Aug 2015 New User Contest (WIP-THREAD)

New User's Contest - August 2015
Sponsored by DAZ 3D and Khory
Khory is offering 3 products for the winner, 2 products for the second place and 1 product for the bronze place.
Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest contest...
"Going for a song (free render month)"
This contest is a general render contest (based on a song) where you should focus on the different aspects of 3D that you have learned so far. For information and help, take a look at the links provided in the previous contests below. You should mention the song that inspired you and made you make the render in your entry.
Link to previous themed contests where information and hints are available:
Portrait Rendering
Scenes and Landscapes
I will be checking in as will the rest of the Community Volunteers to try and help with anything you all may need.
For a list of the current contest rules, please see this thread : Contest Rules
Closing Date: August 31st 2015
Here's my start. Going with 3 Doors Down's Citizan/Soldier.
You need to increase the maximum image size under advanced settings for IRay to avoid those compression errors you get in the texture of the building, otherwise a good concept start!
Thanks for the tip, I'm still learning my way around IRay.
Thats good to know, I'd always just replaced problem areas I had with iRay specific shaders!
Anyway, here's my first draft, slightly grainier than I'd like but the low lighting isn't helping that - I originally tried to literally just light it with the bugs but had to concede to adding moonlight in to define the character more - any feedback or suggestions would be much appreciated, thank you. (Hopefully the song inspiration is obvious!?!?)
Does 'Going for a Song' mean something different in the USA? In the UK it means something that is as cheap as chips (to coin another phrase.
Applied some IRay shaders to his clothes. I tried to do the same with the building, but couldn't id the window frame.
It might just be me but I preferred the jacket from your first render to the second, maybe with some Fit Control or adjustments so it doesn't look like its clinging to him? I'm only a beginner myself so this is purely observation from my perspective (and should be taken with a pinch of salt!) I originally downloaded Daz in 2012, after about 2days I deleted it conceding to never being able to achieve anything with it until I decided to try it again in March this year - haven't looked back since then, only just got to the stage where I'm happy enough to enter these competitions though...
No, that phrase is in the US as well.
I would tone down the glossiness on the suit. To shiney for fabric. You're first image was much better without the IRay shader on the suit.
I m sorry but i dont understand mean of "Going for a Song"..
can someone describe it please
Changed the IRay settings on his suit, as well as applying the stucco preset to the wall. Now if I can just find the surface for the window frame.
Edited to resize image
Made some adjustments to his suit and found the dang window frame, so I used an IRay shader on it.(Finaly...)
The "Going for a song bit" was a play on words. It is a Free render month (ie no set topic) except that it should be based round a song,
What shader are you using on the window frame?
I've been messing around with emissive lights, The Streets of London, lat/long sun settings, sky colour etc. and this came to mind when I read the theme for the competition. They are both set for London, 21st of December . The first one five o'clock with a light sky. The second at 11 o'clock with a dark blue sky. The DOF on the first is too far away from the camera which makes the pole and bird in the foreground too fuzzy, I changed it in the second one. I will have to go back and change the lights as they are emissive on the glass and it wasn't until earlier today that I noticed the gas mantles inside so I will move the emissive shader onto them. Being on the glass means that the light from them instead of being 150 watts is actually 600 because there are four sides
Feed The Birds, Tuppence A Bag
Song: Lil' Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs
Hey there Little Red Riding Hood
You sure are looking good
You're everything a big bad wolf could want
Except, in this story, our Red might not be so helpless.
This is just roughed in at the moment. I will eventually make it a night scene (my lighting skills not withstanding).
I need to make the moon look real and get the street light to shine down.
I'm not happy with the background, so that's going to change to background-to-be-named-later.
I also just threw some clothes on my "wolf" - which will need to change - as well as his position (he's floating). I might try to get him to light a cigarrette too. That could be interesting.
Lot's to do. The lighting will be interesting and my first night scene will likely be accompanied by a few colorful metaphores. @Fishtales, you've got a great start at a night scene.
I used the 'Metal Brushed' example. I might still change it though. The only thing I know for sure is that I'll start messing with the lighting once I'm happy with the textures.
Changed the jar and looked up some photography tips on low lighting, made some changes to iso, f-stop and shutter speed settings to try and improve, seems to be going the right sort of direction...
I have to admit I cannot identify the song title from the Image. hmm "Whiskey in the jar" "Coins in the Jar" "Alabaster Jar" none of those fit.
aha. fireflies, not often seen here
No problems with choosing it, just make sure that you name the song, and possibly the singer, for those who don't know.
You would possibly be confused with this one that I did a while back. Even the title I gave it may confuse you if you don't know the song.
Oh WOW! That is an awesome render! I still have so much to learn!
"The devil went down to Georgia,
he was lookin' for a soul to steal.
He was in a bind cause he was way behind.
He was willing to make a deal..."
HA! I recognized that song immediately! A great one!
Changed the shader on the window frame, and made some changes to his uniform that may or may not be evidant in his reflection. I think that I'm about ready to start working on the lighting.
This is my first draft for this months contest. I am basing it on Joan Jett's "I love rock n roll"
Still a long way to go but i am happy with results so far.
Put another dime in the jukebox baby!
good start, love that song
Greetings, I agree with Linwelly, "good start." Attached file suggests some modifications in composition. Moving the woman to the right would serve to connect/unify the main elements of your composition. The background on the left doesn't add anything to your story, so I would crop it. Additionally, I suggest you give consideration to adding a little top and bottom to give the musician a bit more room for floor reflection, which are quite nice. Great idea Daniel