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"I tried to do the same with the building, but couldn't id the window frame"
I am going to assume that the building is an object file, Shinji? My own experience with such has often been that, especially for large or complex objects, there are many material zones and they sometimes have been given rather cryptic names by the creator, making it difficult to determine to what they apply. I realize that you may have already solved the issue to your satisfaction, but for future reference or possibly for the benefit of others, here is the approach that I have used when confronted with the issue. First, using either a physical pen/pencil and paper, or a text editor, and the object selected, I make a list of all the surfaces showing under the Surfaces Tab. Then, starting at the top of the list, I change the diffuse colour to something obvious, like plain red, which shows me the surface to which it refers in the viewport. I then give it a logical name in a second column in my list opposite the original. I then undo the change to restore the original diffuse colour, and repeat the process for the next surface, and so on. It is a little tedious, but once the list is completed it makes working with the surfaces so much easier. If the object is something you wish to use again, you can save your list for future reference, or consider actually editing the object and material files to reflect the less cryptic surface names.
I totally agree the "set" is part of a whole structure so am still in the process of deleting items that are not needed as well as adding mats to the remaining things. Also some things i dont have in there yet like i have a guitar strap but its gonna likely take me a few hours to get it posed so i want everything in place before i start on it etc...
This is a good suggestion, to add my two cents to the subject when i am faced with this situation i change the tool to the surface selector while in surface editing mode and just click the area it hops right to the surface in question in the surfaces list. It also usually gives a description of the thing your mouse is hovering over in the viewport. The only time this doesn't work however is if the object is multi-layered sometimes you have to hide the item on top to get to it.
The image continues to grow,
I sorted out some of the lights. Do you know you can't save emissive light s as a light preset nor as a shader one? I also tried the bloom setting, a bit of work there. The next render looks promising though I went too far with the bloom
I also added some snow.
Now, I think that I'm ready for lighting. Found the new 'JM HumanShader for Iray' over in the store after posting the last version. Snapped it up, and added it to my subject.
I keep looking at this image, and I am having trouble with the left arm. Either the arm is deformed or the arm is actually sinking in to the wall. It does'nt seem quite right.
Here's my first ever contest entry. I call it: Ocean Floor. Inspired by Justin Timberlake's "Blue Ocean Floor." This is my first ever attempt at a contest...I have only been doing 3D Artwork seriously for a few months. Please review, and help me improve...
Thanks very much!!!
~* Phoenix DeFalco *~
interesting observation about the lights...never really tried to save as a light preset. What i have been doing is when i have all my lights setup i create a new group with all the lights in it kinda like a light rig and just save it as just a preset in my daz library.
I did that too but, when I merged it into the scene it meant there was two of every light in place. I found that out as I had missed one light where I had used the glass as an emissive light rather than the light bulb inside. I spent an hour trying to find where the strong light was coming from and when I did and tried to turn off the glass it wouldn't. Then I noticed the extra lights showing in the scene tab. I shut off all the original scene lights and left this second set, which were the saved scene lights and that worked.
My next iteration
So I started out to do an entry for this month’s contest, and it quickly got out of hand! I ended up doing an entire music video!! This image may not be suitable for a contest entry since it’s more of a montage. It still needs work, but I wanted to show what I’ve got so far.
I had a blast doing it, and learned a lot just figuring stuff out.
Suggestions for improvement welcome.
You can see my music video (done in DAZ Studio) at:
Song: “Hurry Sundown” by The Outlaws
"Happiness is a Warm Gun" by the Beatles
@Chohole: I think that the think with his arm is his pose along with the camera angle. He's actualy closer to the wall on his right side.
I decided to change his hair while I was looking at things. Still need to get started on lights.
I could be wrong but I believe if you want to save the emissive lighting you have to save it as a mat preset. The lighting in teh scene is interesting. I do like the bloom but you still need to add a small point or spot to make the figures stand out. Even if its only at 5-10%. You need to take into acocunt the moon lighting.
Please remember, when using the Image button to link an image to display in the body of your post, to set the width to 800 pixels if the image is wider than that.
Got started with the lighting now. My source is a parked car stage right (right behind him, and to his right.(I think. I should be trying to get some sleep right now because of work in about 7.5 hours.)) shining it's headlights.
I did this variation to blend in so the individual scenes could change in the video. Any preference? Comments?
(Am I posting in the wrong forum? Do I need to move it? )
I look to music for inspiration a lot.Whenever I get "writer's block" I head over to youtube and line up a bunch of Queensrÿche songs.
"The Lady Wore Black" as my inspiration
(This video has some very good art)
Looking very good.
Thank you :)
yes,,this is the right one for WIPs.When you have one you like and want to enter it,,it goes in the entries thread.
I added DOF and messed with the dress a bit in this WIP.I have the dress edge messed up, so I'm fixing that now.What do you think?
Very cool Icermn and where did ya get the nifty lamp i really like the caustics it does. I know alot of this is subjective if i was using your scene i would try to up the lumen level on the lamp and then lower the ambient light a touch to create a nice shadow down her sides
Thank you,,
The lamp is actually a ceiling light from the Aslan Court set.I scaled it down to %15 and made the bulb inside emmisive.
I'll give those light changes a go and see what I can do
Made some progress. This is lit by a spotlight acting as a streetlight. There are a couple of artifacts in the image I'm not sure how to get rid of. Also not sure if the lighting is right yet. It seems realistic given the source, but not sure if it looks right. Maybe a fill light - low level - would bring out the faces some more. More experimenting.
Edit: grammer
ooops,,almost forgot to post my latest workings..
Fixed the dress edge I had rolled over, and changed her eye color to a bit more gray
My next iteration. I really wasnt digging the female model i was using in this instance. Although she had that rock n roll look i wasnt happy with how grey her skin was in this lighting so i changed to one of my other preset characters. Also i turned off the bloom filter i felt it was drawing the eye away from the main character. To that end i also added DOF on the camera to draw her to the front but without compromising the nice floor reflection from the Jukebox.
okay,,here are the lighing changes I made.
I'm using the Sun-Sky only environment set to .40 intensity SS Time 6:00pm SS Day 3/10/2015 for all the WIPs I posted previously and her lamp is set to Luminous Efficacy 50.00 Luminance 5000 Luminace Units=Watts.
In this one I set the environment to .30 intensity and turned on bloom.I left everything else the same.