Gallery Ads/Popups



  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

    I see the low-rent service Daz has subscribed to is still providing that red and white "next' thingy - which is not, in any consideration of the word, an ad. There's no product or service specified and no indication of what would happen if we click on it.

    I don't understand the logic; this is a site that sells products for money; these ads generate so incredibly little revenue as to be nonsense here. Raiising the weekly PC+ item price by fifty cents should exceed anything Daz is getting for the ads,

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Haven't seen one ad since I blocked the ad-server.

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,647

    PerttiA said:

    Haven't seen one ad since I blocked the ad-server.

    I've only seen the ads from screen caps posted here. That's not the point though. The fact they exist is alarming. It all seems excessive and unnecessary. 

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

    My internet access was dial-up for years (decades!) - I've been running ad blockers nearly as long.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited May 2024

    namffuak said:

    I see the low-rent service Daz has subscribed to is still providing that red and white "next' thingy - which is not, in any consideration of the word, an ad. There's no product or service specified and no indication of what would happen if we click on it.

    I don't understand the logic; this is a site that sells products for money; these ads generate so incredibly little revenue as to be nonsense here. Raiising the weekly PC+ item price by fifty cents should exceed anything Daz is getting for the ads,

    Send or post a sceen shot for us whenever one appears so we can report them. The issue is a ad company will use it on tons of ads so it really hard to get them all. It has to be done one at a time and we've reported nad had them remove dozens of them along with the "Continue" button. Some ad blockers people are using are completely elimanating them so ask around or lookk back through this thread. The one was mentioned numerous times.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,251

    must cost Daz3d more money to maintain it than the revenue it and the bad reviews and non sales it generates no


    you'll have to excuse my clicks. I'm a little slow...the forum is back that way! cool

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851

    Be aware that some of these ads seem to be specifically targeting DAZ users in an attempt to get them to click on possibly harmful content. Note how this one reproduces the user icon used on the DAZ site.

    Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 11-14-48 Daz 3D Forums.jpeg
    3236 x 1704 - 427K
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    bytescapes said:

    Be aware that some of these ads seem to be specifically targeting DAZ users in an attempt to get them to click on possibly harmful content. Note how this one reproduces the user icon used on the DAZ site.


  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797
    edited May 2024

    It's simply sad. Am I the only one who thinks this way? This forum was once a place where one could go to either troubleshoot a problem ( to avoid returning a product)  or find relevant info that might prove a prodouct worthy of jumping off the fence and slam-dunking it into a cart. I have been busy downloading previous purchases, and taking care of birds, dogs and cats, but today I found a moment to venture into the forum to check on a new item I was interested in buying. The clutter [--] of ads is so distracting, I decided for the second time to toss away tokens and ignore orange banners. DAZ is this the result you are really trying to achieve? Are you actually trying to drive buyers away? I still have not spent that April 8th gift card.Yester-Year I would have bought four more by now and certainly have the funds to do so taday, but I cannot stand the bottle neck of ads. Sooooo sad. You NEED TO REVISIT YOUR MARKETING STRATEGIES. If it's broke fix it. Why not go back and find what worked and revist that. Am I the only one that doesn't love this new look, this new feel? Am I the only one kicking at the thought of leaving and never coming back? It's not that I am so important or contribute a ton to forums, but there are others who do. Their thoughts matter. Maybe they differ from mine. I am just a consumer . . . a buyer.

    (Edited by mod for language)

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Ad blocker, I use FF and don't see any ads.

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800
    edited May 2024

    These stupid adds forced me for the first time to use an add blocker on my PC. However I also browse the forums on my tablet, and refuse to let DAZ force me to implement an add blocker on it. I'd been too busy to visit the forums fo a few days, and this morning I was greeted with the over the top adds every few responses in the forums. I closed my tablet and pondered if this was going to be the reason I don't make it to 20 years here (it will be 20 years in Nov. of 2024). Then the thought crossed my mind that maybe I should just go ahead and start learning Unreal Engine and Metahuman Creator. IMHO these "in your face" adds here are simply way too much. (Note that I have other projects that I've already been considering taking to Unreal Engine, this may give me the "push" I needed to make a break from DAZ and go completely to Blender and Unreal.)

    I've been a loyal customer, and Platinum Club/DAZ+ member for almost 20 years, and this is how I and their other loyal customers are treated. I'm not really that "mad" at DAZ anymore. But just like you, I'm sad, very disappointed, and feeling uneasy about it. The forum is just an experience in frustration (and it gives you the "eeeuwwww" feeling) without an add blocker, and the Gallery has IMHO completely lost any feeling of class, and not something that I really want to be a part of. I know my actual visits here (and in the store) have dropped off dramatically, as has my spending (my stats don't show it though, because I just leave a couple tabs open for DAZ - yep I'm lazy). I had a similar reaction when the adds at Renderosity got too intrusive. I used to spend more there than here. My spending there dropped to almost nothing, and the dollars were spent here. I'm afraid this will cause a similar response here, with dollars either being saved or going elsewhere.

    Post edited by DustRider on
  • ShimrianShimrian Posts: 535

    +1 to ad blockers and firefix focus on iPad. I hate ads and pay subs to avoid them when possible (e.g. YouTube red, ad free streaming) I even paid to remove them on my Kindle for when in sleep mode before they had the book cover display option.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,182

    I've felt the change for some time, even prior to the ads being thrown on top of the heap. The forums used to be more friendly, if that's the descriptive, more family, more inviting. It probably doesn't seem different to those that were not here at the beginning as much, but I can remember when DAZ staff did frequent the forums, as did more PAs. There was a lot more activity, for sure. Then all the business ventures, it was obvious revenue/profit was becoming the objective, not keeping people happy as much. Its hard to descrive fully the different feeling. 

    I'm not seeing ads as I use an ad blocker as well, so that part isn't affecting me on my PC, but that's not my experience on my phone, which I try not to use for DAZ shopping. 

  • SnowSultanSnowSultan Posts: 3,648

    I never saw ads when they first started showing up because I only shop at DAZ using my primary PC. Yesterday I visited again using a tablet and the forums are absolutely embarrassing. It would be one thing if they were ads for DAZ products or even for software that users might find useful, but really is unacceptable for a commercial site to have ads not only at the top and bottom of forums, but right in the middle between threads and even sometimes larger than the actual posts. If were to recommend DAZ to anyone these days, I would feel like I have to first reassure them that this is a legitimate store and not some fly-by-night place that resells game meshes or that can't be trusted with credit card information. 

    You have professional artists and content creators here. At least make the site look worthy of them.

  • Nyghtfall3DNyghtfall3D Posts: 786

    FSMCDesigns said:

    Ad blocker, I use FF and don't see any ads.

    Adding another +1 to ad blockers.  I don't see any ads, either.  :)

  • Silver DolphinSilver Dolphin Posts: 1,620

    LOL I use ad blocker as well everywhere. If someone wants my business they have to make something usefull.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    after lots of fluffing around initially I settled on Edge with AdBlocker on my PC and Firefox with AdBlocking on my iPad

    had to set strict settings in both and now no longer see Ads

    see my sigline though because that's not the point and it can fail with an update anytime

    DAZ's webteam are the problem not the Ads and browsers 

    they have 3 weeks for me to implement no Ads for DAZ+ members or they are NOT getting my renewal 

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904

    This really sounds terrible! I surf DAZ mostly on the iPad using the DuckDuckGo browser which doesn't ever show any ads and also keeps the huge number of trackers off that DAZ uses on every page. I use that for PC also. Might want to give it a try, it's no hassle at all and doesm't cost anything.

    Anyways, I totally agree with the OP and others here, forums and galleries shouldn't be overloaded with ads like this, it's just greedy and off-putting.

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,514
    edited May 2024

    Of course you're not alone with your complaint, @ArtAngel. Fortunately, my browser has an adblocker. If it didn't, or if there were no other adblockers, I would hardly take a look at the forums any more. And that would definitely cost Daz money, because I've already received a lot of shopping tips here. At least in my case - and I'm probably not the only one - the forums are quite lucrative for Daz. 

    I wonder if Daz/tafi did the maths before handing over the forums and galleries to Google...

    @tsroemi: I've been using the same browser for years, and I can really only recommend it. Before that, I also had very good experiences with FF. 

    Post edited by caravelle on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    When the ads got irritating enough, I blocked the ad-server and haven't seen them since.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    Been using firefox with noscript and adblock for years,  never see ads,  not anywhere online,  including here. I do see the empty space where the ad should be placed,  but its empty web page sapce.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Threads merged

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    I tried add blockers but they messed with other sites I use, such as amazon and Tesco. Overall the adds are keeping me away and not spending.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,944

    I am not permitted to add any plugins on one of the computers I use. However, just this afternoon, I have noticed an absense of ads. Maybe the quality of the ads being displayed was enough to have them deleted. If so, good news.



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Ad-blockers should have settings to turn them off for certain sites.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,944

    Maybe, but this forum has been horrible to visit from the machine where it's locked down, and now it isn't.



  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Ad-blockers should have settings to turn them off for certain sites.

     I shouldn't have to use one just because Daz have decided to piss off their customers by this advertising onslaught

  • They're sticking them in the middle of replies now???

    1525 x 886 - 95K
  • MalandarMalandar Posts: 776

    AgitatedRiot said:

    NylonGirl said:

    miladyderyni_173d399f47 said:

    Stezza said:

    An ad came up for sea monkeys so instead of spending my money here I bought a sea monkeys kit instead... yes

    I thought they were extinct?!

    PS: looking for a browser &/or adblocker that works with Fire tablet and its Silk browser. I've searched for adblockers in the app store, but all the results (that are adblockers not VPNs) are flagged Unavailable.

    So you think they won't sell you something online, just because that thing doesn't exist?

    I purchased a box of postholes but received an empty box. However, I know post holes exist, as I have a post in my yard.

    Aparantly they sent you the box of DIY postholes, the box is for the dirt.

  • TesseractSpaceTesseractSpace Posts: 1,442

    Had to switch to an adblocking dns so I could read the forums on my tablet.  I just cannot imagine that there's really enough traffic on the forums to generate any significant ad revenue, especially once you take out all the folks using whatever method they find to block ads

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