The Return of the Son of the Complaint Thread
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My Day. Dailysis, get home and I'm 50%, read forums and I'm 50%. Start posting and I drop to about 30%. Decide I'm in need of a nap at 30% so I log off and Crash out. Wake up from nap and I'm only at 20%, maybe 15%. What's up with that? Decide to eat and gather myself. Cooking takes the last 15% to 20%, eat and pass out. NOT A NAP, just nod out with no choice.
Whole day is gone now, it is SUNDAY now, WAY early and I'm wide Awake. I demand somebody give me my Saturday back!!!
I woke up earlier, went back to bed, and when my cell phone woke me up with set alarm, I just set more time and slept, and then I woke up again and now I'm feeling like my brain is actively refusing to wake up...
Heh teh cuite, what big teeth it has... :)
Indigo. Basic glass material. I say basic because no purdy settings are enabled.
Lucky Day Holiday. I still have to work but many people have the day off.
is there fireworks for lucky day? i can hear bottlerockets from down the street. too bad the noise doesn;t scare the squitos away. about trying 30,000 bottle rockets?
...or 10.5 million firecrackers?
The smoke alone may do them 'skeeters in.
...reminder bot borked again. Guess some things never change.
Game called off because one of the players couldn't make it (we are a small group) Was so exhausted from the week, went back to bed and took a nap for a good part of the afternoon.
Day job is gong to get even more demanding as Friday I learned I will now be required to perform administrative duties for the Digital Print department in addition to my main account. This will add something like two dozen more job tickets to coordinate as well. Going to make the end pf the month a total living h**l as one of the DP clients has a major print run which involves updating and proofing at the turn of each month.
...and I still have to accomplish it all in an eight hour day with no overtime.
If it weren't for having to move this summer, I'd be sending out resumes and looking for a new job. Need to show some employment stability to get a new place.
I actually had a dream months ago concerning this (the move).
A couple years ago I had a dream that my notebook failed. That following October the HDD crashed.
Why does it seem the only dreams that come true are the bad ones?
If I ever really needed to hit that megabucks lotto, now is the time.
Had a decent forest image I made. Forgot to save it before I cleared the picture viewer. Now it's gone ;__;
Anticipating the evening's complaint: I will have leftover cake.
A seethroughasaur ;)
Met a friend on Halo Matchmaking. I recognized his gamertag as his profile from FA (Taluthus) and his "UNSC Service Tag" was the next tip-off as it said "VORE". Sent him a PM on FA and it was confirmed. How about that? D
Well we tried to join a game together but it keeps rejecting it saying our network settings aren't compatible for some reason. I did some searches but found nothing (useful). My best bet right now is restarting my router and hoping for the best.
Lucky Day Holiday. I still have to work but many people have the day off.
It is the birthday of the Queen :)
a toast,
A Merry Many More
Vue crashed (Out of Memory error) and it decided to take my entire computer down with it -__-
Locked up to the point where a restart was the only thing that would make it budge. Cinema 4D NEVER EVER WEVER EVER EVER does this - even with super complex TP sims. E-On's Vue is great yes, but it SUCKS when it comes to stability. *sigh* A true love-hate relationship ^_^
*hates that*
The opposition will crumble
Or, for the less bellicose, "Bake love, not war".
The opposition will crumble
Or, for the less bellicose, "Bake love, not war".
I want the crumbs!!! Crumbs on my finger tip and a sip of Coffee. YUM!!
Cant sleep, too much cake prolly ;(
@ps1borg - argh, cake indigestion will ruin your sleep. for sure! :-S
Good morning from Austin! A warm 85F at 11:32AM and heading for the mid-90F range. Baked loach for dinner! :gulp:
Played with C8 Pro a lot yesterday as DS4 is just too painful for what I'm trying. It's pretty good so far as long as I don't push the VFX envelope with it, though I have some plugins that might make it possible again once I build the new machine. The CPU (i5 quad-core) arrives tomorrow, wheeeeee! Just 2 more weeks and I'll have all the parts! Then I need to replace my aging Asus laptop (which will be my online/writing/music production machine).
It's going to take about 6 months to save up for C4D Broadcast, so in the meantime I'm going to play with Carrara and occasionally yhr C4D demo (I haven't authorized it yet) just to get my 3D chops back. Hopefully in a week or so I'll have more tentacles and CAKE renders! :snake:
COMPLAINT! There's no leftover cake. We ate it all.
...thanks for the information. One more reason not to get Vue.
...and you have a fairly powerful system compared to mine.
Hex 2.5 does the same to me and without warning. I don't have to restart the machine but I do need to go into Windows Task Manager to kill the process. At least when S3A crashes it clears out of memory and takes me back to my desktop.
I hate crashy software will a fiery vengeance! :coolgrin::snake:
Carrara 8.1 locks up both cores at 100% when I try to load a JPEG into the Displacement tab on a shader, I have to kill it with the task manager. Well, I won't do that any more! But Carraras bump maps are sucky. Meh.
Despite it, I have successfully loaded and rendered a nice cluster of tentacles in C8.1 Pro. Wheeee! Cake next!
Cinema's Displacement is pretty nice, and if you enable Supbolygon Displacement (Only in Visualize, Broadcast, and Studio) it gets even better.
Vray's displacement works much different though and I haven't yet figured it out. But both it and Indigo handles bump maps -IMO- a little better than native C4D.
Also another pic of the "seethroughasaur" :3
*EDIT* Hmm much darker than the last one. Re-rendering with a lighter Absorption color.
@Rezca: cool image! Nice glass effect.
Carraras light cones are pretty nice and flexible, I have a tentacle cluster in a nice turbulent light cone. I might try animating it soon!
I want my avytar back *Sad Face*
We all want them back. I want my fizgig
A better version. There is still some grain to be removed, but I think an hour cleared enough of it up to be acceptable.
And I need my club back. I am losing my rep for being a nasty mod without it
I was supposed to work today but I was called early in the morning. Just before I was about to leave to go to work I checked my messages and it said that I did not have to come in. I went back to sleep and slept till four ish.
I had dreams I was at a college dorm. I could not find my room and I tried searching and searching. I fainted in the stairwell and somebody found me and tried to help me. Then a bunch of people were trying to form a attack pack against me. Somehow during that there were lots of my little pony toys all around. i was accused of hiding stuff in my clothes. some lady came and started wanting to touch my breasts. I suddenly was able to fly. this lady decided to destroy everything near by with some kind of saw or hedge trimmer not sure what. Then people were starting to call out a guy's name (do not remember it) I tried to leave to help find this guy. then i woke up.
confusing. huh.