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Maybe some security software periodically decides to block some files in the ManifestFiles folder? See if there was an update when it happened? A web-of-trust reset that decides to block the files, then releases them when it determines that enough people have okayed them?
I just have the built in Windows 10 security and the free Malwarebytes. I haven't associated the DIM problem with any Windows or Malwarebytes updates, but I can keep an eye out for a correllation. Malwarebytes says it has never quarantined anything. Windows has never given me any kind of alert about detected files.
I've had some problems with malwarebytes real-time, but not the on-demand version. Try tunning malwarebytes and see if the 63 show up again, and check if the .dsx files for those products have strange permission or ownership settings.
Finally a clue! I tried to look in my DIM downloads folder for any strange permissions or ownership settings on the mysterious 63 zip and dsx files. I looked for about 10 randomly selected products from the list. I don't have zip or dsx files for any of them in my Downloads folder! I never (intentionally delete the packages after download and never remove them manually). When Richard asked if I keep the dsx files, I confidently answered "yes". I had no idea that some had disappeared from the downloads folder sometime later. So, I wonder what happened to them. The products are installed on my computer and show up in the Installed tab of DIM. I do have the installed DSX files in the manifest folder.
Scanning with Malwarebytes did not cause the 63 to reappear in DIM Ready to Download. It did not find any threats or quarantine anything.
So, I guess my plan now is to experiment with uninstalling a few of those 63 products. Then they will reappear in my Ready to Download again and I will download and install them. That should get the zip and dsx back in my downloads folder where they belong. It is still a mystery to me why they periodically would show up in Ready to Download tab and then disappear again, only to return weeks later.
I have uninstalled, redownloaded and reinstalled these product from the list of 63.
Edit: but here is another mystery. Even though I have Install after Download checked, after I redownloaded these packages, they did not automatically install. They just stayed in the Ready to Install tab and I had to install them as a separate operation. I guess that is just because I clicked the Download button instead of checking them and running the queue.
So I did a few more.
I can't find any way to get DIM to download the missing zip and dsx files without uninstalling the products.
You could temporarity change the ManifestFiles location, so nothing appears to be installed, then anything that wasn't in the downloads folder would show up as ready to download. Presumably it would be the 63 items. That would explain why it's only those 63 items, but we still don't know why DIM isn't seeing them in ManifestFiles. When the 63 items appear, does the Installed tab still show everything else as installed, or does everything else show up as ready to install?
It also shows over 4000 ready to install -- is that correct?
Yes I have a lot of old V4 M4 era stuff I don't install. And even most Genesis and Genesis 2 stuff are in that tab.
There are three GUIDs stored in the Install Manifest.
The first two should not change once a product is distributed, regardless of updates and fixes.
The last one will change every time a package is changed. Packages are not versioned, but use this unique ID instead. When Install Manager retrieves the list of available packages for your account from the DAZ3D servers, the ProductFileGuid currently being distributed is included. Install Manager compares this to the ProductFileGuid it recorded previously when installing a package and reports an update as available if they are not the same.
Thank you for that clarification about the GUIDs.
I have had the CMS turn off by itself a few times, causing me to question why the metadata is not available when installing new stuff. As it is, the gray and grayer button does not exactly grab your attention when it has changed, unless you are watching it. How about something with a little colour? Green for ON, maybe? Keep the gray for OFF...
"Installing new stuff" suggests you may have closed DS and started DIM in quick succession, or vice versa. That can lead to PostgreSQL still being busy closing down when the start signal is sent by the other application, or even the signal not being sent if the timing if perfectly unhelpful. It isn't necessary to close the one to use the other. (Not that that has any bearing on the requeat for clearer differentiation.)
Timing the start/stop of the two might have been the cause. That is totally up to me, but easy to overlook as I rarely do it, but, as you say, does not detract from a need for better status indication.
Hello, I have worked with daz for years, yesterday I formatted the computer deleting all the programs and records, now when I go to install using daz install managen I get a message that says that there is already a version of daz installed, which is impossible, since I just formatted the computer and it does not have any programs installed. Do you know if daz install mananger is having any problems lately.
Once again I have old, already downloaded, content packages showing up in the DIM Ready to Download tab. None of them are really updates. My downloads and manifests are stored on a local drive. There is no reason DIM should not realize that I have already downloaded these. In fact, just clicking the DIM refresh icon removed all of them from the Ready to Download tab. Why does this keep periodically happening?
Have you restored data from the old system, or did you keep the manifests on a drive that has not been formatted?
DIM said there was an update today so I installed it. Appears to be the same old version that was already installed ( This has happened several times before, with different versions.
Maybe something (AV scanner?) is locking these files so DIM can't access them while scanning? Never seen it myself AFAIR. Using Windows Defender in Win 10.
Excluding the Downloads folder will probably fix it if it's an AV Scanner.
If theer had been an update the thread (or a new thread) and change log would reflect it.
Yes, but why does it insist on reinstalling the same version?
It compares a GUID for the isntalled version with the GUID for the server version, if they don't match it sees that as a new version. There are, apparently, various ways that could be changed or corrupted - the fact that it isn't a general issue suggests that this time it was something in the local software environment or something affecting a limtied area.
Why all of a sudden are my downloads no longer in alphabetical order
What sort order do you have selected?
I'll have to look, but it shouldn't have changed as they have always been in alphabetical order since day one when it first came out years ago
Something else I've noticed is on my laptop there are ads in dim (which I don't like having) but there no ads on my desktop both are running the latest version
I get ads, which I also dislike.
Quick trivia question: where can I find the installer for DIM so I can copy it across to my offline render PC and install the latest DAZ studio beta? It's not in the same directory as all the other download files.
Incidentally, I've unticked the "delete package once installed" option in DIM so it should still be lurking around somewhere.
Install manager itself is a stand-alone installer, though when there is an update it can self-launch. The version you download from Daz will always be the current version, and that can be copied across.
In your Product Library here: (of if you are wanting the Mac version here: )