Announcing: Daz Deals Browser Add-on



  • duane_moodyduane_moody Posts: 132
    edited February 2017
    Ati said:

    You can wishlist any of your owned items. It doesn't make sense, but you can do it, so that checkbox does have a function, even if it's a pretty strange one.


    Also, that idea I suggested earlier about auto-hiding bundles that only contain items already owned: As it turns out, 's localStorage's FilterData_Categories JSON data there are 5 bundle categories all named "Bundles" which combined contain the SKUs of every bundle product (with some duplication between categories):

    For example, this is the snippet for Places and Things:

    The only unfortunate part here is that none of the localStorage arrays mention what products each bundle contains, so that would need to be programmatically obtained. 

    Also, from what I've read in this thread it sounds like your server's grabbing price data individually for every product. If that's the case, you might want to know the API you're using can get the entire current catalog price matrix all at once (it's only 315k).

    Post edited by duane_moody on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Also, from what I've read in this thread it sounds like your server's grabbing price data individually for every product. If that's the case, you might want to know the API you're using can get the entire current catalog price matrix all at once (it's only 315k).

    Daz would kill me if I asked for every item's price individually. :) We're using the price API both on the server and in the addon itself. There are some data where I need to query each product individually (what software is it for, etc.), but those rarely need updating.

    Let's keep the auto-hide bundles idea in mind, but I'm still not fully convinced about it. There are bundles that offer extras that you can only get when you buy the bundle. You may have all products from the bundle, and you may still want to get the bundle itself. (And then talk to customer support...) Of course, as everything, this would only be an option, so if I don't like the way it works, I could always turn it off...

  • Ati said:

    There are bundles that offer extras that you can only get when you buy the bundle. You may have all products from the bundle, and you may still want to get the bundle itself. (And then talk to customer support...) 

    Hadn't occurred to me, apologies.

    The other thing that occurs to me is that this client-side data structure isn't guaranteed to persist; it's there for server performance reasons some of which are tied to a known but potentially resolvable failing in the e-commerce solution and the rest of which may become moot as servers evolve and bandwidth rises.

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    So I only want email that tells me the lowest prices in 3 months. But the email I get tells me the lowest prices in 3,2,1 months, sequentially. It ends up being very, very long. What can I do about this?

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    edited February 2017

    So I only want email that tells me the lowest prices in 3 months. But the email I get tells me the lowest prices in 3,2,1 months, sequentially. It ends up being very, very long. What can I do about this?

    Unsubscribe from that email. Then go to the addon options, and in the "Best prices in..." section, only leave the 3 month period checked (and maybe the higher timeframes as well). Click the green "Save" button.

    And that's it. :) That subscribes you back to the best prices notifications, with only the newly chosen period(s).

    Post edited by Ati on
  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    Hmm. That's what I did the first time I subscribed, but sure, I'll give it a try.

  • will shetterlywill shetterly Posts: 278
    edited February 2017

    Apologies if this was already covered:

    When I click the setting for interest in Poser only, this new Poser item doesn't show up in what's available: I'm using Chrome on a Chromebook.

    Other than that, this seems like a great tool. The only feature I didn't spot that I might find useful is "no PC items" which can be handy when looking for deals during sales that don't affect PC items. But I have already learned how to search for that, so it's no big.

    Thanks for providing this!

    Post edited by will shetterly on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Apologies if this was already covered:

    When I click the setting for interest in Poser only, this new Poser item doesn't show up in what's available: I'm using Chrome on a Chromebook.

    Other than that, this seems like a great tool. The only feature I didn't spot that I might find useful is "no PC items" which can be handy when looking for deals during sales that don't affect PC items. But I have already learned how to search for that, so it's no big.

    Thanks for providing this!

    Thank you for letting me know about this product. It was originally marked as DS-only, and later changed to DS+Poser. I marked it to be refreshed, and will be updated within a few hours.

    There's a "NO PC+" in the new version on the wishlist page. On other pages... yeah, you don't have anything quite like that. We should add that in an upcoming version. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    Just as an FYI, unsubscribing via the bottom link and then resubbing via the Daz Deals settings page does not stop me from recieving THE BEST PRICES IN THE LAST MONTH and TWO added to my BEST PRICES IN THREE MONTHS mail. Have tested twice now. 

  • Ati said:

    Also, from what I've read in this thread it sounds like your server's grabbing price data individually for every product. If that's the case, you might want to know the API you're using can get the entire current catalog price matrix all at once (it's only 315k).

    Daz would kill me if I asked for every item's price individually. :) We're using the price API both on the server and in the addon itself. There are some data where I need to query each product individually (what software is it for, etc.), but those rarely need updating.

    Let's keep the auto-hide bundles idea in mind, but I'm still not fully convinced about it. There are bundles that offer extras that you can only get when you buy the bundle. You may have all products from the bundle, and you may still want to get the bundle itself. (And then talk to customer support...) Of course, as everything, this would only be an option, so if I don't like the way it works, I could always turn it off...

    Hi Ati,


    is there an API documentation somewhere or did you reverse engineer it?

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Just as an FYI, unsubscribing via the bottom link and then resubbing via the Daz Deals settings page does not stop me from recieving THE BEST PRICES IN THE LAST MONTH and TWO added to my BEST PRICES IN THREE MONTHS mail. Have tested twice now. 

    I'll take a look at this.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    Renomista said:

    is there an API documentation somewhere or did you reverse engineer it?

    Not that I know of, but the developer tools in the browser let you see what calls are being made when you browse around the store, and the structure of those files are pretty straightforward (json).

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    I find this browser add-on very helpful, so thank you for it.

    Just a couple of questions: I am getting wishlist notifications for items that used to be in my wishlist but are not now (usually because I have purchased them).

    Also, there is a button on my wishlist page that says Sync Wishlist but, sometimes, I get a pop-up error about some auto-update function. Oddly, I can't get it to happen now that I'm reporting it - Murphy's Law.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    edited February 2017
    marble said:

    I find this browser add-on very helpful, so thank you for it.

    Just a couple of questions: I am getting wishlist notifications for items that used to be in my wishlist but are not now (usually because I have purchased them).

    Also, there is a button on my wishlist page that says Sync Wishlist but, sometimes, I get a pop-up error about some auto-update function. Oddly, I can't get it to happen now that I'm reporting it - Murphy's Law.

    Technical answer: Your browser stores data from Daz separately for each "site/domain". is different from, which is different from, which is different from any other sites and protocols. You have a version of your wishlist stored on each of them. You usually visit at least two "sites":, which is the insecure version of the site, but is the default; and which is the secure site, this is used when checking out, and when doing anything account-related. The wishlist stored in your browser is only updated AFTER a pageload on a given site, and can be different on each site. This is important because if you leave the secure site right after checking out, the wishlist there will not get updated to reflect the bought items. This is not the addon, this is how Daz sends the wishlist data to your browser. This results in your wishlist being out of sync when you are not using one of the sites frequently. When you visit that site again, your old wishlist will still be there for the first one or two pageloads, and noticing the difference, the addon will act.

    What you can do: click on a few secure pages after the purchase (check your balance, check your past orders, check your wishlist, 3 pages is enough), then go back to the store and click on 3 pages again. Check the latest products, the new sales, see what's in fastgrab. 3 here is enough for the browser to get the new info from Daz.

    Daz mentioned that they are moving everything over to the secure site, even the default store. When they do that, there will be one less site to worry about, and your wishlist will mostly be in sync.

    (Or autosync is not enabled.)

    Post edited by Ati on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    Thanks for the explanation.

    I'm a little surprised the whole store wasn't on the secure site but, hey, so long as my personal details are secure, I'm not too concerned.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    marble said:

    Thanks for the explanation.

    I'm a little surprised the whole store wasn't on the secure site but, hey, so long as my personal details are secure, I'm not too concerned.

    To be certain you are safe, don't click on the check out button from the non-secure page...this opens you to a man-in-the-middle attack.  Open a new page and specifically request https:// etc.  I go a step further...I have two tabs open.  One for the forums (non-secure) and one on the store/my account, which is always in secure mode.  I never try to get to my account or the store from the forum.


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Just as an FYI, unsubscribing via the bottom link and then resubbing via the Daz Deals settings page does not stop me from recieving THE BEST PRICES IN THE LAST MONTH and TWO added to my BEST PRICES IN THREE MONTHS mail. Have tested twice now. 

    Thank you for getting back to me on this one. I confirm that this is indeed a bug. I'll post a patch for this in the next version. Until then, I manually changed your settings to not get the 1-month and 2-month prices. Anyone else wanting to not get one of the lower timeframes, please send me a private message here on the forums, including your e-mail address. I may not be able to always guess who's who like I was with @dreamfarmer :)

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    Thank you!

  • Any word on when the Firefox version will be ready? I know you are waiting for Mozilla to approve.

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    How exactly is sort by percentage supposed to work? I don't see any real order to it when I sort by percentage. I expected it to be from high discount to low... but I'll get an 87%, a 40%, a string of items with no discount whatsoever, and then another 87% off item... I can provide a screen shot if it will help. 

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    Like this... 

    1916 x 979 - 2M
  • E.BruE.Bru Posts: 181

    Thank you for the Add-On! :)

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    How exactly is sort by percentage supposed to work? I don't see any real order to it when I sort by percentage. I expected it to be from high discount to low... but I'll get an 87%, a 40%, a string of items with no discount whatsoever, and then another 87% off item... I can provide a screen shot if it will help. 

    For the time being, until the final fix for the main store page is pushed out into the browser store, this is a quick fix:

    Ati said:

    Okay, I fixed the sort by % off issue that you were having on the main store page. The fix will be delivered to your browser shortly, after Overdrawn approves.

    In the meantime, a quick fix, if you want to get it working immediately: go to the options of the addon, and uncheck any of the software that you are not interested in. Let's say you are not interested in Vue-only products. Uncheck that, and the sort by % off will immediately start working on the main store pages as well, not just the wishlist.


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Quick tip: Go to the main store page, click on wishlist only, use this: and then sort by "% off". That should give you some great deals if you have the Bonus Buyer discount. Even if they only show 40% off on that page, add at least two to get 50% off, and since they are < 16000, they get an extra 30% off, for a total of 65% off.

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    Thanks, ATI! I must have missed the previous discussion here on this bug. 

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Thanks, ATI! I must have missed the previous discussion here on this bug. 

    ... which is already fixed in the current version that you should have by now. :)

  • HeavyRayHeavyRay Posts: 176

    Using Firefox with 'auto updates checked... I'm showing a version of 2.04

    In another thread, there's mention of a "show only products I own" checkbox at extreme right of browser.  I'm not seeing that option - do I not have the latest version which has this feature?

    Thanks for ALL the work on this tool - VERY helpful and useful!!

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    HeavyRay said:

    Using Firefox with 'auto updates checked... I'm showing a version of 2.04

    In another thread, there's mention of a "show only products I own" checkbox at extreme right of browser.  I'm not seeing that option - do I not have the latest version which has this feature?

    Thanks for ALL the work on this tool - VERY helpful and useful!!

    The new release is still in the review queue for the Mozilla store. They'll get there eventually.

  • Only just found it- installed the 2.0 Chrome version and works a treat! Thank you I think it's a brilliant idea and I appreciate the time and work that went into it!

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    edited March 2017

    A heads-up: best-price notifications for the 1-month, 2-month and 3-month periods will NOT be sent this morning because that would cover half the store. :)

    Normal reporting will resume after these notifications are sent.

    Post edited by Ati on
This discussion has been closed.