Announcing: Daz Deals Browser Add-on



  • And the updated Firefox version seems to be out now. ;)

  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580
    Yep! Just got the confirmation this morning. :) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. ;)
  • Just found this thread and signed up. But it won't let me save my preferences. It says:

    Problem with wishlist autoupdate. Check settings on Wishlist page


    I have Firefox 50, and installed the add-on yesterday. Any suggestions?

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    edited January 2017

    Just found this thread and signed up. But it won't let me save my preferences. It says:

    Problem with wishlist autoupdate. Check settings on Wishlist page


    I have Firefox 50, and installed the add-on yesterday. Any suggestions?

    You need to enter the email address you used when requesting the passcode.

    Post edited by Ati on
  • I did. But I'm wondering if it's a problem that it's not the same as my DAZ email/password. I followed all the instructions. Got the passcode. Entered the passcode on the page, along with the email that I used to get the passcode. But, it says the same thing. That there is a problem on the wishlist page. And it does that on EVERY page I go to. I even restarted the whole computer.

  • Okay, went back and just changed the email, to the one that matches with DAZ, seems to be working now. Thanks

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I have some questions about Order Totals and how store credit is included...

    If an invoice shows up as $0.00, is it "added" as 0.00?

    Does the Total Value include the prices of items in those $0.00 invoices?

    One of the reasons I'm asking is, I have received store credit as a contest winner, and I'm wondering if the purchases from that credit is excluded in the Total Spent, and whether or not the Total Value includes items purchased with that store credit...

    Just installed the latest Firefox update, and the totals are showing again. Not so sure that was a good thing...! lol


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    L'Adair said:

    I have some questions about Order Totals and how store credit is included...

    If an invoice shows up as $0.00, is it "added" as 0.00?

    Does the Total Value include the prices of items in those $0.00 invoices?

    One of the reasons I'm asking is, I have received store credit as a contest winner, and I'm wondering if the purchases from that credit is excluded in the Total Spent, and whether or not the Total Value includes items purchased with that store credit...

    Just installed the latest Firefox update, and the totals are showing again. Not so sure that was a good thing...! lol

    "Total Spent" is how much money you have given to Daz. Basically, everything in the "Order Total" column summed up. When spending from a giftcard you received (but did not pay for), that will show as $0 in the order total column, so it will not add to the total spent. (However, when you buy a giftcard, and give it to someone else, it WILL show up, since you bought that giftcard, and paid for it.)

    "Total Value" is everything you paid for, bought with a giftcard, or got for free. That includes items you bought with a giftcard that you won. In short: the sum of the value of all the products in your product library.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    edited January 2017

    Edit: Yes! Daz put these back on sale today! Thank you!  smiley yes

    Ohhhhh! I've so wanted these on sale, especially the Elven Weapon Bundle. Got your email (thank you!), put them in my cart and they were on sale. Stopped to eat lunch as I wasn't done shopping on Daz yet, and now they're no longer on sale!! Grrrrr! angry

    467 x 732 - 70K
    Post edited by dawnblade on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Ati said:
    L'Adair said:

    I have some questions about Order Totals and how store credit is included...

    If an invoice shows up as $0.00, is it "added" as 0.00?

    Does the Total Value include the prices of items in those $0.00 invoices?

    One of the reasons I'm asking is, I have received store credit as a contest winner, and I'm wondering if the purchases from that credit is excluded in the Total Spent, and whether or not the Total Value includes items purchased with that store credit...

    Just installed the latest Firefox update, and the totals are showing again. Not so sure that was a good thing...! lol

    "Total Spent" is how much money you have given to Daz. Basically, everything in the "Order Total" column summed up. When spending from a giftcard you received (but did not pay for), that will show as $0 in the order total column, so it will not add to the total spent. (However, when you buy a giftcard, and give it to someone else, it WILL show up, since you bought that giftcard, and paid for it.)

    "Total Value" is everything you paid for, bought with a giftcard, or got for free. That includes items you bought with a giftcard that you won. In short: the sum of the value of all the products in your product library.

    Thank you.

    That shows me my addiction to DAZ is worse than I thought...


  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885

    So, am I right that this first e-mail will be the only one the PC+ stuff shows up on (barring a PC+ item sale)?  Otherwise, I love the wishlist notification feature, but I have a... rather extensive Wish list, and a lot of it is PC+ stuff that's on that "I like it, but I don't need it now" list.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    So, am I right that this first e-mail will be the only one the PC+ stuff shows up on (barring a PC+ item sale)?  Otherwise, I love the wishlist notification feature, but I have a... rather extensive Wish list, and a lot of it is PC+ stuff that's on that "I like it, but I don't need it now" list.

    You can get that bigger list under 4 circumstances:

    1, the first time
    2, when your PC+ membership changes (expires, or expired and you get a new one)
    3, when you change the notification percent
    4, when the Daz shop forgets the discounts for an extended period of time, and then they apply them again

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    Ati said:

    So, am I right that this first e-mail will be the only one the PC+ stuff shows up on (barring a PC+ item sale)?  Otherwise, I love the wishlist notification feature, but I have a... rather extensive Wish list, and a lot of it is PC+ stuff that's on that "I like it, but I don't need it now" list.

    You can get that bigger list under 4 circumstances:

    1, the first time
    2, when your PC+ membership changes (expires, or expired and you get a new one)
    3, when you change the notification percent
    4, when the Daz shop forgets the discounts for an extended period of time, and then they apply them again

    Thanks. I can live with that.

    I really appreciate this add-on, by the way.  I don't normally mind doing the math, but it makes it so much easier. :)

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I just wanted to say thank you for this add on! It's extremely useful and I absolutely love the price history, as well and the discount displayed. Thumbs up, and I'll certainly will recommend it.

  • duane_moodyduane_moody Posts: 132
    edited January 2017
    $("li.percent_off").closest("div.actions").closest("li.item").prependTo("ul.wishlist-grid"); $("html").scrollTop(0);

    This sorts all the sale items to the top of the wishlist. By putting the button at the page's bottom it requires the user to scroll enough to AJAX load all the wishlist items (otherwise this will only sort the ones the browser "sees" at page load).

    This should actually be:



    This makes it work for any product grid on the website (not just the wishlist page). It still requires all the items be loaded first, because the webdevs here cleverly designed the page layout engine to only query and render small amounts of data based on webpage viewport height and scrolling. Rather than trying to bypass that engine and force it to query thousands of items, it might be smarter to bind the above code to the scroll event so that it continuously slides sale items to the top without stressing the backend. 

    Of course, if any site devs wanted to just provide us a URL parameter to do this compound ORDER BY, I wouldn't complain either. I like buying things on sale. 

    Post edited by duane_moody on
  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580
    BeeMKay said:

    I just wanted to say thank you for this add on! It's extremely useful and I absolutely love the price history, as well and the discount displayed. Thumbs up, and I'll certainly will recommend it.

    You're most welcome @BeeMKay! We've (@Ati and myself) have more great things coming for both the extension and the emails. Thanks for saying thanks. :D It's always appreciated!

  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580
    Of course, if any site devs wanted to just provide us a URL parameter to do this compound ORDER BY, I wouldn't complain either. I like buying things on sale. 

    Neither would we. ;) Though @Ati's done some work recently--which I'm reviewing this week--that should provide the percentage discount sorting feature in the exention Real Soon Now. Thanks hanging out here with us @duane_moody (and welcome to the forums? Looks like you're relatively new here. :) If so, double welcome! :D )

  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547

    I need to say that your extension changed totally my buying habits at DAZ Store. A very usefull add-on. Thank you so much for this great work.

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    Hi Guys,

    sorry to say this, but the plugin and price alerts don't work properly. Nor does the price history.
    Even today: Price report says "Which Way Compass Props" were for free. But in real: $10.47
    Attached some examples from the last view days.

    And what about to get the summary out of the DAZ purchases, as promissed in the parameter settings? I only get the normal purchase history with all seperate entries over 16 pages, as normal.

    Sorry that plugin is for the trash !

    falscher Preisalarm.jpg
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    falscher Preisalarm 2.jpg
    620 x 674 - 47K
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    edited January 2017
    AndyS said:

    sorry to say this, but the plugin and price alerts don't work properly. Nor does the price history.
    Even today: Price report says "Which Way Compass Props" were for free. But in real: $10.47

    It's free today for PC members, so it shows free as the best price for today. That's how it's supposed to work.

    (It has been suggested a few posts earlier that we also show the higher, non-PC prices. While I originally thought it was not a good idea, data for it IS being analyzed and will start showing for non-PC members in a few weeks.)

    AndyS said:

    And what about to get the summary out of the DAZ purchases, as promissed in the parameter settings? I only get the normal purchase history with all seperate entries over 16 pages, as normal.

    What do you mean? You can turn features on and off in the Options of the add-on. The purchase history itself is not changed, other than adding the total value and the money spent.

    Post edited by Ati on
  • duane_moodyduane_moody Posts: 132
    edited January 2017

    I'm guessing this is the lag between the sale and the database update.


    Screen Shot 2017-01-18 at 3.12.44 PM.png
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    Post edited by duane_moody on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    edited January 2017

    I'm guessing this is the lag between the sale and the database update.

    Nope. It's a PC+ item, which costs $1.99 normally for PC+ members, and that's what the price history is showing. As I said just one post above yours, non-pc prices are coming in a few weeks. Stay tuned for more info on that. (Although you won't actually have to do anything to get the new dual-chart shown, it will just appear, if you are signed up and logged in as a non-pc member.)

    Post edited by Ati on
  • RIght, thanks. I'll try not to do this a third time.

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,229

    Did something change recently in regards to how the Total Value Owned is calculated for the Firefox plug-in?

    Mine dropped from over $18,000 to around $15,500 in the last few days, but the total spent stayed the same.


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Did something change recently in regards to how the Total Value Owned is calculated for the Firefox plug-in?

    Mine dropped from over $18,000 to around $15,500 in the last few days, but the total spent stayed the same.

    There are more sales going on currently, and some of the products you own are cheaper at the moment, making their current total value less.

    (I think that value should actually be the non-sale value of all the owned products, it would fluctuate a lot less, and would be a bigger number, making all of us happier. :D The drawback of that would be that it would be a lot less realistic than the current total. The current number shows how much -- at this moment -- it would cost you to buy everything you own. Displaying the non-sale value would give a higher number, but since there are always sales, there's absolutely no way you would ever have to pay that much for the items. What do you all think?)

  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996
    Ati said:

    Did something change recently in regards to how the Total Value Owned is calculated for the Firefox plug-in?

    Mine dropped from over $18,000 to around $15,500 in the last few days, but the total spent stayed the same.

    There are more sales going on currently, and some of the products you own are cheaper at the moment, making their current total value less.

    (I think that value should actually be the non-sale value of all the owned products, it would fluctuate a lot less, and would be a bigger number, making all of us happier. :D The drawback of that would be that it would be a lot less realistic than the current total. The current number shows how much -- at this moment -- it would cost you to buy everything you own. Displaying the non-sale value would give a higher number, but since there are always sales, there's absolutely no way you would ever have to pay that much for the items. What do you all think?)

    The obvious answer would be an option for both if it could be simple enough to use, but I prefer the idea of the current price - that said I didn't even know it was doing that so maybe some sort of mini explanation on the options page?

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,229
    Ati said:

    Did something change recently in regards to how the Total Value Owned is calculated for the Firefox plug-in?

    Mine dropped from over $18,000 to around $15,500 in the last few days, but the total spent stayed the same.

    There are more sales going on currently, and some of the products you own are cheaper at the moment, making their current total value less.

    (I think that value should actually be the non-sale value of all the owned products, it would fluctuate a lot less, and would be a bigger number, making all of us happier. :D The drawback of that would be that it would be a lot less realistic than the current total. The current number shows how much -- at this moment -- it would cost you to buy everything you own. Displaying the non-sale value would give a higher number, but since there are always sales, there's absolutely no way you would ever have to pay that much for the items. What do you all think?)

    Thanks for the explanation, I just assumed it always showed the full retail suggested price, I didn't realize it was adjusting that value on the fly for the current purchase price of my entire library. If I had to choose, I would prefer to see the full suggested retail price. I already know what I spent, but if the value of my total owned is constantly being adjusted downwards based on inevitable depreciation of my library, I won't really have a valuable comparision as to how much I am saving over time.

  • Where do you find the total? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Where do you find the total? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

    On your "Orders" page. (Little blue man in top right corner -> Orders)

    You need to enable it first. It is off by default. To enable, click the addon icon in your browser to open the options page, and make sure the "Total Spent & Total Value Owned" option is checked.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674


    No one should know just how much they've spent here! It is info that will haunt them forever!!!

This discussion has been closed.