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Daz does realize that money is limited and if I buy something being advertised on their site/forum, I won't be able to afford to buy anything from the Daz store?
I don't know how many more compaints are needed before something is done. Very, very poor implementation and mainentance as everyone has said!!!!
So I stop by every couple of days to see if the forums are still beset with scammy ads or if anything has changed at all for the better and I'm never disappointed in my expectations that it will have only gotten worse... for "Sexy Singles" ads to scammy websites that rip off the elderly or misinformed...
I'm glad to see a full out phishing ad...
Which would lead to this...
This is a well known scam... It's been around for years... there are several survey variations (Walmart, Harbor Freight, Target, Kohl's and Lowe's) there is nothing to win, they ask for your credit card info to charge you shipping on a package you never receive. Ultimately you are not charged, but your credit card information is compromised.
Home Depot does not conduct these surveys and only conducts register receipt surveys or through their website when you post reviews or comments on products. You do not get any "prizes" for taking surveys and depending on the survey (currently the "How are we doing?" register receipt survey), you may be eligible to win a gift certificate, but the odds are very low.
Basically the ad leads to a phishing site.
Also, in iOS the orange banner is still blocked (actually, pushed up off the screen space and only momentarily visible as the page loads) by the ad banner at the top... attempting to pull it down by swiping downward now causes the page to reload and cycle through different scammy ads... (I think the banner was about a RawArt sale... Sorry RawArt).
Doesn't matter though because nobody shops or uses the forums using an iPhone or iPad... Nobody... Right?
I am only really hanging around until the end of the month when my DAZ+ membership expires too, while I have chosen browsers and settings to keep the Ads away, just seeing what is being blocked has convinced me DAZ has become a questionable site that I would never return to if I discovered it now.
No other site I use for free has these sorts of Ads let alone one I spend money at.
I am likely to be getting back into Unreal Engine instead and learning how to use its new UE5 rigging features
and spending more time using AI generative programs too in conjunction with Zbrush and Carrara, might even install Vue if I can find room. (the downloads were big enough)
I really own far too much 3D content already anyway
FF for iPhone keeps me safe and happy. No ads in sight!
are you seeing ads on store pages? It should be forum and galleries only, so if you are the problem may be at your end.
Firefox on Android drives me crazy. When you press the "home" button on Firefox, instead of taking you to the homepage you selected, it launches a page full of stuff the Mozilla people think you'd like to see. You have to click through two or three things to get to your actual homepage. Like click on "Home" and then find your homepage in the list of things on their homepage that they think you might like. The only reason I use it is because all of this is still less annoying than seeing the ads. On the laptops, the ad blockers work with all the web browsers and the web browsers all work properly.
The comment "nobody shops or uses the forums using an iPhone or iPad" is in reference to the orange sale banner being displaced by an ad for a phishing site... even if it was for most of the other garbage ads I keep seeing, the point is the orange banner, an ad for DAZ products which I might buy, is being displaced by ads for thing I guarantee I will never ever buy or visit.
I feel it counterproductive at least to the interests of the artists whose work is being sold or featured, to have a sale banner displaced by ads like this one...
(I have so many comments to make about that particular ad that would violate the TOS in every way imaginable...)
(but whatever...)
...So instead of seeing RawArt's or some other banner I see an ad for something that in no way actually serves the interests of DAZ other than perhaps generating a few measly cents, but generally distracts from the forum experience or creates ill will by presenting possibly harmful sites disguised as offers for free tools.
Same here, but for iOS... I works fine, but it's clunky as hell... I don't like the GUI and with some websites you can't upload or post... (Imgur for example works fine in Safari, but with FireFox you can't upload an image)...
Its annoying to have to use a different browser to visit DAZ...
I disabled my ad blockers and wandered aroud a number of my normal information sources. Each and every ad that showed up explicity stated a product or service. Not once did I get anything like the 'continue' or 'next' links that keep showing up here.Daz needs to go back to their ad provider and explicitly state that ad links that do not visibly reference a product or service are prohibited and Daz will bill the provider $100 for each reported instance of such ads - and if the provider can't agree to that, Daz needs a new ad provider.
I don't think DAZ has any influence over the ad service provider, especially if it's Google. But even if it isn't, I doubt it involves communication between DAZ people and the ad people.
I don't mind ads if they are not bothering or irritating me, but the ones I saw here before I blocked the server, reminded me of times gone by... The placement, appearance, everything was straight out of 2008-2010 = Click baits and runarounds (link leads to another link, to another link. etc. ad infinitum...), giving the forums unprofessional and amateurish feel.
Kinda sorry I have to ask, but is there an easy way to delete all forum and gallery posts? I like Daz and the work by PAs and use a lot of stuff from here for games I'm working on - but I really don't want to contribute to people possibly clicking on scammy ads...
You're joking, right? Of course the problem is on Daz's end, not the poor user. Good grief. <roll eyes>
Why would it be a joke? Daz is not putting ads on store pages, if the user was seeing ads there (they weren't, see the reply) then it would probably have been due to some kind of malware or PUP on their machine. That is not satying anything about the ads which do appear on the gallery and forum pages.
This stuff just bugs the heck out of me with how intrusive everything is on the internet. Yesterday, I had to show my wife what a coffin was (once she saw it she knew, but she didn't know what the word was as English isn't her first language, so the thing she was reading confused her) and now I come to the forums and I'm getting ads for coffins. I'll check what I came to check on real quick and I'll be off the Daz site for the rest of the day and maybe the week, just weirds me out too much.
The ads should be gone now, we are told.
Daz is always testing various things. This was one of them. They will test more things in the future. They may even revisit ads again at some point. For now they have determined what they needed and have ended the test
HURRAY !!! I turned my ad blocker off and no ads. I hope this also solves the recurring cookie agreement popups..
In regards to the cookie popups, I'm double checking that atm and waiting for comformation.
When I signed up here, I had no idea I would be a test dummy for DAZ experiments. Once my store credit is used I will be done with DAZ but not done with acquiring 3D assets. Each year I spent enough here to pay for an executives salary. This year , so far, I doubt I have spent enough to pay for a month's rent. Yet, I have more cash now the I had over the past 5 years combined. DAZ has mastered the art of kicking customers away. Somewhere along the way, DAZ forgot who pays the bills. They forgot we were paying customers, not test rats.
This - This-This - for gods sake what a stupid way to run a business. I feel for the PAs especially those who have just joined - what must they think.
The fact that the 'experiment' has finally been cancelled is of course good. Personally, thanks to a good browser (DuckDuckGo), I didn't get any of it, but the examples posted here were enough for me. In addition, I took a brief look at the whole thing with Safari without an adblocker. No, thanks.
Maybe Daz should consider beforehand at the next 'experiment' what you can and cannot expect from paying customers.
Agreed one thousand percent. The test was not implemented correctly nor was it ran correctly. Whoever it was did not know what they were doing.
Do you then know the paramters of the test, to assess it's design?
All companies with a presence online test things from time to time, to see whether they are beneficial or not. Sometimes they are A/B tests, where one group sees one thing and another another (as Daz did with site UI changes last year), sometimes they will run something for all for a while and assess the effect (as seems to have been the case for ads)
Seriously? No one needs to know the parameters of the this particular test to assess it's design. It was flawed. That is abundantly clear from all the input that has been received in this thread. It would have been better to backup the website and use the backup site for testing instead of the live site. Could have even called on a few PAs and customers to help with the testing. Would have been way less stressful for everyone all around. That's how companies with a live presence online test changes for their live site.
I think we are at cross-purposes here - how could the effectiveness and imapct of ads have been assessed on a test site? Of course people don't like ads - that pretty much goes without saying - so asking for opinions wouldn't have been an option; regardless of the exact aim and paarmeters of the test, it would pretty much have to be done live (though perhaps A/B, with different groups getting different patterns, but i don't know if the forum and/or gallery code would support that).
We must agree to disagree. I will say that there were plenty of different people who weren't bothered by the ads. Hm?
Not all forums are equal. When a forums purpose is product support (which is how I view the DAZ forum) versus a forum for chat about the next solar eclipse, a thing you cannot buy, I see one as product support to enhance sales and the latter as a gossip/social chat. If DAZ values customers, maybe they should implement a beta forum for test purposes. I doubt they would get the negative feedback from willing participants. Like the beta releases. An optional opt-in would be a smart and considerate thing to do. Just a thought ...
Edit: In coding, when I had a forum for my RaceActionPhotography business, I had 4 different levels for moderators, members,administrators and guests. l know DAZ has different levels, for you moderators, me as a Platinum Club Or DAZ+ Member vs Regular Members. Just add one for test rats and have them view a different page layout meaning a different CSS code for them.
Am I missing something? Near as I can tell, the only people not bothered are those who couldn't see them. And though I never saw one, I'm appalled that they ever existed here. I'm glad they're gone. I hope they stay gone.
Well, way back on the first page of this thread, I said that I was going to stop talking about this hobby to friends and co-workers and stop sending them links, if those links were to something that looked gross and scammy. As long as those nasty ads are gone ... back to blabbing to my friends about it.