Announcing: Daz Deals Browser Add-on



  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580

    Long story short but I had to reinstall my web browser plus the daz deal browser addons.  Did the ability to remove PC items get removed?  I am not seeing it.

    It should be blue link near the coupon links.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264

    Can someone give Microsoft a kick in the butt so the plug-in will work in Edge!?!?   cheeky 


  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580
    DanaTA said:

    Can someone give Microsoft a kick in the butt so the plug-in will work in Edge!?!?   cheeky 


    I'll try again. :) We had to pay them for the opportunity to wait endlessly... Guess we're entitled (then) to send the occasional nag email. ;)

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    DanaTA said:

    Can someone give Microsoft a kick in the butt so the plug-in will work in Edge!?!?   cheeky 


    They don't listen

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    DanaTA said:

    Can someone give Microsoft a kick in the butt so the plug-in will work in Edge!?!?   cheeky 


    They don't listen

    I think they probably have a lot of vendors to whom they have to listen, probably takes some time.  Maybe they keep moving the target.  


  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    DanaTA said:
    DanaTA said:

    Can someone give Microsoft a kick in the butt so the plug-in will work in Edge!?!?   cheeky 


    They don't listen

    I think they probably have a lot of vendors to whom they have to listen, probably takes some time.  Maybe they keep moving the target.  


    Don't know but nephew is a tester for them and he was telling me that they keep telling them about things that don't work and they put them anyway

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    DanaTA said:
    DanaTA said:

    Can someone give Microsoft a kick in the butt so the plug-in will work in Edge!?!?   cheeky 


    They don't listen

    I think they probably have a lot of vendors to whom they have to listen, probably takes some time.  Maybe they keep moving the target.  


    Don't know but nephew is a tester for them and he was telling me that they keep telling them about things that don't work and they put them anyway

    Hmmmm...sounds familiar.


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    I noticed that the Daz Deal Addon for Chrome is 2.3.0 but the one for firefox is 2.1.1.  How do I get the latest version for firefox?

  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580

    I noticed that the Daz Deal Addon for Chrome is 2.3.0 but the one for firefox is 2.1.1.  How do I get the latest version for firefox?

    The Firefox editorial people/boots occasionally unpublishe things because of review failures. We were notified that they no longer like the version of jQuery we we'll be tweaking that soon. Sorry for the trouble.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited July 2018

    I just built myself a shiny, new PC, so I can't tell if this is a Windows 10 thing, a Firefox thing, or just a change in the plugin.  I used to be able to expand ALL of the gallery images for a product.  Now, I can only toggle the top 9 open and closed.  Is this intentional?  I miss being able to see all of the images (not just the top 9.)


    EDIT: It's still there in Chrome, but not Firefox.  Just wondering if this is going to come back in Firefox?  I liked it!

    This is what I see in Firefox now:

    This is what it still looks like in Chrome:  (Notice the "See all" link)

    572 x 54 - 44K
    552 x 63 - 36K
    Post edited by Karibou on
  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    Sorry, @Overdrawn. I posted in the other thread that the View These Artist Together button is excluding D.Master and Darwins Mishap(s) products.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    We're finalizing a new version to satisfy the people at Firefox, that will bring back the ability to see all gallery images, not just the top ones. This same version will most likely include an addition to the view artists together feature to correct most of these cases when the artists are listed on the sales page with extra spaces. Hang on! :)

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    Ati said:

    We're finalizing a new version to satisfy the people at Firefox, that will bring back the ability to see all gallery images, not just the top ones. This same version will most likely include an addition to the view artists together feature to correct most of these cases when the artists are listed on the sales page with extra spaces. Hang on! :)

    Sweet!  :)  Thanks so much -- I love the plugin!

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    edited July 2018

    Not sure if you can do anything about this, but was wondering if the "Top Recent Images" scrollable banner can be seen again on subsequent visits to the Gallery. Currently, when I first visit the Gallery I can see the highest-rated images at the top in the scrollable banner. But once I go to one of those images or an image in the "User Galleries" below it, and then go back to the Gallery, the "Top Recent Images" banner is gone. So I have to click the Galleries link again to get it back.

    Even if you can't do anything about it, it sure felt good to get it off my chest! laugh

    Edited: I'm using Chrome, but I think it happened in Opera and FF.

    Post edited by dawnblade on
  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580
    dawnblade said:

    Not sure if you can do anything about this, but was wondering if the "Top Recent Images" scrollable banner can be seen again on subsequent visits to the Gallery. Currently, when I first visit the Gallery I can see the highest-rated images at the top in the scrollable banner. But once I go to one of those images or an image in the "User Galleries" below it, and then go back to the Gallery, the "Top Recent Images" banner is gone. So I have to click the Galleries link again to get it back.

    Even if you can't do anything about it, it sure felt good to get it off my chest! laugh

    Edited: I'm using Chrome, but I think it happened in Opera and FF.

    That one is sadly a Daz Gallery bug. I'd suggest reporting it to them and see what they say. Sorry it's not an easy fix on this end!

  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580

    I was just able to get a "bumped" version of v2.3.0 through the Firefox editorial process, so Firefox features now match Opera and Chrome again!

    @Ati and are double checking things with the upcoming v2.4.0 release, but I hope to get that in the publishing queues in the next couple days. Stay tuned!

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    Overdrawn said:
    dawnblade said:

    Not sure if you can do anything about this, but was wondering if the "Top Recent Images" scrollable banner can be seen again on subsequent visits to the Gallery. Currently, when I first visit the Gallery I can see the highest-rated images at the top in the scrollable banner. But once I go to one of those images or an image in the "User Galleries" below it, and then go back to the Gallery, the "Top Recent Images" banner is gone. So I have to click the Galleries link again to get it back.

    Even if you can't do anything about it, it sure felt good to get it off my chest! laugh

    Edited: I'm using Chrome, but I think it happened in Opera and FF.

    That one is sadly a Daz Gallery bug. I'd suggest reporting it to them and see what they say. Sorry it's not an easy fix on this end!

    Will do thanks! smiley

  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580
    xyer0 said:

    Sorry, @Overdrawn. I posted in the other thread that the View These Artist Together button is excluding D.Master and Darwins Mishap(s) products.

    Sadly this is (and apparently will always be...) a game of cat and mouse. The "View These Artists Together" link is built using the `alt` text for each artist tile image. If the person who puts in that alt text uses an inconsistent name (as in one that doesn't match the name used in the filtering system)...then things break...

    What I'm attempting to do now is catch frequently incorrect alt text artist names and change them to the correct mentioned...that is (and will remain...) a game of cat and mouse.

    Sorry we can't currently make it more dependable! We will keep trying, though. ^_^

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264

    Who puts that information in?  If it's done at the DAZ site, that stuff should be in a database and not left to manual data entry.  I guess it's not the first time I've seen bad practice in a business site, not even the first time I've seen it here.


  • CGHipsterCGHipster Posts: 241
    Very nice!
  • HatBHatB Posts: 77

    Just found this and started using. I am delighted with it.heart


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    The hide PC+ items link is back!  At least I just noticed that it is back in Waterfox.  It is now version 2.3.0!

  • HeavyRayHeavyRay Posts: 176

    First off - __FANTASTIC PRODUCT__ it would be hard trying to imagine shopping WITHOUT this !!!

    Perhaps I'm missing an existing feature, but if not, would it be possible to somehow annotate wishlist items that are still 'NEW'?  While trying to select products for the current 'BYOF' promotion, (non-sale, non-NEW), the 'sale' ones are visibly marked, while the 'NEW" ones are not.  A workaround is to sort by 'New Arrivals' (i.e. reverse chronological order) and iteratively try to locate the first item in one's WL that is not NEW as a "demarcation point", but I thought I ask if this could be built into the tool.

    Again - you guys are lifesavers with this tool.... THANK YOU!!!


  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580
    HeavyRay said:

    First off - __FANTASTIC PRODUCT__ it would be hard trying to imagine shopping WITHOUT this !!!

    Perhaps I'm missing an existing feature, but if not, would it be possible to somehow annotate wishlist items that are still 'NEW'?  While trying to select products for the current 'BYOF' promotion, (non-sale, non-NEW), the 'sale' ones are visibly marked, while the 'NEW" ones are not.  A workaround is to sort by 'New Arrivals' (i.e. reverse chronological order) and iteratively try to locate the first item in one's WL that is not NEW as a "demarcation point", but I thought I ask if this could be built into the tool.

    Again - you guys are lifesavers with this tool.... THANK YOU!!!


    Try the "Only Show Wishlist Items" check box filter on the Related Items page:

    That should get you what you want. I hope. :)
  • AtanaciusAtanacius Posts: 333
    edited July 2018

    Hello @Ati and @Overdrawn, there is some issues with DAZ Deals :(

    Currently I try to filtering out on shop page by COUPONS, but what I get only (in Javascript console) is that error:

    TypeError: $.url is not a function

    More informations:

    TypeError: $.url is not a function 1 core-fbd8dbd2ff942710e304df62fcc07bca.js:181:613<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;DazProductList.prototype.reinit<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;DazProductList.prototype.handleHashChange<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;e

    Code at this line seems being that one:
    $(&#39;.pagesize&#39;).val(this.pageSize);$(&#39;.pagesize&#39;).on(&#39;change&#39;,$.proxy(this.changePageSize,this));$(&#39;.pagination&#39;).on(&#39;click&#39;,$.proxy(this.handlePaginationClick,this));$(&#39;.pagination_container .prev&#39;).on(&#39;click&#39;,$.proxy(this.handlePaginationPrev,this));$(&#39;.pagination_container .next&#39;).on(&#39;click&#39;,$.proxy(this.handlePaginationNext,this));this.listElem.on(&#39;click&#39;,$.proxy(this.handleClick,this));$(document).on(&#39;debounced-resize&#39;,$.proxy(this.handleResize,this));window.addEventListener(&quot;hashchange&quot;,$.proxy(this.handleHashChange,this),false);this.reinit();};DazProductList.prototype.reinit=function(){this.urlHash=<strong>$.url(window.location.hash);</strong>this.showLoading();daz.filter.onLoad(this,this.showCatalog);};DazProductList.prototype.handleHashChange=function(){if(this.changingHash){return;}

    (this behavior is produced on any Filters : PlatClub CouponSave6 PA CouponHide PC+ items)..

    Can you look furthermore what is going on please, I can't survive without those filters! xD..

    Each time the page is refreshed I have this Javascript error :

    TypeError: myCall.callbackFunc is undefined 1 core-fbd8dbd2ff942710e304df62fcc07bca.js:134:30<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;DazApi.prototype.runCallback/&lt;

    Code at this line seems being that one:

    window.setTimeout(function(){<strong>,myCall,,isCache);</strong>},1);};DazApi.prototype.loadCacheData=function(callName){var storedValue=this.storageGet(callName);if(storedValue==null){this.callParts[callName]._hash=null;this.callParts[callName].data=null;}else{this.callParts[callName]._hash=storedValue._hash;this.callParts[callName].data=storedValue;}};DazApi.prototype.storageGet=function(key){var rawValue=null;if(key in{return[key];}


    Thanks for looking what is wrong in the API call of DAZDeals to DAZApi..

    Post edited by Atanacius on
  • AtanaciusAtanacius Posts: 333
    Atanacius said:
    ..... all the code I wrote is completely broken when... formatted by DAZ Forums...


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    The coupon filters just create the links that you would use normally anyway when typing it in manually. If you type in the filtered url manually, you get the same errors. That's not something we do, that's present in the Daz site--but don't worry about it, it doesn't affect the working of the site.

    If the coupon filters do not seem to do anything, then that's due to a caching issue in the browser. To get it to work, click on the filter (you'll see the url change in the url bar), and hit the browser's reload button. That will load the actual filtered list, and not use a cached version of the page--just as if you were to type in the url manually.

  • HeavyRayHeavyRay Posts: 176
    Overdrawn said:
    HeavyRay said:

    First off - __FANTASTIC PRODUCT__ it would be hard trying to imagine shopping WITHOUT this !!!

    Perhaps I'm missing an existing feature, but if not, would it be possible to somehow annotate wishlist items that are still 'NEW'?  While trying to select products for the current 'BYOF' promotion, (non-sale, non-NEW), the 'sale' ones are visibly marked, while the 'NEW" ones are not.  A workaround is to sort by 'New Arrivals' (i.e. reverse chronological order) and iteratively try to locate the first item in one's WL that is not NEW as a "demarcation point", but I thought I ask if this could be built into the tool.

    Again - you guys are lifesavers with this tool.... THANK YOU!!!


    Try the "Only Show Wishlist Items" check box filter on the Related Items page:

    That should get you what you want. I hope. :)

    That seems to fit the bill... Thank You!
    Followup-question - "What exactly is going-on behind the 'related items' filter/URL?"  What are these items 'related-to'?

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    HeavyRay said:
    Overdrawn said:
    HeavyRay said:

    First off - __FANTASTIC PRODUCT__ it would be hard trying to imagine shopping WITHOUT this !!!

    Perhaps I'm missing an existing feature, but if not, would it be possible to somehow annotate wishlist items that are still 'NEW'?  While trying to select products for the current 'BYOF' promotion, (non-sale, non-NEW), the 'sale' ones are visibly marked, while the 'NEW" ones are not.  A workaround is to sort by 'New Arrivals' (i.e. reverse chronological order) and iteratively try to locate the first item in one's WL that is not NEW as a "demarcation point", but I thought I ask if this could be built into the tool.

    Again - you guys are lifesavers with this tool.... THANK YOU!!!


    Try the "Only Show Wishlist Items" check box filter on the Related Items page:

    That should get you what you want. I hope. :)

    That seems to fit the bill... Thank You!
    Followup-question - "What exactly is going-on behind the 'related items' filter/URL?"  What are these items 'related-to'?

    Nothing in this particular sale. That's one of three or four URLs that Daz constantly recycles and uses for different sales. In my experience, it's best not to even worry about what the URL says, just follow the links from the sales pages.

  • AtanaciusAtanacius Posts: 333
    Ati said:

    The coupon filters just create the links that you would use normally anyway when typing it in manually. If you type in the filtered url manually, you get the same errors. That's not something we do, that's present in the Daz site--but don't worry about it, it doesn't affect the working of the site.

    If the coupon filters do not seem to do anything, then that's due to a caching issue in the browser. To get it to work, click on the filter (you'll see the url change in the url bar), and hit the browser's reload button. That will load the actual filtered list, and not use a cached version of the page--just as if you were to type in the url manually.

    Hello @Ati, I think you haven't see/read well that is produce a javascript error, nothing than a caching reload can fix...

This discussion has been closed.