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The dress is Dragonkeeper, not Glacier Queen! D'oh!
I have Glacier Queen, too. I love the long sleeves with Glacier Queen but those don't work in D/S. I had an idea though. I have Eowyn, which has separate sleeves that are similar to Glacier Queen. They aren't quite as long, but I wonder if I can try to take the Glacier Queen sleeve colors and put them on the Eowyn templates (or just retexture them). Now I have to go try out my idea.
Did you get the Brocade shaders for 3DL or Iray?
lol I have Dragonkeeper too. Her stuff is so elaborate and I just picked them up recently so still don't have it all straight.
And... I don't which one I picked up lol. Now I have to go look.... for Iray. She has one for 3Delight? Now I have to go find those too lol. I still use both render engines. And I haven't forgotten the plant list either, but when I looked I realized just how long the list is.... But I will get it done in the next couple of days lol.
That looks really nice, Dracorn! I'll have to think of picking those up as I do more 3Delight renders. I have her brocade set for Iray and I really like it. Your dress in 3DL looks fantastic!
Thanks! I was quite happy with it - it's all in my favorite color range.
And, look what's in the mega fg! I think I'm picking up brocades tonight!
I just picked up scales and laces and satin shaders.
You can't have too many shaders!
Oh, I have those! Those are wonderful shaders! I've used those for a few things not fabric related and they gave fantastic results! They look good on a backdrop, too. You can never go wrong with a DG shader!
I was hoping I could learn how to do my own 3DL metallic sharers by looking at how she did them.
I am embarrased to admit how many shaders I actually have.....
I'm betting I may have more!!! :)
Is that a challenge? Time to put up your dukes!
Dark Corrosion
DAZ Dirt Shaders
DG Essentials
Fairy Fabric (Runtime)
HSS Fabric
IDG Shiny Scales
IDG Silk and lace
Jeans and Tees
Leather Factory
Make it Fuzzy
The Fabricator
The Lacemaker
Ye OIde Cloth 1 & 2
PW Effects Bundle
Instant Infinate Variety of air
Lumina Hair Mats
Lumina Materials Library
Daz Historical Flooring
Grass Shader
Nature's Variance
Shades of Life, Bark Booster
DLD Marble
Ingenious Rock
Magical Granite
UberSurface2 Layered Shader
Peacock Shaders
Designer Tiles
Glittering Shaders
InaneGlory's Lights and Lamps
Layer Shader
Metalized Glass Shaders
Parquet Floors
Pimp My Prop
Seaside Shaders
Porcelain Shaders (Runtime)
Stone & Brick Texture Building Kit
Strange Substances
Subsurface Goop
Subsurface Gummy & Plastic
Super Shaders Bundle
Tarnished & Polished
Tiler Shader
UltraViolet Light
Underwater Relics
Woodland Leaf Floors
Merchant Resource Textures
Green Growth
Glassy World
Ornamental Walls and Ceilings
Funky Old Patina
Hair Texturing Kit (Bobbie 25)
Mane Attraction
Total: 52 textures, 6 merchant resources
Your turn in the ring.
Oh, geez, now I have to go and start counting! Be back soon! :)
Uh oh. Now I have to go start counting too lol.
Okay, Here are my counts and what I split up:
DS Shaders - 119 regular shaders
Advanced Metal Shaders
Advanced Wood Shaders
AElflaed's Fancy - Shaders for DS and Poser
Antique Grunge Shaders for DAZ Studio
Artist Studio Poses and Shader Presets
Beyond Boudoir Shader Presets for DAZ Studio
Bone and Fantasy Scale Iray Shaders
Cloth Shaders Vol 1 - Gingham
Colored and Broken Glass Iray Shaders
Colorways: Peacock Shader Presets
DA Iray Fabric Shaders Leather and Cloth
Dark Corrosion Shaders
Day Job Shader Presets for DAZ Studio
DAZ Studio 4 Cliff Face Shaders
DAZ Studio 4 Gritty Shaders
DAZ Studio 4 Grunged Shaders
DAZ Studio 4 Historical Flooring Shaders
DAZ Studio 4 Natural Ground Shaders
DAZ Studio 4 Winter Shaders
DAZ Studio Dirt Shaders
DAZ Studio Environment Shaders
DAZ Studio Environment Shaders 2
DG Brocade and Satin Shaders Iray
DG Dual Layer Shader - Architectural
DG Iray Art Glass Shaders
DG Iray Deco Metal Shaders
DG Iray Fabrics of Asia Shaders
DG Iray Sci-Fi Surface Lights Shader
DG Shader Essentials
DG Shader Essentials 2
DG Shader Essentials 3
DG Toon Style Hair Shaders
DLD High Gloss Metallic Shaders for DS
DLD Leather Shaders for DAZ Studio
DLD Marble Shaders for DS
DLD Stone Shaders for DAZ Studio
DP - Carrara Shaders For Aiko 5
E1 Fantastic Plastic - Iray Synthetic Shader Presets for Daz Studio
EcVh0 Iray Skin Shader for Karen 7
Elaborate Metals Iray Shaders
Elegant Fabric Iray Shaders
Elite Human Surface Shader
Everyday Fabric Shaders Iray
Fabulous Fabrics: Combat Preset Shaders for DAZ Studio
FSL Filthy Dirty Iray Shaders
Fun With Yarn - Awesome Argyle and Patterned Knit Shaders
Fun With Yarn - Nifty Knitting Shaders
Glass Gambit: Chess Set and Shader Presets for DAZ Studio
Glittering Shaders
Grass Shader for DAZ Studio
Ground Shaders for DAZ Studio
Historical Masonry DAZ Studio Shaders Vol 1
Historical Masonry DAZ Studio Shaders Vol 2
Homestyle 2 Iray Shaders
Homestyle Iray Shaders
IDG Iray FX - Props and Shaders
IDG Iray Hair Essentials Shaders
IDG Portrait Studio 2 Props, Poses, and Shaders
IDG Shiny Scales Shaders
IDG Silk and Lace Shaders
IG Iray Lights and Shaders - Architectural Lights
IG Iray Lights and Shaders - Table Lamps
Industrial Floors DAZ Studio Shaders
Industrial Walls DAZ Studio Shaders
Ingenious Rock Shaders
Iray Shaders - Glass
Jeans and Tees Shaders
Latex Shaders
Layer Shader for DAZ Studio
Leather and Fur Iray Shaders
Leather Factory Shaders for DAZ Studio
Luxury Fabric Shaders
Magical Granite Shader
Manga Style Shaders
Marble Shaders for Iray
Mec4d PBS Shaders vol.1 for Iray
Mephistopolis Noir Shaders
Metal Abounds Iray Shaders
Metalized Glass Shaders for DAZ Studio
Nature Shaders
omAreaLight Light Shader for DAZ Studio
Orimono Elegance Fabric Shader Presets
Paint and Suede Shaders
Parquet Floors Shader Presets for DAZ Studio
Pd Iray Shader Kit 1
Pd Iray Shader Kit 2
Perfectly Patriotic Cloth Shaders for DAZ Studio
Rock Shader for DAZ Studio
Scale Shaders
Seaside Shore Shaders
Shader Mixer Tutorial I
Simple Fabric Iray Shaders
Subsurface Goop Shaders
Subsurface Gummy & Plastic Shaders
Subsurface Shader Base
Subsurface Shader Basics
Subsurface Toon Shaders
Subsurface Workshop - SSS Shaders for Iray
Super Shaders - Armor & Fabric
Super Shaders - Great Grids
Super Shaders - Mesh Magic
Super Shaders - Scales & Ridges
Super Shaders - Sci-Fi & Tech
Tarnished and Polished Shaders
Tiler Shader for DAZ Studio
Tree Bark DAZ Studio Shaders
UD Cement Shaders
UHT Hair Shaders for Iray
UltrueViolet Light and Glowing Shaders for DAZ Studio
Underwater Relics Shaders
Urban Decay DAZ Studio Shaders
Urban Environment Shaders for DAZ Studio
Useful Fabric Iray Shaders
Velvety Print Shaders
Vintage Tiles and Carpet Shaders
Visual Style Shaders
Wireframe and Hologram Shaders
Woodland Floors DAZ Studio Shaders
Woodland Leaf Floors DAZ Studio Shaders
Merchant Resource - 9
DG Iray Surface Builder - Cotton Denim Wool - Shaders and Merchant Resource
DG Iray Surface Builder - Leather Suede Velvet - Shaders and Merchant Resource
DG Iray Tropical Fabrics Shaders
FabTex Iray Shaders Classic Textiles
FabTex Iray Shaders: Ellie
FabTex Iray Shaders: Violetta
Hand Knits: Shader Presets and Merchant Resource
Mane Attraction
Mec4d PBS shaders for Iray vol.3 MR
Carrara Shaders - 31
Carrara Skin Shaders For David 5
Carrara Surface and Skin Shaders
Digital Painters Shaders
DigitalPainters Exotic Shaders
DigitalPainters Shaders Vol II
DigitalPainters Shaders Vol III
DP Aiko 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Ambie Carrara Skin Shaders
DP Carrara Master Collection Shaders
DP Darius 6 Carrara Shaders
DP DAZ Dragon 3 Carrara Shaders
DP Genesis 2 Male(s) Shader Bundle Vol. I
DP Gia 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Giselle 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Keiko 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Lee 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Lilith 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Mei Lin 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Michael 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Monie Carrara Skin Shaders
DP Monique 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Olympia 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Stephanie 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Teen Jayden 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Teen Josie 6 Carrara Shaders
DP The Girl 6 Carrara Shaders
DP Victoria 6 Carrara Shaders
M4 Elite Jeremy Carrara Shaders
M4 Elite Lee Carrara Shaders
M4 Elite Rob Carrara Shaders
M4 Elite Sol Carrara Shaders
Uber Environment Shaders - 5 UberEnvironment Shaders
UberEnvironment Light Shader
UberHair Shader Upgrade for UberSurface
UberPoint Light Shader for DAZ Studio
UberSpot Light Shader for DAZ Studio
UberSurface2 Layered Shader for DAZ Studio
Total for just DS shaders if you don't count the Uber stuff or the Carrara shaders: 128, if my counting is correct. I'm sure I've missed some, too. As they don't all pop up in a search in the product library. I have some old textures, too, that I didn't count as they aren't technically shaders.
I guess that means it's Sonja's turn! :)
I think that's most of them anyway....
Interjection SS
PVC Latex
Strange Substance
Beyond Boudoir
Fabric Shaders 1 Glamour
Fabric Shaders 2 Sensational
Ker War Fancies
Velvety Prints
Underwater Relics
Age of Armour Rocks, Grass, Subsurface
Dark Corrosion
Sha's Shaders
4 Sets Allen Art
5 Sets from Wilmap
Fabric Basics
Fabric Basics Lace
Aged Leathers
Sequins and Scales
Irender Materials Fabric
Iray Art Glass
Metal Abounds
Stressed Metal
A Touch of Dirt
Egads! That's a whole lotta shaders!
Uh oh! I see some in Sonja's list that I have, but I don't have in my list! I'm not sure why they didn't pop up when I was doing a search of my product library. I definitely have a Touch of Dirt and a few others in Sonja's list, though. I feel like such shader slut now! I have SO many! :)
My list is 98 but I didnt' count Uber environment shaders or the shaders that are iray emmissive. That's probably another 10 or 15. But I think Knittingmommy wins this round lol. I also didn't count Carrera shaders because A. I don't know where they are, and B, I've only opened Carrera twice and have no clue what to do with it lol.
You know, I would have been perfectly happy not to win this little contest! ;)
So, how many shaders does @TabascoJack have? Curious minds want to know! :)
Wow. I thought I had a lot of shaders, but I must bow and acknowledge my defeat. Obviously when you factor in Iray, you will have a lot more. Mine are 3DL only.
That's right, @TabascoJack, how many shaders to YOU have? You are hereby challenged!
Yeah, I collected quite a few 3DL shaders when I first started, but I had a hard time figuring 3DL out. Most of the shaders I got during the big sales that first year I joined at really good rock bottom prices. When Iray came out and I figured out that I just clicked with it more than 3DL, I started collecting a lot of those Iray shaders and haven't really used much of the 3DL ones. I'm starting to get better at 3DL so I'll start to use more of them, but I think I'll always feel more comfortable with Iray. There are a few of the 3DL shaders, though, that work well in Iray so I've used a few more of them here lately. Theoretically, I probably don't need to buy an other shaders, ever, but, you know, that probably isn't going to happen. I have little restraint when it comes to playing with pretty shaders. I've been a crafter, knitter, quilter for a long time and playing with fabric and colors and textures is something I've always enjoyed doing. I don't see stopping anytime soon just because the medium might have changed. :) So, yeah, I'll probably buy even more if something catches my eye in the future.'s my (very short) shader list:
And from ShareCG, AllenArts Jewelry shaders
from DeviantArt, Tom2099's car paint shaders
That's about it. For fabrics these days, I either take MEC4D's white cotton (or other fabric) and simply drop in existing diffuse color maps, or use procedural.fabrics. I might use parrotdolphin's Iray Shader Kit instead. Plastics, rubber, etc get MEC4D's shaders which I may then tweak base color on.
I'm desperately waiting for MEC4D's wood shaders.
Those MEC4D shader sets are huge.
I have to say I have been drooling over some beautiful Iray shaders, but haven't bought them because I work in 3Delight. The few experiments I made with Iray were failures, so I haven't been prompted to pursue it. The thing that bugs me the most about Iray is the graininess - I see it even in promo renders. That and the fact that hair rendered in Iray just doesn't look as good as in 3DL, despite the PA's efforts to move from large locks to strands. I just don't like the way it looks. I buy the hair and find I like it much better in 3DL.
Lastly, I suppose I'm not overly interested in photorealism, because I can't achieved it 100% - the people look great but their hair and clothing doesn't. I also don't like abandoning something just because it's older - you proved that yourself with that fantastic retexturing of the Dream House. Nice job, TJ.
You know, I was all set to buy Genesis 3 UVs for Genesis 2 Females, and it's companion for G3M to G2M when it comes out later. Backwards compatibility is always a great thing to have and it increases the longevity of G2.
Before I ordered it, I searched G3F and G3M to see which characters I would like to convert... and came up with almost nothing that I wanted. It's not that I feel there isn't quality stuff out there, it's that I already have comparable characters in V4, G1 and G2M/G2F. I can convert these to G2, so I only really need some to add to my inventory. Mind you, I'm only looking at skins here, not morphs, as I spin dials and create my own characters anyway.
There less than 3 characters each that I would want to convert from G3 to G2, both male and female - so there really isn't any reason for me to buy the utility. I really don't care for the look of G3 anyway, so I had decided not to purchase any characters.
I'll wait for G4 to come out, then it will be about another year or so for the UV conversion utilities, so it will be a while. G2 and G1 satisfy all the needs I have at the moment.
What about new clothes, say you? I suppose if I learn to make my own, that won't be an issue. Most items out there don't match my style and it's hard to tweak it so it does. We'll see. Understand that I keep my technology until it is very old (my first cell phone was 7 years old when I got a new one). My last computer was the same age before I upgraded.
I tend to keep stuff til it dies myself. My husband has a 10 year old or more cell phone. I bought the G2M to G3M conversion because I can't stand the G3M males. The only ones I like are from Darwins Mishap and GypsyAngel. But I really like the G2M guys. So being able to move them toG3M is good it might make them look more manly...
I love the new sets. Imagine my surprise when I discovered no Stonemason in the mega fg for me. Looks like I already owned all of the ones they have offered. Unfortunately, I'll have to hold off on the new ones, too. Kind of saving up for a few up and comers that I really want to put my hands on soon. Having a second kid in braces now, really put a cramp in my discretionary spending! I can definitely empathize.
I picked up the Streets of Asia but had to pass on the rest....I really really need to cut back now that the Scriptorium is finally out. That was the main one I was waiting for this month.