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I did another WIP render,this time I kept the lower ambient lighting and turned off the bloom filter.
I like this one the most.I'm just not that good at making bloom look good yet.I'll keep practicing that part.
"Boyfriend" with Justin Biber
I tried to match the figure and pose with Justin and this is the latet render try, here I'm posting both Youtube photoshot which i made my render, do you think I'm in the right track of the contest, if not I'll change it to another one.
I'll add the text in my next render.
I posted a render on Renderotica last week and someone's comment was just a lyric from "Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen. It would be perfect for this contest, except for the minor detail of nudity, hence the original venue for its public posting.
"Happiness is a Warm Gun" by the Beatles
Changed it up a bit. May need to select a different song, but my props are lacking.
The light changes look great to my eye. One thing i didnt like though is the bloom filter may be a bit high. One of the things i really like about your earlier one is that the lamp had a great level of detail but now the bloom washes out the details on the lamp surface. Maybe mess around with the bloom threshold numbers a bit see if you can get the bloom but get some of the detail back on the prop.
Oh i didnt see you did another one..yah i like this the detail in the prop is much better. One other thing i noticed is the plant/tree in the background the leaves are reflecting light from the sunsky...but the rock top isnt receiving the same light this usally happens when the rock is to far above the azimuth of the horizon line. The light angle in the scene is great what i would recommend is a spot light off to the right very low lumen where the light just kisses the back side of the rock but you want it focused enough so it doesnt spill light onto the tree.
Yeah, I tried a few things to fix that light.The low angel of the sun light just wasn't hitting it.I changed a few things on the stones surface, but just couldn't get the effect I was after.So, in the end I stopped fixing things before I messed up my render :) . I've already submitted this one for entry, so it's too late for more changes.I will be working on this one more though in my free time.I beilieve we get to make 2 entries, so I'll see what I can do next time.Right now I'm cleaning up harddrives to make space for another linux install.Never thought 50GB would be considered small for storage lol.I have 570GB of Studio content alone on a 1TB drive, and 5 other drives varing from 120GB to 320GB.Over the years they've all seemed to have collected lots of stuff.Video games I no longer play, source files for my gentoo system, ISO images for linux installers going all the way back to 1998.I even have system recover ISO images for windos XP stuck in there,,anyway,,I should have this mess cleaned up in a couple days and get back to rendering again.
icecrmn, the first thing I thought seeing your picture was: Why does the lamp hang straight down, when there is heavy wind, indicated by her flowing hair.
But the setting is really nice, gives an enchanted feeling.
The lamp is causing the wind .It's a magic lamp.,,,actually it was at a slight swing in one of my earlier WIPs, but it got moved as I was fixing other stuff, and I ended up putting it back straight.Well more, or less straight anyway.
Any body know how to get rid of the make up line? if it is even possible.
What character pack have you used.
she is p3d quinty mat and make up on mei-lin 6 base. Not sure about the UV set, not at computer right now
Do you have same shader settings on the body as you have used on the face
I assume you are taking about the base mixing setting. Will check as soon as I get a chance
Added some more light sources from outside the FOV.
"Make-up" materials for a character usually come as an alternative face texture, including the skin, so using a make-up for one set with the rest of the textures from another set will not work. Only sets that are sold as overlays are likely to be usable as you wish.
That said, you might be able to overlay the with- and without-make-up Quinty face skins in an image editor, set the blend mode to Difference, drive up the contrast/levels and use that as a mask in the Layered Image Editor to selectively apply the make-up areas of the Quinty texture, but I would not hold out great hopes for the effectiveness of that approach.
So I was thinking about a second entry this month, I may or may not stay along this line of thinking but at the moment, I'm going for "Taylor Swift - Everything Has Changed"
Little back story on this song....I am a U.S. Navy Vet, the very first time I heard this song was about two years after I was discharged, while working for landscaping/construction company. That had been contracted by the V.A. to raise, realign, the head stones for some of the National Cemeteries.
Song: The Green Fields of France
Artists: Dropkick Murphy's
alright alright, Chohole i thought you saved the day until i ran a test render. checked all my surface settings and the face setting was the only one that was different.i went the easy route and re shaded the face with the uber base shader. so all the surface settings match. plus the models appearance in the view window changed to match the rest. everthing looked good to go but as one can see the render its self produced the same result.
I've started working on my second entry.My inspiration for this one is a song from the Scorpions "When You Came Into My Life"
What do you think?
listen to the song while viewing the render :)
"just hold me"
Am thinking the same as it seems to mean the same in both UK and Australia... unless told otherwise I'm going to base my render on the UK/AU interpretation.
Did you see Richards post here
This will be the first contest I've entered here (if I'm good enough). My interpretation of "Knocking on Heaven's Door". It was originally written and sung by Bob Dylan and then redone by several other artists, including Eric Clapton and Guns n Roses.
The idea of the contest is a render, using the tips etc that you have gained over the last 2 or 3 contests, which is based on a song. The "going for a song" part was a joke, obviously not a very good one, because it was a 'free render" month, ie no new learning process included.
Very nice so far. I wish you the best of luck this month.
I could immediately tell what the song was. Sure, its obviously a guy knocking on the doors of heaven, but his stance is perfect. It made me smile.
I wish I could offer a real critic but I'm pretty new to getting Daz to work. Seems like you could get a bit more definition on his robe, maybe a light off to one side casting some shadows?
thanks chohole, i missed richards post. so i did what i think i thought you said richard and YAHTZEE no make up line. in gimp i over layed the make up skin on the non make up skin, turned the make up layer to darken only and it blended right in. this is just the test pose of the out come. no mid neck make up line. thanks alot everyone!
Here is something I'm working on. I've only recently started figuring out how to work with Daz. This image is inspired by "Joy to the World" by Three Dog Night, an old song most people call the Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog song. It has Jeremiah, his friend, a jug of wine and three dogs.
Among other issues is lighting. It supposed to be outside at night, but it looks like its indoors to me. The puppies look plastic, so I have to play with their material. The bug in a jar at the turtles feet just isn't coming out - but I'm having issues with Iray on an older machine. It seems to stop about 90% into a render.
Any suggestions would be very helpful. I've found Sickleyield's tutorials and just going through one has really helped, so I'll be doing more of those.
I love it! a definitely unique take on things. I understand about the lighting. That's what I have the most trouble with.
I'm going to try your suggestion on the lighting for mine too.