Dracorn's Render Thread



  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672
    dracorn said:

    Sounds like a vampire romance fan to me!

    But Valaine is a REAL vampire - he doesn't sparkle in the sunlight.

    Really now how could you tell???

    I have been in love with Vamps since the dawn of time (Since I was 8 yrs old) Twilight was a fav of mine but Dracula is my man for sure!!! Nothing beats the original!!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    My vampire's only sparkle as they are burning in the sunlight lol.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    My vampire's only sparkle as they are burning in the sunlight lol.

    Don't you mean sparking lolz???

  • Nice vamp!  I was never much for those sparkly vamps.  I'm much more old school myself when it comes to vampires, werewolves and creatures that go bump in the night.  That being said, I do enjoy a good romance with vampires, werewolves and creatures that go bump in the night.  :)  But, no sparkles!

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    Have you ever seen the original Dracula?

    It's cool to see the cultural differences between today's horror movies and the original.  The ending seemed anti-climatic to me (Dracula died off screen), but I had to understand that people back then didn't need to see blood to be frightened.  Unfortunately, people today have seen so much blood on screen that our senses are dulled by it, and therefore we have a hard time enjoying something much more subtle.  The movie itself could really have benefited from some spooky music. 

    There have been many actors who have portrayed Dracula, but Bella Lugosi was the man!  Nobody had spooky eyes like Bella.  His performance was also head and shoulders above anybody else who shared the stage with him.  Frank Langella's performance was another one I really loved - his personality was so powerful that he didn't need to show his fangs.  I just Googled "Actors who played Dracula" - wow!  There's LOTS of them, and I have only seen a few, and there are some that I would not expect (Adam Sandler, but that was a comedy). 

    I, too, prefer the more traditional vampire - one who is hurt by sunlight and afraid of crosses.  I grew up with Christopher Lee and others and read Anne Rice - I would see every vampire movie out there.  I wasn't much of a Buffy fan, although the post-ending of the original movie was hilarious.  I loved Lost Boys.  Underworld was cool, too.  It really is amazing how much license artists/writers have taken with the legend.  Some I like, and others... well, I can't stand wimpy vampires.  What I mean is vampires who can be killed too easily.  I didn't like Blade because they kept breaking their own rules.  

    Ugh, don't get me started with movies that are not logical or have ill-defined rules or break rules.  I'll tear apart a movie with bad plot afterwards. I better stop now before I go on and on.

  • Old Bela Lugosi was my first introduction into vampires when I was a kid and they still did late night movies showing all of the old great black and white movies.  I have fond memories of sleepovers and staying up late getting the bejeezus scared out of us.  :)  I've loved vampire stories ever since.  I went from there to reading Braham Stoker's Dracula and seeing every Dracula movie ever made as well as most of the just ordinary vampire movies.  I'm almost embarrassed to admit that this included Love at First Bite with George Hamilton.  I even did a research paper on the original Vlad the Impaler who supposedly inspired the original Dracula tale.  It was a great research paper and I really wish I could have actually turned that in for a legitimate school assignment.  I think I was 15 at the time.  :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    The old movies relied far more on atmosphere and real acting than the movies do today.  Today, its all about the special effects (nohting wrong with that, its very cool) and not always about the story and the acting.  Just watched an old, old movie on TWC and I literally jumped several times.  No blood, no gore, just great acting and building of suspense.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    Love at First Bite was pretty funny in a corney sort of way.  I did the same thing - seeing every vampire movie out there.  Some of them I loved and others were terrible.


  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited November 2016

    It's Raining Men - My Own WIP

    I'm currently working on a render for the It's Raining Men contest.  I'm using 3Delight.  I used AoA's Character Surfaces tutorial and shader and manually tweaked the surfaces.  I started with Genesis 2 Male and used Sebastian's skin.  I morphed it to be asymmetrical and then added the aging morphs.

    Seriously, it's hard to find hair for older men - unless you want a thick head of luxurious hair.  Mature Mark Hair (the only one I own for older men) can be morphed for a slightly receding hairline but not bald and does have some thin morphs.  I don't own Riccardo Hair.  I tried to use Jai Hair for M4, but I couldn't get it to fit and that just won't work for a close up.  Same with SAV Alpha Scalp - I couldn't fit it o G2M.  Since Mature Mark Hair is dated, I will have to do a little hand painting in Photoshop to make it a little more realistic. 

    It's lit with only two spotlights - one to the side and one rim.  I turned off the ambient light because I wanted the right side of his face to disappear into the black - I was inspired by a portrait of Mark Twain.  I'm still deciding if I want to add the walrus mustache - but am having a hard time getting Unshaven 2 to look realistic in 3Delight.  I'll have to see if I can paint realistic bushy eyebrows in Photoshop.

    My current version has some problems.  I find that the velvet settings are creating some glowing edges and creases which are unrealistic around the eyes and on the right cheek and glowing ear.  I could play with the settings, but then will lose the velvet on the left side of his face.

    There's also some mesh distortion on the corners of his mouth - I don't know how to smooth it for G2M like clothing or if that exists.  If not, it's just another Photoshop cleanup.

    Here's my current version:

    1 03 No displacement Bump Nose point 5.jpg
    1000 x 1200 - 461K
    Post edited by dracorn on
  • It looks like a good start.  I'm glad I'm not entering or judging so I can say what I want and be totally honest.  I was going to ask about the corners of the mouth and then read that you noticed the problem.  I'm not sure what to do about a fix for that.  It might be a little too much aging around the mouth, but I'm not sure.  You may want to play with the morphs just a little bit and see if making small adjustments might help make it go away.  Of course, you could work with it and add some extra aging there in PS if it can't be cleaned up.

    I've never tried the beard in 3DL.  (I know, I haven't tried a lot of stuff in 3DL yet.  :)  )  I thought the beard was originally made for 3DL.  Have any shots to see what it looks like?

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited November 2016

    As you can see, the mustache looks too light and plastic.  Also, there is some weird effect with the stubble even though I have set the stubble to off.  This might be because of the aging morphs.  I have fiddled with the color settings, but haven't gotten the dark beard color to look good.

    Now, the Genesis version with a lighter colored beard, it looked good in 3DL.  But I haven't gotten the G2M version to look good. 

    It looked funny on the Captain in my render for Biship Takes Queen. 

    1 current 04.jpg
    800 x 960 - 316K
    1 Erik Beard 02.jpg
    600 x 600 - 254K
    Post edited by dracorn on
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Yeah I see what you mean by it looking plastic like.

    and yes I have seen the orignal Dracula with Bella and he is the reason I love Vamps today laugh

    I just got some free Morphs today for Fangs so I thinks I am going to make me some Vampy Male renders for the Raining Men Contest!!!

    Love the aging morphs BTW.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited December 2016

    Here's a 3Delight render of the Stonemason freebie, After the War:

    After the War Sunset 2.jpg
    1500 x 844 - 754K
    Post edited by dracorn on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Gorgeous! Love the lighting and the birds really give it that extra eerie feeling.

  • That looks interesting and very lonely.  Love all of the birds.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited December 2016

    It's Noggin's Poser Crow.  I created a few and then used the included poses. I saved these as a group and then as a scene subset.

    After I imported the group, I duplicated it a couple of times, rotated the groups and then moved some of the birds where I wanted.  I still see some duplicated poses, but this was a half our scene set up. I used Skies of Economy for 3DL, and then played with the settings to get the long shadows.  The tree in the foreground is part of the set, and makes for a good camera angle.  There's some broken glass reflecting the light on the left, but I wasn't planning on doing any postwork.  I might return to this and use it as a base for something else.

    I'm glad I achieved the desolate feeling.  Wonder if the crows can find something?

    Post edited by dracorn on
  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited December 2016

    Here's some clothing and jewelry tests.

    I really don't use G3F, but here's a render of Vicky 7 in 3Delight.  Took 12 minutes with AoA's ambient lights. 

    I see that the Sorceress' bell sleeves (for G3F) doesn't work on G2F.

    G3F's Leotard fits great on G2F without any adjustments.

    Here's Sylph Tears from Runtime DNA (you only have until 12/15 to get them (the bracelets are free).  They are on V4 (Kay).  There is a problem with the choker chain and pendant not following the pose, so I had to manually move it into position.  That was a pain. 

    Vicky 7 3Delight - 12 minutes.jpg
    600 x 900 - 246K
    Sorceress doesnt work on G2F Test 3DL 01.jpg
    480 x 600 - 192K
    G3F Leotard on G2F.jpg
    600 x 600 - 88K
    Sylph Tears.jpg
    700 x 1260 - 559K
    Post edited by dracorn on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Really like that first dress.  The sorceress could be melting... (sorry, the original wizard of oz was on tonight lol). Haven't tried the leotard yet but it looked like it had a ton of material zones to play with as well.  And what is that fourth outfit? Nice jobe on positioning the neckwear, I run into that a lot for v4 for some reason. Lovely though!

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited December 2016

    The fourth outfit is Centurion for V4 with the Her Battle textures.  Both are Platinum club items. 

    I see that I need to lift the skirt up just a little more over the left thigh.  Am I going to do it? 


    The sleeves on the first dress don't work for G2F either.  Bummer.



    Post edited by dracorn on
  • Those sleeves look really crazy on G2F.  They look good even for test renders.  I've been trying to stay out of the store, but I did manage to pick that dress up.  I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.  I wonder if there is anyway to fix those sleeves on G2F?

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Might try Sickleyields dress rig, or the wear them all product if you have any of those.  I have them but haven't used them yet.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited December 2016

    I've been playing around with Arik's Qabbalah from Runtime.  It's a pretty funky she-demon with some very cool concepts, like transparent skin with a stylized skeleton showing underneath.  So I did some texture upgrading.  This is V4:

    Something weird happened when I posed her though.  It seems that the skull of the interskeleton warps when the neck is posed, but is fine with any other body part.  That means I can only turn the head, and turning off limits to allow more mobility causes some warping at the back of the neck.  I'm going to have to live with it though.  This is an old package and Arki is not likely to fix it.

    I'll post a finished pose when I get it to look good.

    Qabbalah Body 01.jpg
    600 x 600 - 244K
    Qabbalah Inteskeleton warping.jpg
    600 x 600 - 296K
    Post edited by dracorn on
  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited December 2016

    I have been grabbing up Christmas freebies (as was everyone else).

    Here's a test with RM Nieves, the ice princess.  She has excellent white skin with some sparkles.  I found it a little hard to bring out the sparkles though, even when I used the promo lighting included with the set.  Here she is wearing the Angeloi outfit and Greek Fantasy Hair.  I did some texture replacing on the jewelry - rendered in Daz Studio.  I created the background image in Photoshop.

    Nieves 02.jpg
    2000 x 2500 - 3M
    Post edited by dracorn on
  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited December 2016

    Check out the Hell Horse - I picked this up as a freebie:



    Hell Horse.jpg
    900 x 600 - 339K
    Post edited by dracorn on
  • Very cool.  I saw the Cheshire Cat there in the freebies, too, and nabbed him.  He looks pretty cool.  :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Wow thats a very interesting character,  And thanks for the link that horse is super cool

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    I have nabed all the freebies from FA and have a few projects going on with all the freebies I got!!!!

    You do such an an amazing job on all your renders Dracornheart

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    I have nabed all the freebies from FA and have a few projects going on with all the freebies I got!!!!

    You do such an an amazing job on all your renders Dracornheart

    I imagine you were estatic about all the Christmas freebies!

    Thanks everyone.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited December 2016

    Here are my latest new user contest entries.

    The first one is Victoria 4 wearing the Jester in a classic ballerina pose.  I used InaneGlory's Photo Studio for 3Delight and added my own backdrop textures.  There is no postwork for this one.

    Ballerina Butterfly

    Ballerina Butterfuly Final.jpg
    1500 x 1500 - 2M
    Post edited by dracorn on
  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited December 2016

    I spent much more time on this one.  I had started it for the materials contest, but there were too many life problems getting in my way to finish it.

    Besides replacing textures on the Eowyn dress, I added a material zone for the collar.  The overdress didn't drape to well over a busty character, so I eliminated it and added a couple of accessories from the MFD instead.  I also used AoA's Surfaces and redid her subsurfaces.  All the foreground objects are retextured, along with many items in the background.

    Postwork in Photoshop to add the magical effects - a combination of Ron's Impressions for the color, Ron's Space for the pointed star highlights, and Aaron Blaize's Water Brushes for the tiny sparkles. 

    A friend of mine commented how she looks like Barbie...

    Elegant Wizardry  (aka Wizard Barbie)

    Elegant Wizardry.jpg
    1728 x 1152 - 2M
    Post edited by dracorn on
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