killing it before it lay the eggs lol I have spray that kill them on contact .. I hate them but not to the point of being hysterical when I see one
Woohoo, yeah, whooopeeeeee!!!!!! Unleash the balloons and start the fanfare! LMAO ;)
Well, no. You see I realised shortly after I replied with such gusto that driving is not something you are rubbish at, it's just something you have not yet taken up ... ;) But I've had an brilliant flash of inspiration! On the basis that not everyone is like SIckleYield, how are you are at getting spiders out of the bath? ;)
Well, no. You see I realised shortly after I replied with such gusto that driving is not something you are rubbish at, it's just something you have not yet taken up ... ;) But I've had an brilliant flash of inspiration! On the basis that not everyone is like SIckleYield, how are you are at getting spiders out of the bath? ;)
I'll take that as a fail and claim a deserved win and exit stage left doing a victory dance whilst fist-pumping and spiking the ball in the end-zone ... and generally quit whilst I'm ahead (and not to derail the thread any more ;)) :)
I decided to add some 22 extra oxydation layered PBShaders as bonus , you can add the layers on top on the PBS metal shaders
Include :
Acid Splash
Rusted Paint
Paint Flakes
the layer are in 2048x2048 so amazing details in close up to the last pixel
Also added 20 micro and metal layered Pattern surface will upload soon previews
Tilling presets included so easy to scale up or down to your needs
Wow! They do look very good!
A question - would there be a (simple) way to alter the pattern of the oxidation/pitting/flaking, etc.?