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Set up the landscape with UltraScenery and add a suitable cottage. Fine tune the landscape generation with US Toolbox 1, then add some geoshells with a snow shader. Render & do light postwork in Affinity Photo.
Thank you for the kind words.
Are there any instructions on how to use the Ultrascenery clouds? I can't find any.
I don't see any instructions, but I just picked up Ultrascenery Clouds this evening and tinkered with it a bit. These are huge, awesome clouds. Just add them to a scene and be ready to move them a long way away. To put into perspective, this is an Ultrascenery object, with a USXT background and the big cloud to the left is out beyond that. This render is from 0/0/0 and that big cloud to the left is at x=-10000/y=-20000/z=-175000. (The other one is much closer, at 35000/800/-100000.) I seem to recall reading that the upcoming Ultrascenery 2 is going to be on a larger scale than original Ultrascenery, and I have to wonder if these clouds were made with that in mind.
In this second version, the large cloud is at x=0/y=-5000/z=-100000. (The second cloud isn't in this scene.)
Howie might pop in here overnight US time with more detail.
Thanks so much. I tried scaling and crashed DAZ. I'll mess with moving instead.
Thanks. Its great to see someone creating with the tools available.
Those clouds, especially the large one, look mighty nice. THanks for the explanation on placement. That's a long way out for sure. I have a lot of trouble getting USXT placement as well. The renders here look great.
What lighting are you using? I was wondering how using sky only would be, especially if the sun could be placed rimming those clouds. or perhaps through?
Nice postcard art work there, Zicon. I love it. I like how the eye comes to rest on the home with the glowing window lights - nice focal point.
@ paulawp (marahzen) the second image looks like a haboob coming over that mountain. Unintentional? perhaps. But great job.
I had to look up haboob... lol... A haboob is a type of intense dust storm carried on an atmospheric gravity current, also known as a weather front. It DOES!!!!
I had to read it twice, as the first time I thought it was habomb!
Most of my Ultrascenery renders are sun-sky, including this one. I love sun-sky - its infinite tiny variations - like seasoning food to taste.
I'm looking at this saved scene now and am not sure which of many render-setting defaults I started with. I have some go-to favorites that are actually from things totally unrelated to USC, but I think this one actually did start off as one of Howie's, which are quite nice:
I then did a bunch of tweaking to stuff like dome rotation, time/date, haze, saturation, horizon height and environment tint. For this one, I just made the USC/USXT objects invisible and used Iray viewport, twiddling until I got an effect I liked. You can get some really cool sky and lighting effects - sun behind the cloud stuff, all that - particularly in a pure landscape where you don't have to worry about foreground lighting.
For one-off USC/USXT scenes, it's totally a matter of "what the camera doesn't see, doesn't matter." The USC object is at center and after creating the USXT object, I've moved it on the x/y/z axis and rotated it on the y axis until it appears in the frame how I want it - usually in the form of a mountain or water in the background. (That wouldn't work for a series of images that need to be consistent from various places and angles. That takes some work to get that level of working together between USC/USXT!)
thanks. Yes..a lot of experimentation. I love the sun-sky element but always have a problems finding the sun. It is very realistic.
Hey, all - As this is the most active of the Ultrascenery product threads, I just wanted to throw this out there for anyone using UltrasceneryXT-Materials and Skies. I like these quite a lot and use them with some frequency - in fact one of them was almost certainly the starting point of the environment for my cloud render a couple of days ago. I've been testing in the 4.22 beta release and after updating Nvidia drivers this evening, I decided to use that cloud scene as a test to compare the new/old drivers and also test it over in 4.22.
I found that these Render-Settings don't work correctly in 4.22. A cursory inspection shows that the problem appears to be the Ground Fog Decay Height, which would seem to be handled differently in 4.22. It works fine as-is in 4.21, so some change just occurred in regard to that.
You should report that in the beta thread, in case it was not intentional.
I picked up a bunch of Ultra Scenery packs a while back and only just got around to playing with them. Wow - super impressed. The scenes it creates are staggeringly beautiful. Been having a lot of fun trying out different combinations. I think it's nowmy favourite product in the store Been having a ton of fun with XT too!
I've run into a little niggle with one of my ecologies - Britain Botanica - and wondered if anyone has any pointers. Whenever I tried to build a scene that includes bluebells, Studio hangs with the same messages each time in the log:
If I mask bluebells out of the build, then everything works fine. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Britain Botanica products with no luck. Has anyone run into something similar?
I haven't seen that yet. Which ecology and which feature are you using when this happens? I'll see if I can recreate the problem.
These are the combination it happens on
Wondered if it was the bluebells themselves, but Britain 2 has bluebells and works fine.
Who needs bluebells anyway?
Wow, that's a beautiful render - even without bluebells! Thanks for posting the details of situations that cause the problem. I'll try it now and report back.
I'm running DS Public Build.
I tried Stone Bridge 2, Britain 1, Brackish Pond water. I didn't get any error messages pop up while building or rendering the scene the scene. Daz Studio did not hang. The log file does have warnings, though, similar to yours. Strangely, I don't see anything in the log about bluebells at all. The scene file says I have 8457 Bluebells in my scene, but I don't see them in the render. That seems suspicious! I'll investigate that further. You've uncovered a mystery here.
Make sure your "UltraScenery - Realistic Landscape System" product is up to date. There was an important update in September, to version The UltraSceneryCreator build tab will show the version that is installed.
I tried Stone Bridge 2, Britain 7, Brackish Pond. According to the Scene pane, I got 58679 Bluebells, and not a single one is visible. When I expand the Bluebells Layer in the Scene pane, there are many many instance groups, but no Bluebells prop to be instanced. Huh? That's not right. No wonder they are not visible. I'll continue to investigate...
OK, there are errors in the Ecology files for Britain 1 and Britain 7. They reference a prop files with a singular name, when the actual prop file is a plural name. See screenshot. I don't know why DS hangs for @ainm.sloinneadh and not for me, though.
It is interesting to note that the ecology file for Britain 2 is correct with respect to the bluebells.
So, I just edited the Britain 1 and Britain 7 ecology JSON files to change the prop name to the correct bluebells prop name, and not I get the bluebells in my renders of those ecologies.
The files to edit are:
Environments\Landscapes\UltraScenery\Ecologies\USC Britain 01\USC Britain 01.json
Environments\Landscapes\UltraScenery\Ecologies\USC Britain 07\USC Britain 07.json
(There are other warnings in the log file, though. There are warnings about the Stone Bridge 2 UV file and about a subD value that is too high.)
Here is a render of Stone Bridge 2, Britain 7, Brackish Pond. Compare it to the previously posted render without the bluebells.
Great detective work Barbult!
I believe the log warning about subD level is caused by the SubD level of 6 in the Stone Bridge. Iray says the original value of 6 would cause too much geometry for one mesh, so Iray cuts the SubD value down to what would be valid, and processes it with that value.
The UV warning comes from a mismatch between the UV specified in the "USC Stone Bridge 01 MAT 01.duf" file and the actual UV file provided in the product. The MAT file references default.dsf#default-0xa12bbc3 and the actual UV is default.dsf#default-0xa14507f. I have no idea what the consequences of this discrepancy is.
I think my detective work is done for today.
Submitting a fix for the bluebells shortly.
Ah, awesome sleuthing! Changed those files and bluebells work perfectly now.
Agatha Christie I presume?
A good UltraScenery mystery always intrigues me.