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I'm waiting for Brow Remover - but I couldn't resist the evil Blind Demon.
Whether or not I keep him depends on how well I can convert him to 3Delight. My efforts weren't bad, but I've got a note to ask Will if he has any more tips.
In the meantime, I picked up V5 Merchant Resource Eyes and was playing around with that. This character (G1), originally used vampire eyes from Scarlet Black, but I wanted to create a double iris effect which a race in my book has. It's a PSD file and you can mix the layers for interesting effects.
I know that Curly Hair for V4 is dated, but it's the only long hair with a widow's peak - this race has deep widow's peaks. Lyon Hair is the other one that has a widow's peak. I replaced the old painted texture with a merchant resource photo of real hair and that helped.
Original Color
New Color
Hey, Ice Dragon Art, maybe you can help me with a Photoshop question (it would far quicker than me trying to find it in a host of tutorials and notes).
I would prefer the inner ring to be yellow. I duplicated a brown inner ring and isolated that layer. I seem to recall there was a way to change the color, but I can't remember where it is.
Okay for changing the colors you can go to apply layer mask, thne adjustments and then you have a bunch of choices as to how you want to do it. You can do color balance, photo filter, hue saturation and then lighten and darken with levels and curves.
Character Updates - Erik
Haven't been her in a while. I just picked up Unshaven for Genesis in the Platinum Club Sale and decided to update a character. I created him as Genesis originally and tried to update him to Genesis 2 so I could use Unshaven G2M, but just couldn't get the face to look the way I wanted.
Original Render (from my old computer - notice no lighting, which would make it crash). He has the flat beard which was 2 dimensional.
New render using Unshaven for Genesis. I had to come up with my own color. Looks a lot better. He still needs blond eyebrows, but that's the woes of many, I hear.
Wow that's a huge difference
I just picked up Glacier Royal for Glacier Queen - I love those textures.
I did replace texture in the center scaled panel with Super Shaders, because the textured color didn't translate too well from Poser.
That's pretty. I do have the base dress. I got the bundle with the throne earlier in the sale, but I didn't notice this texture. I already checked out for today so I'll have to pick it up some other time. I put it on the wishlist. You did a nice job.
Gorgeous. Love the hair too. The texture for the hair was in the grab bag but the base hair wasn't I think it was running around $11 or $12. That's on my wishlist..I picked a bunch of her outfits and textures when rdna came over so I have a lot of it.
The sleeves don't work in D/S - so I was thinking of taking the textures and putting them on the sleves from Eowyn, even though they are shorter I think this would work.
I have been playing around with a set - I used Mage Tower with the Sorcerer's Stronghold texture. I replaced the floor texture and added the painting. I used the frame from Vaulted Hall and plunked in a copy of "Last Days of Pompeii" from a Googled Classical Painting image.
The vials are haphazardly set on the table right now, and the Rosevial is hovering at the moment. I fiddled with the subsurface settings on this one to optimize for D/S. I set the ambient color of the flame to very pale (3Delight), and put two AoA's Advanced Spotlights with the diffuse flagged to illuminate only. The second light illuminates the flame brighter than the glass - I wanted it to glow.
I know that 3DL's UberEnvironment does have a setting for emissive light, but I didn't want to use UE2 because it renders slowly. So will use a linear pointlight and maybe a little postwork in Photoshop for the glow.
I have the room's lighting the way I want it. When I bring in the character, I will add lights to her specifically. The flame in the fireplace is pretty flat, so I will have to perk it up in Photoshop.
The Mage's Tower came out really well!
I like the mage tower very much. I so wish that we could drag and drop items to the spot that we want it in.
There's still more I can do with it if I fiddle around with the subsurfaces. I have to decide if I want to go through the trouble of using AoA's base shader, because then I have to make adjustments there. There is also the subsurface toolbox with presets, so I may have better luck. The texture jpgs themselves are older and lower resolution, but I don't necessarily want to replace everything with shaders. We'll see.
What I'm trying to do is create some nice scenes with lighting and upgraded backgrounds, much like TabascoJack was doing with the dream house. I save these to scene files and can use them more than once. The is sort of like building movie sets for a TV series.
I wish there was an easy way to drag and drop items too, Sonja. I am optimizing certain items (especially those coming from Poser or have Iray materials that I have to convert to 3Delight), and then saving them as scene subsets which I can use again. Recognize some of the glass from the Portrait contest?
There is a way to drag items but it is far from perfect. With the Universal tool active, grab one of the white triangles and you can drag the item. You can move in 2 directions at once. However, while at one angle it will look like your item is where it should you, when you change the angle you will find that it can be off by quite a bit.
Unfortunately, that's the best we can do - although the Position Helper Tool for Poser (from Runtime) makes it easier, but this is for large environments.
I'm constantly rotating the scene from all angles to try and make sure stuff is really where I think it is lol. Its crazy, I think I spend more time dragging stuff around, especially in a big scene than I do anything else!
If there's lots of stuff, I finally get tired and don't put in as many items as I originally thought I would. Which is why Opus Magnum and Kelley Lodge really impress me.
I have both but haven't used them yet. I wanted them to use in kit-bashing, but they load as a complete environment and not separate items - I will have to separate them out myself.
So I had entered Rendo's Halloween contest... and didn't win. Drat. I wasn't able to post my image anywhere else or even talk about it (in the rules), so here it is. I think I will put it in the WIP for the New User's Contest but I can't enter it. I will also be putting it in my gallery.
Boy are they specific about the dimensions, number of pixels, etc.
This is very well done! you did a great job with kit bashing on this one it looks awesome!
That looks really great! I like the special effects and your kitbashed scene! :)
Oh, missed the Tower! That looks nice!
Here's an update to the portrait of Valaine Vorrinhaardt.
I was trying to emulate that soft lens look that I see in so many of the most popular renders. I bet there is a specific Photoshop way to do this, but I just did it manually with a soft brush.
That looks really good!
I was hoping that I achieved that really spooky look of a vampire - elvish vampire by the way, check out the pointy ear sticking out of his hair.
I added a nice little novel description to the gallery:
"The chill in the air was tangible. My knees weakened and my hands started to shake. He stood there, staring right through me with those icy gray eyes. He was motionless, not even breathing. His silent danger overwhelmed me; I was terrified of this more then his impending pounce when he would drain the blood out of me."
That sounds like he would be excellent on a first date giggles!!!
Sounds like a vampire romance fan to me!
But Valaine is a REAL vampire - he doesn't sparkle in the sunlight.