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horrible ! good bye forum
I just inquired about this again and they said they are still working on it.
the dialogue only popped up going to this forum which shows ads on it
It reacted to an Ad!!!
I can get it to stop showing on Opera
but see previous post what happens if I dare wander into the forum
(which I will only do on Chrome now to be safe and to reply to posts about the forum AdSense situation, I don't intend casually browsing around here on other devices or browsers)
the forum rapture has begun....
Several sites may use that same button just like the green continue button is everywhere and used by several companies. I'll report this one.
This is why I mentioned a while back that using this ad service is ridiculous -- you'll always be playing whack-a-mole trying to keep up with the flood of useless or potentially dangerous ads. Just doesn't work.
Yep, I'm outa' here too. I don't know who's bed DAZ is laying in these days, but it's not comfortable in here anymore.
Chasing away the long-time residents is not the best way to run a forum. >_>
These ads are showing up on every DAZ page I've viewed. They just float on the pages and btw.. I hate them -- DAZ3D - please remove this feature.
Honestly believe that as a paying plus member I shouldn't be bombarded with ads. The ad free Daz across the entire site was one of my favorite features. Price hikes, mature content labels, etc. aren't all that nice but consoled myself with the fact that ads weren't being shoved in my face at Daz, and now that is gone. It makes the site look cheap, tacky, and is off putting to someone who pays for a membership and spends quite a bit of money at Daz. If Daz needs revenue so badly that they will risk alienating long term members who have spent thousands maybe it's time to look at the pay stucture of those at the very top of the Daz chain. Just mho.
But only the forum and galleries - they should not appear in the stoer, or the documentation centre as far as I know.
So the ad of the day is...
Can you guess?...
Come on... it's the most sus ad imaginable...
No?... ok... here...
Yeah... that one.
Its literally 95% of the ads that showed up on the forums... I just came here to check on something and couldn't remember the title of the thread, so I kept clicking on a few and it was the only ad showing up... so I decided to see how many times it would show up consistently... after 25+ times only two other ads showed... Ashley Furniture and Solid Works... but just once each...
So here's the interesting part... on an iPad if you press and hold on an ad or link, it previews the page... like this:
But with the "Continue" ad, it won't allow preview... you have to visit the page.
Which I find very suspicious since the only time preview is blocked is by paywall sites and compromised sites that cause the iPad to warn me the site "may harm my device"...
Why would a site not allow preview?... is it not expecting guests and needs a moment to tidy up?
It's also very, very, very insistent on being the only ad presented here since it's on every frickin page regardless of forum or login status.
I have never gotten one ad that is the only ad that shows up on the website... anywhere. it's impossible to replicate this on any website I know of, even ones with lots of suspicious ads.
I've purged my cookies several times too, to see if that stops it... Nope. It does not.
And that's not just today... because for the past three days I've been seeing this ad over and over exclusively and yesterday and the day before I also randomly tested threads and it's the only ad I see.
Also... apparently I have an orange banner which the ads are blocking... I only noticed because if you swipe up and down real quick you can see the edge of it for a second... I have no idea what it is, nor do I care, because even if it was 90% off everything on my wishlist, I'm not buying anything until this crap sorts itself out.
I honestly don't know what the point or strategy of making an already problematic forum experience significantly worse is.
If the idea was people like visiting a forum that keeps signing you out, keeps having gateway errors, often won't accept attachments, asks you to verify your cookie settings EVERY COUPLE OF PAGES and and now has the added bonus of mystery ads... I assure them (whoever they are) that is not the case, the sentiment or anything anyone remotely appreciates... If I hadn't cancelled my platinum club membership years ago over a similar sort of "principle of the matter" issue, I'd certainly do it now, because unlike ShareCG which is free site, the majority of the folks here buy stuff from the store... if you are going to put ads on a site like THIS one, you should make sure they are not clickbait or shady mystery ads... and if you have ads the revenue should at least be providing a means to improve the forum, not be another unfortunate circumstance that actually creates more problems you (and DAZ's IT department) have to deal with while visiting.
(insert annoyed poop emoji here)
I disabled adblock plus and got the two prompts to download 'coverter suite' as shown; these persisted through multiple screen refresh cycles.
Here's what I got when I googled 'converter suite'
This is what Daz wants to promote? Really?
It's time for Daz management to contact the ad service provider and state that there will be a charge of $1000 for each reported instance of click-bait ads that do not mention a product or a service and a $10,000 charge for each occurance of an ad leading to a compromised or malware distribution site, and that two occurrances on the same page count as two instances for charge-back purposes.
so far Microsoft Edge is holding up for both Forum and store
I only get the cookie banner here and on other sites the first time as would be expected and once accepted goes away
if I were a newcomer not a veteren of 14 years I would not revisit a site that acted like this
take that as you will DAZ Webmaster and site administration
also the DAZ Ads I get on other sites (this time using Chrome) are rather like preaching to the choir, if other companies Ads are not being shown then DAZ is likely not gettng their Ads shown to users of other 3D software either which IMO is not good value if paying for advertising
I finally got an ad blocker that actually obliterates everything.
Edit: using Chrome
Wow...just wow.
Not that I really care so much, but is an online cannabis listing site "family friendly"?... Just asking for an imaginary friend.
Weed Maps... "("WM Technology,” “Weedmaps,” or “MAPS”)is a leading technology and software infrastructure provider to the cannabis industry. WM Technology's mission is to power a transparent and inclusive global cannabis economy."... "The SaaS solutions making cannabis happen, integrated with a marketplace of 16M+ consumers and a vast network of trusted retailers."
I mean if if you've got 16+ million "consumers" you gotta be family friendly.
"Save on what you crave"... am I right kiddos?
And as I'm typing this the big "Continue" ad is still there directly below the text box... beautiful.
I asked Cedric S Bend-Sump ( the Sumpster ) and he told me to get
uBlock Origin extension for the browsers..
I use Edge browser and it puts all the adds in the sump .... gotta love the Sumpster
make of that what you will..
Added !!!
I haven't seen an external ad on the store yet, but I did start getting the popup for consent preferences on store pages:
I was just toying with a post on this. The smaller cookie message, which never goes away no matter how many times you respond to it, was annoying enough. This version - which also never goes away despite multiple responses to it - literally sucks the fun out of browsing the sales pages ... turns it into work, an ordeal. It blocks almost half the page and comes back EVERY SINGLE TIME you go to a new page, so you stop clicking on items you might have looked at on a whim.
I had it a little bit ago, but it atm at least has stayed gone.
Is your browser or security software deleting cookies? Are you running ana d blocker, and if so which one?
I'm getting this today too (yesterday I was getting a smaller popup about cookies). Both are annoying. I have Malwarebytes installed and Chrome browser. Setting the ad-blocker "off" for the Daz website makes no difference (except that I then get an advert popup half-obscuring the cookie one).
I thought this was supposed to be being looked at/worked on yesterday?
I just took a look at my Chrome browser settings wher I see that 3rd Party cookies are being blocked - but that setting is unchanged since I first started using this laptop a year ago. Has Daz suddenly started requiring 3rd Party cookies to be enabled?
You are getting an ad in the store?
Just came to the forums and Avast went DING DING DING and a notification popped up that it secured a threat called Tech:Scam. I wonder what ads y'all are running.